Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
A dumb question. A gun can be used to take or save life. It is the HUMAN that makes that choice not the gun.

Stop being a lockstep leftist tard on this issue and use your brain.
And if we can't do it in Congress, SCOTUS will do it for us.
Oh, fuck you. Fuck you, hardcore!!!

Gun violence is NOTHING compared to the danger of your attitude and win-at-all-cost methods. You have no respect for procedure or due process. You actively want to circumvent checks and balances. This is borderline treasonous.

This is why we can never vote for another democrat as POTUS. Even if you hate the Republicans as much as I do, SCOTUS appointments are extremely important. These fucking commies want to get their goose-steppers on the Court so they can get around that pesky Constitution.

This is LITERALLY a good reason to go to war. Not even kidding.
BlackSand is stupid if she keeps up with the nonsense.

She is only the decider for herself on what "get guns out of the hands of crazies" means.

If she sealions, I will deal with it appropriately.
And if we can't do it in Congress, SCOTUS will do it for us.
Oh, fuck you. Fuck you, hardcore!!!

Gun violence is NOTHING compared to the danger of your attitude and win-at-all-cost methods. You have no respect for procedure or due process. You actively want to circumvent checks and balances. This is borderline treasonous.

This is why we can never vote for another democrat as POTUS. Even if you hate the Republicans as much as I do, SCOTUS appointments are extremely important. These fucking commies want to get their goose-steppers on the Court so they can get around that pesky Constitution.

This is LITERALLY a good reason to go to war. Not even kidding.
I keep you off ignore because you are so silly. :)
You are truly stupid (meaning unable to learn) if you think more than 13 people want to confiscate weapons.

Americans want to keep guns out of the hands of crazies.

I personally know far more thsn a bakers dozen of people who want all firearms confiscated.

But to your point... How are you going to get the guns out of the hands of current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon?
I keep you off ignore because you are so silly.
Let me just clarify my "silly" position for you. Tell me where I am wrong.

You want to get your way, no matter what it takes. You are willing to erode mechanisms that prevent government oppression, as long as you get your way. You are dissatisfied with the way the U.S. Constitution is difficult to change because it keeps you from getting your way. You are willing to put judges onto the SCOTUS who will ignore their oath of office and give you what you want the easy way.

You, and the people like you, are spoiled children. You cannot accept that you don't get your way. You throw a tantrum, scream, cry, piss your pants, and hold your breath because you cannot get your way.

You want to cheat to make America into your Utopia.

Get the fuck out and go to a country that doesn't value checks and balances or due process. There are plenty. The fact that you are trying to fuck up my country makes you a serious enemy and threat.
Yes, you are silly, because nothing you say is so, bootney.

You clearly don't understand America, its history and tradition and culture, its Constitution.

You are entertaining but of no real consequence at all.
You are truly stupid (meaning unable to learn) if you think more than 13 people want to confiscate weapons.

Americans want to keep guns out of the hands of crazies.

I personally know far more thsn a bakers dozen of people who want all firearms confiscated.

But to your point... How are you going to get the guns out of the hands of current gun owners who are deemed "crazy" by whatever criteria end up being agreed upon?
Whoever believes in total confiscation is unAmerican to the bone, yes.

It is up to Congress and the state legislatures on how to keep crazies and guns separated.

If they can't do that, SCOTUS.
It is up to Congress and the state legislatures on how to keep crazies and guns separated.

If they can't do that, SCOTUS.

It is NOT the job of the Supreme Court to make law, just because you can't get your way.

I swear. We are doomed because of this way of thinking.

We need guns more than ever, because this is going to come down to a fight sooner or later. You spoiled little brats can't handle rejection, so I expect that you will start your commie revolution.

Good thing we still have them.
You are an idiot, boot: just listen to your ranting.

You don't like SCOTUS. It does not matter at all that you feel that way.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

I'll use my guns to protect my life if you people will stop passing ineffective laws and policies that force me to be defenseless like the people in that church were.

But in the UK it doesn't happen. Why?

Because it's a different culture with different rules. People in the UK are subjects, not citizens and therefore their government does not respect their rights as our government is supposed to respect ours. But, you are wrong if you're saying that there are no gun deaths in the UK. There are 50 or 60 gun deaths per year in the UK, even though guns are banned there.

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.
Either we solve it together in Congress, or SCOTUS will solve it for us.

Esa you how does the SCOTUS expect to confiscate the firearms already in private hands?

Ole Jakeapottamus there would support UN Peacekeepers coming in and confiscating weapons.
Hi, longer. Your comments are diseased as are your lungs. No one wants to confiscate weapons. We have to get weapons out of the hands of crazies.

Quit lying, you want confiscation of anyone's weapons who is to the "Right" of you.
You are an idiot, boot: just listen to your ranting.

You don't like SCOTUS. It does not matter at all that you feel that way.
USSC has already ruled against you Fakey. They stated that the 2nd amendment is an individual right, they stated that a firearm must be of us to the military to be protected.
SCOTUS reserved the right to rule on the 2dA as it will.

A new case is coming up on what are "weapons of war."

However, you dodge, and I just tripped you anyway.

The issue is how to keep guns away from crazies.
Either we solve it together in Congress, or SCOTUS will solve it for us.

Esa you how does the SCOTUS expect to confiscate the firearms already in private hands?

Ole Jakeapottamus there would support UN Peacekeepers coming in and confiscating weapons.
Hi, longer. Your comments are diseased as are your lungs. No one wants to confiscate weapons. We have to get weapons out of the hands of crazies.

Quit lying, you want confiscation of anyone's weapons who is to the "Right" of you.
Only a crazy wank like you would think that.

You are no daisy, are you, longer?
SCOTUS reserved the right to rule on the 2dA as it will.

A new case is coming up on what are "weapons of war."

However, you dodge, and I just tripped you anyway.

The issue is how to keep guns away from crazies.
What other protected rights are you willing to remove? The 5th? How about the 1st? The 6th?
RGS, stay with the point.

Do you think crazies and terrorists should have access to guns?

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