Which Fl shooter Cruz's actions warranted his gun ban?

The NRA does that but they also push laws that hurt people & kill children. Its about political power & money. They dupe low life, feeble minded people like you.

We need to ban assault type rifles. There is no need for people to have them. The NRA will fight this tooth & nail. These AR-15 will be used to kill the police they are training.

The huge magazines & silencers & bump sticks they push will kill law enforcement, & children.
These AR-15 will be used to kill the police they are training.

Millions of AR-15s in private hands...

only a couple of dozen have been used to kill people..

over a couple of decades.

and you want to get rid of the millions because of a few?
WHAT is the need for them ?? They are killing machines Can't that be just a start ,,??What do you suggest to stop these mass killings I say deeper backround checks But the NRA won't like that ? and banning weapons of mass executions
They are killing machines

as are all guns, if that is how the person uses them.

I've owned guns for 50 years, give them a fair workout at the range, in good weather.

over 300 million guns in private hands.

about 1% are used to kill humans.

as are knives, cars, bow and arrows, etc.
almost anything can be used to kill.

WHAT is the need for them ??

I use mine for a paperweight.

(at least, that's what I'll tell anyone that comes to the door and asks)
The answer is Will There is no great need There are other weapons you can take out and excercise

you drive a 4 cyl? 6? 8?

What type firearm I buy, is MY choice.
A psychopath
A Democratic Congressman has blasted President Trump’s response to the recent mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida school, labeling him a “psychopath.”

Arizona Representative Ruben Gallego tweeted to the president Saturday night, “You are such a psychopath that you have to make even the death of 17 children about you. America will regret the day you were ever born.”

His message was a direct response to Trump’s tweet on Saturday.

“Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!” Trump tweete
The NRA does that but they also push laws that hurt people & kill children. Its about political power & money. They dupe low life, feeble minded people like you.

We need to ban assault type rifles. There is no need for people to have them. The NRA will fight this tooth & nail. These AR-15 will be used to kill the police they are training.

The huge magazines & silencers & bump sticks they push will kill law enforcement, & children.
These AR-15 will be used to kill the police they are training.

Millions of AR-15s in private hands...

only a couple of dozen have been used to kill people..

over a couple of decades.

and you want to get rid of the millions because of a few?
WHAT is the need for them ?? They are killing machines Can't that be just a start ,,??What do you suggest to stop these mass killings I say deeper backround checks But the NRA won't like that ? and banning weapons of mass executions
They are killing machines

as are all guns, if that is how the person uses them.

I've owned guns for 50 years, give them a fair workout at the range, in good weather.

over 300 million guns in private hands.

about 1% are used to kill humans.

as are knives, cars, bow and arrows, etc.
almost anything can be used to kill.

WHAT is the need for them ??

I use mine for a paperweight.

(at least, that's what I'll tell anyone that comes to the door and asks)
The answer is Will There is no great need There are other weapons you can take out and excercise

you drive a 4 cyl? 6? 8?

What type firearm I buy, is MY choice.
You need a license to drive a proof of age to drink ? But come and get your AR's one and all ..no backround checks
No matter what Trump said, democrats would be hysterical. They were shrieking seconds after the last bullet was fired saying the Trump said nothing. We're all used to the nonsense by now and no one takes it seriously any more.

Too bad the demonrats have to use children.
I have no confidence in republicans
  • Republicans Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Rep. Carlos Curbelo, and Sen. James Lankford all voiced their support for gun legislation on the Sunday morning talk show circuit.
  • The change in tune came after the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday left 17 dead.
  • Even conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh came out in favor of some gun regulation.

In the wake of the horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this week, several Republican lawmakers broke with their party's historic position and called for "common sense" gun legislation.

As the students who survived the tragedy are calling on lawmakers to act, many are wondering if this time will be different, and whether Congress will get something done.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich came out swinging on CNN's "State of the Union."

"Common sense gun laws make sense," Kasich told host Dana Bash, who challenged him on Republicans' inaction. "I'm not calling for some outright ban. I'm talking about small steps that can be taken that can be effective. And the Congress ought to do it."

Kasich appealed directly to President Donald Trump to use the bully pulpit to make change, and blamed legislators on Capitol Hill for inaction.

"I think the Congress is totally dysfunctional. I've never seen anything like it ... they just can't seem to get anything done," Kasich said. "And do I think they can do anything on guns? I hope they prove me wrong and they can, because I have no confidence in them."
I have no confidence in republicans
  • Republicans Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Rep. Carlos Curbelo, and Sen. James Lankford all voiced their support for gun legislation on the Sunday morning talk show circuit.
  • The change in tune came after the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday left 17 dead.
  • Even conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh came out in favor of some gun regulation.

In the wake of the horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this week, several Republican lawmakers broke with their party's historic position and called for "common sense" gun legislation.

As the students who survived the tragedy are calling on lawmakers to act, many are wondering if this time will be different, and whether Congress will get something done.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich came out swinging on CNN's "State of the Union."

"Common sense gun laws make sense," Kasich told host Dana Bash, who challenged him on Republicans' inaction. "I'm not calling for some outright ban. I'm talking about small steps that can be taken that can be effective. And the Congress ought to do it."

Kasich appealed directly to President Donald Trump to use the bully pulpit to make change, and blamed legislators on Capitol Hill for inaction.

"I think the Congress is totally dysfunctional. I've never seen anything like it ... they just can't seem to get anything done," Kasich said. "And do I think they can do anything on guns? I hope they prove me wrong and they can, because I have no confidence in them."
Any talk of sensible gun regulations means All out firearm confiscation, in dog whistle.
Millions of AR-15s in private hands...

only a couple of dozen have been used to kill people..

over a couple of decades.

and you want to get rid of the millions because of a few?
WHAT is the need for them ?? They are killing machines Can't that be just a start ,,??What do you suggest to stop these mass killings I say deeper backround checks But the NRA won't like that ? and banning weapons of mass executions
They are killing machines

as are all guns, if that is how the person uses them.

I've owned guns for 50 years, give them a fair workout at the range, in good weather.

over 300 million guns in private hands.

about 1% are used to kill humans.

as are knives, cars, bow and arrows, etc.
almost anything can be used to kill.

WHAT is the need for them ??

I use mine for a paperweight.

(at least, that's what I'll tell anyone that comes to the door and asks)
The answer is Will There is no great need There are other weapons you can take out and excercise

you drive a 4 cyl? 6? 8?

What type firearm I buy, is MY choice.
You need a license to drive a proof of age to drink ? But come and get your AR's one and all ..no backround checks
But come and get your AR's one and all ..no backround checks

according to who?

Cruz passed a background check.

(probably woudnt' have, if LE had pulled him in for an exam)
The NRA does that but they also push laws that hurt people & kill children. Its about political power & money. They dupe low life, feeble minded people like you.

We need to ban assault type rifles. There is no need for people to have them. The NRA will fight this tooth & nail. These AR-15 will be used to kill the police they are training.

The huge magazines & silencers & bump sticks they push will kill law enforcement, & children.
These AR-15 will be used to kill the police they are training.

Millions of AR-15s in private hands...

only a couple of dozen have been used to kill people..

over a couple of decades.

and you want to get rid of the millions because of a few?
WHAT is the need for them ?? They are killing machines Can't that be just a start ,,??What do you suggest to stop these mass killings I say deeper backround checks But the NRA won't like that ? and banning weapons of mass executions
They are killing machines

as are all guns, if that is how the person uses them.

I've owned guns for 50 years, give them a fair workout at the range, in good weather.

over 300 million guns in private hands.

about 1% are used to kill humans.

as are knives, cars, bow and arrows, etc.
almost anything can be used to kill.

WHAT is the need for them ??

I use mine for a paperweight.

(at least, that's what I'll tell anyone that comes to the door and asks)
The answer is Will There is no great need There are other weapons you can take out and excercise

you drive a 4 cyl? 6? 8?

What type firearm I buy, is MY choice.
I know you have shortcomings that need compensated, right little dick
Are libs in a freaking coma? The Police were called to the Cruz residence 39 times. He was expelled from school for yet undisclosed reasons and his emails indicated that he intended to become a professional "school shooter" and the videos showed guns. Liberals apparently don't think those reasons warrant arrest while they continue to protect the privacy of the criminally insane. The Columbine shooters were allegedly dosed with school prescription personality altering drugs that sometimes create suicidal (homicidal?) thoughts in adolescent boys. The crazy left buried the story of the freaking baseball shooter last spring faster than they buried the shooter, James Hodgkinson. Hodgkinson was a active democrat activist and a Sanders supporter. He lived out of his car in Washington D.C. for a month before the shootings and may have been in contact with other democrat party activists to get the schedule of the republican baseball practice and the list of other conservative republican congresspeople found on his dead body. We will never know because the MSM doesn't want us to know. There is a strange news blackout over the Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock for some reason. My guess is that his motive was the same as James Hodgkinson and the Hollywood elite, most of the radical left and many of the media which comes out to crazy off the charts hatred and disappointment and a fantasy of assault, arson and murder to overthrow the results of last year's presidential election.
No matter what Trump said, democrats would be hysterical. They were shrieking seconds after the last bullet was fired saying the Trump said nothing. We're all used to the nonsense by now and no one takes it seriously any more.

Too bad the demonrats have to use children.
Yes tippy The kids a million kids march
You should remember a couple of things though. First, this Cruz kid was an American Law Abider right up to the minute he started pulling the trigger on the combat weapon he legally bought. Secondly, in less years than has passed between their trauma and Sandy Hook, these traumatized teens will be voters. And while Congress may forget their trauma, I'm pretty certain they will not.

I hear Scott is now grabbing at the Trump excuse #1 and blaming the FBI, who got 1 tip from an anonymous caller, while his own Sheriff's Dept got over 20. That's where State's Rights advocates who hate government interference go when they step in it. Blame the feds!
It is simple those who support gun confiscation will be voted out of office.
lol yeah those millions of kids affected ,,won't remember those who kiss nra's ass ? it's almost over for all repub punks who take money from them VOTE REPUBLICANS OUT MAGA
See, not a single NRA over had a reasonable suggestion as to what action Cruz did that would warrant a gun buying ban.
He had lots aof signs. Targret shooting? Throwing stones at squirrels, getting expelled from school for fighting, being an overall asshole. the police visiting his home supposedly 39 times? But the parents who took him in said he followed the rules. So really.

If you assholes are going to keep handing assault rifles to crazy fucks & blame it on background checks, then state which of Cruz's behaviors would ban his gun ownership (who would report it & to whom) or force a metal stability examination(s).

Ban assault type rifles.

Do better background checks. Eliminate direct private gun sales.
In Florida it's legal to sell a gun without doing a background check. And that's what the gun nuts want.

So you could have taken all this guy's guns away from him, and given whatever time it took him,

he could be rearmed and ready to roll.

Not when he's in Chattahoochee, baby. No.

He definitely is/was Chattahoochee material, too.
You are FOS Your AH in the WH blames the FBI that these kids were killed because they're investigating him Like blaming police for the fire accross the street These kids are pissed and your yellow bellied coward will listen to them in Washington ?? The craven coward afraid to see them in Florida ? Liars cowards republicans ,,but I repeat myself
Thanks Goebbels. Not only does FBI bear some responsibility so does the Sheriff who was called out 30 plus times and never acted. The NRA has nothing to do with this eddie.
So let the mass murders continue without even trying gun control?
how do you prevent criminals from acquiring firearms?

How do you prevent mentally ill from acquiring firearms?
You can't completely But just a try might save some lives
Letting teachers be armed would do more than might.

I agree, but this guy would have been institutionalized way before a teacher had to put him down, back in the day.

True Story.

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