Which 9-11 theory you believe?

Which 9-11 theory is the most accurate?

  • The islamist conspiracy theory (Bush-Cheney Theory)

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • the US intern plot theory (control demolition)

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • The Mossad plot theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Mafia conspiracy theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
Red Cross is now part of this cover up?

Count down on radios? Aren't these recorded?

So every NYC Police officer who had a radio is now in on this cover up.

More massive explosions at 9AM in Building 7? And they Killed large numbers of people. Really?

Wow a local business had one of their trucks caught on camera.....
I bet that Manhattan Demolition never has one of their trucks in Manhattan.

Another looser video.
Bentdick must have forgotten that I tend to neg stupidity.

How do you neg yourself every time you get out of bed in the morning?

It's obvious you glorify testimony you like while ignoring what you don't.

Ollygirl's response was to say "tried to warn you" with a rep comment. He's so stoopid he keeps giving pos rep when his intent is neg rep.......lol

Bentdick must have forgotten that I tend to neg stupidity.

How do you neg yourself every time you get out of bed in the morning?

It's obvious you glorify testimony you like while ignoring what you don't.

Ollygirl's response was to say "tried to warn you" with a rep comment. He's so stoopid he keeps giving pos rep when his intent is neg rep.......lol

Damn you are stupid, now I owe you another neg for lying on me.
Ollygirl's response was to say "tried to warn you" with a rep comment. He's so stoopid he keeps giving pos rep when his intent is neg rep.......lol

Damn you are stupid, now I owe you another neg for lying on me.

I got 'em for ya. ;)

I'll still get him later. Can't stand people lying on me.


Looks like a negative to me... Does that look like positive rep to anyone? maybe this is why the truthers are so screwed up?
How do you neg yourself every time you get out of bed in the morning?

It's obvious you glorify testimony you like while ignoring what you don't.

Ollygirl's response was to say "tried to warn you" with a rep comment. He's so stoopid he keeps giving pos rep when his intent is neg rep.......lol

Damn you are stupid, now I owe you another neg for lying on me.

You're right and I apologize. What I meant to say was:

Ollygirl is so predictably pathetic he will point out that he did give neg rep because he is such a fucking life loser he actually thinks rep points have any meaning. I wouldn't be surprised if that dumbass tried to use gold stars from grade school to buy ice cream. Or maybe he just used the money he got from sucking off his neighbor's husband?
Damn you are stupid, now I owe you another neg for lying on me.

I got 'em for ya. ;)

I'll still get him later. Can't stand people lying on me.


Looks like a negative to me... Does that look like positive rep to anyone? maybe this is why the truthers are so screwed up?

Rotfl!!!! Premeditated neg repping? You are fucking supernova pathetic!

It's hilarious how you practice hypocrisy but get all crispy butter when you think you've been slighted.
If you're serious,

There's no need for you to ever ask such a question, regarding this subject matter, anyway. Just assume it, k? Quite serious.

you should be able to explain what you think happened on that day or where the 9/11 Commission Report is wrong.

I'm sure you can do neither.

Check please.

It's amusing when cons like you present a challenge, and then go ahead and misrepresent an answer in the same breath. Followed, of course, by the declaration of some sort of smarmy "victory."

'Check', indeed.

Quite the contrary, I don't NEED to explain what happened that day. All I require of myself is that the case is made -- when presenting the evidence -- that it was never truly investigated in the first place. ... I believe that is proven beyond any reasonable doubt, as means, motive and opportunity are all well-established, yet the 9/11 Commission never came remotely close to fulfilling their mandate. Kean and Hamilton essentially ADMIT that fact in their book: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Without-Precedent-Inside-Story-Commission/dp/0307263770"]Without precedent[/ame]. NORAD lied, the White House stonewalled at every turn, and the director of the investigation was a Bush League lackey who wrote WH policy papers for the future occupation of Iraq.

But, if at knife point, you insist I offer a narrative of what I believe happened that day, very well, I will sum it up as best I can:

As spelled out in their PNAC essay "Rebuilding America's defenses" from the late 90s, and in adhering to the lessons gleaned from Tri-Lateral Commission founder and author Zbignew Brzezinsky in his book "Grand Chessboard" regarding central Asian energy reserves, I believe a cabal of the Cheney administration suppressed known intelligence and let the attacks happen for the purpose of creating, once and for all, a tangible foreign threat. This threat, real or perceived, would in all certainty galvanize America's support for retaliation, and grease the skids for expanded imperialism in largely-uptapped, liquid energy-rich nations. It is a known fact that mankind has flat-lined on global energy production since 2004, while demand continues to skyrocket. They knew, years ago, that this was coming, including no later than 1999 in London, when Dick Cheney admitted global oil decline to the Institute of Petroleum. Something always had to give, and the Cheney gang set out to mitigate the drawdown of the American empire, at the very least. Let them (China, India) eat cake. "The American way of life is not negotiable," Dick even said it on Meet the Press.

I don't think they believed those buildings would actually collapse, but they knew an attack was coming by way of hijacked aircraft. They set about to willfully suppress known surveillance (Phoenix Memo), bury testimony (Moussaui), ignore direct warnings (Putin et al) and change safety protocol (Cheney putting himself in charge of all operational management in the event of a domestic emergency). They coordinated as many as 5 different wargame scenarios -- some involving live hijack drills -- for that very morning, pulling most fighter cover away from the northeast sector. They got no straight answers from NORAD concerning who was in charge that day, nor any accounting for their noticeable time-line discrepancies. And of course, no one could find Donald Rumsfeld for 30 crucial minutes that fateful morning, when HE was required to advocate the shootdown order. Exactly HOW does the civilian chief of our military leave his post as the nation is under attack ... and somehow not lose his job?

To use a poker probability analogy: The array of overlapping coincidences that coincitards expect Americans to believe regarding the events that unfolded that day is akin to expecting a poker player to believe a particular opponent being dealt a pair and flopping a set 25 times in a row is completely plausible, and to never question the integrity of the dealer.


So, when you guys are done bickering over MIHOP silliness that would never be court-admissible... I'll be over here with LIHOP, waiting on anyone who can explain how the Kean Commission was at all legitimate and/or why an independent and comprehensive investigation into 9/11 isn't fully warranted, WITH FULL subpoena power (from the start this time).

It's interesting that the coincitard crowd usually falls to dead silence in the face of LIHOP logic, but crows incessantly over WTC 7 speculation, the latter of which would never see the light of day in a courtroom anyway. ... For that reason, it's equally interesting that MIHOP'ers refuse to shift their admirable energies to something that would stand up in litigation. They "LET IT HAPPEN."

You know, they got Capone on tax evasion. All that matters is that they got him.
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Holy shit. I posted testimonies from firefighters saying they heard explosions that sounded exactly like the ones you hear when a building is razed with a professional demo. You responded by saying they didn't really hear what they said they heard. You then process to say you take the word of firefighters more than the average joe. You contradicted yourself and you continue to cherry pick what eyewitness testimony is valid and what is invalid and that is based purely on which testimonies help your position. Hypocrite.

Excuse me? I said Fireman Officers I believe I had been quoting a Fire Department Chief at the time.


Still waiting to hear those audio tapes of the Demolitions..

One more time:

Chief Frank Cruthers recalls Chief Nigro convening a meeting of fire chiefs on the subject of establishing a collapse zone.
Of primary importance early on in the operation was the structural condition of 7 World Trade Center. Assistant Chief Frank Fellini had been approached by several chiefs who were concerned about its stability. It had been heavily damaged in the collapse and was well-involved in fire. Chief Fellini had looked at it and described to us some damage to its south side; he felt that structural components of the building had been compromised. So when Chief Dan Nigro arrived at the command post, he convened a meeting of staff chiefs, and this was a major subject of the meeting. We were all in accord about the danger of 7 WTC, and we all agreed that it was not too conservative of a decision to establish a collapse zone for that building, move the firefighters out of the collapse area, and maintain that strategy.

NIST concluded one blast in the key area could initiate collapse but claimed no sound as loud as a shot gun blast was heard...you know this is not accurate

Fucking lying about what the NIST says AGAIN!!

Show us all where NIST concluded one blast could have taken out the building. You are such a fucking liar. It's pretty bad when you need to continually lie about what the NIST report actually says in order to have any argument at all against it.
If you're serious,

There's no need for you to ever ask such a question, regarding this subject matter, anyway. Just assume it, k? Quite serious.

you should be able to explain what you think happened on that day or where the 9/11 Commission Report is wrong.

I'm sure you can do neither.

Check please.

It's amusing when cons like you present a challenge, and then go ahead and misrepresent an answer in the same breath. Followed, of course, by the declaration of some sort of smarmy "victory."

'Check', indeed.

Quite the contrary, I don't NEED to explain what happened that day. All I require of myself is that the case is made -- when presenting the evidence -- that it was never truly investigated in the first place. ... I believe that is proven beyond any reasonable doubt, as means, motive and opportunity are all well-established, yet the 9/11 Commission never came remotely close to fulfilling their mandate. Kean and Hamilton essentially ADMIT that fact in their book: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Without-Precedent-Inside-Story-Commission/dp/0307263770"]Without precedent[/ame]. NORAD lied, the White House stonewalled at every turn, and the director of the investigation was a Bush League lackey who wrote WH policy papers for the future occupation of Iraq.
Gee, you mean the investigated lied to investigators? That almost never happens--except in every single investigation; ever.
But, if at knife point, you insist I offer a narrative of what I believe happened that day, very well, I will sum it up as best I can:

As spelled out in their PNAC essay "Rebuilding America's defenses" from the late 90s, and in adhering to the lessons gleaned from Tri-Lateral Commission founder and author Zbignew Brzezinsky in his book "Grand Chessboard" regarding central Asian energy reserves, I believe a cabal of the Cheney administration suppressed known intelligence and let the attacks happen for the purpose of creating, once and for all, a tangible foreign threat. This threat, real or perceived, would in all certainty galvanize America's support for retaliation, and grease the skids for expanded imperialism in largely-uptapped, liquid energy-rich nations.
All within 81 days. As I said, are you serious?

It is a known fact that mankind has flat-lined on global energy production since 2004, while demand continues to skyrocket. They knew, years ago, that this was coming, including no later than 1999 in London, when Dick Cheney admitted global oil decline to the Institute of Petroleum. Something always had to give, and the Cheney gang set out to mitigate the drawdown of the American empire, at the very least. Let them (China, India) eat cake. "The American way of life is not negotiable," Dick even said it on Meet the Press.
So he--Cheney--did all of that but couldn't orchestrate the planting of one WMD in Iraq so he could say, "told ya so".

I don't think they believed those buildings would actually collapse, but they knew an attack was coming by way of hijacked aircraft. They set about to willfully suppress known surveillance (Phoenix Memo), bury testimony (Moussaui), ignore direct warnings (Putin et al) and change safety protocol (Cheney putting himself in charge of all operational management in the event of a domestic emergency). They coordinated as many as 5 different wargame scenarios -- some involving live hijack drills -- for that very morning, pulling most fighter cover away from the northeast sector. They got no straight answers from NORAD concerning who was in charge that day, nor any accounting for their noticeable time-line discrepancies. And of course, no one could find Donald Rumsfeld for 30 crucial minutes that fateful morning, when HE was required to advocate the shootdown order. Exactly HOW does the civilian chief of our military leave his post as the nation is under attack ... and somehow not lose his job?
Not sure what you're talking about; he was at the Pentagon. Was mindly wounded assisting in the recovery.

To use a poker probability analogy: The array of overlapping coincidences that coincitards expect Americans to believe regarding the events that unfolded that day is akin to expecting a poker player to believe a particular opponent being dealt a pair and flopping a set 25 times in a row is completely plausible, and to never question the integrity of the dealer.
When the "coincidences" are dreamed up, they lose considerable weight.

Wake up.

Check please.
Excuse me? I said Fireman Officers I believe I had been quoting a Fire Department Chief at the time.


Still waiting to hear those audio tapes of the Demolitions..

One more time:

Chief Frank Cruthers recalls Chief Nigro convening a meeting of fire chiefs on the subject of establishing a collapse zone.
Of primary importance early on in the operation was the structural condition of 7 World Trade Center. Assistant Chief Frank Fellini had been approached by several chiefs who were concerned about its stability. It had been heavily damaged in the collapse and was well-involved in fire. Chief Fellini had looked at it and described to us some damage to its south side; he felt that structural components of the building had been compromised. So when Chief Dan Nigro arrived at the command post, he convened a meeting of staff chiefs, and this was a major subject of the meeting. We were all in accord about the danger of 7 WTC, and we all agreed that it was not too conservative of a decision to establish a collapse zone for that building, move the firefighters out of the collapse area, and maintain that strategy.

NIST concluded one blast in the key area could initiate collapse but claimed no sound as loud as a shot gun blast was heard...you know this is not accurate

Fucking lying about what the NIST says AGAIN!!

Show us all where NIST concluded one blast could have taken out the building. You are such a fucking liar. It's pretty bad when you need to continually lie about what the NIST report actually says in order to have any argument at all against it.

You repeatedly ignored it every time the nist lead investigator was quoted as saying fire brought down 7. But you want more quotes you can ignore............dumbass.
Bentdick you have been proven to be nothing less than a pathetic little liar. Now go away you are no longer worthy of my time.

Why are you always so concerned about the position of my dick? Afraid some ladies you know would finally learn what it means to have an orgasm without battery powered assistance?

Have you interfaced your usercp with your alarm clock so you don't lose one single second of when you can neg rep?

The best solution would be to try and practice consistent honesty instead of your hypocrisy. Try it at least once in your life.
Bentdick you have been proven to be nothing less than a pathetic little liar. Now go away you are no longer worthy of my time.

Why are you always so concerned about the position of my dick? Afraid some ladies you know would finally learn what it means to have an orgasm without battery powered assistance?

Have you interfaced your usercp with your alarm clock so you don't lose one single second of when you can neg rep?

The best solution would be to try and practice consistent honesty instead of your hypocrisy. Try it at least once in your life.

Shut your Lying face you worthless piece of crap. You have lost any and all credibility, and you have the nerve to talk about Honesty..

Now that's funny right there.......
Bentdick you have been proven to be nothing less than a pathetic little liar. Now go away you are no longer worthy of my time.

Why are you always so concerned about the position of my dick? Afraid some ladies you know would finally learn what it means to have an orgasm without battery powered assistance?

Have you interfaced your usercp with your alarm clock so you don't lose one single second of when you can neg rep?

The best solution would be to try and practice consistent honesty instead of your hypocrisy. Try it at least once in your life.

Shut your Lying face you worthless piece of crap. You have lost any and all credibility, and you have the nerve to talk about Honesty..

Now that's funny right there.......

So that's why you're always cock watching.......makes a lot of sense.

You accuse me of lying? Rotfl....you're the wrinkled up punk that ignores firefighter's testimonies when you don't like what they say but then turns around and quotes them when you like what the say. It's pure fucking comedy you actually claimed they didn't hear what they reported they heard.
Bentdick you have been proven to be nothing less than a pathetic little liar. Now go away you are no longer worthy of my time.

Why are you always so concerned about the position of my dick? Afraid some ladies you know would finally learn what it means to have an orgasm without battery powered assistance?

Have you interfaced your usercp with your alarm clock so you don't lose one single second of when you can neg rep?

The best solution would be to try and practice consistent honesty instead of your hypocrisy. Try it at least once in your life.

Shut your Lying face you worthless piece of crap. You have lost any and all credibility, and you have the nerve to talk about Honesty..

Now that's funny right there.......

True that although lets be honest; he never had that much credibility to start with.

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