Which News Sources Do You Like?


NICE !! i love books and have about 400+, 11 bibles and 30+ books on religion, faith and spiritual inspiration.

Fox News is my most "GO TO", but i do sometimes check out the liberal commie news sites.., which is every one other than FOX NEWS . com
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Drudge Report is the most visited news website in the World


I asked which news source do you like.

Do you read Drudge or did you just throw that out there? Who says it's the most visited news website in the world anyway?

Drudge Report is my favorite site because it is current and reliable; plus it has links to hundreds of other nationally known news sources. I prefer the printed news to the televised because I can read much faster than the typical reporter can talk. Additionally, I am able scan the news and read only what I find interesting, whereas I have to listen to a bunch of irrelevant nonsense if I am watching a TV news program.

Why don't it you research it? You dont seem to believe me. lol. Go kick rocks.

NICE !! i love books and have about 400+, 11 bibles and 30+ books on religion, faith and spiritual inspiration.

Fox News is my most "GO TO", but i do sometimes check out the liberal commie news sites.., which is every one other than FOX NEWS . com

anyone who claims only ONE news station tells them the truth are brainwashed fools
AM Radio.

I listen to it on the way to work..and back.

Is that like an 'all news' radio talk channel? Who's do you listen to?

It's straight news.

Just the way I like it. No commentary.

I like straight news, no commentary too, most of the time. Sometimes I want to hear specific 'experts' takes on what they think. But have to flip all over the place to find those guys, and it's hit or miss. Some 'expert' who may have been a regular on one channel all of a sudden disappears and I don't see them again........until I surf and find that person waaaaaaaaaaaay over there on that other channel months later. gggrrrr

NICE !! i love books and have about 400+, 11 bibles and 30+ books on religion, faith and spiritual inspiration.....

Nothing better than a personal library, eh? I couldn't tell you how many books I have or had. I just keep buying them, new - used and every other variety (except I LOATHE those electronic readers like Kindle, etc!).
I generally stick to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. All of television news is utterly worthless. I also spend a lot of time online reading news reports. I think there's an element of bullshit in virtually every form and source of media.

You're right, every news source has its own biases for sure. Reading online is good as you'll generally get a better cross-section.
Drudge Report is the most visited news website in the World


I asked which news source do you like.

Do you read Drudge or did you just throw that out there? Who says it's the most visited news website in the world anyway?

Drudge Report is my favorite site because it is current and reliable; plus it has links to hundreds of other nationally known news sources. I prefer the printed news to the televised because I can read much faster than the typical reporter can talk. Additionally, I am able scan the news and read only what I find interesting, whereas I have to listen to a bunch of irrelevant nonsense if I am watching a TV news program.

You've got that right about printed news (online). I can read faster than listening to a news loop saying the same ole'-same ole' over and over too. I may hear something initially on televised news, but then go right to the Internet to find out additional details and what other facts are out there early on. Those news loops drive me crazy, lol.
I read two newspapers (lib & con) and listen to Charles Krauthammer's analysis on FNC Special Report. He reminds me of Henry Kissinger explaining foreign policy to novices.
I read two newspapers (lib & con) and listen to Charles Krauthammer's analysis on FNC Special Report. He reminds me of Henry Kissinger explaining foreign policy to novices.

Krauthammer's a damn genius - he's got degrees in Economics & History, then went on to get his Medical Degree from Harvard.
Anything - cable news, network, online media: name your favorites and why.

I listen to both lib and conservative channels sparingly, often switching back & forth. Mostly I read stuff online from overseas: BBC, Channel NewsAsia, NPR, UPI, AP. Always check Al Aribiya, AlJazeera, The Australian, West African News, etc. All sources are biased, so try to keep the sources open & flowing, unless it gets too wacko, then I disconnect.

How about you?

Do you guys watch CNN, Fox, BBC, or...................?

during the Boston bombing

i did not listen to or watch one national news channel

everything i heard

came from the use of the internet to gain access to

police scanners

local on the scene live reporting

and message boards
Top 50 Conservative - number is ranking on internet popularity

1) Fox News: 260
2) Wall Street Journal: 383
3) The Drudge Report: 748
4) New York Post: 888
5) WorldNetDaily: 2,692
6) Newsmax: 3,264
7) Free Republic: 3,988
8) The Washington Times: 4,717
9) TownHall: 5,986
10) The Rush Limbaugh Show: 7,624

11) Real Clear Politics: 7,957
12) National Review: 10,346
13) Hot Air: 11,517
14) Michelle Malkin: 12,871
15) Glenn Beck: 13,153
16) Human Events Online: 17,538
17) The Heritage Foundation: 20,746
18) Newsbusters: 21,452
19) Lew Rockwell: 24,677
20) The Weekly Standard: 25,565

21) News With Views: 27,352
22) Sean Hannity: 28,086
23) Pajamas Media 28,969
24) The Ludwig von Mises Institute: 29,116
25) Atlas Shrugs: 29,548
26) The American Thinker: 29,980
27) Cybercast News Service: 32,348
28) Neal Boortz: 32,857
29) Reason: 33,254
30) Lucianne: 34,135

31) Ann Coulter 36,864
32) The Cato Journal: 39,187
33) Daily Paul: 41,465
34) The Volokh Conspiracy: 42,021
35) Bill O’Reilly: 42,533
36) Redstate: 42,655
37) Conservapedia: 43,866
38) Power Line: 44,542
39) Jewish World Review: 44,765
40) Front Page Magazine: 48,645

41) Daniel Pipes: 49,692
42) Little Green Footballs: 49,844
43) Campaign for Liberty: 50,638
44) The American Spectator: 52,377
45) Commentary: 55,447
46) GOPUSA: 58,771
47) James Lileks’: 60,536
48) Right Wing News: 63,097
49) Wizbang: 63,427
50) Day by Day: 63,455

10 bonus websites

51) Moonbattery
52) Life News
53) Vdare
54) Debbie Schlussel
55) Republican National Committee
56) Lifesitenews
57) Dick Morris
58) Blackfive
59) Outside the Beltway
60) American Conservative
Anything - cable news, network, online media: name your favorites and why.

I listen to both lib and conservative channels sparingly, often switching back & forth. Mostly I read stuff online from overseas: BBC, Channel NewsAsia, NPR, UPI, AP. Always check Al Aribiya, AlJazeera, The Australian, West African News, etc. All sources are biased, so try to keep the sources open & flowing, unless it gets too wacko, then I disconnect.

How about you?

Do you guys watch CNN, Fox, BBC, or...................?

during the Boston bombing

i did not listen to or watch one national news channel

everything i heard

came from the use of the internet to gain access to

police scanners

local on the scene live reporting

and message boards

Hey Jon - if you were using police scanners, you must have been local to the area, right? You up near Boston or vicinity? Those probably were alot more informative.

Message boards, huh? Those could be good if people are online monitoring news real-time. I like Internet news too, especially scanning headlines on Google news because if stuff hits the Net, Google gets it almost immediately. :)
I read two newspapers (lib & con) and listen to Charles Krauthammer's analysis on FNC Special Report. He reminds me of Henry Kissinger explaining foreign policy to novices.

Krauthammer's a damn genius - he's got degrees in Economics & History, then went on to get his Medical Degree from Harvard.

Charles Krauthammer is indeed the most brilliant man on television today.
Hey Jeremiah - got a link to this list you published?? Would appreciate the source, thx.

Top 50 Conservative - number is ranking on internet popularity

1) Fox News: 260
2) Wall Street Journal: 383
3) The Drudge Report: 748
4) New York Post: 888
5) WorldNetDaily: 2,692
6) Newsmax: 3,264
7) Free Republic: 3,988
8) The Washington Times: 4,717
9) TownHall: 5,986
10) The Rush Limbaugh Show: 7,624

11) Real Clear Politics: 7,957
12) National Review: 10,346
13) Hot Air: 11,517
14) Michelle Malkin: 12,871
15) Glenn Beck: 13,153
16) Human Events Online: 17,538
17) The Heritage Foundation: 20,746
18) Newsbusters: 21,452
19) Lew Rockwell: 24,677
20) The Weekly Standard: 25,565

21) News With Views: 27,352
22) Sean Hannity: 28,086
23) Pajamas Media 28,969
24) The Ludwig von Mises Institute: 29,116
25) Atlas Shrugs: 29,548
26) The American Thinker: 29,980
27) Cybercast News Service: 32,348
28) Neal Boortz: 32,857
29) Reason: 33,254
30) Lucianne: 34,135

31) Ann Coulter 36,864
32) The Cato Journal: 39,187
33) Daily Paul: 41,465
34) The Volokh Conspiracy: 42,021
35) Bill O’Reilly: 42,533
36) Redstate: 42,655
37) Conservapedia: 43,866
38) Power Line: 44,542
39) Jewish World Review: 44,765
40) Front Page Magazine: 48,645

41) Daniel Pipes: 49,692
42) Little Green Footballs: 49,844
43) Campaign for Liberty: 50,638
44) The American Spectator: 52,377
45) Commentary: 55,447
46) GOPUSA: 58,771
47) James Lileks’: 60,536
48) Right Wing News: 63,097
49) Wizbang: 63,427
50) Day by Day: 63,455

10 bonus websites

51) Moonbattery
52) Life News
53) Vdare
54) Debbie Schlussel
55) Republican National Committee
56) Lifesitenews
57) Dick Morris
58) Blackfive
59) Outside the Beltway
60) American Conservative
Anything - cable news, network, online media: name your favorites and why.

I listen to both lib and conservative channels sparingly, often switching back & forth. Mostly I read stuff online from overseas: BBC, Channel NewsAsia, NPR, UPI, AP. Always check Al Aribiya, AlJazeera, The Australian, West African News, etc. All sources are biased, so try to keep the sources open & flowing, unless it gets too wacko, then I disconnect.

How about you?

Do you guys watch CNN, Fox, BBC, or...................?

during the Boston bombing

i did not listen to or watch one national news channel

everything i heard

came from the use of the internet to gain access to

police scanners

local on the scene live reporting

and message boards

Hey Jon - if you were using police scanners, you must have been local to the area, right? You up near Boston or vicinity? Those probably were alot more informative.

Message boards, huh? Those could be good if people are online monitoring news real-time. I like Internet news too, especially scanning headlines on Google news because if stuff hits the Net, Google gets it almost immediately. :)

actually i live in South Dakota

my Kindle has a national scanner app

plus some folks from the area put live Boston area scanners up on ustream

yes it was very informative

plus via the net i was able to watch local on the scene reporting unedited

the message boards helpful in directing interesting spots

for me this is the only way to go

it was quite an eye opener for me on the power of the internet

long may it live

and tax free ta boot
Hey Jeremiah - got a link to this list you published?? Would appreciate the source, thx.

Top 50 Conservative - number is ranking on internet popularity

1) Fox News: 260
2) Wall Street Journal: 383
3) The Drudge Report: 748
4) New York Post: 888
5) WorldNetDaily: 2,692
6) Newsmax: 3,264
7) Free Republic: 3,988
8) The Washington Times: 4,717
9) TownHall: 5,986
10) The Rush Limbaugh Show: 7,624

11) Real Clear Politics: 7,957
12) National Review: 10,346
13) Hot Air: 11,517
14) Michelle Malkin: 12,871
15) Glenn Beck: 13,153
16) Human Events Online: 17,538
17) The Heritage Foundation: 20,746
18) Newsbusters: 21,452
19) Lew Rockwell: 24,677
20) The Weekly Standard: 25,565

21) News With Views: 27,352
22) Sean Hannity: 28,086
23) Pajamas Media 28,969
24) The Ludwig von Mises Institute: 29,116
25) Atlas Shrugs: 29,548
26) The American Thinker: 29,980
27) Cybercast News Service: 32,348
28) Neal Boortz: 32,857
29) Reason: 33,254
30) Lucianne: 34,135

31) Ann Coulter 36,864
32) The Cato Journal: 39,187
33) Daily Paul: 41,465
34) The Volokh Conspiracy: 42,021
35) Bill O’Reilly: 42,533
36) Redstate: 42,655
37) Conservapedia: 43,866
38) Power Line: 44,542
39) Jewish World Review: 44,765
40) Front Page Magazine: 48,645

41) Daniel Pipes: 49,692
42) Little Green Footballs: 49,844
43) Campaign for Liberty: 50,638
44) The American Spectator: 52,377
45) Commentary: 55,447
46) GOPUSA: 58,771
47) James Lileks’: 60,536
48) Right Wing News: 63,097
49) Wizbang: 63,427
50) Day by Day: 63,455

10 bonus websites

51) Moonbattery
52) Life News
53) Vdare
54) Debbie Schlussel
55) Republican National Committee
56) Lifesitenews
57) Dick Morris
58) Blackfive
59) Outside the Beltway
60) American Conservative

The 50 Most Popular Conservative Websites | Right Wing News
www.rightwingnews.com/.../the-50-most-popular-conservative-websites1) Alexa doesn’t distinguish between top level domains and their sub-directories. So, for example, a blog on Townhall and Townhall itself would have the same rating.
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I like Fox News because IMO they are more honest than any of the other news channels.

BBD: I flip through to Fox sometimes too, but they are at the top of the list hated most by left-wing liberals. Just sayin', don't shoot the messenger! That's why I want Jeremiah's url link so I can see who published that list he posted.

I've heard DOOSIES on both ends - on CNN, couldn't believe some of the crap I heard out of Lemon and Fareed Zakaria, and the other day I wanted to choke Geraldo Rivera and O'Rielly!

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