Which Dog Whistle Should the GOP Blow in 2018?

.....Even without their idiocy on gender (How many genders, exactly, are there, sir?), the economy, marriage, and so on, most candidates can be cut off at the knees simply by forcing them to expose their position on 30 MILLION (at least) ILLEGALS LIVING IN OUR MIDST.

I disagree. Illegals in our midst is bad. But it doesn't get the immediate gut churn to middle dem women as a child being drugged by two lesbians to soften his mind to later having his dick chopped off. Sexual mutilation of children by the left is the dog whistle all middle dem women (& men) will hear sharp & shrill.
.....Even without their idiocy on gender (How many genders, exactly, are there, sir?), the economy, marriage, and so on, most candidates can be cut off at the knees simply by forcing them to expose their position on 30 MILLION (at least) ILLEGALS LIVING IN OUR MIDST.

I disagree. Illegals in our midst is bad. But it doesn't get the immediate gut churn to middle dem women as a child being drugged by two lesbians to soften his mind to later having his dick chopped off. Sexual mutilation of children by the left is the dog whistle all middle dem women (& men) will hear sharp & shrill.

Sorry, SIl....but your personal obsessions aren't what folks are genuinely concerned about. This particular issue was widely publicized in 2011. And Obama easily won the presidency a second time.

You are quite literally ignoring the issues that genuinely concern the electorate.....and replacing them with your own. Your personal obsessions aren't relevant to the rest of us. And thus won't be influencing the electorate in any significant way.
I'm thinking it'll be "you're safer from terror attacks now" and the economy is really picking up steam so jobs are just around the corner.
Political correctness is for pussies...

Like Cons don’t have their own version of PC.
Actually, it's self-proclaimed conservatives who are PC. They cry, bitch and moan about every. little. thing.

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Oh, indeed. They've become the most pristinely delicate snowflakes. Have you ever heard a group complain more about the 'media', the 'establishment', the 'deep state', the 'swamp', the 'liberals', the 'elites', and on, and on and on. Apparently being a conservative in the modern era involves blaming everyone else for your problems.

And they're led by King Whiner.

"I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win."

They've taken this to heart. And made sniveling an official plank of the GOP.

Snowflake conservatives : “Is that a football player taking a knee!? Oh the horror ! Fire them all!! Close the NFL ! I’ve got the vapors ! I may faint “

Laughing.......I'd forgotten about that one!
Sorry, SIl....but your personal obsessions aren't what folks are genuinely concerned about.

Au contraire:
Selling Out Women To Transgender Bullies Helped Elect Donald Trump
in May 2016, right in the thick of the campaign season, Democrats betrayed women in favor of transsexuals. A joint Justice and Education department directive threatened to pull federal aid from school districts that would not allow transsexual access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender. Twenty-three states immediately filed a lawsuit challenging that directive.....Though many were afraid of being called “transphobic” if they objected to intact males colonizing all remaining female space—in this era of deconstructing “rape culture,” ironically enough—there were signs that this was a bridge too far. Way too far. Even for self-identified liberals.
Sorry, SIl....but your personal obsessions aren't what folks are genuinely concerned about.

Au contraire:
Selling Out Women To Transgender Bullies Helped Elect Donald Trump
in May 2016, right in the thick of the campaign season, Democrats betrayed women in favor of transsexuals. A joint Justice and Education department directive threatened to pull federal aid from school districts that would not allow transsexual access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender. Twenty-three states immediately filed a lawsuit challenging that directive.....Though many were afraid of being called “transphobic” if they objected to intact males colonizing all remaining female space—in this era of deconstructing “rape culture,” ironically enough—there were signs that this was a bridge too far. Way too far. Even for self-identified liberals.

You're citing a wildly right wing publication as the voice of democratic women?

Sorry Sil, but The Federalist doesn't speak for democratic women. And as this thread elegantly demonstrates, your personal obsession with gay people doesn't translate into priorities for the national electorate.
23 states sued immediately. I suppose you want the readers here to buy that in general, middle dem women were perfectly fine with deranged males sharing their and their daughters' restrooms, showers and locker rooms, right?
23 states sued immediately. I suppose you want the readers here to buy that in general, middle dem women were perfectly fine with deranged males sharing their and their daughters' restrooms, showers and locker rooms, right?

Sil.....look at this thread. People talked about mental health, immigration, the economy, national security.

These are the priorities of the electorate. You are obsessed with gay people. Any topic you discuss eventually comes back to them. And in your obsession, you assume that everyone else must share your singular focus.

Um, no. We don't. You're ignoring your own thread and the priorities the rest of us have given.....and imagining we must be obsessed with what you are.

We're not.
Sorry, SIl....but your personal obsessions aren't what folks are genuinely concerned about.

Au contraire:
Selling Out Women To Transgender Bullies Helped Elect Donald Trump
in May 2016, right in the thick of the campaign season, Democrats betrayed women in favor of transsexuals. A joint Justice and Education department directive threatened to pull federal aid from school districts that would not allow transsexual access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender. Twenty-three states immediately filed a lawsuit challenging that directive.....Though many were afraid of being called “transphobic” if they objected to intact males colonizing all remaining female space—in this era of deconstructing “rape culture,” ironically enough—there were signs that this was a bridge too far. Way too far. Even for self-identified liberals.

That's hysterical considering you spent months here going to on and on about how gay issues were going to hurt Trump. In fact, you voted for Hillary b/c Trump was too gay friendly, but now you're claiming they helped Trump. lol
Sorry, SIl....but your personal obsessions aren't what folks are genuinely concerned about.

Au contraire:
Selling Out Women To Transgender Bullies Helped Elect Donald Trump
in May 2016, right in the thick of the campaign season, Democrats betrayed women in favor of transsexuals. A joint Justice and Education department directive threatened to pull federal aid from school districts that would not allow transsexual access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender. Twenty-three states immediately filed a lawsuit challenging that directive.....Though many were afraid of being called “transphobic” if they objected to intact males colonizing all remaining female space—in this era of deconstructing “rape culture,” ironically enough—there were signs that this was a bridge too far. Way too far. Even for self-identified liberals.

That's hysterical considering you spent months here going to on and on about how gay issues were going to hurt Trump. In fact, you voted for Hillary b/c Trump was too gay friendly, but now you're claiming they helped Trump. lol

You're asking for consistency in an all consuming obsession?

Good luck with that.
I didn't see any mention of the Issue of all Issues: Immigration. ALL DEMOCRATS favor legalization of all illegals, and open borders. Even without their idiocy on gender (How many genders, exactly, are there, sir?), the economy, marriage, and so on, most candidates can be cut off at the knees simply by forcing them to expose their position on 30 MILLION (at least) ILLEGALS LIVING IN OUR MIDST.

Immigration is a loser for the GOP. The last Fox News poll showed that 80% of voters support DACA and amnesty. They do not favor a wall.

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