Which cause of death gets the most coverage by the MSM...


Banning assault rifles, closing the gun show loophole, requiring a permit for gun ownership--none of those things eliminate the second amendment. Nor do they violate it. You can't effectively argue against any of those things so you start screaming and wailing like a stuck pig, "They going to take our guns away?" Because that is the only argument you can win, for now. You morons keep it up and pretty soon, well those guns just might get taken away.
And when people continue to massacre others using weapons other than assault rifles, then what?
What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand? Gun ownership is a RIGHT, driving a car is a privilege. See the difference? Of course you don't, you're a dim.
You don't have the right to own any gun, carry it anywhere, anytime. If assault weapons are banned your right to gun ownership is not "infringed", you can still own a gun, just not an assault rifle. Same damn thing as a sawed off shotgun.

Here is what gets me. Does anyone know about the battle of Lexington and Concord, you know, the "shot heard around the world". Tell me, just where were the British headed? What was their goal?
And when people continue to massacre others using weapons other than assault rifles, then what?
The victims have a greater chance of surviving, which was my point all along. Sorry it passed right over your head.
It is about improving the odds of survivability.
Sure that worked well in OK City, eh, moron? So I suppose you want to ban diesel, fertilizer and rental trucks.
Awful damn easy for you to stand on your soapbox and wax about the unborn. Doesn't cost you jackshit. Pretty damn easy to tell other people what they should do. But hell, someone has a child and lives in poverty and needs a little help, maybe to buy baby formula, and what do you do? Bitch and scream and talk about "responsibility".

But oh hell, you don't give two shits about little children being killed in an elementary school
Wrong again. I didn't bring those children into the world. If responsibility had been taught when those people were growing up, this discussion wouldn't be happening. Likewise the resulting murder of a living being for the convenience of a couple of irresponsible idiots.
I also didn't shoot up a school. I also didn't promote an idiotic premise that a woman is a man or vice versa. You social engineers did that when you told them something unnatural was normal. Quit playing social engineer to a bunch of degenerates and maybe you won't have to resort to attempting to deprive law-abiding citizens of their RIGHTS.
It is past damn time we acknowledged that and moved forward.
It is way past time we quit molly coddling the obvious problems of mental defectives and start addressing the elephant in the room. Not holding people responsible for their own actions.
The victims have a greater chance of surviving, which was my point all along. Sorry it passed right over your head.

The victims have a greater chance of surviving, which was my point all along. Sorry it passed right over your head.
The Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to kill 33 people. Please don't sit here and tell me that the gun haters, including you, wouldn't call to ban them as well.
You lost me when you said, "foot in the door". It is an excuse, a lame excuse. You can't let perfection be the enemy of the good. Assault rifles should be banned, period. Honestly, they are damn near worthless.

But if I were in the market for a gun I would just pick up a copy of the local trade journal, buy me a pistol without a background check from a private citizen. That is wrong, and that needs to be corrected.
Sucks about the Second Amendment that protects this country, doesn't it?
You don't have the right to own any gun, carry it anywhere, anytime.
The framers of the constitution disagree. The second amendment GUARANTEES that RIGHT. If you don't like it, move to a gun free zone. I enjoy living in a free society regardless of you commies that would remove those freedoms.
you can still own a gun, just not an assault rifle.
An "assault" rifle is a gun as is a "sawed off" shotgun which also is an unconstitutional infringement. CA has many jurisdictions where "open carry" is banned, so I guess that is your next non sequitur.
Here is what gets me. Does anyone know about the battle of Lexington and Concord, you know, the "shot heard around the world". Tell me, just where were the British headed? What was their goal?
Here's what gets me, when you gun grabbers are stripped of your empty arguments, you resort to irrelevant garbage to distract from the topic at hand.
The victims have a greater chance of surviving, which was my point all along. Sorry it passed right over your head.
Timothy McVeigh disproved your assertion. Would you rather have 168 dead and 680 injured by fertilizer, diesel and a rental truck? It ain't the gun moron.
I wonder how many more deaths from cars there would be if cars were as loosely regulated as guns. I wonder how many more deaths from cars there would be if the only purpose for cars' existence were to cause deaths like guns.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention any form of travel as a right. It is very clear on firearms.

Banning assault rifles, closing the gun show loophole, requiring a permit for gun ownership--none of those things eliminate the second amendment. Nor do they violate it. You can't effectively argue against any of those things so you start screaming and wailing like a stuck pig, "They going to take our guns away?" Because that is the only argument you can win, for now. You morons keep it up and pretty soon, well those guns just might get taken away.
Ban alcohol for everyone because alcoholics drink, drive and kill people. Do this first then come talk to us about banning rifles.
The victims have a greater chance of surviving, which was my point all along. Sorry it passed right over your head.
Gun ownership is outlawed in Mexico. Tell those people that end up in 55 gallon drums, decapitated and dismembered that their odds of survivability are increased because they are prohibited from owning a weapon. Sorry that passed right over your head.
And sorry, but I am not in the market for a gun. Matter of fact, Dad died a little less than a year ago and my brother and I have been tasked with inventorying his gun collection. Got to say, I have been impressed. A gun is a tool, and every gun has its purpose. A gun for bird hunting, a gun for duck hunting, a gun for deer hunting, a gun for skeet shooting. Every single gun had a purpose. And for sure, there is no "assault rifle" in the collection.
Sorry about your father.

If your father did own what YOU would consider an assault rifle, do you think it would have been involved with a crime?
You don't have to answer that as it was a rhetorical question, and we both know it wouldn't have been.
My point is.....that it's not the rifles, or the pistols, it's the person. And nearly all would be just like your father.
There were 3,219 such deaths in 2020, followed by motor vehicle traffic deaths, of which there were 2,882.
What is the difference then between a person who pulls a trigger and the person who drives a car... both made choices.
So why don't we ban all guns and all cars?
Both causes are the responsibility of an individual that evidently doesn't have any responsibility. So lets ban guns and cars... OK?
Keep in mind, this includes 'children' age 1 - 18 .. which is a bit skewed in my opinion. Also, do those firearm deaths include gang related deaths, drug related deaths and black-on-black deaths?
Keep in mind, this includes 'children' age 1 - 18 .. which is a bit skewed in my opinion. Also, do those firearm deaths include gang related deaths, drug related deaths and black-on-black deaths?

Actually, 1-19.

It includes all of the prime ages for gang banging.
Sure that worked well in OK City, eh, moron? So I suppose you want to ban diesel, fertilizer and rental trucks.

Wrong again. I didn't bring those children into the world. If responsibility had been taught when those people were growing up, this discussion wouldn't be happening. Likewise the resulting murder of a living being for the convenience of a couple of irresponsible idiots.
I also didn't shoot up a school. I also didn't promote an idiotic premise that a woman is a man or vice versa. You social engineers did that when you told them something unnatural was normal. Quit playing social engineer to a bunch of degenerates and maybe you won't have to resort to attempting to deprive law-abiding citizens of their RIGHTS.

It is way past time we quit molly coddling the obvious problems of mental defectives and start addressing the elephant in the room. Not holding people responsible for their own actions.
"You didn't do this, you didn't do that", and most importantly, YOU AIN"T GOING TO DO SHIT but run your fat trap and tell other people what they could of, would of, should of done. You ain't worth two damn shits.
Sucks about the Second Amendment that protects this country, doesn't it?
It is stupid to believe the second amendment was created to protect us against tyranny. Damn, read Article 3, Section 3, like DU HUH. It was created because we are not suppose to have a standing army. Read Article I, Section 8. I mean this shit ain't rocket science.

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