Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

I am not sure that most Christians think Mormons are Christian. I do, but I am in a minority.
If they think Jesus is a deity, then of course they’re Christians.
When the church was formed it was named, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" back in the 1800's. Because we use the Book of Mormon, non LDS people have called us Mormons from way back. But the title of our church clearly declares that we are his church and strongly believe in Christ.
When the church was formed it was named, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" back in the 1800's. Because we use the Book of Mormon, non LDS people have called us Mormons from way back. But the title of our church clearly declares that we are his church and strongly believe in Christ.
Yes. You’re Christian. I‘ve heard that some people don’t think Catholics are Christian. Crazy.
just a side not pertaining to your mental condition -

who in their right mind would place themselves inside a woman's uterus for 9 months waiting to be "born" ... and then act like a baby, learn how to walk and spend 30 years - growing up.

- in some boondock backwoods middleast hick town than the capital of world civilization at that time - rome.
I'll attempt to decipher your gibberish.

If you are speaking about Jesus and His virgin mother, Mary, as well as the place of His birth, you've clearly missed the point of the Bible story and it's history. You MUST start at the beginning in the Book of Genesis. The fall of man is the key that answers the need for Jesus Christ.

Where Christ grew up is irrelevant to His most profound purpose. I'll explain more if you're interested.
You might think so, I might think so, but I have had plenty of Christians tell me that "uh huh, no Mormon is Christian." This includes pastors, ministers, whatever.
Most disagree with the Mormon teaching that God was once a flesh-and-blood man, and that men could become gods through purification and obedience to the LDS church. It's a significant departure of what most believe about God.
You might think so, I might think so, but I have had plenty of Christians tell me that "uh huh, no Mormon is Christian." This includes pastors, ministers, whatever.
I live in Mormon country. There are two, main factions in my area. The LDS (Ladder Day Saints) and the FLDS (Fundamentalist Ladder Day Saints). They aren't too fond of each other. I prefer the FLDS folks as they are more trustworthy and much harder workers. They have a great work ethic. But they're also the group that believes in polygamy, and I know a number of the men who have multiple wives.

But yes, they are all members of a cult. They don't put a lot of stock in the Bible. The Book of Mormon is far more revered and preached from. They don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible the way that Christians do.

But all said and done, I prefer to live around the LDS and the FLDS more than I do the jungles of the inner cities. They do follow a basic moral code of conduct, and they're generally conservative politically, socially, and fiscally.
Those rules were for ABikerSailor who seems to be absent after requesting I create this forum for he and I to discuss this topic. I didn't intend for this to be against what you believe since you are of the same faith as I am. Read post #11 to see my view of what I am speaking of.
Ah, got ya. Yes, I know your LDS. It is weird how people have these strange ideas. Do our ideas and knowledge seem strange and peculiar too? We are a peculiar people armed with the priesthood.
Sorry I'm late to the party.......................

Why do I think that Judaism is older than Christianity? Well, for starters, Judaism was around LONG before Jesus came on the scene. Some would try to use the "trinity" argument saying that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same, but if that is the case, why would there be a reason to have 2 different religions? Shouldn't they all be the same?

As far as Jesus, he was born Jewish, and followed the teachings of Judaism, as that was the primary religion in the place and time He was growing up. Matter of fact, there are stories about Jesus debating with the rabbis in the Temple, so that would mean right there that Jewish theology predated Jesus.

Then..............there is the whole thing about Christianity being all about Jesus, with Jesus basically being the founder and the start of the whole Christianity thing.

Judaism was around a LONG time before Christ showed up. Christianity supposedly came from the teachings of Jesus, which basically means that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, as well as that Christianity is a much younger religion than Judaism.
Yes. You’re Christian. I‘ve heard that some people don’t think Catholics are Christian. Crazy.
The Catholics have labeled the Protestants non-Christian, the Protestants have labeled the Catholics non-Christian, they both have labeled Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints non-Christian and so on and so on. Basically people tend to label those who are not of their faith as non-Christian. Personally I believe that anyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world are Christians. What we really don't agree on is the interpretation of scripture and the history of and meaning of many of the teachings and practices found in Christian History. I would bet that if we all went through the teachings of Christ, we probably all agree on over 50% of what we could list. Certain teachings, differences, meanings, and practices are what separates us from coming to a unity of the faith. An example of this is that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that Old Testament prophets were not living in sin when living Polygamous marriages and that they were accepted by God. We also believe that God restored this God accepted practice for a period of time back in the early days of the church. Other Christian sects don't agree with us on this doctrine. Another example is why Protestants originally broke away from the Catholic church over issue of the Catholic doctrines. What I have read is that they broke away primarily because they thought the Catholics strayed from the doctrine of being saved by grace alone. Catholics hold that because they came before other Christian sects that they are the original church of Christ. There are many arguments between the many Christian sects that keep them all apart. Latter-day Saints argue that the original Church of Jesus Christ fell into apostasy after the murder of most of the Apostles of Christ and that the church needed to be restored. We believe it was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. So disagreements over who holds the truth and who has the true church has been going on for over a thousand years. This why everyone points to the others and not being Christian.
Sorry I'm late to the party.......................

Why do I think that Judaism is older than Christianity? Well, for starters, Judaism was around LONG before Jesus came on the scene. Some would try to use the "trinity" argument saying that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same, but if that is the case, why would there be a reason to have 2 different religions? Shouldn't they all be the same?

As far as Jesus, he was born Jewish, and followed the teachings of Judaism, as that was the primary religion in the place and time He was growing up. Matter of fact, there are stories about Jesus debating with the rabbis in the Temple, so that would mean right there that Jewish theology predated Jesus.

Then..............there is the whole thing about Christianity being all about Jesus, with Jesus basically being the founder and the start of the whole Christianity thing.

Judaism was around a LONG time before Christ showed up. Christianity supposedly came from the teachings of Jesus, which basically means that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, as well as that Christianity is a much younger religion than Judaism.
Thanks for responding. My response has already been posted in post #11. Basically, I argue that Christ is the God of the Old Testament and because of that, true Christianity has really existed since the days of Adam and Eve. When Moses went into the mount to receive the law of God, he came down and found the Israelites had created a golden calf and were worshipping it. He then broke the tables he received and latter went back into the mount to speak to God where he received a lesser law and lesser priesthood for the Israelites to follow. From that time to the days of John the Baptist, the higher law was not found upon the earth. The tribe of Judah who remained over these many years were steeped in the law of Moses and did not have the higher priesthood which had the power of giving the gift of the Holy ghost. So the law of the gospel was written on tablets of stone until Jesus came and then they were written on the tablets of the heart. So, before the days of Moses, there were times when a higher priesthood was had upon the earth and that it all came through the God of the Old Testament which was Jesus Christ. Thus Christianity, though not called by that name, is believed by me to have come before Judaism.
Thanks for responding. My response has already been posted in post #11. Basically, I argue that Christ is the God of the Old Testament and because of that, true Christianity has really existed since the days of Adam and Eve. When Moses went into the mount to receive the law of God, he came down and found the Israelites had created a golden calf and were worshipping it. He then broke the tables he received and latter went back into the mount to speak to God where he received a lesser law and lesser priesthood for the Israelites to follow. From that time to the days of John the Baptist, the higher law was not found upon the earth. The tribe of Judah who remained over these many years were steeped in the law of Moses and did not have the higher priesthood which had the power of giving the gift of the Holy ghost. So the law of the gospel was written on tablets of stone until Jesus came and then they were written on the tablets of the heart. So, before the days of Moses, there were times when a higher priesthood was had upon the earth and that it all came through the God of the Old Testament which was Jesus Christ. Thus Christianity, though not called by that name, is believed by me to have come before Judaism.
Mr. One It might interest you to know that muslims teach that the KORAN preceded the NT
and the OT ------and both are perversions of the ORIGINAL (I learned that in a mosque)
In other words you don’t know, and can’t counter with anything logical. Yet you try to belittle Christianity.
That's your defensiveness

All religions have been invented by humans. I don't care if its Christianity or paganism.

If there is a supreme being, and I'm not sure there is, then I am quite sure it is nothing like the god in the Bible or any other religious texts written by men.
Christians believe that the Jewish belief that Jesus is not the Messiah is wrong. And yes we do believe that salvation is through Jesus Christ. Yes we believe that the Jews are wrong about Christ and in the future when Christ comes again they will learn the truth. The only negative attitude it brings against Judaism is that they are mistaken about who God really is. The Jews were God's ancient covenant people and He still loves them and wishes for them to recognize Jesus as their Savior. Most Christians are supportive of the Jews. We understand that through them we have the Biblical account of God and his word. Through the Jews Jesus was born into the world. Jesus himself is of Jewish lineage. We know that God will save his Jewish heritage people from utter destruction when He comes again on the earth. Many of the teachings of the Jews were given to them by God himself, we only believe that they are mistaken as to his true identity. Christianity is not anti-Jew but hope for the day when we will all worship the same God as he is the source of both our religions. Christians believe that source came through Jesus Christ himself.
Historically, IMPORTANT and influential christian scholars and leaders have been
very antisemitic-----from popes to schmucks like Martin Luther King. Canon law
is the forerunner to the Nuremburg laws which legalized genocide----Canon law
legalized the Inquisition. Of course "CREED" can always be updated as John XXIII
seemed to believe
Secular Power Destroys Religion

The Jews were saved long before Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. But the Christian upper class and religious hierarchy needed a scapegoat to cover up their tyranny, so they invented the myth about Jews rejecting God's plan.
Jesus was sent to the descendants of Israel, but most Jews rejected him, and still do. The disciples were also sent to the descendants of Israel. Paul was sent to the Gentiles.
That's your defensiveness

All religions have been invented by humans. I don't care if its Christianity or paganism.

If there is a supreme being, and I'm not sure there is, then I am quite sure it is nothing like the god in the Bible or any other religious texts written by men.
Billions are 'quite sure' there is. :bowdown:
Historically, IMPORTANT and influential christian scholars and leaders have been
very antisemitic-----from popes to schmucks like Martin Luther King. Canon law
is the forerunner to the Nuremburg laws which legalized genocide----Canon law
legalized the Inquisition. Of course "CREED" can always be updated as John XXIII
seemed to believe
The Jews are under God's curse, dating from Ezekiel's time. They have blamed 'antisemitism' whereas it is God who is upholding the curses.

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