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Which is better for the economy: Infrastruction or gifts to the wealthy?

I wonder how many of these small town coal mining, OPID using moron's are gonna love the billions Trump is giving to them in tax breaks, because we all know they're all secretly millionaires and just don't know it.

The middle class are getting a tax cut too moron.

So you are happy yopu might get a few hundred dollars while we borrow a trillion to hive the Trump's tens of millions of dollars.

Do you think a man that imports the shit he sells & imports labor for his resorts is going to expand & create jobs? If o,. tyou are truly dumber than shit.
Trumps trillion, compared to Obama's 10 trillion. Just shut the hell up.
Do you buttheads understand that every break the middle class get, the wealthy do too?

When you give those making 30K to 90K a 3% discount, Trump gets that same discount for the money he makes between 30K & 75K.

I think that's fair. I would be in favor of the higher brackets getting a bigger cut.

The problem I have with that is that there are people who are making it now that will be unable to make with the loss of the deductions repealed in this tax plan. Like teachers, who now must decide between making sure their classes have the supplies they need and paying their own bills.

Tax cuts do not decrease tax revenue.

ha ha ha ha ha has ha ha ha ha ha



I wonder how many of these small town coal mining, OPID using moron's are gonna love the billions Trump is giving to them in tax breaks, because we all know they're all secretly millionaires and just don't know it.

The middle class are getting a tax cut too moron.

So you are happy yopu might get a few hundred dollars while we borrow a trillion to hive the Trump's tens of millions of dollars.

Do you think a man that imports the shit he sells & imports labor for his resorts is going to expand & create jobs? If o,. tyou are truly dumber than shit.

The CBO used the growth rate of the Obama administration to make their projections, repeat after me, tax cuts do not decrease tax revenue and they never have.
Real Dave.
I think even they know that. With the left it's more about confiscating as much individual wealth as possible, over actually making the best use of the citizen's wealth.

Personally, I'd prefer the federal government actually getting by with less -- a LOT less.
Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations.

When did they do that?
Tax cut bill. Increases deficit by a trillion. That is spending money.

You said they are giving money to the wealthy and profitable corporations. I didn't see that anywhere in there.
Please tell me where I can read the fucking bill. I have been hearing about it for what seems like for ever, but I can not find a copy of the fucking bill. I here what people say it will do but I am not sure I belive any of them. Sure would be nice to read a copy of it.
Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

How much did Obama give to the poor & unprofitable corporations?
His weak recovery showed he had a piss poor way to boost the economy.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget.

Yeah, the Internet Bubble was cool.
Can you see when it started deflating?

View attachment 164079

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed? Tax cut after tax cut at a time of war. All unfunded. You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it. That is what Obama did with the stimulus bill. A bill that was 38% tax breaks & tax cuts. Directed at working Americans.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

But hey, you think we should only give money to corporations that don't need it and pile it on to those thast donlt? Really? And you claim to know economics?

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed?

The Internet Bubble popped.
It was in all the papers.

You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

The recession started in March 2001. What did they do to cause that?

View attachment 164082


Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it.

Or in the hands of people that will use it to start/expand business.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

There were a bunch of unprofitable "green energy" companies that got money/loan guarantees.

So these corporations already holding lies of money will now expand? Expansion is tax deductible. Those companies not being able to afford it aren't paying the top corporate rate. Giving money to companies already holding pile of money will do sghit accept run us further in debt.

There was money set aside in the ACA to provide loan guarantees to green companies with promising ideas but short on funding. They were risky. But the idea was to give them a chance because of the potential rewards of reducing emissions which is good for the country. But hey, you righties hate your children & don't believe in global warming.

So these corporations already holding lies of money will now expand?

Well, they are holding a lot of money overseas at the moment.
Why are they doing that?
Are they more likely to expand when they can keep 80% of the new earnings, or when they can keep 65%?

Expansion is tax deductible.

Does potential expansion stop when regulatory attacks are ongoing and expected to increase in the future?

Those companies not being able to afford it aren't paying the top corporate rate.

Does immediate, full expensing make business investment more affordable?

They were risky. But the idea was to give them a chance because of the potential rewards of reducing emissions which is good for the country.

We could reduce emissions much more efficiently and actually add useful amounts of reliable energy by expanding our nuclear reactors. Why are greens more afraid of nuclear than of CO2?
Is it because they hate their children?

Corps are hording money in the US as well as overseas.

They keep the money overseas because of a tax break given to them earlier. End that break & it will come back.

But hey, your orange buddy will give them a huge tax cut to bring it back and give them incentives to invest overseas.

Will corps moe likely to expand when they get a 35% break or a20% break. At the end of every year, bean counters look & see how much they should spend to avoid a 35% tax. Now they will be less likely to do so if they just get a 20% break.

Nuclear energy is the most subsidized for of power generation. You have no clue what do do with the waste. Wait until these plants need to be torn down. See the costs then. Leyts ask Japan about the wonders of nucklear power. Heck, that radiation drigfeted across the US.

The sun rains down enough energy during the noon time hour to power the entire planet for a year. But hey, lets not fucking use it, right? Lets create a poison that can not be destroyed & place it all across the US where an earthquake or terrorist could release it killing thousands,.

The sun rains down enough energy during the noon time hour to power the entire planet for a year

So Einstein how do you store it?
I was just thinking about this yesterday. I know a family that personifies this debate. At the head is an old man in his 80s, who like many in his generation "rode the wave" of the fatness of the 1950s. He knew a time when a man could work a simple job and make enough money to keep a mortgage, a wife and kids, with extra to set aside for savings. Imagine that? He invested with that easy surplus in real estate and now owns several properties, living quite well.

But this man is from Los Angeles, isn't religious and he's an ultra conservative. Between the two: no morality + conservative ideals = the rest of the story told here.

As he lounges around, secure in his retirement, in a brand new $60,000 Dodge he lords over one of his properties which is a tavern establishment. There he has his two children in their late 50s working like dogs for just over minimum wage. The son helps tend bar and clean up rooms. The daughter slaves over a greasy kitchen and dish-dogs it.

In the old man's mind this is noble because this is what he did and became so successful. Nevermind that the economy is in the toilet and minimum wage won't even pay for your food, let alone mortgage or child expenses. So these two got lucky to have homes since on this property there are a number of cabin structures; they were given the largest two. They are ramshackle but secure enough against the elements.

Trickling down further, there's the grandson who with his young wife both struggle without a car, themselves raising the great grandson who looks to be dressed in hand-me-downs. The grandson and granddaughter both work shit jobs for just over minimum wage. They eat leftovers from the business' kitchen when they can to save on monthly expenses; and also live in a much more dilapidated cabin, or in their mom's (the daughter's) living room, I forget which.

The establishment is struggling. It's tanking hard. The son continually courts the old man for money to fix up the rotting buildings and do some improvements to entice new customers, but the old man resists and resists, only squeaking out just enough out of his buttcheeks to patch over the patches. Both the son and the daughter are so exhausted working working working just to barely keep their heads above water that they have no money of their own to reinvest in "the infrastructure" of the business. They're too tired to innovate. Too tired to do anything that would bolster all their incomes as a whole.

The old man doesn't care. Being without morality to even care for his own blood kin, his logic no doubt is "I have enough until I die, so the hell with it and I'll leave the rest to them and hope they can make do" Meanwhile the matriarch of the family is in daily care, costing a fortune and the old man does like to go out on his expensive excursions regularly, so when he does finally go, there won't be much left to work with.

If he was smart and had morals (either or) he would realize that the reason he procreated was to have the next generation preserve the family name (carrying the metaphor outward, the Country's preservation). He would live more frugally within reason to make sure that the infrastructure was good and sound when he finally checks out. But he won't. And it won't be. And I predict that within 1 year after he goes, the place will go into foreclosure and the entire remaining family members will be destitute. A foreign interest at that point will swoop in with zero resistance and take the place over.

That is the story of America right now.
El Cheeto said he wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure.

A proven way to boost the economy by spreading money to factories & Middle Class workers while giving America improved bridges, highways, airports, water & sewer systems, electrical grid, etc. The big question was how to pay for it.

Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

We know exactly what Republicans do - kiss the ass of their donors while fucking over the American people.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget. The CBO said we are on track to pay down the debt. Then came the series of unfunded tax cuts.

We were on a path of reducing the deficits with steady economic growth & a long string pf positive monthly job gains.

We already saw that string of job gains ended. Now the Republicans , who can't fricken learn, repeat the tax cut approach.

Yep, those Republicans just passed a bill that put us on a path to yet another conomic disaster. Thewreathy will survive just fine like they did with the Bush recession. We wuill ge fucked once again. Jobs lost, homes lost, opportunities gone for our chuldren.

For what? Those that elect Republicas are justy plasin assholes & contributors.

This is easy...letting people who earn the money keep the money......since any infrastructure project is going to be used to line the pockets of corrupt, greedy politicians, and their minions......and they will use the project to steal our money through jacking up the cost of the project......it is better to let Americans keep their money than to send it to Washington.....

So that is the best answer out there...
El Cheeto said he wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure.

A proven way to boost the economy by spreading money to factories & Middle Class workers while giving America improved bridges, highways, airports, water & sewer systems, electrical grid, etc. The big question was how to pay for it.

Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

We know exactly what Republicans do - kiss the ass of their donors while fucking over the American people.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget. The CBO said we are on track to pay down the debt. Then came the series of unfunded tax cuts.

We were on a path of reducing the deficits with steady economic growth & a long string pf positive monthly job gains.

We already saw that string of job gains ended. Now the Republicans , who can't fricken learn, repeat the tax cut approach.

Yep, those Republicans just passed a bill that put us on a path to yet another conomic disaster. Thewreathy will survive just fine like they did with the Bush recession. We wuill ge fucked once again. Jobs lost, homes lost, opportunities gone for our chuldren.

For what? Those that elect Republicas are justy plasin assholes & contributors.

Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

How much did Obama give to the poor & unprofitable corporations?
His weak recovery showed he had a piss poor way to boost the economy.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget.

Yeah, the Internet Bubble was cool.
Can you see when it started deflating?

View attachment 164079

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed? Tax cut after tax cut at a time of war. All unfunded. You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it. That is what Obama did with the stimulus bill. A bill that was 38% tax breaks & tax cuts. Directed at working Americans.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

But hey, you think we should only give money to corporations that don't need it and pile it on to those thast donlt? Really? And you claim to know economics?

Tax cuts don't wreck the budget......politicians spending more money than they are given wrecks the budget......cutting spending is what needs to happen, not giving corrupt, greedy, thieving politicians more money to waste.

YOu guys never answer this simple question.....please...try to answer it this time...

If you had a money manager who you gave your money to invest....and he came back to you and said that not only did he lose all of your money, wasting it on things that didn't give you a return on your investment......but he put you in debt twice the amount you had given him....but had himself become a millionaire off of what you paid him....

Why would you give this guy one more penny?

Can you answer that question Realdave? Can you try at least a little to explain your answer?
This tax plan is not about what is best for the economy or what is best for the majority of the citizens.

This is all about what is best for the politicians and the people who pay for them.

And if it works for the economy and the majority of the citizens, Dems will lose a handful of seats in the Senate and Trump will get re-elected. If not, he'll lose to the corrupt old sot or an angry Commie in 2020.
If it doesn't, hello recession & millions will suffer. You dickfucks don;t care about people suffering.

Not true. We only don’t care about regressive un-American dickfucks like you that are suffering.
See, you don;'t care about the Middle Class even though you are in it or below it. Just how easily duped are you.

See, you don;'t care about the Middle Class even though you are in it or below it.

What's the income range that fits your definition of middle class?
Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

How much did Obama give to the poor & unprofitable corporations?
His weak recovery showed he had a piss poor way to boost the economy.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget.

Yeah, the Internet Bubble was cool.
Can you see when it started deflating?

View attachment 164079

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed? Tax cut after tax cut at a time of war. All unfunded. You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it. That is what Obama did with the stimulus bill. A bill that was 38% tax breaks & tax cuts. Directed at working Americans.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

But hey, you think we should only give money to corporations that don't need it and pile it on to those thast donlt? Really? And you claim to know economics?

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed?

The Internet Bubble popped.
It was in all the papers.

You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

The recession started in March 2001. What did they do to cause that?

View attachment 164082


Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it.

Or in the hands of people that will use it to start/expand business.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

There were a bunch of unprofitable "green energy" companies that got money/loan guarantees.

So these corporations already holding lies of money will now expand? Expansion is tax deductible. Those companies not being able to afford it aren't paying the top corporate rate. Giving money to companies already holding pile of money will do sghit accept run us further in debt.

There was money set aside in the ACA to provide loan guarantees to green companies with promising ideas but short on funding. They were risky. But the idea was to give them a chance because of the potential rewards of reducing emissions which is good for the country. But hey, you righties hate your children & don't believe in global warming.

So these corporations already holding lies of money will now expand?

Well, they are holding a lot of money overseas at the moment.
Why are they doing that?
Are they more likely to expand when they can keep 80% of the new earnings, or when they can keep 65%?

Expansion is tax deductible.

Does potential expansion stop when regulatory attacks are ongoing and expected to increase in the future?

Those companies not being able to afford it aren't paying the top corporate rate.

Does immediate, full expensing make business investment more affordable?

They were risky. But the idea was to give them a chance because of the potential rewards of reducing emissions which is good for the country.

We could reduce emissions much more efficiently and actually add useful amounts of reliable energy by expanding our nuclear reactors. Why are greens more afraid of nuclear than of CO2?
Is it because they hate their children?

Corps are hording money in the US as well as overseas.

They keep the money overseas because of a tax break given to them earlier. End that break & it will come back.

But hey, your orange buddy will give them a huge tax cut to bring it back and give them incentives to invest overseas.

Will corps moe likely to expand when they get a 35% break or a20% break. At the end of every year, bean counters look & see how much they should spend to avoid a 35% tax. Now they will be less likely to do so if they just get a 20% break.

Nuclear energy is the most subsidized for of power generation. You have no clue what do do with the waste. Wait until these plants need to be torn down. See the costs then. Leyts ask Japan about the wonders of nucklear power. Heck, that radiation drigfeted across the US.

The sun rains down enough energy during the noon time hour to power the entire planet for a year. But hey, lets not fucking use it, right? Lets create a poison that can not be destroyed & place it all across the US where an earthquake or terrorist could release it killing thousands,.

They keep the money overseas because of a tax break given to them earlier. End that break & it will come back.

What tax break were they given earlier?

But hey, your orange buddy will give them a huge tax cut to bring it back and give them incentives to invest overseas.

They already invest their overseas money overseas.

Will corps moe likely to expand when they get a 35% break or a20% break.

Will they be more likely to invest to make $650,000 or to make $800,000? Hmmmmm....

Nuclear energy is the most subsidized for of power generation.

Subsidized how?
Do you mean the fees the government collects for waste storage.....without providing storage?

You have no clue what do do with the waste.

Reprocess it. Store it.

Reliable large scale energy with no CO2. For the children.

The sun rains down enough energy during the noon time hour to power the entire planet for a year.

Yes, there's plenty of low density, expensive energy available.

But hey, lets not fucking use it, right?

You can use it. Even if it's expensive and unreliable.

Lets create a poison that can not be destroyed & place it all across the US where an earthquake or terrorist could release it

I agree, Harry Reid really fucked things up.
We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed? Tax cut after tax cut at a time of war. All unfunded. You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it. That is what Obama did with the stimulus bill. A bill that was 38% tax breaks & tax cuts. Directed at working Americans.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

But hey, you think we should only give money to corporations that don't need it and pile it on to those thast donlt? Really? And you claim to know economics?

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed?

The Internet Bubble popped.
It was in all the papers.

You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

The recession started in March 2001. What did they do to cause that?

View attachment 164082


Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it.

Or in the hands of people that will use it to start/expand business.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

There were a bunch of unprofitable "green energy" companies that got money/loan guarantees.

So these corporations already holding lies of money will now expand? Expansion is tax deductible. Those companies not being able to afford it aren't paying the top corporate rate. Giving money to companies already holding pile of money will do sghit accept run us further in debt.

There was money set aside in the ACA to provide loan guarantees to green companies with promising ideas but short on funding. They were risky. But the idea was to give them a chance because of the potential rewards of reducing emissions which is good for the country. But hey, you righties hate your children & don't believe in global warming.

So these corporations already holding lies of money will now expand?

Well, they are holding a lot of money overseas at the moment.
Why are they doing that?
Are they more likely to expand when they can keep 80% of the new earnings, or when they can keep 65%?

Expansion is tax deductible.

Does potential expansion stop when regulatory attacks are ongoing and expected to increase in the future?

Those companies not being able to afford it aren't paying the top corporate rate.

Does immediate, full expensing make business investment more affordable?

They were risky. But the idea was to give them a chance because of the potential rewards of reducing emissions which is good for the country.

We could reduce emissions much more efficiently and actually add useful amounts of reliable energy by expanding our nuclear reactors. Why are greens more afraid of nuclear than of CO2?
Is it because they hate their children?

Corps are hording money in the US as well as overseas.

They keep the money overseas because of a tax break given to them earlier. End that break & it will come back.

But hey, your orange buddy will give them a huge tax cut to bring it back and give them incentives to invest overseas.

Will corps moe likely to expand when they get a 35% break or a20% break. At the end of every year, bean counters look & see how much they should spend to avoid a 35% tax. Now they will be less likely to do so if they just get a 20% break.

Nuclear energy is the most subsidized for of power generation. You have no clue what do do with the waste. Wait until these plants need to be torn down. See the costs then. Leyts ask Japan about the wonders of nucklear power. Heck, that radiation drigfeted across the US.

The sun rains down enough energy during the noon time hour to power the entire planet for a year. But hey, lets not fucking use it, right? Lets create a poison that can not be destroyed & place it all across the US where an earthquake or terrorist could release it killing thousands,.

They keep the money overseas because of a tax break given to them earlier. End that break & it will come back.

What tax break were they given earlier?

But hey, your orange buddy will give them a huge tax cut to bring it back and give them incentives to invest overseas.

They already invest their overseas money overseas.

Will corps moe likely to expand when they get a 35% break or a20% break.

Will they be more likely to invest to make $650,000 or to make $800,000? Hmmmmm....

Nuclear energy is the most subsidized for of power generation.

Subsidized how?
Do you mean the fees the government collects for waste storage.....without providing storage?

You have no clue what do do with the waste.

Reprocess it. Store it.

Reliable large scale energy with no CO2. For the children.

The sun rains down enough energy during the noon time hour to power the entire planet for a year.

Yes, there's plenty of low density, expensive energy available.

But hey, lets not fucking use it, right?

You can use it. Even if it's expensive and unreliable.

Lets create a poison that can not be destroyed & place it all across the US where an earthquake or terrorist could release it

I agree, Harry Reid really fucked things up.

1) The tax break that said their income tax on overseas profits did not need paid until they bring them home. So they don't bring them back & keep investing overseas. I would think an economic expert like you would have known this but evidently you are not the expert you think you are.

2) You are too stupid to get my point. Not surprising though. I was talking about one example of v=how corps decide when to expand or buy equipment. If you ever ran a business, you would understand.

#3) Store it,. Yep lets have storage areas containing a substance that would kill thousands if it was exposed. Msybe you can fire up Yucca Mountain so we can transport this shit accross the country because trains never derail. No CO2 but the risk of radiation. Good thinking.

#4 Solar is becoming cheaper & cheaper. No fuel to buy. no emissions. You righties get pissed off because you asswipes haven't figured a way to charge people for the sunlight. If corporations can't profit, you morons haste it.
El Cheeto said he wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure.

A proven way to boost the economy by spreading money to factories & Middle Class workers while giving America improved bridges, highways, airports, water & sewer systems, electrical grid, etc. The big question was how to pay for it.

Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

We know exactly what Republicans do - kiss the ass of their donors while fucking over the American people.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget. The CBO said we are on track to pay down the debt. Then came the series of unfunded tax cuts.

We were on a path of reducing the deficits with steady economic growth & a long string pf positive monthly job gains.

We already saw that string of job gains ended. Now the Republicans , who can't fricken learn, repeat the tax cut approach.

Yep, those Republicans just passed a bill that put us on a path to yet another conomic disaster. Thewreathy will survive just fine like they did with the Bush recession. We wuill ge fucked once again. Jobs lost, homes lost, opportunities gone for our chuldren.

For what? Those that elect Republicas are justy plasin assholes & contributors.

Well The Republicans & Trump just spent a trillion dollars to give money to the wealthy & profitable corporations. A proven piss poor way to boost the economy.

How much did Obama give to the poor & unprofitable corporations?
His weak recovery showed he had a piss poor way to boost the economy.

Let us not forget that when George W Bush took office we had a balanced budget.

Yeah, the Internet Bubble was cool.
Can you see when it started deflating?

View attachment 164079

We had a balanced budget. Period. What changed? Tax cut after tax cut at a time of war. All unfunded. You can pull out excuse after excuse but the actions taken by Republicans drove us down the path towards recession.

Everyone who knows anything about economics knows that putting money in the hands of people that will spend it. That is what Obama did with the stimulus bill. A bill that was 38% tax breaks & tax cuts. Directed at working Americans.

What money was given to unprofitable corporations?

But hey, you think we should only give money to corporations that don't need it and pile it on to those thast donlt? Really? And you claim to know economics?

Tax cuts don't wreck the budget......politicians spending more money than they are given wrecks the budget......cutting spending is what needs to happen, not giving corrupt, greedy, thieving politicians more money to waste.

YOu guys never answer this simple question.....please...try to answer it this time...

If you had a money manager who you gave your money to invest....and he came back to you and said that not only did he lose all of your money, wasting it on things that didn't give you a return on your investment......but he put you in debt twice the amount you had given him....but had himself become a millionaire off of what you paid him....

Why would you give this guy one more penny?

Can you answer that question Realdave? Can you try at least a little to explain your answer?

Making a profit was not the goal.

The goal was to help a company develop the next great product. A product that would help reduce emissions.

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