Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Indeed, it does. The Book of Mormon teaches that our Jewish ancestors must fall and later be redeemed by their descendants in the New World (British Israelism). It can be very convoluted. I meant to a Religious Education conference on a day with a very believing Mormon friend. Interesting if bewildering.
Hate to break it to you but my quote was not from the Book of Mormon. You know very, very little about the book obviously.
breezie got ONE tidbit right (congrats breezie) ---the people that wrote the NT were the people
that crucified him-----ironic but true. It was a brilliant bit of Empire Building by Constantine,
the evil, vile, sonofa bitch. Jesus was a typical victim of shitty Rome---a Pharisee jew
surada disagreed because matthew the roman shill said Jesus did not want to
wash his hands anymore
Indeed, it does. The Book of Mormon teaches that our Jewish ancestors must fall and later be redeemed by their descendants in the New World (British Israelism). It can be very convoluted. I meant to a Religious Education conference on a day with a very believing Mormon friend. Interesting if bewildering.
Joseph Smith---the 19th century "St Paul" replete with delusions----in his case of
Judaism and Christianity are half-sisters, and Islam is their step sister.
Islam copies both Judaism and Christianity and the Moslems even admit it. They say The Koran "perfects the errors" in the Old and New Testaments.The Koran calls Moses and Jesus both "prophets".Mohammed could not read or write and he got all his material by mouth from various Arab tribesmen traveling in caravans.
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Judaism began in 1231 BC when the Hebrew tribes received the Torah and Talmud at Mount Sinai. Without
the Torah, there is no Judaism.
Judaism had it's beginning at Mt. Sinai, as did Christianity, but neither were manifested formally until much later.
Islam plagiarizes Judaism and Christianity and the Moslems even admit it. They say The Koran "perfects" the errors in the Old and New Testaments.The Koran calls Moses and Jesus "prophets".Mohammed could not read or write and he got all his material by mouth from various Arab tribesmen traveling in caravans.
The Quran is largely a mockery of the Bible, as Ishmael mocked Isaac.
Judaism began in 1231 BC when the Hebrew tribes received the Torah and Talmud at Mount Sinai. Without
the Torah, there is no Judaism.
Judaism uses Midrash more than the Torah or the Talmud. This is what Jesus condemned.

When my Jewish tenant moved in, he wanted us to provide a new oven so he could be sure it was Kosher. His Rabbi told him that it was the landlord's responsibility, not his. This an example of Midrash, oral tradition made up on the spot.
Judaism uses Midrash more than the Torah or the Talmud. This is what Jesus condemned.

When my Jewish tenant moved in, he wanted us to provide a new oven so he could be sure it was Kosher. His Rabbi told him that it was the landlord's responsibility, not his. This an example of Midrash, oral tradition made up on the spot.
BS ATTACK ^^^^^^^
Christianity was born of out Judaism which was thousands of years older. In fact, Jesus was. a Rabbi so I'm not sure what this question is about.
Secular Power Destroys Religion

The Jews were saved long before Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. But the Christian upper class and religious hierarchy needed a scapegoat to cover up their tyranny, so they invented the myth about Jews rejecting God's plan.
breezie got ONE tidbit right (congrats breezie) ---the people that wrote the NT were the people
that crucified him-----ironic but true. It was a brilliant bit of Empire Building by Constantine,
the evil, vile, sonofa bitch. Jesus was a typical victim of shitty Rome---a Pharisee jew
Jesus Was the First Protestant

It was the Jewish high priests, collaborators with Roman occupation, who requested Pilate to execute Jesus. When Christianity developed its own vicious hierarchy, which also collaborated with the decadent Roman upper class, they shifted the blame to the Jewish laity.
Socrates once said that if a righteous man who spoke the truth walked the earth, the masses would murder him.

So yea, they murdered Socrates as well for speaking what he believed the truth. All he had to do was recant and they would have spared him, but he died for what he believed to be the truth.
The Inspiration for Academentia

Socrates was a pedophile. He got the death penalty because his Gayist cult was grooming Athenian youth.

Socrates and his clique of decadent upper-class perverts hated democracy. His and Plato's ideology is what is behind his slander against the masses (hoi polloi).
The Inspiration for Academentia

Socrates was a pedophile. He got the death penalty because his Gayist cult was grooming Athenian youth.

Socrates and his clique of decadent upper-class perverts hated democracy. His and Plato's ideology is what is behind his slander against the masses (hoi polloi).

Having sex with children was common place, like in Sparta.

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