Which is the Real "Racist" Party? 15 Questions for Democrats.

Jan 17, 2010
This is a message that needs to be spread around. It needs to be hammered over and over. The world and especially black America needs to be told of the part of their history that they have virtually no clue about.

Once upon a time former Governor, Presidential candidate, and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Howard Dean called the GOP the “White Party.” CNN commentator Lou Dobbs took Dean to task for his language.

So was Dr. Dean, and those among the Left who share his understanding of history, accurate? Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis.

Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!

Question #1. During whose administration did the signature of an African-American first appear on U.S. currency? During that of a Republican or a Democrat President?

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats - Big Journalism
This is a message that needs to be spread around. It needs to be hammered over and over. The world and especially black America needs to be told of the part of their history that they have virtually no clue about.

Once upon a time former Governor, Presidential candidate, and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Howard Dean called the GOP the “White Party.” CNN commentator Lou Dobbs took Dean to task for his language.

So was Dr. Dean, and those among the Left who share his understanding of history, accurate? Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis.

Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!

Question #1. During whose administration did the signature of an African-American first appear on U.S. currency? During that of a Republican or a Democrat President?

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats - Big Journalism

The Democrats are the party of the KuKluxKlan.
This is a message that needs to be spread around. It needs to be hammered over and over. The world and especially black America needs to be told of the part of their history that they have virtually no clue about.

Once upon a time former Governor, Presidential candidate, and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Howard Dean called the GOP the “White Party.” CNN commentator Lou Dobbs took Dean to task for his language.

So was Dr. Dean, and those among the Left who share his understanding of history, accurate? Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis.

Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!

Question #1. During whose administration did the signature of an African-American first appear on U.S. currency? During that of a Republican or a Democrat President?

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats - Big Journalism

This is the stupidest bullshit going. "Robert Byrd was in the Klan, so, the Democrats are the real racists"!

This argument keeps popping up like a mushroom.

But nobody believes it, except a few dumb Republicans.

The truth is that the Democrats are the party that advances black, Hispanic, and most Jewish interests by supporting welfare, open borders, and liberal policies generally.

The Republicans are overwhelmingly white, and have only token involvement by blacks. Republicans support policies generally favorable to whites, like lower taxes, less immigration, smaller government, etc. It supports social policies of Christian whites like anti-abortion.

Blacks don't vote Republican. The share of the black vote gotten by Republicans has steadily decline over the years, going from "not much" to "even less." Hispanics, similarly, vote Democrat. So do Asians, who might be expected to vote Republican because they do better economically.

It's about the blood.

Republicans are an "implicitly white" party.

Democrats are an explicitly anti-white party.

The problem with idiot Republicans wanting to show how "non-racist" they are is that it reveals their cowardice in the face of multiculturalism: they're afraid of being called a "racist."

But why shouldn't whites have interests in the political arena as much as any other group?

Instead of scooting around on your knees begging the multiculturalists to accept you, U.S. Army Retired, grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. Whites have rights. Those rights are advanced by the GOP. Now fuck off!"

You'll feel great.
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I can never be a Democrat for a few reasons.

1. My great grandfathers fought against their Pinkerton thugs.

2. They stopped us forming unions.

3. They dropped bombs upon us.

4. They violated our human rights.

5. They wanted us to be slaves to the coal companies.

6. They exploited us.

7. Obama is racist against us.

8. They paid for our great uncles and aunts to be murdered as children.

9. They had Pinkertons open fire upon our people.

10. We get a pittance of what ghettos get.
I think it is something like 95% of the Republican party is made up of white people.

Why don't we stop bringing up stuff that happened over 50 years ago. :lol:
I think it is something like 95% of the Republican party is made up of white people.

Why don't we stop bringing up stuff that happened over 50 years ago. :lol:

Because it's still relevant.

Again, why should I support the Democrats ? They see me as sub human.

And what's wrong with them being made up of 95% white people ? What's wrong with being white ?

Again why should I support a party that essentially commited ethnic cleansing against me ? That's like asking a Jew to support the Nazis. The Democrats aren't holier than thou, they have their own sins that they must address, including Obama, he made racist comments about my people.
I think it is something like 95% of the Republican party is made up of white people.

Why don't we stop bringing up stuff that happened over 50 years ago. :lol:

But how else are they going to mention the last time that the GOP gave a damn about black people? :eek:

Oh yes, I went there. :lol: :eusa_whistle:
Because it's still relevant.

Again, why should I support the Democrats ? They see me as sub human.

And what's wrong with them being made up of 95% white people ? What's wrong with being white ?

Again why should I support a party that essentially commited ethnic cleansing against me ? That's like asking a Jew to support the Nazis. The Democrats aren't holier than thou, they have their own sins that they must address, including Obama, he made racist comments about my people.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Did you just compare what you feel is your power as a white person being taken away to the Holocaust? :cuckoo:
I think it is something like 95% of the Republican party is made up of white people.

Why don't we stop bringing up stuff that happened over 50 years ago. :lol:

Because it's still relevant.

Again, why should I support the Democrats ? They see me as sub human.

And what's wrong with them being made up of 95% white people ? What's wrong with being white ?

Again why should I support a party that essentially commited ethnic cleansing against me ? That's like asking a Jew to support the Nazis. The Democrats aren't holier than thou, they have their own sins that they must address, including Obama, he made racist comments about my people.
I don't see where I asked you to be a democrat.

Ethnic cleansing? Are you serious?
I think it is something like 95% of the Republican party is made up of white people.

Why don't we stop bringing up stuff that happened over 50 years ago. :lol:

But how else are they going to mention the last time that the GOP gave a damn about black people? :eek:

Oh yes, I went there. :lol: :eusa_whistle:

Because you know, only black people have it hard in America.
Because it's still relevant.

Again, why should I support the Democrats ? They see me as sub human.

And what's wrong with them being made up of 95% white people ? What's wrong with being white ?

Again why should I support a party that essentially commited ethnic cleansing against me ? That's like asking a Jew to support the Nazis. The Democrats aren't holier than thou, they have their own sins that they must address, including Obama, he made racist comments about my people.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Did you just compare what you feel is your power as a white person being taken away to the Holocaust? :cuckoo:

How can someone dirt poor have any power ? lol Honestly, answer that one.
I think it is something like 95% of the Republican party is made up of white people.

Why don't we stop bringing up stuff that happened over 50 years ago. :lol:

Because it's still relevant.

Again, why should I support the Democrats ? They see me as sub human.

And what's wrong with them being made up of 95% white people ? What's wrong with being white ?

Again why should I support a party that essentially commited ethnic cleansing against me ? That's like asking a Jew to support the Nazis. The Democrats aren't holier than thou, they have their own sins that they must address, including Obama, he made racist comments about my people.
I don't see where I asked you to be a democrat.

Ethnic cleansing? Are you serious?

Well 1 million people migrated as a result of discirminatory economic policies, that qualifies as ethnic cleansing. All so yall Americans can have our coal.
How can someone dirt poor have any power ? lol Honestly, answer that one.

So you're blaming the fact you're supposedly dirt poor on the Democrats?

And if you think you're dirt poor, I have news for you.
How can someone dirt poor have any power ? lol Honestly, answer that one.

So you're blaming the fact you're supposedly dirt poor on the Democrats?

And if you think you're dirt poor, I have news for you.

Oh you're sounding so Republican right now.

Oh wait, i forgot it was Republicans in Appalachia that violently responded to Appalachian efforts at equality ::rolls eyes::
I can never be a Democrat for a few reasons.

1. My great grandfathers fought against their Pinkerton thugs.

2. They stopped us forming unions.

3. They dropped bombs upon us.

4. They violated our human rights.

5. They wanted us to be slaves to the coal companies.

6. They exploited us.

7. Obama is racist against us.

8. They paid for our great uncles and aunts to be murdered as children.

9. They had Pinkertons open fire upon our people.

10. We get a pittance of what ghettos get.

By the Pinkertons were mostly started during the Civil War and to protect Lincoln a Republican.
And tell me what Obama has done to whites?
Because it's still relevant.

Again, why should I support the Democrats ? They see me as sub human.

And what's wrong with them being made up of 95% white people ? What's wrong with being white ?

Again why should I support a party that essentially commited ethnic cleansing against me ? That's like asking a Jew to support the Nazis. The Democrats aren't holier than thou, they have their own sins that they must address, including Obama, he made racist comments about my people.
I don't see where I asked you to be a democrat.

Ethnic cleansing? Are you serious?

Well 1 million people migrated as a result of discirminatory economic policies, that qualifies as ethnic cleansing. All so yall Americans can have our coal.

WTF are you even talking about?
I can never be a Democrat for a few reasons.

1. My great grandfathers fought against their Pinkerton thugs.

2. They stopped us forming unions.

3. They dropped bombs upon us.

4. They violated our human rights.

5. They wanted us to be slaves to the coal companies.

6. They exploited us.

7. Obama is racist against us.

8. They paid for our great uncles and aunts to be murdered as children.

9. They had Pinkertons open fire upon our people.

10. We get a pittance of what ghettos get.

By the Pinkertons were mostly started during the Civil War and to protect Lincoln a Republican.
And tell me what Obama has done to whites?

The Pinkertons killed Appalachian women and children.

But then again, it was done under the orders of Democrats and against Appalachians, so it's ok with you .

And Obama has shown his racism and ignorance towards Appalachians.

We're xenophobic, well you'd be xenophobic when everytime an outsider has contact with you it's either to kill you or to rip you off.

Or we love guns, our guns gave us equal rights, land, unions and all of our freedoms.

We love God ? We're very religious, if yall can't accept that then fuck yall.
This is a message that needs to be spread around. It needs to be hammered over and over. The world and especially black America needs to be told of the part of their history that they have virtually no clue about.

Once upon a time former Governor, Presidential candidate, and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Howard Dean called the GOP the “White Party.” CNN commentator Lou Dobbs took Dean to task for his language.

So was Dr. Dean, and those among the Left who share his understanding of history, accurate? Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis.

Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!

Question #1. During whose administration did the signature of an African-American first appear on U.S. currency? During that of a Republican or a Democrat President?

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats - Big Journalism

This is the stupidest bullshit going. "Robert Byrd was in the Klan, so, the Democrats are the real racists"!

This argument keeps popping up like a mushroom.

But nobody believes it, except a few dumb Republicans.

The truth is that the Democrats are the party that advances black, Hispanic, and most Jewish interests by supporting welfare, open borders, and liberal policies generally.

The Republicans are overwhelmingly white, and have only token involvement by blacks. Republicans support policies generally favorable to whites, like lower taxes, less immigration, smaller government, etc. It supports social policies of Christian whites like anti-abortion.

Blacks don't vote Republican. The share of the black vote gotten by Republicans has steadily decline over the years, going from "not much" to "even less." Hispanics, similarly, vote Democrat. So do Asians, who might be expected to vote Republican because they do better economically.

It's about the blood.

Republicans are an "implicitly white" party.

Democrats are an explicitly anti-white party.

The problem with idiot Republicans wanting to show how "non-racist" they are is that it reveals their cowardice in the face of multiculturalism: they're afraid of being called a "racist."

But why shouldn't whites have interests in the political arena as much as any other group?

Instead of scooting around on your knees begging the multiculturalists to accept you, U.S. Army Retired, grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. Whites have rights. Those rights are advanced by the GOP. Now fuck off!"

You'll feel great.

So you are for a political party that only supports Whites. What political party does GOD support? I doubt it's the GOP but the GOD...where everyone he created:white, black, brown, yellow, red are MEMBERS. GOD does not discrimminate or use Class to Seperate, GOD loves each and everyone of us because he created each and everyone of us. You might think you are higher and mightier because your skin color is WHITER but to God you are no better than anyone else on the face of this earth. God said to Love not Hate. So why don't you?
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This is a message that needs to be spread around. It needs to be hammered over and over. The world and especially black America needs to be told of the part of their history that they have virtually no clue about.

Once upon a time former Governor, Presidential candidate, and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Howard Dean called the GOP the “White Party.” CNN commentator Lou Dobbs took Dean to task for his language.

So was Dr. Dean, and those among the Left who share his understanding of history, accurate? Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis.

Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!

Question #1. During whose administration did the signature of an African-American first appear on U.S. currency? During that of a Republican or a Democrat President?

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats - Big Journalism

This is the stupidest bullshit going. "Robert Byrd was in the Klan, so, the Democrats are the real racists"!

This argument keeps popping up like a mushroom.

But nobody believes it, except a few dumb Republicans.

The truth is that the Democrats are the party that advances black, Hispanic, and most Jewish interests by supporting welfare, open borders, and liberal policies generally.

The Republicans are overwhelmingly white, and have only token involvement by blacks. Republicans support policies generally favorable to whites, like lower taxes, less immigration, smaller government, etc. It supports social policies of Christian whites like anti-abortion.

Blacks don't vote Republican. The share of the black vote gotten by Republicans has steadily decline over the years, going from "not much" to "even less." Hispanics, similarly, vote Democrat. So do Asians, who might be expected to vote Republican because they do better economically.

It's about the blood.

Republicans are an "implicitly white" party.

Democrats are an explicitly anti-white party.

The problem with idiot Republicans wanting to show how "non-racist" they are is that it reveals their cowardice in the face of multiculturalism: they're afraid of being called a "racist."

But why shouldn't whites have interests in the political arena as much as any other group?

Instead of scooting around on your knees begging the multiculturalists to accept you, U.S. Army Retired, grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. Whites have rights. Those rights are advanced by the GOP. Now fuck off!"

You'll feel great.

So you are for a political party that only supports Whites and to hell with the rest of us!! In other words if you were encountered with a major disaster and a Black, Jewish, etc., person were injured on the street and you had a chance to help them YOU WOULD NOT!! I mean afterall they are not Republican and they are not your preference as a human being why should you?

I don't care about whites, blacks, Jews. I care about Appalachians. That's all I care about. I care about my own people. My mother, my brother, my sister, my father. You ain't Appalachian, so I could careless about you. No offense, but that's how it has to be . Because noone cares about us.
This is a message that needs to be spread around. It needs to be hammered over and over. The world and especially black America needs to be told of the part of their history that they have virtually no clue about.

Once upon a time former Governor, Presidential candidate, and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee Howard Dean called the GOP the “White Party.” CNN commentator Lou Dobbs took Dean to task for his language.

So was Dr. Dean, and those among the Left who share his understanding of history, accurate? Is the GOP the party of white people? Let’s test the good doctor’s diagnosis.

Fifteen questions follow. The correct answers are provided at the end. No peeking!

Question #1. During whose administration did the signature of an African-American first appear on U.S. currency? During that of a Republican or a Democrat President?

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats - Big Journalism

This is the stupidest bullshit going. "Robert Byrd was in the Klan, so, the Democrats are the real racists"!

This argument keeps popping up like a mushroom.

But nobody believes it, except a few dumb Republicans.

The truth is that the Democrats are the party that advances black, Hispanic, and most Jewish interests by supporting welfare, open borders, and liberal policies generally.

The Republicans are overwhelmingly white, and have only token involvement by blacks. Republicans support policies generally favorable to whites, like lower taxes, less immigration, smaller government, etc. It supports social policies of Christian whites like anti-abortion.

Blacks don't vote Republican. The share of the black vote gotten by Republicans has steadily decline over the years, going from "not much" to "even less." Hispanics, similarly, vote Democrat. So do Asians, who might be expected to vote Republican because they do better economically.

It's about the blood.

Republicans are an "implicitly white" party.

Democrats are an explicitly anti-white party.

The problem with idiot Republicans wanting to show how "non-racist" they are is that it reveals their cowardice in the face of multiculturalism: they're afraid of being called a "racist."

But why shouldn't whites have interests in the political arena as much as any other group?

Instead of scooting around on your knees begging the multiculturalists to accept you, U.S. Army Retired, grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. Whites have rights. Those rights are advanced by the GOP. Now fuck off!"

You'll feel great.

So you are for a political party that only supports Whites and to hell with the rest of us!! In other words if you were encountered with a major disaster and a Black, Jewish, etc., person were injured on the street and you had a chance to help them YOU WOULD NOT!! I mean afterall they are not Republican and they are not your preference as a human being why should you?

Do I see blacks supporting Appalachian causes ? Nope. Do I see y'all supporting our equal rights and our dignity ? Nope. Do I see y'all commiting hate crimes against us ? Yep. Do I see y'all supporting equal federal funding ? Nope.

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