Which historical figure would you compare to Newt?


From "Blade"
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Except Marcus Junius Brutus wasn't a "trusted advisor".

He was part of the faction that fought for Caesar's enemy, Pompey. Caesar pardoned him and many of the other leaders who survived from the Pompiean faction because Pompey was still a beloved figure. (It was also believed that Brutus might have been Caesar's illegitimate son, because he was schtupping Brutus' mother.)

Members of this faction saw Caesar was attempting to establish a dictatorship for life and assassinated him. And at least initially, that was a popular move. Ultimately, the assassins were defeated by Mark Antony and Octavian Caesar, who then proceeded to fight amongst themselves.

Ultimately leaving the Roman Republic dead and replaced with a permanent dictatorship of the Caesars. Which mostly worked out except when they got the occassional whackjob like Caligula in there.

mad google skilz, d00d. :thup:

Plus, Caligula was a Mormon ...

who worked at ampaedius without benefits
mad google skilz, d00d. :thup:

Nope. History Major... But man, thanks for the stalking, doooooode.

i think you meant history channel, but no matter.

your boy's smoking that florida primary

whatever, guy, I know you are reduced to stalking...

Like I said elsewhere, the Establishment was more interested in defeating the TEA Party than winning in November. They're gonna lose with Mitt and the rest of us are going to like it, Dammit.

This is Dole in 1996 all over again. Except Dole at least had the dignity of being a war hero who didn't belong to a whacky cult.
Glad you are realizing that will be Obama's undoing.

Although the Damon Medical Testing is going to be more damning. That was damn near criminal, and Romney made half a million off of that deal.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiPpG5Nk6X8]"NEWT GINGRICH"[/ame]

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