Which Gop Candidate Will Get The 2016 Nomination And Why?


Active Member
Aug 29, 2014
I feel like its between Paul and Cruz. Everyone else has been portrayed as too extreme or has had too much dirty laundry aired publicly.

I'm "of the left" btw, I just find the structure/process/theatrics of elections to be generally interesting.
Rafael Cruz doesn't stand a chance.

The top contenders will be Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, and Rand Paul. Even Mike Huckabee would stand a better chance than Rafael.

If Paul Ryan runs, he will probably do well. Being a "mere" Congressman will be a handicap, though.
Don't know who will get the nomination, but I do know this. He or she will be a serial liar, a big government statist, likely a progressive, welfare/warfare advocate, and protector of the 1%.
Don't know who will get the nomination, but I do know this. He or she will be a serial liar, a big government statist, likely a progressive, welfare/warfare advocate, and protector of the 1%.

And possibly a non-citizen Canadian who was raised by communists! :eek:
Probably someone who lied about their heritage in order to advance themselves by claiming to be Native American and also have an open hostility to American Free Enterprise.

Oh, you said Republican

Never mind
Probably someone who lied about their heritage in order to advance themselves by claiming to be Native American and also have an open hostility to American Free Enterprise.

Oh, you said Republican

Never mind

Warren wont be running. Why waste 30 seconds of your life making a joke that isn't funny?
Also, do people think that the exorcism Bobby Jundal performed in college will hinder his chances? Are Americans ready for another Catholic president?

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