Which 9-11 theory you believe?

Which 9-11 theory is the most accurate?

  • The islamist conspiracy theory (Bush-Cheney Theory)

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • the US intern plot theory (control demolition)

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • The Mossad plot theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Mafia conspiracy theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
Do you think your conspiracy theories are any more reasonable than a flawed computer rendering?

so you agree the computer simulation is flawed..but due to the lack of physical forensic evidence..this is the only evidence NIST has to prove their theory..it is essentially the only possible sequence they could create that would cause a progressive collapse due to fire...if it does not match the reality of the collapse then the NIST theory can not be correct and other theories need to be examined
Take a stand instead of making stupid attempts to call other people names. Don't you understand yet that your name calling hurts me about as much as a fruit fly in my neighbors house? But it sure makes you look pretty dumb.

Now where's the Audio of the explosions that prove demolition? Have you heard them? I've heard isolated secondary explosions, as one would expect to hear. But demolitions is so much different than that. Pretty hard to hide em.

What does this have to do with the fact you have ignored firfighter's testimonies and actually claimed they didn't really hear what they said they heard you dishonest bag of dust?

When someone says they heard boom boom boom boom boom boom, and there is no audio of this, I tend to believe they didn't hear what they described. Or are you going to tell me with all the video and audio tapes that were in the area we missed it?

Now go away child, you bore me.

What does this have to do with the fact you actually claimed firefighters didn't really hear what they said they heard you fatass broke down bag of shit wrinkles?
The first step is to avoid assuming what my thoughts are regarding 7. Im a self employed in residential construction so im familiar with many basic aspects of building materials. Here are some basic problems I have with 7:

Ok, A little about my construction/design background.

I worked for a couple of engineering firms. One was MK Ferguson way back when. When I worked for them, I worked on projects for clients such as Anheuser Busch and Kodak where I designed piping for both. I was onsite for both the Shell Oil chemical explosion in Belpre, OH and the IMC/Angus explosion in Sterlington, LA to do damage assessment. I also worked on numerous projects for steel mill blast furnaces,rolling mills, slab mills, etc. I worked for the Army Corp of Engineers in Tooele, Utah on the nerve gas destruction facility. I designed an oxygen pipe run for the River Rouge steel plant in Michigan. I was also the onsite construction supervisor for it. These are just a few of the jobs/projects I did.


This is basically where I lost most respect. Seven fucking years to explain the collapse and you try to be coy. Fuck you for wasting my time. Go ahead and pretend again there is nothing suspect about it taking seven fucking years for the conclusion.

What a fucking dildo. Pick any skyscraper in the world that suffered fire damage dumbass. There was nothing special about 7's design. Once again you try to be coy and you just exposed your active dishonesty.

Is that why the penthouse collapsed into the building itself FIRST? What kind of damage was done to the infrastructure when that happened? Do you understand loads on a steel structure? When you remove critical components from a steel structure, the other components have to pick up the slack. If you exceed the load capacity of the reaming components, they fail.

You can kiss my ass you patronizing prick. See, I honestly ignored your response instead of pretending to give one.

I thought they showed a model of the collapse?

That isn't what I asked you fucking reject.

You're so clueless you asked "is that why the PH collapsed into the building first?"

Exactly which PH are you referring to? Go learn some basic facts then come back and dazzle again. You fucking waste of life.


Yeah. That's what I expected from you. I childish rant amounting to nothing. Did your face turn red while you were pounding your fists on the floor? How long did you hold your breath? Did you get sent to your room until you calmed down?

Pathetic really. You are the poster child for all "thruthers".


Oh well.

You can have your "residential construction" experience that you decided to throw out there to give creditability to your opinions and explanations. It just proves you have no clue. It's people like you that are the reason the "truth movement" will never amount to anything. You think 7 years for NIST to come out with a report is bad???? How about you folks in the "movement"? How long has it been now? 9 years and you STILL haven't moved any further along than being an internet entity. 9 years and the movement STILL doesn't have a unified theory? Everyone fighting amongst themselves to get to the top of the pile in order to say that "my theory is the only theory that works". Delusions of grandeur, nothing more.

Keep up the "good fight" though. Maybe in another 9 years you'll have a thousand more internet cult followers. Maybe somewhere in those next 9 years when you grow up, you'll look back and see what and moron you were. One could only hope.

But then again, you're beyond hope.

*welcome to ignore Curve, I should have kept you there*
Yes I saw your post, and I asked about the context of that 10 seconds, I haven't looked it up but my best bet is it was 10 seconds from the beginning of the collapse to the time the first piece of debris hit the ground.

And the comparison of an implosion to that of the collapse of the towers is usually done to show the audio of the controlled demo that is absent at the WTC.

Are you fucking kidding? I quoted directly from the Report and gave the link and you are still trying to invent context fantasies in the face of the clear statement? Let me help you out some more.

"At 9:58:59, the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds, killing all civilians and emergency personnel inside, as well a numberof individuals-both first responders and civilians-in the concourse, in the Marriott, and on neighboring streets. The building collapsed into itself, causing a ferocious windstorm and creating a massive debris cloud. The Marriott hotel suffered significant damage as a result of the collapse of the South Tower."

So let's see how you fit your "first piece that hit the ground" excuse into the paragraph. The context is fucking clear and you only embarrass yourself by trying to deny what the Report states. In case you didn't know, the MO of OCTAs habitually ignoring obvious facts is one reason why people question the Official version. If the strongest defenders are too timid to address the facts head on it means the conclusion's premise is severely compromised.

Your "audio" dodge on implosion comparison fails for two obvious reasons:

Incindiery devices do not require a loud ass "Bang!" like a grenade or other munitions.

At a professionally planned implosion you generally don't have thousands of rescue vehicles, first responders, and utter chaos of thousands of people trying to stay alive. Do you have any idea how fucking noisy that was? If you took the time to compare the decible ratings you would understand why your "audio" excuse is deaf to reason and common sense.

You're also ignoring the fact there are many first responders who witnessed explosions just prior to the collapse. You reallly wanna try your "normal explosions in an office fire" bullshit again?

OH Bull Shit, I'll have to go re-read that paragraph in the book, but if you are correct here then that is one of the minor details that the 911CR got wrong. I posted a video in this thread that showed the collapse of both towers with the time. 15 seconds and 22 seconds. I still bet it was 10 seconds for the first piece to hit the ground.

And in all that hustle and bustle you would have heard the explosions, and while you are correct in that most incendiary devices do not explode (so to speak) they also do not cut through steel beams sideways.

Yes first responders heard explosions, but not controlled demo explosions. BTW either they were explosionless or not, you can't have it both ways, or maybe you can.

Here is ollie actually changing what firefighters reported what they heard but just a few posts ago he said he gave more credibility to firefighters than the average joe.

It's painfully easy revealing your hypocrisy you piece of anti american shit.
Ok, A little about my construction/design background.

I worked for a couple of engineering firms. One was MK Ferguson way back when. When I worked for them, I worked on projects for clients such as Anheuser Busch and Kodak where I designed piping for both. I was onsite for both the Shell Oil chemical explosion in Belpre, OH and the IMC/Angus explosion in Sterlington, LA to do damage assessment. I also worked on numerous projects for steel mill blast furnaces,rolling mills, slab mills, etc. I worked for the Army Corp of Engineers in Tooele, Utah on the nerve gas destruction facility. I designed an oxygen pipe run for the River Rouge steel plant in Michigan. I was also the onsite construction supervisor for it. These are just a few of the jobs/projects I did.


This is basically where I lost most respect. Seven fucking years to explain the collapse and you try to be coy. Fuck you for wasting my time. Go ahead and pretend again there is nothing suspect about it taking seven fucking years for the conclusion.

What a fucking dildo. Pick any skyscraper in the world that suffered fire damage dumbass. There was nothing special about 7's design. Once again you try to be coy and you just exposed your active dishonesty.

You can kiss my ass you patronizing prick. See, I honestly ignored your response instead of pretending to give one.

I thought they showed a model of the collapse?

That isn't what I asked you fucking reject.

You're so clueless you asked "is that why the PH collapsed into the building first?"

Exactly which PH are you referring to? Go learn some basic facts then come back and dazzle again. You fucking waste of life.


Yeah. That's what I expected from you. I childish rant amounting to nothing. Did your face turn red while you were pounding your fists on the floor? How long did you hold your breath? Did you get sent to your room until you calmed down?

Pathetic really. You are the poster child for all "thruthers".


Oh well.

You can have your "residential construction" experience that you decided to throw out there to give creditability to your opinions and explanations. It just proves you have no clue. It's people like you that are the reason the "truth movement" will never amount to anything. You think 7 years for NIST to come out with a report is bad???? How about you folks in the "movement"? How long has it been now? 9 years and you STILL haven't moved any further along than being an internet entity. 9 years and the movement STILL doesn't have a unified theory? Everyone fighting amongst themselves to get to the top of the pile in order to say that "my theory is the only theory that works". Delusions of grandeur, nothing more.

Keep up the "good fight" though. Maybe in another 9 years you'll have a thousand more internet cult followers. Maybe somewhere in those next 9 years when you grow up, you'll look back and see what and moron you were. One could only hope.

But then again, you're beyond hope.

*welcome to ignore Curve, I should have kept you there*

Did you answer the question about which penthouse you were referring to or did you ignore that question and keep whining?
What could I possibly be embarrassed about? I have made nothing but logical statements, and have provided links to anything that was not my own opinion.

Unlike someone who pretends they are not a truther while they actually are.

Please show the board what I have to be embarrassed about. This really should be good.
What could I possibly be embarrassed about? I have made nothing but logical statements, and have provided links to anything that was not my own opinion.

Unlike someone who pretends they are not a truther while they actually are.

Please show the board what I have to be embarrassed about. This really should be good.

Holy shit. I posted testimonies from firefighters saying they heard explosions that sounded exactly like the ones you hear when a building is razed with a professional demo. You responded by saying they didn't really hear what they said they heard. You then process to say you take the word of firefighters more than the average joe. You contradicted yourself and you continue to cherry pick what eyewitness testimony is valid and what is invalid and that is based purely on which testimonies help your position. Hypocrite.
What could I possibly be embarrassed about? I have made nothing but logical statements, and have provided links to anything that was not my own opinion.

Unlike someone who pretends they are not a truther while they actually are.

Please show the board what I have to be embarrassed about. This really should be good.

Holy shit. I posted testimonies from firefighters saying they heard explosions that sounded exactly like the ones you hear when a building is razed with a professional demo. You responded by saying they didn't really hear what they said they heard. You then process to say you take the word of firefighters more than the average joe. You contradicted yourself and you continue to cherry pick what eyewitness testimony is valid and what is invalid and that is based purely on which testimonies help your position. Hypocrite.

Excuse me? I said Fireman Officers I believe I had been quoting a Fire Department Chief at the time.


Still waiting to hear those audio tapes of the Demolitions......

One more time:

Chief Frank Cruthers recalls Chief Nigro convening a meeting of fire chiefs on the subject of establishing a collapse zone.
Of primary importance early on in the operation was the structural condition of 7 World Trade Center. Assistant Chief Frank Fellini had been approached by several chiefs who were concerned about its stability. It had been heavily damaged in the collapse and was well-involved in fire. Chief Fellini had looked at it and described to us some damage to its south side; he felt that structural components of the building had been compromised. So when Chief Dan Nigro arrived at the command post, he convened a meeting of staff chiefs, and this was a major subject of the meeting. We were all in accord about the danger of 7 WTC, and we all agreed that it was not too conservative of a decision to establish a collapse zone for that building, move the firefighters out of the collapse area, and maintain that strategy.
What could I possibly be embarrassed about? I have made nothing but logical statements, and have provided links to anything that was not my own opinion.

Unlike someone who pretends they are not a truther while they actually are.

Please show the board what I have to be embarrassed about. This really should be good.

Holy shit. I posted testimonies from firefighters saying they heard explosions that sounded exactly like the ones you hear when a building is razed with a professional demo. You responded by saying they didn't really hear what they said they heard. You then process to say you take the word of firefighters more than the average joe. You contradicted yourself and you continue to cherry pick what eyewitness testimony is valid and what is invalid and that is based purely on which testimonies help your position. Hypocrite.

Excuse me? I said Fireman Officers I believe I had been quoting a Fire Department Chief at the time.


Still waiting to hear those audio tapes of the Demolitions......

One more time:

Chief Frank Cruthers recalls Chief Nigro convening a meeting of fire chiefs on the subject of establishing a collapse zone.
Of primary importance early on in the operation was the structural condition of 7 World Trade Center. Assistant Chief Frank Fellini had been approached by several chiefs who were concerned about its stability. It had been heavily damaged in the collapse and was well-involved in fire. Chief Fellini had looked at it and described to us some damage to its south side; he felt that structural components of the building had been compromised. So when Chief Dan Nigro arrived at the command post, he convened a meeting of staff chiefs, and this was a major subject of the meeting. We were all in accord about the danger of 7 WTC, and we all agreed that it was not too conservative of a decision to establish a collapse zone for that building, move the firefighters out of the collapse area, and maintain that strategy.

Why keep proving your hypocrisy?
What could I possibly be embarrassed about? I have made nothing but logical statements, and have provided links to anything that was not my own opinion.

Unlike someone who pretends they are not a truther while they actually are.

Please show the board what I have to be embarrassed about. This really should be good.

Holy shit. I posted testimonies from firefighters saying they heard explosions that sounded exactly like the ones you hear when a building is razed with a professional demo. You responded by saying they didn't really hear what they said they heard. You then process to say you take the word of firefighters more than the average joe. You contradicted yourself and you continue to cherry pick what eyewitness testimony is valid and what is invalid and that is based purely on which testimonies help your position. Hypocrite.

Excuse me? I said Fireman Officers I believe I had been quoting a Fire Department Chief at the time.


Still waiting to hear those audio tapes of the Demolitions..

One more time:

Chief Frank Cruthers recalls Chief Nigro convening a meeting of fire chiefs on the subject of establishing a collapse zone.
Of primary importance early on in the operation was the structural condition of 7 World Trade Center. Assistant Chief Frank Fellini had been approached by several chiefs who were concerned about its stability. It had been heavily damaged in the collapse and was well-involved in fire. Chief Fellini had looked at it and described to us some damage to its south side; he felt that structural components of the building had been compromised. So when Chief Dan Nigro arrived at the command post, he convened a meeting of staff chiefs, and this was a major subject of the meeting. We were all in accord about the danger of 7 WTC, and we all agreed that it was not too conservative of a decision to establish a collapse zone for that building, move the firefighters out of the collapse area, and maintain that strategy.

NIST concluded one blast in the key area could initiate collapse but claimed no sound as loud as a shot gun blast was heard...you know this is not accurate
Holy shit. I posted testimonies from firefighters saying they heard explosions that sounded exactly like the ones you hear when a building is razed with a professional demo. You responded by saying they didn't really hear what they said they heard. You then process to say you take the word of firefighters more than the average joe. You contradicted yourself and you continue to cherry pick what eyewitness testimony is valid and what is invalid and that is based purely on which testimonies help your position. Hypocrite.

Excuse me? I said Fireman Officers I believe I had been quoting a Fire Department Chief at the time.


Still waiting to hear those audio tapes of the Demolitions..

One more time:

Chief Frank Cruthers recalls Chief Nigro convening a meeting of fire chiefs on the subject of establishing a collapse zone.
Of primary importance early on in the operation was the structural condition of 7 World Trade Center. Assistant Chief Frank Fellini had been approached by several chiefs who were concerned about its stability. It had been heavily damaged in the collapse and was well-involved in fire. Chief Fellini had looked at it and described to us some damage to its south side; he felt that structural components of the building had been compromised. So when Chief Dan Nigro arrived at the command post, he convened a meeting of staff chiefs, and this was a major subject of the meeting. We were all in accord about the danger of 7 WTC, and we all agreed that it was not too conservative of a decision to establish a collapse zone for that building, move the firefighters out of the collapse area, and maintain that strategy.

NIST concluded one blast in the key area could initiate collapse but claimed no sound as loud as a shot gun blast was heard...you know this is not accurate

I'm not going to look it up again right now, but i believe they clarified that with girders being pre cut. And that blast would have been at the time of the collapse, Again, where's the Audio?
no nothing about anything being pre-cut...and it would not necessarily need to happen at the exact moment of the collapse or be a single blast...however


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