Which is most bothersome:

Democrats are just learning, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."
A) We had 24% of our voting populace vote for such a clearly broken demented old man and a broken ideology
B) The election was stolen.
Either way, its disconcerting.

Might I add a third option:

C) Regardless of which major political party holds majority civilization continues to collapse at breakneck speed. Stolen elections and half-dead politicians are but a small symptom of a much greater plague upon America: the plague of suicidal government tendencies and the Americans who worship government as their one and true GOD, even knowing that their "god" is corrupt and overtly evil.
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Personally, I am leaning towards the George Soros/China social model. I am liking the Elon Musk buying a majority share in Twitter model, ending censorship based on politics and ending the social credit thing.
A) We had 21% of our voting populace vote for such a clearly broken demented old man and a broken ideology
B) The election was stolen.
Either way, its disconcerting.
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China owns us. Please. They own a majority stock in damn near everything, Disney? Apple? MSNBC, CBS, ABC or the legacy media. Funny, China would never allow trans/gay rights or BLM, EVER. Just look at who owns these companies.
Personally, I am leaning towards the George Soros/China social model. I am liking the Elon Musk buying a majority share in Twitter model, ending censorship based on politics and ending the social credit thing.
:auiqs.jpg:Like that is EVER gonna happen. :auiqs.jpg:
A) We had 21% of our voting populace vote for such a clearly broken demented old man and a broken ideology
B) The election was stolen.
Either way, its disconcerting.
Well, look - I'll probably get skewered by the righties for saying this, but here goes -

I'm a musician, and when I play in a band with three or four other people, we all have to "agree" on the songs we're playing.

So, we start by building a list. Each member chips in 10 songs, so let's say we end up with 50 candidates on the list.

Then what we do, is look at the list and see who likes what. If all 5 of us agree on a song, it's in and we do it.

BUT - here's the thing - every individual has veto power. We don't want anyone being miserable while they're playing a sing on stage, so like, if four people like the song and one person absolutely hates it and can't stand it, s/he can just say "nope, veto", and it's out and we don't do it.

I look at the ouster of Trump as basically a "veto", along those lines. This guy was SO disgusting to the left that they couldn't stand him, and they weren't going to let him back no matter what, by hook or by crook or whatever it took.

Now, I have to point out, that the LAST time the PTB wanted to veto a president, they just blew his head off. Today's Dems are a lot kinder and gentler than that, and I mean, fucking KUDOS to them for pulling it off, it's quite the amazing accomplishment.

I have no desire to ram Trump down anyone's throat. I just want the progs gone. My take is, in 2016 Trump was the ONLY candidate who was willing to take it to the lefties, and that's why he won. The popular feeling was "get rid of the progs", and it still is.

I feel better about the whole thing now. The progs are on their way out, and who knows what'll replace them, I suspect the Bernie faction will become more powerful at some point... so careful what you ask for, but the only thing worse than progs is outright communists (or Nazis, same diff).
A) We had 21% of our voting populace vote for such a clearly broken demented old man and a broken ideology

B) The election was stolen.
Either way, its disconcerting.

A) We had 21% of our voting populace vote for such a clearly broken demented old man and a broken ideology
B) The election was stolen.
Either way, its disconcerting.
Neither should be bothersome to anyone.

Wheres your evidence 21%only voted for Biden?

The election wasnt stolen and your own party confirmed it. Why are you persisting with that shit?
Isnt it about time you accepted the fact Trump was beaten and move on?
What's the point in taking that crap to your grave for no reason. You will not change it. You barking mad.

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