Which election today are you most interested in?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
For me I am interested to see if the GOP can make Louisiana a GOP trifecta state,If Bevin can stay Governor in Kentucky and to see what happens in Virginia since most pollsters etc are expecting the demoncrats to steal the legislature from the GOP and Virginia enters its final death spiral...so glad I decided against moving there 3 years ago.
If exit polling is any indicator of outcome, Bevin remains as does his staff and republican legislators.

Not sure about Louisiana but polling there is to close to call..
Don'y know, but the democrats will blame gerrymandering if they lose in Virginia and neither state race on my ballot had a democratic candidate :206:
Goddamn losertarian in Kentucky is costing the GOP the governors race...this same shit happened several years ago in Virginia as well.

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