Which Dog Whistle Should the GOP Blow in 2018?

Which Dog Whistle Should the GOP Blow in 2018?

What got more bulk-traction in 2016 to split up moderate dems crossing over to GOP?

These types of topics:

Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

....Where the reaction ^^ of most busy/under-informed moderate/middle voters is "hey, that looks pretty shitty...I'll have to look into it more when time allows to see the fine details" :eusa_think:

Or these types of topics:

It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

WTF!!!??? :eek-52:

How about it? Did we learn anything from Obama's 2016 defense of deranged men in a deviant sex cult being legally allowed to share women's bathrooms, showers and locker rooms? Or did the GOP sweep 2016 because of less explosive platform items?


The dog whistle that causes this:

The GOP doesn't need a dog whistle: America has already seen the Democrat's 2-year-long national epidemic of rioting, baby-tantrum violence, their bloodthirsty hatred of all things white and American, their diet of muslim semen, their beautification of black career criminals and their crybaby victim shit, utterly dehumanizing the white working class, their extreme fetish with enabling the mental illness of gender dysphoria and their self-hating need to make America into the 3rd world's doormat. Liberal mollusks have not ONE redeeming human quality that benefits the average American in any way, they're an exercise in malicious, deliberate harm to Americans. Over the past 8 years the Democratic Party (of which I used to be a member) has turned into the most treasonous abomination of any country in human history.
Funny anyone mentions 'GOP' and 'Dog Whistle' when the snowflakes are still in the midst of a year long witch hunt that has produced no evidence...against Republicans, after the liberal left media has been busted co many times lying all together CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, the NYT, etc could not fill a tablespoon with 'credibility' - having repeatedly retracted story after story and firing reporter after reporter...

No evidence. Lmao
You guys are missing the point of the OP. If the GOP wants 2018, which dog whistle will strike the deepest heartstrings of middle dem women particularly?
You guys are missing the point of the OP. If the GOP wants 2018, which dog whistle will strike the deepest heartstrings of middle dem women particularly?

Nah, I think you're missing the point. People are talking about the issues that matter to them. Not the issues you're bizarrely fixated on.
Infrastructure..i.e., prisons and mental hospitals.

Women want predators off the streets.
Infrastructure..i.e., prisons and mental hospitals.

Women want predators off the streets.

That Mental Hospital thing really needs to be on people's lips.

That seems to be pretty bipartisan. We clearly have a mental health crisis. Even on the right they've argued that we don't have a gun problem. But a mental health problem.

Well, quality mental health care would go a long way to alleviate the problem pretty much everyone agrees we have.
Infrastructure..i.e., prisons and mental hospitals.

Women want predators off the streets.

That Mental Hospital thing really needs to be on people's lips.

That seems to be pretty bipartisan. We clearly have a mental health crisis. Even on the right they've argued that we don't have a gun problem. But a mental health problem.

Well, quality mental health care would go a long way to alleviate the problem pretty much everyone agrees we have.

I'm thinking it'll be "you're safer from terror attacks now" and the economy is really picking up steam so jobs are just around the corner.
Political correctness is for pussies...

Like Cons don’t have their own version of PC.
Actually, it's self-proclaimed conservatives who are PC. They cry, bitch and moan about every. little. thing.

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I'm thinking it'll be "you're safer from terror attacks now" and the economy is really picking up steam so jobs are just around the corner.
Political correctness is for pussies...

Like Cons don’t have their own version of PC.
Actually, it's self-proclaimed conservatives who are PC. They cry, bitch and moan about every. little. thing.

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Oh, indeed. They've become the most pristinely delicate snowflakes. Have you ever heard a group complain more about the 'media', the 'establishment', the 'deep state', the 'swamp', the 'liberals', the 'elites', and on, and on and on. Apparently being a conservative in the modern era involves blaming everyone else for your problems.

And they're led by King Whiner.

"I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win."

They've taken this to heart. And made sniveling an official plank of the GOP.
I didn't see any mention of the Issue of all Issues: Immigration. ALL DEMOCRATS favor legalization of all illegals, and open borders. Even without their idiocy on gender (How many genders, exactly, are there, sir?), the economy, marriage, and so on, most candidates can be cut off at the knees simply by forcing them to expose their position on 30 MILLION (at least) ILLEGALS LIVING IN OUR MIDST.
I didn't see any mention of the Issue of all Issues: Immigration. ALL DEMOCRATS favor legalization of all illegals, and open borders. Even without their idiocy on gender (How many genders, exactly, are there, sir?), the economy, marriage, and so on, most candidates can be cut off at the knees simply by forcing them to expose their position on 30 MILLION (at least) ILLEGALS LIVING IN OUR MIDST.

Everything you just said is a lie .
I'm thinking it'll be "you're safer from terror attacks now" and the economy is really picking up steam so jobs are just around the corner.
Political correctness is for pussies...

Like Cons don’t have their own version of PC.
Actually, it's self-proclaimed conservatives who are PC. They cry, bitch and moan about every. little. thing.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Oh, indeed. They've become the most pristinely delicate snowflakes. Have you ever heard a group complain more about the 'media', the 'establishment', the 'deep state', the 'swamp', the 'liberals', the 'elites', and on, and on and on. Apparently being a conservative in the modern era involves blaming everyone else for your problems.

And they're led by King Whiner.

"I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win."

They've taken this to heart. And made sniveling an official plank of the GOP.

Snowflake conservatives : “Is that a football player taking a knee!? Oh the horror ! Fire them all!! Close the NFL ! I’ve got the vapors ! I may faint “

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