Where Will Hillary Go?

More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
I recall that she was continually being snubbed and couldn't talk with some leaders at conferences. They avoided her!
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
I recall that she was continually being snubbed and couldn't talk with some leaders at conferences. They avoided her!

You recall incorrectly
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
I recall that she was continually being snubbed and couldn't talk with some leaders at conferences. They avoided her!

China for sure, can't remember the others
I want you all to know. If I win the Powerball, I won't change at all. I'll continue to be the rotten SOB I have always been.
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
I recall that she was continually being snubbed and couldn't talk with some leaders at conferences. They avoided her!

You recall incorrectly
Do all these links recall incorrectly, too?

Christians snub Cairo meeting with Clinton, claim US backs Islamists

Hillary Clinton's memoir snubbed in China
Courtney Radsch's Arab Media Blog: Coalition of the Youth of the Revolution snub Clinton in Egypt: Who are they?
Avoiding DNC, Hillary Clinton gets snubbed in China
Clinton snubbed by Iranian foreign minister
Hillary Clinton brushes of Biden snub - Toshiba
Young Leaders of Egypt's Revolt Snub Clinton in Cairo
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.

Since I'm neither right or left or rabid I'm not so sure your assessment is correct. If you've been keeping up with the press, you'll find she is STILL being investigated by the FBI on other suspicions than just her emails. When she is finally arrested for her corruptions and illegal activities, she's going down like a rock and right now so are her approval ratings for president. You don't have to be right or left to see the facts plain as day. Regardless of how she may or may not have been treated AS Secretary of State or even First Lady, I had been referring to how she would be treated without those distinctions that have kept her protected.

Although I will admit I did go a little too far by what I had meant because I wouldn't wish that kind of treatment on my worst enemy. Women anywhere in the Middle East are treated as dirt, ME is full of Muslims, Islamic Terrorist & Jihads who all regard women as dirt. Once she is stripped of her titles of office IF she is arrested, she will then be a Plain Jane & up for grabs. They would beat, rape & kill her along with possible torture mixed in.

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