Which political party gets credit for more job creation?

2019 Trump era was greatest ever
Say what??

2019 was a weak year, with weak GDP growth and Trump had to beg the FED for rate cuts and more QU fake money printing.

Trump's economy was weak and pathetic and crashed when they tried to raise rates above a little 2%, then Trump's weak economy needed more FED stimulus and fake money printing.
Say what??

2019 was a weak year, with weak GDP growth and Trump had to beg the FED for rate cuts and more QU fake money printing.

Trump's economy was weak and pathetic and crashed when they tried to raise rates above a little 2%, then Trump's weak economy needed more FED stimulus and fake money printing.
Revisionist history
Glad you asked
Biden provided funding to state and local governments to set up COVID distribution centers and web sites. A free COVID vaccine was provided to anyone who desired it.
Biden also had to combat the COVID lies and misinformation being distributed by Conservatives

Biden helped facilitate the COVID response once he took office, but he certainly didn't start it. It was Trump who pushed through Operation Warp Speed, which by the way, Biden and Harris and several other Democrats said they didn't trust and initially didn't want his experimental vaccine. Regarding misinformation, well, there was plenty of that on both sides across the board.

As for "beating" COVID, it was inevitable we were going to return to normal once the virus spread throughout the world and herd immunity was acquired. We've seen this in every country roughly around the same time frame, so it's a bit disingenuous to credit Biden, or any politician anywhere, with "beating" COVID. By and large, the only thing that has changed is media and political hysteria scaring the bejesus out of people on a daily basis. In fact, we've had weeks and months in the past year where COVID cases were just as high as they had been during the height of the pandemic, but nobody was panicking over it because nobody was hearing about it.
It was Trump who pushed through Operation Warp Speed, which by the way, Biden and Harris and several other Democrats said they didn't trust and initially didn't want his experimental vaccine

Not true….Both Biden and Harris said they would trust the word of scientists and medical professionals….not the word of Trump who was spreading COVID misinformation

Operation Warp Speed happened under Trump but no President would have done otherwise…..from either party.

Trump failed to push the urgency of masks and social distancing and openly violated them.
When vaccines were available, Trump refused to be photographed being vaccinated and refused to push requirements for people to vaccinate.
MAGA refused to vaccinate……Trumps fault
Let’s see….

Bush 41: 1.9 million jobs
Clinton: 23.5 million jobs
Bush 43: 1.3 million jobs
Obama: 11.5 million jobs
Trump: MINUS 3 million jobs
Biden: 13 million jobs

Do I see a trend?

Last 3 Republicans: gained 200,000 jobs
Last 3 Democrats: gained 48 million jobs

Please explain what Clinton did to create 23 million jobs.
You can’t so you won’t.
Please explain what Clinton did to create 23 million jobs.
You can’t so you won’t.
The same thing Biden is doing. Policies to benefit the middle class and middle class job creation.

Republican policies benefit the ultra wealthy, with only scraps going to the middle class, and fake claims of trickle down lies that never happen.
Democrat's policies create jobs through infrastructure, construction, and tech, and a strong middle class then creates more jobs.

If you favor the middle class like democrats do, then the economy grows from the bottom up, if you favor the rich like the GOP, then the economy sucks and crashes, like it did under Bush and Trump.
This was an FDR / Depression oriented thread tree
It was a republicans have failed at the economy thread.

The democrats have destroyed the republicans on the economy for the past 100 years. 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP. Every single republican has had at least 1 recession for the past 100 years. terrible.

All the success is under the democrats, all the failure under the republicans, and the facts prove this. The facts say this.
Nothing that pays less than $15 per hour is really a job one should do good work at.
Let’s see….

Bush 41: 1.9 million jobs
Clinton: 23.5 million jobs
Bush 43: 1.3 million jobs
Obama: 11.5 million jobs
Trump: MINUS 3 million jobs
Biden: 13 million jobs

Do I see a trend?

Last 3 Republicans: gained 200,000 jobs
Last 3 Democrats: gained 48 million jobs
When Presidents come to power the luck of the economics they inherit or what is already going to happen is part of it. Past decisions affect their fortunes in leading the nation. Trump could not predict Covid. Employment improving with Joe is a card trick due to it. Joe told us manufacturing is going to create millions and millions of jobs. As he gets rid of Trump tariffs. What kind of economic and fiscal policy is that? Its lies. And he lies. A habitual serial liar.
There are so many domestic and global economic currents affecting every part of our economy, that giving a freaking President or political party full credit or blame for pretty much anything is nothing more than standard shallow partisan rhetoric. Or profound ignorance. Or both.
no we mean the 2007 Big Bush Blow up. When Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget and then blew up the economy in record and disgraceful fashion.
Now as almost all complicated issues... this requires just a little reading so I've highlighted in color what happened which WAS NOT Bush's fault!
Obama brought the housing bubble through his 1995 Lawsuit against Citibank which really dumb people like you either are unaware or ignore but either way this caused the collapse of 2008 as a Democrat

Obviously you never heard of the Citibank lawsuit of 1995 and according to a key DEMOCRAT leader, who said:
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it
NOW since YOUR responses generally have NO substantiation but GUESSES by you and exaggeration by you here are the FACTS about the housing bubble!
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices. As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
"Redlining," the activists argued, was the antithesis of the American dream of owning a home. Moreover, they insisted, everyone had the "right" to own a home. So the banks were forced to issue loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back. The banking system was forced to inflate a housing bubble that set us up for a near-catastrophic economic collapse.
As the Daily Caller relates, "Obama's lawsuit was one element of a national 'anti-redlining' campaign led by Chicago's progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called 'red lines' around African-American communities."

That settlement was only the tip of the iceberg.
When Citibank, in April 1998, sought federal approval for a merger with Travelers Group, it only got OK from the Clinton administration progressives after it promised in May to provide $115 billion for anti-redlining loans. Anti-redlining promises made by other financial institutions added up to $600 billion between 1993 and 1998, according to a 2000 Treasury Department report.
It was the progressive dreams of Barack Obama that would crash the nation's economy in 2008, wipe out at least $4 trillion in equity and help keep the unemployment rate above 8% for four years.
As president, Obama would blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, and Wall Street. But before the housing market finally collapsed, it was a young lawyer named Barack Obama who helped put the wrecking ball in motion
NOW here is an important politician during this time WHO NOW SAYS IT WAS A MISTAKE!!!
For years, Barney Frank (Frank served as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee from 2007 to 2011 and was a leading co-sponsor of the 2010 Dodd–Frank Act.) was a staunch supporter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the giant government housing agencies that played such an enormous role in the financial meltdown that thrust the economy into the Great Recession.
But in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it." He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."

Obama Didn’t End the Great Recession That Bush Didn’t Cause​

By James Pethokoukis November 06, 2012

To make matters worse, Clinton beefed up Jimmy Carter's 1977 Community Reinvestment Act to force lenders to take a more relaxed approach to disadvantaged borrowers. Liberalised banks plus millions of new sub-prime customers equalled one big problem.

These risky loans, called subprime mortgages, would later become one of the main causes of the Great Recession.​

In fact, the loan verification process was so lax at the time that it drew its own nickname: NINJA loans, which stands for "no income, no job, and no assets."
Because subprime mortgages were granted to people who previously couldn't qualify for conventional mortgages,
  • The subprime mortgage crisis was the collective creation of the world's central banks, homeowners, lenders, credit rating agencies, underwriters, and investors.1
  • Lenders were the biggest culprits, freely granting loans to people who couldn't afford them because of free-flowing capital following the dotcom bubble.2
  • Borrowers who never imagined they could own a home were taking on loans they knew they may never be able to afford.
The same thing Biden is doing. Policies to benefit the middle class and middle class job creation.

Republican policies benefit the ultra wealthy, with only scraps going to the middle class, and fake claims of trickle down lies that never happen.
Democrat's policies create jobs through infrastructure, construction, and tech, and a strong middle class then creates more jobs.

If you favor the middle class like democrats do, then the economy grows from the bottom up, if you favor the rich like the GOP, then the economy sucks and crashes, like it did under Bush and Trump.

You just typed a whole lot of nothing.

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