Which is more pathetic; the democratic or republican party?

Having a hard time deciding.
I agree. They are both pathetic. The DNC are useless pussies and republicans are corrupt, self-serving douche bags of epic proportions.

Edge: republicans. There’s no question about that.
There are FOUR parties.
DemoCrats = Socialist = Commies ALL 100% bad.
Trump = Common Sense = Great.
RINO = DEM-Light 90% bad.
30 Freedom members = Good.

your Supreme Leader
Having a hard time deciding.

The democrat party is dangerous...with their attacks on the Bill of Rights, their violent thugs in black lives matter and antifa, and their attacks our our families and culture.

The republican party is....pathetic.
Both are pathetic nowadays.

MAGA and Trump rules! :2up:
Having a hard time deciding.

The democrat party is dangerous...with their attacks on the Bill of Rights, their violent thugs in black lives matter and antifa, and their attacks our our families and culture.

The republican party is....pathetic.

I'd say that's kind of accurate due to the shifting demographics, but ... don't sleep on those shifty republicans. They'll pick your pocket with a smile if they can get away with it.
Funny you never had a hard time deciding during the pathetic eight years of the Hussein administration.

And you know this ... how, exactly?
Well, you should know this...exactly. How many posts did you make that considered the Hussein administration to be "pathetic" before you woke up to a republican administration?

I mostly stayed off forum boards back then. Had little interest in the Obama administration. Most of what he did, I didn't like, but at least I was better off with him than with Bush.
The two party system is not serving Americans well. It is serving the political elite of both parties VERY well. Have you seen the opulent homes and cars driving around Washington DC? That is why both parties don't like Trump. And that is exactly why you should like Trump.
The two party system is not serving Americans well. It is serving the political elite of both parties VERY well. Have you seen the opulent homes and cars driving around Washington DC? That is why both parties don't like Trump. And that is exactly why you should like Trump.

I might like Trump if he ... wasn't Donald Trump. If you took Trump, made him smarter, toned down the rhetoric, and made him less of a terrible person, I'd probably be able to get behind most of his agenda. Unfortunately, he isn't that man. I know a lot of people appreciate his bull in a China shop approach, but I genuinely am starting to worry that his big mouth will get us into a pointless war. That ain't for me.
There's a dimes worth of difference between the two parties nowadays.
Most politicians are power greedy psychopaths.
The two party system is not serving Americans well. It is serving the political elite of both parties VERY well. Have you seen the opulent homes and cars driving around Washington DC? That is why both parties don't like Trump. And that is exactly why you should like Trump.

There really is no 2 party system. Just 1 party dividing people to keep power among the few.
Republicans are infinitely more pathetic. I am conservative, yet I admire the dedication and loyalty that the Dems have to their party. The leaders and constituents of the Dems put the party first. Their followers do as their told. Recall how they screwed Bernie out of any chance of the nomination, yet he and all his followers jumped to vote for Hellary.
Republicans are infinitely more pathetic. I am conservative, yet I admire the dedication and loyalty that the Dems have to their party. The leaders and constituents of the Dems put the party first. Their followers do as their told. Recall how they screwed Bernie out of any chance of the nomination, yet he and all his followers jumped to vote for Hellary.

I think a lot of Bernie followers voted Trump. Like, a LOT of them. That's how resentful they were toward the democrats.

Bernie supporters and Trump supporters had something very important in common; neither was really dedicated to either party. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that both hate both parties, or at the very least find them useless.

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