Which Form Of Treason Do You Prefer.

Except he told them to be peaceful which means that the word fight had the same typical political meaning that it always had. Contrast with Democrats fomenting the violence that lead to the BLM riots. Every Democrats that used violent language should be expelled from Congress.

Maybe. But he also told them that they were going to have to fight like hell. Or words to that effect. He didn't say they were going to have to be as peaceful as hell.
I prefer the treason that Jefferson engaged in -- the treason that involved overthrowing an oppressive government.

For some reason, it feels very familiar.

Thomas Jefferson supported overthrowing a monarchy. The morality that a monarchy practices and that which republicans practice are nearly indistinguishable.
Then we have Trump. Who clearly tried to perform a coup on the U.S. government by supporting the assault on the Capitol Building to overturn the election.
That must be why he wanted more security for the day (but was overruled) then told them to go peacefully and lawfully go down to support Pence, then 24 minutes after the frackus started, he got on twitter for the first of three times telling the crowd to back down and go home.

He even wanted to lead that assault himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him.
Had they taken him down, no doubt the crowd would have stayed under control. Must be why they didn't want him there.
Maybe. But he also told them that they were going to have to fight like hell. Or words to that effect. He didn't say they were going to have to be as peaceful as hell.
"Fight like hell" is commonly used in politics in a non-violent sense. See the video for examples.
After more than 3 years and tens of millions of illegal criminal aliens, Biden blames congress for the mess. Typical.
How pathetic is it when the decision comes down to that! Speaking of the States, in Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution it says: "and shall protect each of them against invasion:" Which is EXACTLY what is going on at our Southern Border. Not "migration" or any other BS label they care to spin it as. It is an INVASION! When Biden took office, didn't he swear an oath to uphold the Constitution?

Then we have Trump. Who clearly tried to perform a coup on the U.S. government by supporting the assault on the Capitol Building to overturn the election. He even wanted to lead that assault himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. So, not that is much of a choice to make, which form of treason do you support.
It's an invasion of people who want to work on the farms, mow your grass, and do the jobs that most Americans will not do anymore, it is not an invasion of a foreign mechanized military force. We haven't had meaningful reform on immigration since Raygun did it.

Trump and his Neo-GOP core are anti-liberal democracy and will steer the country away from our constitution and our republican form of government.
That must be why he wanted more security for the day (but was overruled) then told them to go peacefully and lawfully go down to support Pence, then 24 minutes after the frackus started, he got on twitter for the first of three times telling the crowd to back down and go home.

Had they taken him down, no doubt the crowd would have stayed under control. Must be why they didn't want him there.

No wonder you support Trump. You are as fond of spouting BS as he is.
After more than 3 years and tens of millions of illegal criminal aliens, Biden blames congress for the mess. Typical.

I saw Biden giving a speech to a bunch of latinos where he suggested that they swarm the border. The audience of lowlifes just loved hearing that shit. Another time I saw part of a speech given by W. Bush where he said that we should actually be thanking illegals for coming here. Both democrats and republicans, including Trump, are equally at fault.
Thomas Jefferson supported overthrowing a monarchy. The morality that a monarchy practices and that which republicans practice are nearly indistinguishable.
How so? At most, you could say that many Republicans unfortunately prefer a strong executive, but that's an issue that Democrats have as well. Both parties have been guilty of investing too much power in the executive and too little in the legislature.
It's an invasion of people who want to work on the farms, mow your grass, and do the jobs that most Americans will not do anymore, it is not an invasion of a foreign mechanized military force. We haven't had meaningful reform on immigration since Raygun did it.

Trump and his Neo-GOP core are anti-liberal democracy and will steer the country away from our constitution and our republican form of government.

You're hallucinating. It's an INVASION!!! Illegals come here to do one thing only. Take what you have! And like any run of the mill piece of shit union busting scab, they are more than willing to undercut wages an American would expect to do so. It also may not be a military invasion. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. They are pulling off their invasion without the need of military force. They have already turned the U.S. into a bilingual country. As for tour talk of "immigration" reform, I wonder how far you could cram that BS up your butt. Their idea of "reform" is amnesty.
You may as well say open borders. And with that you could say goodbye to the U.S. as a sovereign nation.
How so? At most, you could say that many Republicans unfortunately prefer a strong executive, but that's an issue that Democrats have as well. Both parties have been guilty of investing too much power in the executive and too little in the legislature.

Who do the republicans support. The wealthy. Who did any monarchy support. The wealthy. There is your connection.
Who do the republicans support. The wealthy. Who did any monarchy support. The wealthy. There is your connection.
If you look at who each party gets their money from, it's easy to see both parties support the wealthy.

Now, if you're saying that supporting tax cuts supports the wealthy, sure, I agree. That's not a bad thing though.
If you look at who each party gets their money from, it's easy to see both parties support the wealthy.

Now, if you're saying that supporting tax cuts supports the wealthy, sure, I agree. That's not a bad thing though.

Sure, the wealthy support both parties. But at least democrats make some tiny gestures to support the people. Look at all the regulations for anything that have ever been put into place. Probably very few, if any, have been put into place by republicans. They are famous for removing regulations. If it makes money, it is wonderful to republicans. All the people it may kill doesn't mean a thing to them.
Next, supporting tax cuts to the wealthy is a bad thing. Because what taxes they don't pay, poor people have to pay. Also, every year they put out a list of corporations that didn't pay any taxes at all. I say to hell with such corporate welfare. If they can't make it as a privately owned company, have it taken over by the government.
Sure, the wealthy support both parties. But at least democrats make some tiny gestures to support the people. Look at all the regulations for anything that have ever been put into place. Probably very few, if any, have been put into place by republicans. They are famous for removing regulations. If it makes money, it is wonderful to republicans. All the people it may kill doesn't mean a thing to them.
Next, supporting tax cuts to the wealthy is a bad thing. Because what taxes they don't pay, poor people have to pay. Also, every year they put out a list of corporations that didn't pay any taxes at all. I say to hell with such corporate welfare. If they can't make it as a privately owned company, have it taken over by the government.
More often than not, regulations are a vehicle for government to play favorites. Lobbyists push for regulations that favor companies they're paid by to keep out competition that finds it harder to comply. So yeah, I typically support deregulation. There are instances where it makes sense, but the current regulatory environment for most avenues of life is very much excessive. Regulations are rarely a matter of safety.

Your view of taxation is very off. You actually have it backwards. Any tax you impose on the rich or a company is paid by the consumer, ultimately. If you increase property taxes, renters pay more. If you increase income tax on a business, prices go up.

When it comes to businesses that evade most or all taxation, that's actually evidence for why the tax code should be simplified. It's much harder to create or exploit tax loopholes when taxation is simple and easily collected. It's why the simplest way to tax is consumption. Sales taxes are hard to avoid and loopholes don't typically exist. You only pay in proportion to what you buy.

Property taxes are also hard to evade, but you have to be careful how far you take that. You don't want rents to get too high.
How pathetic is it when the decision comes down to that! Speaking of the States, in Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution it says: "and shall protect each of them against invasion:" Which is EXACTLY what is going on at our Southern Border. Not "migration" or any other BS label they care to spin it as. It is an INVASION! When Biden took office, didn't he swear an oath to uphold the Constitution?

Then we have Trump. Who clearly tried to perform a coup on the U.S. government by supporting the assault on the Capitol Building to overturn the election. He even wanted to lead that assault himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. So, not that is much of a choice to make, which form of treason do you support.

There is no invasion. MAGA is committing treason against this country. They are the invaders.
It's an invasion of people who want to work on the farms, mow your grass, and do the jobs that most Americans will not do anymore
Stop paying welfare bums to lay around doing nothing and they will have to work
You're hallucinating. It's an INVASION!!! Illegals come here to do one thing only. Take what you have!

You and the whole Neo-GOP are dilutional. I don't have labor intensive job like landscaping or roofing, or picking fruits and veggies.
More often than not, regulations are a vehicle for government to play favorites. Lobbyists push for regulations that favor companies they're paid by to keep out competition that finds it harder to comply. So yeah, I typically support deregulation. There are instances where it makes sense, but the current regulatory environment for most avenues of life is very much excessive. Regulations are rarely a matter of safety.

Your view of taxation is very off. You actually have it backwards. Any tax you impose on the rich or a company is paid by the consumer, ultimately. If you increase property taxes, renters pay more. If you increase income tax on a business, prices go up.

When it comes to businesses that evade most or all taxation, that's actually evidence for why the tax code should be simplified. It's much harder to create or exploit tax loopholes when taxation is simple and easily collected. It's why the simplest way to tax is consumption. Sales taxes are hard to avoid and loopholes don't typically exist. You only pay in proportion to what you buy.

Property taxes are also hard to evade, but you have to be careful how far you take that. You don't want rents to get too high.

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Lawmakers push for regulations to protect the people. And instead of having fewer, we need MORE of them. And enforce them. Clearly, you are unable to think rationally. If I thought you could, I would suggest that you find and watch the documentary, "What Lies Upstream." There is much to learn in it. Such as that Trump took an already weak EPA and weakened it more. Also, where companies do tests to see if a chemical they came up with is toxic to humans, they don't have to report it. In fact, they can outright make up lies about it. Also, ever hear if the Clean Water Act? Well there is no such thing as a clean soil act. It is legal for any company to dump the most toxic chemicals they can devise down the toilet. As a result, much of the fertilizer you buy in bags at the store have some horrendously toxic chemicals in it.

Here is another point for you. The lumber industry used to be big business in the U.S. With much money to be made from it. Which is why there were apparently no regulations put into place to protect at least some of the old growth forests here in the U.S. Instead, almost everything was clear cut. I will show you a graph of what happened top the old growth forests here in the U.S. over time.


You should also heed what this next meme has to say.


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