Which News Sources Do You Like?

I use both liberal and conservative news sites for information and have gotten some new sources in this thread. Thanks for starting it. :)
I use both liberal and conservative news sites for information and have gotten some new sources in this thread. Thanks for starting it. :)

Your welcome! :)

Did you read today's latest - the jerks MIRANDIZED the TERRORIST & HE STOPPED TALKING! geezus
Drudge Report is the most visited news website in the World


The Individual Rights Foundation, led by conservative activist David Horowitz, paid Drudge's legal fees in the Blumenthal lawsuit. A federal judge noted in the judgment that Drudge "is not a reporter, a journalist, or a newsgatherer. He is, as he admits himself, simply a purveyor of gossip."[

And by gossip he means Republican lies.

Drudge Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not much difference between drudge and msnbc, fox, and cnn. If you think its different. Go look at the gossip on the mainstream media sites.
The Weather Channel is fun. Sometimes. Don't wanna hear about snow - anywhere!
Got to tell you that last week, Al Aribiya was reporting false news for almost a whole day (they're one of the biggest online/televised stations for Middle Eastern locales). Al Jazzera didn't have false info, and most of their stuff was accurate, but AlAribiya was totally hosed and didn't correct the misinformation about the Boston Bombings until a day later.
Anything - cable news, network, online media: name your favorites and why.

I listen to both lib and conservative channels sparingly, often switching back & forth. Mostly I read stuff online from overseas: BBC, Channel NewsAsia, NPR, UPI, AP. Always check Al Aribiya, AlJazeera, The Australian, West African News, etc. All sources are biased, so try to keep the sources open & flowing, unless it gets too wacko, then I disconnect.

How about you?

Do you guys watch CNN, Fox, BBC, or...................?

CNN, BBC, Sky News, Al Jazeera, France 24

I only watch straight news; I do not, and never have, watched editorialized news, pundits, discussion programs, etc., though on this board, I regularly get accused of being 'fed' my ideas by such programs. Pretty funny as I've never watched these programs and don't even know what they are or who anchors them. And, for example, I've never watched anything Micheal Moore did. I saw a portion of the first thing he did and realized his work is not straight reporting but that he has an agenda. I do not like anything with an agenda. They are all biased, to an extent, but that is something different from a specific agenda. For example, Fox has a very specific agenda, which is why I don't watch it. Fox isn't any better than Michael Moore, though they hate him, and he hates them. What a waste of time they both are.
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Anything - cable news, network, online media: name your favorites and why.

I listen to both lib and conservative channels sparingly, often switching back & forth. Mostly I read stuff online from overseas: BBC, Channel NewsAsia, NPR, UPI, AP. Always check Al Aribiya, AlJazeera, The Australian, West African News, etc. All sources are biased, so try to keep the sources open & flowing, unless it gets too wacko, then I disconnect.

How about you?

Do you guys watch CNN, Fox, BBC, or...................?

CNN, BBC, Sky News, Al Jazeera, France 24

I only watch straight news; I do not, and never have, watched editorialized news, pundits, discussion programs, etc., though on this board, I regularly get accused of being 'fed' my ideas by such programs. Pretty funny as I've never watched these programs and don't even know what they are or who anchors them. And, for example, I've never watched anything Micheal Moore did. I saw a portion of the first thing he did and realized his work is not straight reporting but that he has an agenda. I do not like anything with an agenda. They are all biased, to an extent, but that is something different from a specific agenda. For example, Fox has a very specific agenda, which is why I don't watch it. Fox isn't any better than Michael Moore, though they hate him, and he hates them. What a waste of time they both are.

I'm with you. The editorializing that gets spewed across the airwaves is huge. Most people don't think about it, they just drink it up. I just want the facts, and quickly. NPR is good for that (National Public Radio). Funny, you like SkyNews yet they are the EU sister station of FoxNews, which you hate. CNN generally leans left, Fox leans right, not sure about France24 as I can't watch them unless I do Internet. BBC is good for facts too. AlJazeera has its own slant too, but I tune in or check their website at least once a day.

I watched a Michael Moore movie, one of those from a couple years ago. Geez, did he DISTORT the details and twist the facts. The guy could never be a scientist because he'd be thrown out of peer review cross-examination for distortion of facts!
Anything - cable news, network, online media: name your favorites and why.

I listen to both lib and conservative channels sparingly, often switching back & forth. Mostly I read stuff online from overseas: BBC, Channel NewsAsia, NPR, UPI, AP. Always check Al Aribiya, AlJazeera, The Australian, West African News, etc. All sources are biased, so try to keep the sources open & flowing, unless it gets too wacko, then I disconnect.

How about you?

Do you guys watch CNN, Fox, BBC, or...................?

CNN, BBC, Sky News, Al Jazeera, France 24

I only watch straight news; I do not, and never have, watched editorialized news, pundits, discussion programs, etc., though on this board, I regularly get accused of being 'fed' my ideas by such programs. Pretty funny as I've never watched these programs and don't even know what they are or who anchors them. And, for example, I've never watched anything Micheal Moore did. I saw a portion of the first thing he did and realized his work is not straight reporting but that he has an agenda. I do not like anything with an agenda. They are all biased, to an extent, but that is something different from a specific agenda. For example, Fox has a very specific agenda, which is why I don't watch it. Fox isn't any better than Michael Moore, though they hate him, and he hates them. What a waste of time they both are.

I'm with you. The editorializing that gets spewed across the airwaves is huge. Most people don't think about it, they just drink it up. I just want the facts, and quickly. NPR is good for that (National Public Radio). Funny, you like SkyNews yet they are the EU sister station of FoxNews, which you hate. CNN generally leans left, Fox leans right, not sure about France24 as I can't watch them unless I do Internet. BBC is good for facts too. AlJazeera has its own slant too, but I tune in or check their website at least once a day.

I watched a Michael Moore movie, one of those from a couple years ago. Geez, did he DISTORT the details and twist the facts. The guy could never be a scientist because he'd be thrown out of peer review cross-examination for distortion of facts!

I turn on SkyNews when there is nothing on any of the others I want to watch, like sports or editorial type programs or something. Sky is a bit tabloidy, but I don't watch anything on it that editorializes news, just the straight news. For example, duing the Boston bombing news, early days, CNN had that on 24/7 as if nothing else was happening. So I'd go to BBC to see what was going on in the world. If BBC had on something I wasn't interested in, I'd go to Sky and see if they were covering the straight news. I don't watch it regularly. It isn't much like the American Fox news, as far as I can see. Maybe it has an agenda for British politics which I'm not aware of, but for world news, I haven't noticed an agenda.
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CNN, BBC, Sky News, Al Jazeera, France 24

I only watch straight news; I do not, and never have, watched editorialized news, pundits, discussion programs, etc., though on this board, I regularly get accused of being 'fed' my ideas by such programs. Pretty funny as I've never watched these programs and don't even know what they are or who anchors them. And, for example, I've never watched anything Micheal Moore did. I saw a portion of the first thing he did and realized his work is not straight reporting but that he has an agenda. I do not like anything with an agenda. They are all biased, to an extent, but that is something different from a specific agenda. For example, Fox has a very specific agenda, which is why I don't watch it. Fox isn't any better than Michael Moore, though they hate him, and he hates them. What a waste of time they both are.

I'm with you. The editorializing that gets spewed across the airwaves is huge. Most people don't think about it, they just drink it up. I just want the facts, and quickly. NPR is good for that (National Public Radio). Funny, you like SkyNews yet they are the EU sister station of FoxNews, which you hate. CNN generally leans left, Fox leans right, not sure about France24 as I can't watch them unless I do Internet. BBC is good for facts too. AlJazeera has its own slant too, but I tune in or check their website at least once a day.

I watched a Michael Moore movie, one of those from a couple years ago. Geez, did he DISTORT the details and twist the facts. The guy could never be a scientist because he'd be thrown out of peer review cross-examination for distortion of facts!

I turn on SkyNews when there is nothing on any of the others I want to watch, like sports or editorial type programs or something. Sky is a bit tabloidy, but I don't watch anything on it that editorializes news, just the straight news. For example, duing the Boston bombing news, early days, CNN had that on 24/7 as if nothing else was happening. So I'd go to BBC to see what was going on in the world. If BBC had on something I wasn't interested in, I'd go to Sky and see if they were covering the straight news. I don't watch it regularly. It isn't much like the American Fox news, as far as I can see. Maybe it has an agenda for British politics which I'm not aware of, but for world news, I haven't noticed an agenda.
Do you get SKY online?
I get most of my news from the 180 or so RSS feeds I have.
My second favorite is Univision, third is Fox.

By the way:

One Third of Americans Abandoning Network News Channels As They Seek More News, Less Opinion

April 29, 2013 by screenshot @ One Third of Americans Abandoning Network News Channels As They Seek More News, Less Opinion | Screenshots News

I've been part of that 1/3 for years!

You Can Thank the 2008 US Presidential Race for the Current Explosion in Alternative News Reporting

It took a long time to get here, but we have all seen it coming. It’s why I stopped “complaining” about the news media and began reporting and blogging about the news instead, back in early 2008. At the time I was so completely appalled at the apparent “Obama election mission directive” which had apparently been delivered to every single US based news media organization that I went on my own “news reporting mission” to expose this bias and lack of vetting. I began making my very best effort to actually report the truth, rather than just consume the propaganda which was being peddled by US news media.

Read more at above link.
I get most of my news from the 180 or so RSS feeds I have.
My second favorite is Univision, third is Fox.

By the way:

One Third of Americans Abandoning Network News Channels As They Seek More News, Less Opinion

April 29, 2013 by screenshot @ One Third of Americans Abandoning Network News Channels As They Seek More News, Less Opinion | Screenshots News

I've been part of that 1/3 for years!

You Can Thank the 2008 US Presidential Race for the Current Explosion in Alternative News Reporting

It took a long time to get here, but we have all seen it coming. It’s why I stopped “complaining” about the news media and began reporting and blogging about the news instead, back in early 2008. At the time I was so completely appalled at the apparent “Obama election mission directive” which had apparently been delivered to every single US based news media organization that I went on my own “news reporting mission” to expose this bias and lack of vetting. I began making my very best effort to actually report the truth, rather than just consume the propaganda which was being peddled by US news media.

Read more at above link.

Yeah, if you're online and your company ALLOWS you to have RSS feeds (some do not).

CNN today was quick to announce the arrest of the additional 3 conspirators, so salud to CNN as usual.

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