Which of the following is the winning focus for Trump in the 2024 presidential election?

Which area has Biden damaged most and is therefore the best focus for Trump?

  • Rampant inflation caused by leftist policies

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • The cancel culture, including censorship of opposing views

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Election cheating

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Growing threat from our foreign enemies due to Biden’s weakness

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • The “Americans Last” agenda

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Illegal immigration

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Indoctrination of children in public schools

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Increased crime and anti-police attitude

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Government corruption

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Media control

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
I will say it more slowly. Trump is busy with his legal affairs.

What is there to smear. He had the classified documents in his home. They asked for them and he refused to return them. Then they just took them back.

The riot happen and I am sure you watch it.

Trump tried to change the election with a recorded call with his voice on it. He asked for specific number so that he would win. They told him that the vote count was accurate. He still refused to accept it.

What of the above is unsubstantiated or do you believe did not happen.
That any of it is illegal.
The planet is fine…, been fine for 4.5 Billion Years. It doesn’t need us and will spit us all out if need be. So, while we are here and since we’ve been here, it is always about the economy.
It's not. And what economy you think you're gonna have in-between crop failures and floods and wild fires and hurricanes?
You're just an entitlement monkey, thinking worldwide inflation shouldn't affect you.

Um ... what? Is that the leftist term of the day, entitlement monkey? You're hallucinating, I'm raped by government, not funded by it, racist monkey

Let me know when you come down from the drugs, racist

I knew it. You're still waiting for that trickle down to finally kick in.
This is cracking me up. Let the criminal defendant Trump tell you how the next round of tax cuts for the rich will make America great again. Lol
Right now the winning focus for any candidate seems to be the ability to articulate his/her political agenda. So far the current president seems to have trouble articulating the day of the week.
I knew it. You're still waiting for that trickle down to finally kick in.
This is cracking me up. Let the criminal defendant Trump tell you how the next round of tax cuts for the rich will make America great again. Lol

Elephants are gummy rolling bricks
That any of it is illegal.

Yes it is illegal. NARA by law is required to get the presidential records for the presidential library. Also Presidents lose their security clearance after leaving office.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201-2209, governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created on or received after January 20, 1981.

Yes the current administration can grant security clearance to ex presidents. When Trump is no longer the president. He cannot decided anything about classified records.

No one is above the law has to mean something.

Yes it is illegal. NARA by law is required to get the presidential records for the presidential library. Also Presidents lose their security clearance after leaving office.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201-2209, governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created on or received after January 20, 1981.

Yes the current administration can grant security clearance to ex presidents. When Trump is no longer the president. He cannot decided anything about classified records.

No one is above the law has to mean something.
you show me any criminal penalties in the PRA and I'll buy you dinner.

The Biden admin has criminalized this document case. Against a former President. Against their chief political rival. It is an extremely sad turn in our history.
It's not. And what economy you think you're gonna have in-between crop failures and floods and wild fires and hurricanes?
Wow…. Because in the history of man, those have never happened before?? Now, we are going to stop them by the US solely switching to non fossil energy resources? Got it.
Biden has a lengthy agenda
What is Trumps?
What’s Biden’s agenda? Get more illegals in? Drive inflation? Shut down oil production? Ignore Americans dealing with disasters in favor of foreigners? Prosecute political opponents? Drive hatred against half the country because they won’t vote for him?
Wow…. Because in the history of man, those have never happened before?? Now, we are going to stop them by the US solely switching to non fossil energy resources? Got it.
It's a fact that burning fossil fuels upset the apple cart of history.
What’s Biden’s agenda? Get more illegals in? Drive inflation? Shut down oil production? Ignore Americans dealing with disasters in favor of foreigners? Prosecute political opponents? Drive hatred against half the country because they won’t vote for him?

Low cost education
Green Energy
Saving Ukraine

They stole the election from me
Low cost education
Green Energy
Saving Ukraine

They stole the election from me
Yup. He's gonna go straight from a court date on the campaign trail with all the injustices fresh on his mind. He won't be able to get a grip on anything else.

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