Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

You are truly stupid (meaning unable to learn) if you think more than 13 people want to confiscate weapons.

Americans want to keep guns out of the hands of crazies.

I personally know far more thsn a bakers dozen of people who want all firearms confiscated.

But to your point... How are you going to get the guns out of the hands of current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon?

The issue is not to get guns out of hands current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon...the issue is to get the "current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon" into institutions where they can get treatment and the help they need to get back to full mental health.
BlackSand is stupid if she keeps up with the nonsense.

She is only the decider for herself on what "get guns out of the hands of crazies" means.

If she sealions, I will deal with it appropriately.

Your inability to assess the difference is exactly why you shouldn't have anything to say about the matter.

It is a reflection of how we end up with pages of people arguing about the relevance of "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" ...
While ignoring the fact there is a comma after that and ... "the right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" ... In plain English ... :thup:

Legislation is not something we can play around with ... Your inability to properly define the specifics is exactly what I am talking about.

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BlackSand is stupid if she keeps up with the nonsense.

She is only the decider for herself on what "get guns out of the hands of crazies" means.

If she sealions, I will deal with it appropriately.

Your inability to assess the difference is exactly why you shouldn't have anything to say about the matter.

It is a reflection of how we end up with pages of people arguing about the relevance of "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" ...
While ignoring the fact there is a comma after that and ... "the right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" ... In plain English ... :thup:

Legislation is not something we can play around with ... Your inability to properly define the specifics is exactly what I am talking about.

Your deflections are obvious and thus meaningless. You are no Constitutional scholar, obviously, and your inability to actually converse clearly are real problems.

Congress and the state leges are going to have to work this out, before SCOTUS gets involved.
Your deflections are obvious and thus meaningless. You are no Constitutional scholar, obviously, and your inability to actually converse clearly are real problems.
Congress and the state leges are going to have to work this out, before SCOTUS gets involved.

So you say ... Good luck with that ... It isn't like I expect you to agree ... :dunno:
Your inability to agree shouldn't be considered as anything more than additional overstatement of your otherwise vacant position.

I mean you have the vocabulary ... Now if you just figure out how to make it mean something worthwhile.

Your deflections are obvious and thus meaningless. You are no Constitutional scholar, obviously, and your inability to actually converse clearly are real problems.
Congress and the state leges are going to have to work this out, before SCOTUS gets involved.

So you say ... Good luck with that ... It isn't like I expect you to agree ... :dunno:
Your inability to agree shouldn't be considered as anything more than additional overstatement of your otherwise vacant position.

I mean you have the vocabulary ... Now if you just figure out how to make it mean something worthwhile.

You are twitting, nothing more.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
My guns protect my life. Duh.

But do ALL GUNS protect life?

Did the 14 year old pastor's daughter get protected by guns or killed by guns?
She got killed by an asshole who never should have been missed by the system. That's the problem...identify the asshole before he uses the gun.

She got killed by an asshole, true, but there are plenty of assholes who get missed by the system.... isn't that the problem, the system?

So, how do you identify all the assholes in America and make sure they don't get guns before they go and kill people? Because the current system is clearly not working.

Some batshit crazy people come off as completely normal. Anyway, who makes the call? Do we expect some clerk at Academy Sports to diagnose someone mentally?
The issue is not to get guns out of hands current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon...the issue is to get the "current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon" into institutions where they can get treatment and the help they need to get back to full mental health.

That' nice. Whst do you do with those of us who don't want to go, quietly or otherwise? Especially considering that the Left's version of "crazy" and mine vary drastically.

Therefore you WILL have people who the Left considers "crazy" who will still be out and about, and possessing firearms. Therefore the Left needs a plan to deal with such people.
The issue is not to get guns out of hands current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon...the issue is to get the "current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon" into institutions where they can get treatment and the help they need to get back to full mental health.

That' nice. Whst do you do with those of us who don't want to go, quietly or otherwise? Especially considering that the Left's version of "crazy" and mine vary drastically.

Therefore you WILL have people who the Left considers "crazy" who will still be out and about, and possessing firearms. Therefore the Left needs a plan to deal with such people.

Why do you presume that the criteria for crazy will only include the Left's definition?
A simple question.
Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.
Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.
Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Sorry, but if it came down to YOUR life or me having my guns......

sayonara Toots....rip
Why do you presume that the criteria for crazy will only include the Left's definition?

The vast majority of Right Wing elected officials understand that promoting gun control legislation is a quick way to be out of office. Therefore I can only see this happening under a Left Wing dominated regime. A regime thst would be push g it' own definition of mental instability.
Why do you presume that the criteria for crazy will only include the Left's definition?

The vast majority of Right Wing elected officials understand that promoting gun control legislation is a quick way to be out of office. Therefore I can only see this happening under a Left Wing dominated regime. A regime thst would be push g it' own definition of mental instability.

I'm not talking about gun control, I'm talking about getting the mentally ill among st us help so they are suffering from their illness, and ensuring they are not a danger to us or themselves. There's no point in us ignoring people arguing with statues when they should be getting help.
I'm not talking about gun control, I'm talking about getting the mentally ill among st us help so they are suffering from their illness, and ensuring they are not a danger to us or themselves. There's no point in us ignoring people arguing with statues when they should be getting help.

What if some of them don't want help, for one reason or another?
Guns are ubiquitous in the world. It is a pipe-dream to believe that they will ever be eradicated. Those who own them, have all the power. I do not vote to be powerless by giving up my guns because guns=life in a world where bad guys have them.
Some batshit crazy people come off as completely normal. Anyway, who makes the call? Do we expect some clerk at Academy Sports to diagnose someone mentally?
Of course not. Congress and the state leges need to get their act together.
Why do you presume that the criteria for crazy will only include the Left's definition?

The vast majority of Right Wing elected officials understand that promoting gun control legislation is a quick way to be out of office. Therefore I can only see this happening under a Left Wing dominated regime. A regime thst would be push g it' own definition of mental instability.
That is why it has to be bi-partisan, or either a dominated left government or SCOTUS will do it for us.
I keep you off ignore because you are so silly.
Let me just clarify my "silly" position for you. Tell me where I am wrong.

You want to get your way, no matter what it takes. You are willing to erode mechanisms that prevent government oppression, as long as you get your way. You are dissatisfied with the way the U.S. Constitution is difficult to change because it keeps you from getting your way. You are willing to put judges onto the SCOTUS who will ignore their oath of office and give you what you want the easy way.

You, and the people like you, are spoiled children. You cannot accept that you don't get your way. You throw a tantrum, scream, cry, piss your pants, and hold your breath because you cannot get your way.

You want to cheat to make America into your Utopia.

Get the fuck out and go to a country that doesn't value checks and balances or due process. There are plenty. The fact that you are trying to fuck up my country makes you a serious enemy and threat.
Fakey is a wanna be Stalin. Yes, its that simple.

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