Zone1 Which God?

There's no need to imply atheists and democrats are linked in any way. The same old insinuation of low intelligence is another crutch you use to justify your religious delusions.

Since your (sic) quoting books.

The God delusion (sic) by Richard Dawkins.

Why god is not great (sic) but (sic) Christopher Hitchens.

Let me know when you finish them and I (sic) recommended some more.

Read your sick post, demonstrating your pathetic ignorance, which you atheists delight in painting others with....

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1. What, exactly, is an “atheist hospital”? Would that be a hospital that uses medical science to cure disease as opposed to using prayer, reading tea leaves, rattling bones?

2. What, exactly, is a an “atheist university”? Religious extremists tend to launch themselves into these saliva-slinging tirades using terms that literally make no sense.

3. What, exactly, is an “atheist orphanage”?

4. What, exactly, is a “religious soup kitchen” as opposed to an “atheist soup kitchen”? As usual, religious extremists tend to flail about, pronouncing their loathing and revulsion for the non-religious while their rants make no sense.

5. It’s actually quite common for criminals to “find Christianity” while in prison… in the hope that Parole boards will be swayed by such nonsense.

Do lecture us heathen infidels on our godless ways. Just make sure you keep your hands off of little boys.

Oops. Eternal fire awaits you.
These people are selective about their in house hypocrisy.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
NFBW; Which of the “creator” gods is the one and only true god? END2210190245
“The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the only principles in which that beautiful assembly of young gentlemen could unite …the general principles of Christianity.” – John Adams
NFBW: Why did you post that quote from our second President and Unitarian, John Adam’s? Unitarians are not Christians you know?

Adams was firmly against the official establishment of any religion and was a champion of religious freedom. As Deists, Adams and his like-minded peers believed that any moral system had to be grounded in a belief in God, but the specific aspects of that belief, or how they manifested themselves in a particular religion, were of little if any interest to them​

John Adams on Religion and the Constitution​

John Adams

Found in The Works of John Adams, 10 vols.

This quote is from John Adams (1734-1826), a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, one of the framers of the Constitution, and the second president of the United States of America. This quote, and especially its famous last line, expresses a sentiment widely held among the statesmen of the Founding Generation that no matter how well a constitution is constructed, It will not insure freedom and prosperity unless it is supported by a moral, virtuous population.
While our country remains untainted with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world; while she continues sincere, and incapable of insidious and impious policy, we shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence. But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another, and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practising iniquity and extravagance, and displays [229] in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world; because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. (FROM TO THE OFFICERS OF THE FIRST BRIGADE OF THE THIRD DIVISION OF THE MILITIA OF MASSACHUSETTS, 11 October, 1798)
Adams, and many others, believed that in a society riddled with vices, the various mechanisms created by the Constitution would not be able to function properly, with the result that the democratic republican order would be eventually supplanted by despotism.

It is worth noting, however, that while Adams occasionally made positive references to Christianity, he was not a strong advocate of any particular religion (at least in his public statements) or even a specific moral code, except insofar as it condemned a (rather short) list of obnoxious vices. Indeed, Adams was firmly against the official establishment of any religion and was a champion of religious freedom. As Deists, Adams and his like-minded peers believed that any moral system had to be grounded in a belief in God, but the specific aspects of that belief, or how they manifested themselves in a particular religion, were of little if any interest to them
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Just one God, the God of the Bible.

Of course, history is littered with other gods, pagan gods, that have long since died off.

Exceptions to the rule here is Hinduism and the continued pagan cults of such things as mother earth, etc..

That is about it.
You do realize the god of the OT and the god of the NT and the god of the Koran are not all the same god don't you?
There has always been more than one God and even your Bible tell you that when the Children of Israel God tell them he is the only God they shall worship.

So when someone ask the question which God are you referring to you and you scream there is only one God, well you are incorrect and very childish in your argument about there being only one God.

Also let remember your Bible was butchered by a Roman Emperor, so truthfully the book you read from is not exactly correct but you will disagree and tell me there is only one living God and all others are false Idols.

Oh, the God you worship belongs to the Children from Israel tribe, and I am willing to bet you are not from that tribe.
You do realize the god of the OT and the god of the NT and the god of the Koran are not all the same god don't you?

You never post without subtracting from the sum total of human intelligence, very much like Hollie.
She is on my Ignore List and you go there now after this nonsense you prattle.
You never post without subtracting from the sum total of human intelligence, very much like Hollie.
She is on my Ignore List and you go there now after this nonsense you prattle.

You claim relentlessly I'm on your ignore list yet you obsess over my posts which you can't refute.

The cowardly lion retreats with his tail between his legs.
You never post without subtracting from the sum total of human intelligence, very much like Hollie.
She is on my Ignore List and you go there now after this nonsense you prattle.
The god the Jews worship is not the same god Christians worship and Muslims worship a different god than the other 2.

The god Jews worship never impregnated a human woman and never walked the earth in human form and they consider Jesus to be a false prophet
The god Muslims worship did not walk the earth in human form and consider Jesus to be nothing but a prophet but not as important a prophet as Mohammed

To anyone with any intelligence it is obvious that these 3 gods are not the same

And FYI if you think putting me on your ignore list means anything to me then you are sorely mistaken and far too high an opinion of yourself.
The god the Jews worship is not the same god Christians worship and Muslims worship a different god than the other 2.

The god Jews worship never impregnated a human woman and never walked the earth in human form and they consider Jesus to be a false prophet
The god Muslims worship did not walk the earth in human form and consider Jesus to be nothing but a prophet but not as important a prophet as Mohammed

To anyone with any intelligence it is obvious that these 3 gods are not the same

And FYI if you think putting me on your ignore list means anything to me then you are sorely mistaken and far too high an opinion of yourself.

the desert religions are based on the same false claim of heavenly tablets etched with 10 commandments by the self serving murderer and liar moses and his particular lineage.

You shall have no other God's before me.

their sole basis for monotheism as represented by a single entity that does allow for them and all others to have a differentiating yet singular source for their beliefs - than the reality of the metaphysical forces that together did create life on earth with a particular spiritual content.

their error is the selectivity for their own particular self interest - moses.
it is obvious that these 3 gods are not the same
We understand that is your belief. It is not the belief of Muslims, Jews, and Christians--never was, never will you understand that? The why is obvious, and you claim to understand the obvious, so we look forward to your understanding.
We understand that is your belief. It is not the belief of Muslims, Jews, and Christians--never was, never will you understand that? The why is obvious, and you claim to understand the obvious, so we look forward to your understanding.
It's not just my belief

I know other s who have realized the same thing.

Denying it when it is so obvious is what I don't understand.
It's not just my belief

I know other s who have realized the same thing.

Denying it when it is so obvious is what I don't understand.
I am not denying it is your belief. I am saying your belief is not the belief of the faithful. You are an outsider, commenting.

I have already explained to you that even humans act differently in different settings, different situations, different times, and with different people. If this is not obvious to you, shrug. You are telling me what you believe. Fine. It is not what most believe.

Muslims, Christians, Jews believe in One God. Human perspectives of the one God might vary, but we all believe in the Oneness. Understand?
I am not denying it is your belief. I am saying your belief is not the belief of the faithful. You are an outsider, commenting.

I have already explained to you that even humans act differently in different settings, different situations, different times, and with different people. If this is not obvious to you, shrug. You are telling me what you believe. Fine. It is not what most believe.

Muslims, Christians, Jews believe in One God. Human perspectives of the one God might vary, but we all believe in the Oneness. Understand?
Yes Muslims Jews and Christians believe in one god just not the same god.
More precisely, the question is, what is the nature of God?
  • Is He the God who says love your enemies or the God who commanded Joshua to slay every living thing in a capture city?
  • Is He the God of individuals or of nations?
  • Is He the God of love and mercy or the God that punishes the innocent for the crimes of the guilty?
  • Is He the God who asked for forgiveness for Jews because they knew not what they did or the God who said 'His blood be on us and on our children' in His scripture?
Justified: punishment, even death that is deserved, look it up. The idea that God is immoral because He has justified the killing of certain humans is standard fare in atheistic rhetoric. Next atheist argument when it evolves after having to accept that death is Justified under certain cases of crimes against humanity such as serial killiing, child molestation and murder...etc., is the arugment that God is immoral because He allows death..... moves to the qualifier...."God is immoral because He allows the innoncent be put to death........He (God) killed innocent children...yada, yada, yada.......

They point to certain passages of scripture such as (Numbers 31) where God commands Moses to "destroy" the Midianties.....and say, "Well........some of the deaths might be justified because of war crimes and wickedness, but REALLY.......putting 'innocent' children to death? Examples innocent children were killed in the Flood (Genesis 7)......death of the first born in Egypt (Ex. 12:29-30) and as mentioned before TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the Midianties even the children (Numbers 31), or the passages in (1 Sam. 15) the death of the Amelekites. How can these deaths be "justified"? The claim that God can't be moral because innocents are allowed to die...thus Atheism is superior in morality as compared to the God of Creation. Then one thinks about ABORTION of DEMAND that atheism JUSTIFIES.

Using the logic that justifies ABORTION of a human child......lets pretend and play the WHAT IF game. What if all the children in the Amelekite line suffered from Genetic abnormaliteis.......would that satisfy the atheist who claims that God is immoral?

Reality: God allowed these innocent children to be put to death because there is more to human life than physical life......there is the Human Spirit which was created with IMMORTALITY in mind, meaning it will live forever after the body has decayed and gone back to the earth. These children in question were not being punished (their parents were being punished for implanting their wicked ideologies into the innocent minds of the children). When an innocent child dies it goes directly to paradise to the bossom of Abraham.

Why order the total destruction of an entire line of peoples...better known as "genocide"? Because these nations of people were found guilty of paganism, murder, rape.......even offering up innocent children at an alter of fire to appease their false gods, after raiding and stealing these children from other nations. God commanded the entire SEED of this wickedness be removed from the earth much like His reason for the Flood in Gensis 7. What is best for these children......allow these children to grow up and reach tha age of reason where they can personally be held accountable for their wickedness that has been instructed to them from birth forward.......or allow them to gain entrance into paradise before the age of reason? Which is moral and which is not? Which is JUSTIFED in the eyes of the Lord?

Why were the innocents along with the wicked ......killed by command of God? The Bible answers, God, being omnipresent with omniscience saw, "........the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually........" Genesis 6:5 God eliminated the NEXT GENERATION of evil from the earth......those innocent children are in paradise today......where would they be if allowed to mature in that wicked generation of peoples?
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