Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

Well, the problem here is that we're in a conundrum.

Things are being taken away, life is being taken away in far larger numbers.

Now the question is where is the balance?

When a Muslim attacks, those on the right are rather quick to demand that rights be taken away, but when a non-Muslim attacks the right demand that their rights remain intact. When they hear about gay people getting married they demand their right to not see things they don't like Trumps the rights of other people to get married.

Well, my desires are my arguments. In the US there is a system of Democracy (abused Democracy) which allows for people's ideas and allows for change.

The US Constitution doesn't give any rights, it merely protects them from US govt infringement. Now, we can change the Constitution to get rid of that if society wants to. We could protect the right to murder in the US Constitution if we felt like it.

Whoa Chief ... We are not in a conundrum.

You want me to give up something I presently have a right to ... But I am not asking you to give up anything.
You want something I am not required to humor ... And I refuse to give it to you ... That isn't necessarily a conundrum, just your unfulfilled desire.
I am completely satisfied with the fact you are not going to get what you want just because you decided to want it ... That's not a conundrum.

Blah-Blah-Blah about right, left, up or down...
You don't see me posting anything about kicking Muslims around or taking a citizen's Constitutionally protected rights away.
I don't really care who wants to get their panties in a wad over same sex marriage.
I don't think that (or the opposite) is any of the federal government's business in the first place.

We don't live in a Democracy ... We live in a Democratic Representative Republic.
It was designed that way because it specifically defeats the unbalanced results of a pure Democracy.

We are not and ever have been at an impasse ... You just aren't going to get me to agree with your direction (nor attempts to mischaracterize your/my arguments).
If you want to change the Constitution ... There is a means by which you can ... Get to it.

If you want to further erode our ability to arm and defend ourselves ... Against the threats you and the government are incapable of protecting us from ...
I have a strong feeling nobody is really going to be happy about how that all plays out.

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A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?

There are other variables besides guns
Man who ended Texas church shooting showed 2nd Amendment must be defended / protected because human lives matter, especially after government fails people 'again'...
You speak of integrity yet you deny the fact that the goal is to ban and confiscate as many types of firearms as possible.

Start with "assault rifles" then expand to all semiautomatics then rifles of specific calibers then shotguns then handguns.
That is the goal of a very few.

More than 93% of Americans want sensible gun laws: it's going to happen..

And few of those can agree on the definition of "sensible gun laws". It's a nice, emotional term that doesn't convey a lot of solid information.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

GUNS >>>>>>>>> PEOPLE

Fuck your false dichotomy. Fuck your communist revolution. We don't give a shit about human life. We give zero fucks about thinking of the children. Fuck those worthless spawn. The right to rid ourselves of tyranny and put down an authoritarian, rights-killing communist revolution is more important the human life.

We're keeping the motherfucking guns, and getting more!!! We're going after machine guns, bitches. It is ON!!!
Either we solve it together in Congress, or SCOTUS will solve it for us.

Esa you how does the SCOTUS expect to confiscate the firearms already in private hands?

Ole Jakeapottamus there would support UN Peacekeepers coming in and confiscating weapons.
Hi, longer. Your comments are diseased as are your lungs. No one wants to confiscate weapons. We have to get weapons out of the hands of crazies.
No one wants to confiscate weapons. We have to get weapons out of the hands of crazies.

You do understand you said no one wants to confiscate weapons ... Right before you said you wanted to confiscate weapons.

That's why people like you don't get to run things ... You don't even know what you are saying ... I didn't change your words.
You cannot keep your argument clear and concise from one sentence to the next.

What we are left with is the fact you do want to confiscate weapons ... You also want to define crazy or sensible ... And trust everything to the government.

Go pound sand ... :thup:

I know the right is protected. However this isn't about the right being protected, this is about you hiding behind the right in the Constitution to avoid talking about the topic.

Fine, you put your guns before you put people's lives. I got it the first time, you keep telling me then refuse to say it directly.

So, your argument is "if you don't like it, leave". Or maybe people in America are allowed to want to change the way their country changes, especially the fucked up shit. Isn't that the WHOLE POINT of such a discussion?

I mean, a lot of the gun huggers don't seem to care much for the Constitution and Rights when it comes to OTHER PEOPLE, like gay people.

It isn't about avoiding the topic as much as your avoiding the fact you don't have the right to take what I already have.
You have the same Constitutionally protected rights I have ... If you choose not to exercise your rights ... That is your choice.

What you don't understand is that you are in no position to frame the argument on just your desires.
My right to own firearms is not predicated in your or my desire to ... Nor how either of us views the sanctity of life.

It is simply a matter of whether or not I trust you to provide me with what I already have.
Get a clue chief, I am not asking for your help ... I don't need you to agree with me ... :thup:


Well, the problem here is that we're in a conundrum.

Things are being taken away, life is being taken away in far larger numbers.

Now the question is where is the balance?

When a Muslim attacks, those on the right are rather quick to demand that rights be taken away, but when a non-Muslim attacks the right demand that their rights remain intact. When they hear about gay people getting married they demand their right to not see things they don't like Trumps the rights of other people to get married.

Well, my desires are my arguments. In the US there is a system of Democracy (abused Democracy) which allows for people's ideas and allows for change.

The US Constitution doesn't give any rights, it merely protects them from US govt infringement. Now, we can change the Constitution to get rid of that if society wants to. We could protect the right to murder in the US Constitution if we felt like it.

no we, the people, are in no conundrum. you have the conundrum. and only you.

There is no one in this country taking anyone's rights away accept the left with there ongoing fight to end the 2nd amendment and our free speech. And as far as muslims go, no one has stated anything about a muslim accept for illegal entry into our country. So no balance, the muslim has no right to come here without being allowed in by our vetting process into immigration.
Getting hands out of the crazies is not confiscating everyone's weapons.

13Blacksand is on record saying that crazies should have access to guns. I bet she thinks terrorists should have access to guns.

I own guns and have since I was 13.

You are not stupid (unable to learn), blacksand, but you are acting like it.

And if we can't do it in Congress, SCOTUS will do it for us.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?
because they aren't the US.
Getting hands out of the crazies is not confiscating everyone's weapons.
13Blacksand is on record saying that crazies should have access to guns. I bet she thinks terrorists should have access to guns.

I own guns and have since I was.

You are not stupid (unable to learn), blacksand, but you are acting like it.
well sure it is Jake. How else will you do that without affecting normal citizens? you wish to pry into their lives and take away their rights. it is really simple what it is you want to do. Instead of treating the crazy you are mad at the gun. The crazy needs to be taken care of by implementing stronger jail sentences and consequences for crimes with guns, which you and yours are against? Why?
Getting hands out of the crazies is not confiscating everyone's weapons.

13Blacksand is on record saying that crazies should have access to guns. I bet she thinks terrorists should have access to guns.

I own guns and have since I was 13.

You are not stupid (unable to learn), blacksand, but you are acting like it.

And if we can't do it in Congress, SCOTUS will do it for us.

That's not what I said ... You still cannot comprehend.

I understand what you are saying ... You said you wanted to get weapons out of the hands of crazies.
You could have said ... Keep the weapons out of the hands of crazies ... You could have said ... No one wants to confiscate your guns ... When speaking to the poster.

But ... That's not what you posted ... :thup:
The same as your misinterpretation of what I posted.

Both are a sufficient reason not to let you anywhere near legislation that would handle either.
You obviously lack the ability to accurately comprehend what the hell you are saying ... Much less what someone else is trying to say.

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Hi, longer. Your comments are diseased as are your lungs. No one wants to confiscate weapons. We have to get weapons out of the hands of crazies.
If you like your doctor....

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

But, we don't believe that bullshit for a second. We also don't believe that commies have given up. We know you are still trying.

We are going to get our machine guns by 2020. Watch us!!!

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