Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

GUNS >>>>>>>>> PEOPLE

Fuck your false dichotomy. Fuck your communist revolution. We don't give a shit about human life. We give zero fucks about thinking of the children. Fuck those worthless spawn. The right to rid ourselves of tyranny and put down an authoritarian, rights-killing communist revolution is more important the human life.

We're keeping the motherfucking guns, and getting more!!! We're going after machine guns, bitches. It is ON!!!

Here are some pictures


I know the right is protected. However this isn't about the right being protected, this is about you hiding behind the right in the Constitution to avoid talking about the topic.

Fine, you put your guns before you put people's lives. I got it the first time, you keep telling me then refuse to say it directly.

So, your argument is "if you don't like it, leave". Or maybe people in America are allowed to want to change the way their country changes, especially the fucked up shit. Isn't that the WHOLE POINT of such a discussion?

I mean, a lot of the gun huggers don't seem to care much for the Constitution and Rights when it comes to OTHER PEOPLE, like gay people.

It isn't about avoiding the topic as much as your avoiding the fact you don't have the right to take what I already have.
You have the same Constitutionally protected rights I have ... If you choose not to exercise your rights ... That is your choice.

What you don't understand is that you are in no position to frame the argument on just your desires.
My right to own firearms is not predicated in your or my desire to ... Nor how either of us views the sanctity of life.

It is simply a matter of whether or not I trust you to provide me with what I already have.
Get a clue chief, I am not asking for your help ... I don't need you to agree with me ... :thup:


Well, the problem here is that we're in a conundrum.

Things are being taken away, life is being taken away in far larger numbers.

Now the question is where is the balance?

When a Muslim attacks, those on the right are rather quick to demand that rights be taken away, but when a non-Muslim attacks the right demand that their rights remain intact. When they hear about gay people getting married they demand their right to not see things they don't like Trumps the rights of other people to get married.

Well, my desires are my arguments. In the US there is a system of Democracy (abused Democracy) which allows for people's ideas and allows for change.

The US Constitution doesn't give any rights, it merely protects them from US govt infringement. Now, we can change the Constitution to get rid of that if society wants to. We could protect the right to murder in the US Constitution if we felt like it.

no we, the people, are in no conundrum. you have the conundrum. and only you.

There is no one in this country taking anyone's rights away accept the left with there ongoing fight to end the 2nd amendment and our free speech. And as far as muslims go, no one has stated anything about a muslim accept for illegal entry into our country. So no balance, the muslim has no right to come here without being allowed in by our vetting process into immigration.

Oh, only me? What about all the people dying? Wait, no, dead people don't have a conundrum. There are plenty of people in the US who'd prefer to have a safer society.

I think you must be misinformed if you think that it's only the left trying to take rights away from people. Either that or just a partisan hack who only sees things that are convenient.

And as for thinking no one has stated anything about a Muslim except for illegal entry, you must be blind.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?
because they aren't the US.

And what makes the UK different then?

We can bullshit around here all day with you trying to avoid writing something of substance. So, go on, try writing something worthy of a response.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?
because they aren't the US.

And what makes the UK different then?

We can bullshit around here all day with you trying to avoid writing something of substance. So, go on, try writing something worthy of a response.
Actually the UK has seen a steady INCREASE in firearms crimes and death since banning firearms. Further the UK is the most violent Country in the EU and US. They just haven't in the past resorted to actual murder just beatings and assaults.
A lot of it also has to do with how they report, or rather don’t.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?
because they aren't the US.

And what makes the UK different then?

We can bullshit around here all day with you trying to avoid writing something of substance. So, go on, try writing something worthy of a response.
Actually the UK has seen a steady INCREASE in firearms crimes and death since banning firearms. Further the UK is the most violent Country in the EU and US. They just haven't in the past resorted to actual murder just beatings and assaults.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?

Because it's a different culture with different rules. People in the UK are subjects, not citizens and therefore their government does not respect their rights as our government is supposed to respect ours. But, you are wrong if you're saying that there are no gun deaths in the UK. There are 50 or 60 gun deaths per year in the UK, even though guns are banned there.

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.

You're wrong about the people of the UK not being citizens. They are citizens and they are subjects. The only reason they're subjects is because the head of state is hereditary, however she has little actual power and doesn't take part at all in the political process.

British Citizenship Form AN Online

Apply for British Citizenship (Form AN)

You can't apply for citizenship if the people aren't citizens.

How does the British government not respect the rights of British CITIZENS as the US govt respects the rights of US citizens exactly?

I'd like to hear this because I've lived in both countries and feel that the UK govt respects its citizens more than the US govt.

As for 50 or 60 gun deaths per year, that's about true. The US had 10,000, just to give you a level of comparison here. Even with the US's 5 times population, that's still 2,000 per year compared to 50 a year. Which do you think is better?

Guns aren't totally banned in the UK, just as guns are 100% in the US. People still have guns, something like 4% of people have guns in the UK.

So the biggest problem here is that you're quite misinformed about the situation, the second is you see that the UK has a much, MUCH lower gun death, murder rate and you're saying it's down to "culture"

Okay then, what culture makes the UK have much lower gun murder and murder in general? Morris Dancing?
Not when you take into account the number of legal guns, no. Illegal guns do over 92% of the killing here.

But the reality is that STILL four times more people die in the US than in most other First World countries.

Go figure.

So, you have people stopping killings, which means that the number of killing attempts in the US is through the roof.
Not when you take into account the number of legal guns, no. Illegal guns do over 92% of the killing here.

But the reality is that STILL four times more people die in the US than in most other First World countries.

Go figure.

So, you have people stopping killings, which means that the number of killing attempts in the US is through the roof.

Yes, when you take into account the number of legal guns, the homicide rate is STILL four times lower.

I'm confused.
Crime in the UK is much higher than here, with tough, tough gun laws.

When you consider how many guns there are here legally, 92% are never used illegally. The stats show legal gun owners are not doing the killing. Legal guns have stopped by far more crime than caused it. Three such incidents have made the news just this week, and considering most media don’t want to report that, no telling how many incidents like that are truly happening.

You take away the good guys guns 92% of gun murders would still happen, and then some, as there won’t be anyone to stop some of the attempted murders, crimes that are done today. Crime would go up even further.

And if you think gun running would be stopped or criminals would turn in their weapons, I have this really nice bridge to sell ya.

Not when you take into account the number of legal guns, no. Illegal guns do over 92% of the killing here.

But the reality is that STILL four times more people die in the US than in most other First World countries.

Go figure.

So, you have people stopping killings, which means that the number of killing attempts in the US is through the roof.

Yes, when you take into account the number of legal guns, the homicide rate is STILL four times lower.

I'm confused.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
Protecting my and my wife’s life. That’s why guns are a tool for just that


But you're MORE LIKELY to get killed with a gun.
Well that is a statement made from ignorance of any kind of facts.
I value life, that is why I support the Right to self defense and the Right to own and carry guns.

Mass murder, genocide, and ethnic cleansing claim millions of lives, and can only happen to people who have no guns.

The Europeans taught us a lesson that they have forgotten. In the 1920s, after World War 1 they took away the guns of their citizens...all except for Sweden......then, in 1939, the German socialists sent 12 million Europeans to the gas chambers..innocent men, women and children.....who didn't have guns to stop it.

All except for the Swiss, who had 435,000 citizens armed with military rifles to resist any invasion...they didn't send people to the German gas chambers...

Today....Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack, rapes, robberies and murders...according to bill clinton and barak obama......


We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Because I value life, I value the Right to own and carry guns to defend and protect innocent human life from people like the one posting this thread.....who would take away the guns from the innocent, to leave the victims to the rapists, robbers and murderers......including those who would commit mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing....
Crime in the UK is much higher than here, with tough, tough gun laws.

When you consider how many guns there are here legally, 92% are never used illegally. The stats show legal gun owners are not doing the killing. Legal guns have stopped by far more crime than caused it. Three such incidents have made the news just this week, and considering most media don’t want to report that, no telling how many incidents like that are truly happening.

You take away the good guys guns 92% of gun murders would still happen, and then some, as there won’t be anyone to stop some of the attempted murders, crimes that are done today. Crime would go up even further.

And if you think gun running would be stopped or criminals would turn in their weapons, I have this really nice bridge to sell ya.

Not when you take into account the number of legal guns, no. Illegal guns do over 92% of the killing here.

But the reality is that STILL four times more people die in the US than in most other First World countries.

Go figure.

So, you have people stopping killings, which means that the number of killing attempts in the US is through the roof.

Yes, when you take into account the number of legal guns, the homicide rate is STILL four times lower.

I'm confused.

No, crime isn't higher in the UK at all.

Crime statistics are often difficult to compare, homicide is the easiest simply because a dead body is a dead body.

A while back I looked at the statistics and for crime they were about comparable for the US and the UK except for homicides.

92% of guns are used legally. That still means the US has a major problem. You can try and throw the positives, but the negatives outweigh anything. 4 times higher murder is simple to understand, it's people's lives going away.

Well, yes, sometimes you won't be able to stop the problems. Like in the UK there are still murders, still crimes. However your argument falls down in that the US has so many problems.

To be fair, the largest problem is the US govt and the whole political system. Until this changes, there's no real point in implementing gun control because the US is so rotten it just wouldn't work. But Americans seem to like living in a society where things don't really work properly.
Crime in the UK is much higher than here, with tough, tough gun laws.

When you consider how many guns there are here legally, 92% are never used illegally. The stats show legal gun owners are not doing the killing. Legal guns have stopped by far more crime than caused it. Three such incidents have made the news just this week, and considering most media don’t want to report that, no telling how many incidents like that are truly happening.

You take away the good guys guns 92% of gun murders would still happen, and then some, as there won’t be anyone to stop some of the attempted murders, crimes that are done today. Crime would go up even further.

And if you think gun running would be stopped or criminals would turn in their weapons, I have this really nice bridge to sell ya.

Not when you take into account the number of legal guns, no. Illegal guns do over 92% of the killing here.

But the reality is that STILL four times more people die in the US than in most other First World countries.

Go figure.

So, you have people stopping killings, which means that the number of killing attempts in the US is through the roof.

Yes, when you take into account the number of legal guns, the homicide rate is STILL four times lower.

I'm confused.

No, crime isn't higher in the UK at all.

Crime statistics are often difficult to compare, homicide is the easiest simply because a dead body is a dead body.

A while back I looked at the statistics and for crime they were about comparable for the US and the UK except for homicides.

92% of guns are used legally. That still means the US has a major problem. You can try and throw the positives, but the negatives outweigh anything. 4 times higher murder is simple to understand, it's people's lives going away.

Well, yes, sometimes you won't be able to stop the problems. Like in the UK there are still murders, still crimes. However your argument falls down in that the US has so many problems.

To be fair, the largest problem is the US govt and the whole political system. Until this changes, there's no real point in implementing gun control because the US is so rotten it just wouldn't work. But Americans seem to like living in a society where things don't really work properly.
Retard alert, just because you want to ignore facts doesn't mean the rest of us do. The UK has about 5 times the violent crime rate that the US has.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
Protecting my and my wife’s life. That’s why guns are a tool for just that


But you're MORE LIKELY to get killed with a gun.
Well that is a statement made from ignorance of any kind of facts.

Haha, that's funny.

In the US you're 4 times more likely to be killed.

In the US there were 135 police killed in the line of duty. I'm making the assumption here that every police officer has a gun. In the UK the number was ZERO.

So, how is it possible that police, with this great defensive shield of a gun, see 135 deaths in the line of duty in the US, but in the UK they see zero when they don't carry guns?

Oppsie, your "ignorance of any kind of facts" just went up the shitter.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

My guns took no human life yesterday. Or last week. Or last month. Or in the last year.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

My guns took no human life yesterday. Or last week. Or last month. Or in the last year.

But the year before that they did? Phrase things better. :D

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