Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

They've made it very clear which is more important.

If you ain't a fetus, you ain't worth shit.

Other than what the families and town went through, that was one of the hardest things about Sandy Hook.
and yet here we are years later and you have no solution on how to stop something like it from happening. Why not? did you give up?

How can you have any solution for stopping it when people won't let you take their guns away? Won't let you change the political system? Won't let you do anything that might solve the problem?

It's like "doctor, my shit has blood in it, what's wrong with me" "Oh, let me do an examination on you" "Oh, no, you're not touching me, and you're not looking at my shit either" "well there's nothing I can do for you" "fucking doctors are useless, they don't have any solutions to my problem".
Taking guns away from people who will never commit murder with them will do nothing to lower the murder rate
I figured it out, guns are more important than life.

Guns are the only thing that provides the capability to protect ones life in the fravest extreem, so yes thsy are more important than life.

And yet people in the UK seem to lose their lives a lot less than people in the US, funny that.

So basically we can assume you have no problem with people dying ALL THE FUCKING TIME, unless of course it's a Muslim who done it. In which case you'll pee your pants so fucking hard it's like a Hurricane.
And yet people in the UK seem to lose their lives a lot less than people in the US, funny that.

The UK is a very different world than the US.. British citizens have accepted their place as mindless cattle, mooing and following the daily routine set out by their Government from birth until death, with no individuality or choices of their own.

So basically we can assume you have no problem with people dying ALL THE FUCKING TIME, unless of course it's a Muslim who done it. In which case you'll pee your pants so fucking hard it's like a Hurricane.

I have no problem at all with people dying. They do it daily for a plethora of different reasons. Those who choose to allow themselves to be the victims of violence and violent crime are no different to me than the smokers who die of lung cancer.

Islamic terror is a different topic because it is an assault on the Country rather thsn just the individual victims.
I figured it out, guns are more important than life.

Guns are the only thing that provides the capability to protect ones life in the fravest extreem, so yes thsy are more important than life.

And yet people in the UK seem to lose their lives a lot less than people in the US, funny that.

So basically we can assume you have no problem with people dying ALL THE FUCKING TIME, unless of course it's a Muslim who done it. In which case you'll pee your pants so fucking hard it's like a Hurricane.
Your much lusted after gun bans and confiscations will not lower the murder rate
And yet people in the UK seem to lose their lives a lot less than people in the US, funny that.

The UK is a very different world than the US.. British citizens have accepted their place as mindless cattle, mooing and following the daily routine set out by their Government from birth until death, with no individuality or choices of their own.

So basically we can assume you have no problem with people dying ALL THE FUCKING TIME, unless of course it's a Muslim who done it. In which case you'll pee your pants so fucking hard it's like a Hurricane.

I have no problem at all with people dying. They do it daily for a plethora of different reasons. Those who choose to allow themselves to be the victims of violence and violent crime are no different to me than the smokers who die of lung cancer.

Islamic terror is a different topic because it is an assault on the Country rather thsn just the individual victims.

Oh please. You don't know anything about the UK. You want mindless cattle, the US is about 90% mindless cattle.

You, being one of the mindless cattle, list the things your handlers tell you to list. I've seen it all before.

"You're all individuals"

"Yes, we're all individuals"
And yet people in the UK seem to lose their lives a lot less than people in the US, funny that.

The UK is a very different world than the US.. British citizens have accepted their place as mindless cattle, mooing and following the daily routine set out by their Government from birth until death, with no individuality or choices of their own.

So basically we can assume you have no problem with people dying ALL THE FUCKING TIME, unless of course it's a Muslim who done it. In which case you'll pee your pants so fucking hard it's like a Hurricane.

I have no problem at all with people dying. They do it daily for a plethora of different reasons. Those who choose to allow themselves to be the victims of violence and violent crime are no different to me than the smokers who die of lung cancer.

Islamic terror is a different topic because it is an assault on the Country rather thsn just the individual victims.

Oh please. You don't know anything about the UK. You want mindless cattle, the US is about 90% mindless cattle.

You, being one of the mindless cattle, list the things your handlers tell you to list. I've seen it all before.

"You're all individuals"

"Yes, we're all individuals"
Pot kettle
Oh please. You don't know anything about the UK. You want mindless cattle, the US is about 90% mindless cattle.

You, being one of the mindless cattle, list the things your handlers tell you to list. I've seen it all before.

I agree thst probably more thsn 90% of Americans are cattle as well. Democrat or Republican. Alt-Right or Alt-Left. Liberal or Conservative. Eat your Wheaties. Drink Ovaltine.

As someone who works for a British owned company, I still see the UK as even more brainwashed thsn America. We at least still have some small number of us who don' "drink the Kool-Aid". The ones who don' watch the network or cable news channels. Who think for ourselves and are willing to admit we don't fit in with the rest of Society, and don't want to.
You speak of integrity yet you deny the fact that the goal is to ban and confiscate as many types of firearms as possible.

Start with "assault rifles" then expand to all semiautomatics then rifles of specific calibers then shotguns then handguns.
That is the goal of a very few.

More than 93% of Americans want sensible gun laws: it's going to happen..
.More than 93% of Americans want sensible gun laws: it's going to happen..

There are over 300,000,000 privately owned guns in the USA currently. How do you intend to get them out of the hands of their owners? Some will comply with registration and confiscation but as CT and NYS showed a couple years back, most won't .
You speak of integrity yet you deny the fact that the goal is to ban and confiscate as many types of firearms as possible.

Start with "assault rifles" then expand to all semiautomatics then rifles of specific calibers then shotguns then handguns.
That is the goal of a very few.

More than 93% of Americans want sensible gun laws: it's going to happen..
We already have plenty of sensible gun laws, thousands of them in fact, how about we enforce them?
Almost no one wants to confiscate guns.

The issue is how to deny and get the weapons of those who should not have them.
Ah, the old 100% or nothing argument.

Look, in the UK there is a murder rate 1/4 that of the US murder rate. Last year 135 US police officers were killed in the line of duty, in the UK zero.

The UK hasn't managed to get the number of people killed down to 0, but it has it much lower than the US rate. That's positive.

For you it's either no murders or a high murder rate, nothing in between.

So yes, you DID say your guns are more important than lives.

The last two shootings would not have happened in the UK. These people simply would not have had guns.

No what I said is that my right to own my firearms is protected under our Constitution and not subject to your desires.
My position is that I will defend myself before I will depend on you to protect me ... You are incapable of providing me with what I already have by taking it away.

You are free to move to the UK if you can no longer handle your fear of me and what the Constitution protects my right to have.
It wouldn't be the first time Americans chose a different path than the UK ... :thup:

Oh please. You don't know anything about the UK. You want mindless cattle, the US is about 90% mindless cattle.

You, being one of the mindless cattle, list the things your handlers tell you to list. I've seen it all before.

I agree thst probably more thsn 90% of Americans are cattle as well. Democrat or Republican. Alt-Right or Alt-Left. Liberal or Conservative. Eat your Wheaties. Drink Ovaltine.

As someone who works for a British owned company, I still see the UK as even more brainwashed thsn America. We at least still have some small number of us who don' "drink the Kool-Aid". The ones who don' watch the network or cable news channels. Who think for ourselves and are willing to admit we don't fit in with the rest of Society, and don't want to.

Oh, wow, you know Britain because you work for a British owned company...... er....

You see Britain in the way your handlers want you to see it. Sorry, but I've lived in the UK, I'm not being told by someone who thinks they can find it on the map what it's actually like in that country.
You speak of integrity yet you deny the fact that the goal is to ban and confiscate as many types of firearms as possible.

Start with "assault rifles" then expand to all semiautomatics then rifles of specific calibers then shotguns then handguns.
That is the goal of a very few.

More than 93% of Americans want sensible gun laws: it's going to happen..
I really question your research.
93%? Prove it or admit you made it up.
Ah, the old 100% or nothing argument.

Look, in the UK there is a murder rate 1/4 that of the US murder rate. Last year 135 US police officers were killed in the line of duty, in the UK zero.

The UK hasn't managed to get the number of people killed down to 0, but it has it much lower than the US rate. That's positive.

For you it's either no murders or a high murder rate, nothing in between.

So yes, you DID say your guns are more important than lives.

The last two shootings would not have happened in the UK. These people simply would not have had guns.

No what I said is that my right to own my firearms is protected under our Constitution and not subject to your desires.
My position is that I will defend myself before I will depend on you to protect me ... You are incapable of providing me with what I already have by taking it away.

You are free to move to the UK if you can no longer handle your fear of me and what the Constitution protects my right to have.
It wouldn't be the first time Americans chose a different path than the UK ... :thup:


I know the right is protected. However this isn't about the right being protected, this is about you hiding behind the right in the Constitution to avoid talking about the topic.

Fine, you put your guns before you put people's lives. I got it the first time, you keep telling me then refuse to say it directly.

So, your argument is "if you don't like it, leave". Or maybe people in America are allowed to want to change the way their country changes, especially the fucked up shit. Isn't that the WHOLE POINT of such a discussion?

I mean, a lot of the gun huggers don't seem to care much for the Constitution and Rights when it comes to OTHER PEOPLE, like gay people.
I know the right is protected. However this isn't about the right being protected, this is about you hiding behind the right in the Constitution to avoid talking about the topic.

Fine, you put your guns before you put people's lives. I got it the first time, you keep telling me then refuse to say it directly.

So, your argument is "if you don't like it, leave". Or maybe people in America are allowed to want to change the way their country changes, especially the fucked up shit. Isn't that the WHOLE POINT of such a discussion?

I mean, a lot of the gun huggers don't seem to care much for the Constitution and Rights when it comes to OTHER PEOPLE, like gay people.

It isn't about avoiding the topic as much as your avoiding the fact you don't have the right to take what I already have.
You have the same Constitutionally protected rights I have ... If you choose not to exercise your rights ... That is your choice.

What you don't understand is that you are in no position to frame the argument on just your desires.
My right to own firearms is not predicated in your or my desire to ... Nor how either of us views the sanctity of life.

It is simply a matter of whether or not I trust you to provide me with what I already have.
Get a clue chief, I am not asking for your help ... I don't need you to agree with me ... :thup:

You speak of integrity yet you deny the fact that the goal is to ban and confiscate as many types of firearms as possible.

Start with "assault rifles" then expand to all semiautomatics then rifles of specific calibers then shotguns then handguns.
That is the goal of a very few.

More than 93% of Americans want sensible gun laws: it's going to happen..
I really question your research.
93%? Prove it or admit you made it up.
You need to do your own research and stop being sealion.

The number and source has been posted many times on the Board in the last two years.
I know the right is protected. However this isn't about the right being protected, this is about you hiding behind the right in the Constitution to avoid talking about the topic.

Fine, you put your guns before you put people's lives. I got it the first time, you keep telling me then refuse to say it directly.

So, your argument is "if you don't like it, leave". Or maybe people in America are allowed to want to change the way their country changes, especially the fucked up shit. Isn't that the WHOLE POINT of such a discussion?

I mean, a lot of the gun huggers don't seem to care much for the Constitution and Rights when it comes to OTHER PEOPLE, like gay people.

It isn't about avoiding the topic as much as your avoiding the fact you don't have the right to take what I already have.
You have the same Constitutionally protected rights I have ... If you choose not to exercise your rights ... That is your choice.

What you don't understand is that you are in no position to frame the argument on just your desires.
My right to own firearms is not predicated in your or my desire to ... Nor how either of us views the sanctity of life.

It is simply a matter of whether or not I trust you to provide me with what I already have.
Get a clue chief, I am not asking for your help ... I don't need you to agree with me ... :thup:.
Sensible gun regulation is not taking away anyone's right.

Both Congress and SCOTUS can and have done it.

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