Which Party Is More Racist?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Considering the accusations made by Obama on the Clintons and the Democrats about the Republicans, I thought this blog post may be worth looking at and discussing.

It's some facts about Al Sharpton. The same Sharpton embraced by Obama, the Clintons, and most Democrats. To a lesser extent the same type of fact sheet could be done on Jesse Jackson, onetime Democratic Presidential candidate.

Consider now how the Right has acted about Ron Paul. Don Black. David Duke. Think even how the perceived racism by Trott was met by mainstream Republicans. Is the Left going to argue that the Right is too PC?



You know, it appears more and more that the Democrat's cries of racism re:Republicans is a form of projection. David Duke is denounced in mainstream Republican circles for his racism. Those same mainstream Republicans pushed Pat Buchanan out of the Party for a whiff of anti-Semitism. Or look at the heat Ron Paul is getting from Republicans. Why do the Democrats give their race baiters and anti-Semites (often one in the same) a pass?

Could it be they can't win elections without them?
All I can say is that the candidates better be very careful from here on out. Anything that a candidate may say will be picked up, analyzed under the proverbial microscope, likely taken out of context and blown out of proportion by his political opponents.
Yeah. Right. Do you have a link to an official statement from his church or is this simply your opinion.

Trinity Church, according to reports, does not allow whites as members.

Let me put it this way, before I link you up to their statement..

What would you think about this if you saw it on a website for one of the candidates?

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly White and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the White religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an Aryan people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of war, the days of segregation, and the long night of noahidism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a White worship service and ministries which address the White Community.
Trinity Church, according to reports, does not allow whites as members.

Perhaps it is racist. I don’t honestly know. I just understand that political biases sometimes clouds people’s minds when it comes to the activities and memberships that the political opponent may be involved in.

Let me put it this way, before I link you up to their statement..

What would you think about this if you saw it on a website for one of the candidates?

Yep. White groups have their despicable racist clubs too. It sounds like something William Joyce would write. What candidate endorses (or endorsed) it, David Duke or Robert Byrd?
Perhaps it is racist. I don’t honestly know. I just understand that political biases sometimes clouds people’s minds when it comes to the activities and memberships that the political opponent may be involved in.

Yep. White groups have their despicable racist clubs too. It sounds like something William Joyce would write. What candidate endorses (or endorsed) it, David Duke or Robert Byrd?

Okay, now let's read the statement from Trinity Church of Christ, Obama's church...


We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

I hope you can note the "similarities". I actually simply changed a word or two...
Read some of those sermons. They teach an interesting form of supremacy based on the "cradle of civilization".
Read some of those sermons. They teach an interesting form of supremacy based on the "cradle of civilization".

Okay. I guess that I spoke too soon and out of ignorance and put my foot in my mouth. Has the church been questioned about its seemingly racist comments? Has Obama made clear his opinion on the church’s apparent racist comments?
Okay. I guess that I spoke too soon and out of ignorance and put my foot in my mouth. Has the church been questioned about its seemingly racist comments? Has Obama made clear his opinion on the church’s apparent racist comments?

No. It appears he has been given a pass. Or one of his opponents are just waiting in the wings with the information.

Even if it isn't in his heart, such association from a white candidate would have ended their run by now and they never would get to be one of the two top spots.
No. It appears he has been given a pass. Or one of his opponents are just waiting in the wings with the information.

The religious right will harp on it more and more at the appropriate time. They will make this mole hill into a mountain. They will scream and yell and throw the race card all over the electorate. They will probably make this minor – insignificant element into a key issue if they can find nothing bigger and juicer.

Even if it isn't in his heart, such association from a white candidate would have ended their run by now and they never would get to be one of the two top spots.

I doubt that this would make a difference for either race or party in the primaries. It might be significant in the general election. To be fair, weren’t there some White Republicans that got a minor slap on the wrist for being members of some racist or bigoted churches. I seem to recall that some White Republicans got endorsed by what nearly amounted to white supremacist groups but such “news” was glossed over – at least at the start of the race.
Curious but do these things mean the same to those in power as they do to those at the fringes?

Barack Obama: Putting faith out front - How the Illinois senator came to embrace religion in his life.

CHICAGO - On a recent Sunday, the magnetic pastor who led Barack Obama to Christianity was at his usual perch on the dais here, a South Side megachurch where a plaque beneath stained-glass depictions of the African-American struggle reads "Unashamedly Black, Unapologetically Christian."

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., in a casual short-sleeve shirt, preached about Martha as a "single saint," urging unmarried women to draw self-esteem from faith rather than men. He took blacks to task for what he said was their silence on domestic violence, homophobia, and the "illegal, untested, insane war in Iraq, started by a C-student draft dodger."

The religious right will harp on it more and more at the appropriate time. They will make this mole hill into a mountain. They will scream and yell and throw the race card all over the electorate. They will probably make this minor – insignificant element into a key issue if they can find nothing bigger and juicer.

I doubt that this would make a difference for either race or party in the primaries. It might be significant in the general election. To be fair, weren’t there some White Republicans that got a minor slap on the wrist for being members of some racist or bigoted churches. I seem to recall that some White Republicans got endorsed by what nearly amounted to white supremacist groups but such “news” was glossed over – at least at the start of the race.

I don't doubt that somebody with an R by their name would most certainly have been rousted by now. Look at what happened to Ron Paul after he allowed some idiots to use his name in a newsletter... It doesn't take much for me to see a double standard here. It practically hits you over the head.
Both parties call each other racist loudly and often. Both can muster quite a bit of evidence, both in attacking the opposing party and in defense of their own. For the most part accusations of racisim are just one of the many flavors of political bullshit which we are subjected to every election year.
Both parties call each other racist loudly and often. Both can muster quite a bit of evidence, both in attacking opposing party and in defense of their own. For the most part accusations of racisim are just one of the many flavors of political bullshit which we are subjected to every election year.

Yep. :clap2:
Which Party Is More Racist?

No Answers? Stripped of current considerations, after LBJ I would have to say the republicans. But I love the wonderful twisting of reality the conservatives have managed by saying that welfare and AA are really bad things and are really racist. That magic continues to amaze.
I think the best way to tell which is most racist is by looking at which has the most people of color in it.

If you believe people of color are just as smart as the majority race then you would have to say it was the republican party which is the most racist.
I think the best way to tell which is most racist is by looking at which has the most people of color in it.

If you believe people of color are just as smart as the majority race then you would have to say it was the republican party which is the most racist.

"I think the best way to tell which is most racist is by looking at which has the most people of color in it."


True enough
Just saying:


2008 Democratic Presidential Primary
Clinton, Obama, No Clear Leader in Democratic Race
Monday, January 14, 2008

The race for the Democratic Nomination has been narrowed to a two-person competition between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Rasmussen Markets data shows both candidates are considered to have a good shot at the nomination.

Somewhat surprisingly, as the campaign has tightened, racial tensions have bubbled to the surface with the two camps exchanging accusations. Those tensions are reflected in this week’s polling data. Overall, Clinton and Obama are close nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll. But, among white voters, Clinton leads 41% to 27%. Among African-American voters, Obama leads 66% to 16%. ...
Following the logic above, could we determine which party is the more anti-military, by seeing which party most military people vote for?

Could we see which party is more pro-criminal, by seeing which party most convicted felons vote for?

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