CDZ Which part of human history shows that guns in the hands of only the Gov. is actually a good thing?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I am wondering...which part of human history where normal people were unarmed shows that this works out well? Look around the world and where normal people are unarmed they are the victims of the strong and the violent.

So.....where in human history do we find it a good idea for the government to be the only ones with rifles and pistols?

You could say Europe...right now.....(Balkans anyone?) And of course just 77 years ago, Europe gave it's citizens to the German socialists...who murdered 12 million of them in gas chambers. All unarmed, all victims.

Unarmed Africans.....they still have slavery over there.....Japan....77 years ago they murdered 3 million people....all unarmed......
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.

Human history shows that when the government has all the weapons...the people will suffer.....the German people registered their guns in the 1920s....and if you follow what happened they were told the same things...they didn't need those guns, they would be safer without them, crime would be reduced...the same exact arguments ...........

Then, the socialists took control of Germany, and used the registration lists of gun owners created in the 1920s to collect guns from their political enemies.......and then sent 12 million people to the gas chambers...
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.

Human history shows that when the government has all the weapons...the people will suffer.....the German people registered their guns in the 1920s....and if you follow what happened they were told the same things...they didn't need those guns, they would be safer without them, crime would be reduced...the same exact arguments ...........

Then, the socialists took control of Germany, and used the registration lists of gun owners created in the 1920s to collect guns from their political enemies.......and then sent 12 million people to the gas chambers...
We pay a big price for our guns:

Even though it has half the population of the other 22 nations combined, the United States accounted for 82 percent of all gun deaths. The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.

Does anyone really think these numbers can't be reduced and still allow private gun ownership?
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.

Human history shows that when the government has all the weapons...the people will suffer.....the German people registered their guns in the 1920s....and if you follow what happened they were told the same things...they didn't need those guns, they would be safer without them, crime would be reduced...the same exact arguments ...........

Then, the socialists took control of Germany, and used the registration lists of gun owners created in the 1920s to collect guns from their political enemies.......and then sent 12 million people to the gas chambers...
We pay a big price for our guns:

Even though it has half the population of the other 22 nations combined, the United States accounted for 82 percent of all gun deaths. The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.

Does anyone really think these numbers can't be reduced and still allow private gun ownership?
2/3 are suicide.
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.

Human history shows that when the government has all the weapons...the people will suffer.....the German people registered their guns in the 1920s....and if you follow what happened they were told the same things...they didn't need those guns, they would be safer without them, crime would be reduced...the same exact arguments ...........

Then, the socialists took control of Germany, and used the registration lists of gun owners created in the 1920s to collect guns from their political enemies.......and then sent 12 million people to the gas chambers...
We pay a big price for our guns:

Even though it has half the population of the other 22 nations combined, the United States accounted for 82 percent of all gun deaths. The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.

Does anyone really think these numbers can't be reduced and still allow private gun ownership?
damn those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
I am wondering...which part of human history where normal people were unarmed shows that this works out well? Look around the world and where normal people are unarmed they are the victims of the strong and the violent.

So.....where in human history do we find it a good idea for the government to be the only ones with rifles and pistols?

You could say Europe...right now.....(Balkans anyone?) And of course just 77 years ago, Europe gave it's citizens to the German socialists...who murdered 12 million of them in gas chambers. All unarmed, all victims.

Unarmed Africans.....they still have slavery over there.....Japan....77 years ago they murdered 3 million people....all unarmed......
Get your facts straight; 12 million did not die in gas chambers. Look up Einsatzgruppen, then look up Babi Yar. 6 million total deaths in the Genocide.
I am wondering...which part of human history where normal people were unarmed shows that this works out well? Look around the world and where normal people are unarmed they are the victims of the strong and the violent.

So.....where in human history do we find it a good idea for the government to be the only ones with rifles and pistols?

You could say Europe...right now.....(Balkans anyone?) And of course just 77 years ago, Europe gave it's citizens to the German socialists...who murdered 12 million of them in gas chambers. All unarmed, all victims.

Unarmed Africans.....they still have slavery over there.....Japan....77 years ago they murdered 3 million people....all unarmed......

Ah, well what is important is no one wanta Hitler like righties on their side ;)

To your main topic I think the lesson from history is if you want to have a revolution in this era where we can't have the same F-22s and M1's as the military get halfway reasonable leaders in place and have a conscript military which is representative of the rioting populace. Bonus if the military is somewhat poorly trained/brainwashed/indoctrinated.
damn those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
That is one solution, another is to stop those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
When those suicidal people switch to ropes and poison are you gonna lobby that those be banned as well?
Guns are also so much more lethal than other methods used in suicide attempts. Most people who survive a suicide attempt do not go on to die by suicide, but only one in 10 people who attempt suicide by gun get that second chance.
damn those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
That is one solution, another is to stop those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
When those suicidal people switch to ropes and poison are you gonna lobby that those be banned as well?
Guns are also so much more lethal than other methods used in suicide attempts. Most people who survive a suicide attempt do not go on to die by suicide, but only one in 10 people who attempt suicide by gun get that second chance. lets just ban the really lethal forms right? Bridges...buildings...cliffs. Draino. Fuck outah here. Nerf the world shitlib Nerf the world.
damn those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
That is one solution, another is to stop those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
When those suicidal people switch to ropes and poison are you gonna lobby that those be banned as well?
Guns are also so much more lethal than other methods used in suicide attempts. Most people who survive a suicide attempt do not go on to die by suicide, but only one in 10 people who attempt suicide by gun get that second chance.

If someone want to commit suicide they will do it with whatever they find at the time...

Robin Williams did not need a gun... pills do the job... razors work too... jumping off a bridge with a rope around the neck works.

Guns are your excuse tp excuse humanity weakness.

Deal with the mental health part and stop blaming the firearm...
damn those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
That is one solution, another is to stop those suicidal people and gang member using illegal guns!
When those suicidal people switch to ropes and poison are you gonna lobby that those be banned as well?
Guns are also so much more lethal than other methods used in suicide attempts. Most people who survive a suicide attempt do not go on to die by suicide, but only one in 10 people who attempt suicide by gun get that second chance. lets just ban the really lethal forms right? Bridges...buildings...cliffs. Draino. Fuck outah here. Nerf the world shitlib Nerf the world.
This may come as a shock to you but there are more options than either ban all gun or have no gun laws at all.
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.

Human history shows that when the government has all the weapons...the people will suffer.....the German people registered their guns in the 1920s....and if you follow what happened they were told the same things...they didn't need those guns, they would be safer without them, crime would be reduced...the same exact arguments ...........

Then, the socialists took control of Germany, and used the registration lists of gun owners created in the 1920s to collect guns from their political enemies.......and then sent 12 million people to the gas chambers...
We pay a big price for our guns:

Even though it has half the population of the other 22 nations combined, the United States accounted for 82 percent of all gun deaths. The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.

Does anyone really think these numbers can't be reduced and still allow private gun ownership?

The numbers are more Americans buy, own and carry guns....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Democide is a real thing. However there are varying degrees of victimhood. We can look at governments run amok with the examples of Nazi Germany and Socialist Russia, Pol Pot Cambodia etc. Then there are examples still in their infancy with Australia or the UK where the governments have not turned on the people in a violent manner. However there is a third where the criminal element preys on an unarmed populous in Mexico, Brazil and RSA. So overall guns are a good thing IMO.

Human history shows that when the government has all the weapons...the people will suffer.....the German people registered their guns in the 1920s....and if you follow what happened they were told the same things...they didn't need those guns, they would be safer without them, crime would be reduced...the same exact arguments ...........

Then, the socialists took control of Germany, and used the registration lists of gun owners created in the 1920s to collect guns from their political enemies.......and then sent 12 million people to the gas chambers...
We pay a big price for our guns:

Even though it has half the population of the other 22 nations combined, the United States accounted for 82 percent of all gun deaths. The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.

Does anyone really think these numbers can't be reduced and still allow private gun ownership?

And both gun accidental death has gone down as more people own and carry guns......

90% of those doing the shooting are criminals...who have illegal guns.....70-80% of the victims...are criminals engaged in criminal activity.

Do you realize that gun crime is going up in Britain and Australia? Where they banned and confiscated is going up a lot....they just haven't started crossing the line into murder...yet.....and they are getting there.....

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