Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea to have a operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

  • Carter

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Bush 41

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • Bush 43

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Obama

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Trump

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters
No! That's what the libs want! A nuclear winter to offset the effects of climate change.

If the tree huggers and
North Korea does not have any operational ICBM's, shit half their supposed missiles blow up on the launch pad, so they would be incinerating themselves.

Grow up kid

This is one of my all time favorite posts.

The smugness while being 100% wrong is just hysterical.

The guy is posting to an internet message board, but he's too stupid to just type a few words and read the fucking news.

Dude, you should self ban for at least a month for being such a fucking imbecile.

Are these enough legit sources for you?

Grow up, kid.

After North Korea's ICBM Launch, Now What?
NPR-3 hours ago
On the Fourth of July, North Korea marked a milestone by firing an intercontinental ballistic missile that soared high into space before turning ...
US watched North Korea prepare for ICBM launch
Fox News-1 hour ago
What Can Trump Do About North Korea? His Options Are Few and ...
Opinion-New York Times-16 hours ago
North Korea tested intercontinental ballistic missile, US officials ...
Featured-AOL-19 hours ago
As concern about North Korea deepens, the US and China are at odds
In-Depth-Washington Post-4 hours ago
North Korea Successfully Tests Missile That Could Reach Alaska
Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-Jul 4, 2017

Fox News

Washington Post

BBC News

Business Insider

The National Interest Online



View all

North Korea ICBM: US and South Korea conduct missile drills after ...
BBC News-11 hours ago
The US and South Korea have conducted a joint military exercise a day after North Korea launched a missile experts believe could reach ...


What It Means If North Korea Has ICBM Capability
NPR-21 hours ago
North Korea claims it has successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, which the U.S. and South Korea are working to confirm.
View attachment 137131
[WATCH] Footage emerges of North Korea's ICBM launch
Eyewitness News-7 hours ago
CNN | North Korea test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on 4 July, with the country claiming it now has the power to strike at the ...
View attachment 137130
US, allies request emergency UN Security Council session after ...
Fox 59-6 hours ago
Tuesday's ICBM launch, confirmed by U.S. and South Korean officials, is a milestone in North Korea's efforts to develop long-range missiles ...
View attachment 137133
North Korea claims first successful launch of ICBM
New York Post-Jul 4, 2017
In typically heated rhetoric, North Korea's Academy of Defense Science said the test of an ICBM — the Hwasong-14 — marked the “final step” ...
How North Korea made it from Kim's New Year's boast to ICBM
Chicago Daily Herald-6 hours ago
TOKYO -- Keeping North Korea from having a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile has long been considered a key U.S. red line, ...
View attachment 137132
ICBM threat and North Korea's overall military strength
Deutsche Welle-8 hours ago
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirmed Tuesday that North Korea test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first ...
View attachment 137135
Recode Daily: After North Korea launched an ICBM, the US and ...
Recode-6 hours ago
The Trump administration confirmed North Korea's claim that it had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching parts of ...
View attachment 137134
North Korea's state TV airs footage of ICBM launch
Irish Times-8 hours ago
'High possibility' North Korea will test nuclear weapons again. July 5, 2017Kim Jong-un tells US it sent a 'package of gifts on its Independence ...

Again kid North Korea has yet to demonstrate that they can produce an ICBM, which is a rocket that can fly perfectly for at least 5500 miles, and carry a nuclear payload. The fact is that North Korea has NECER demonstrated this.........................


Think you can prove me wrong?

Try kiddypoo

Is Trump going to do wait for them to have the capabilities? What a fucking pussy. He's weak. He's making us look weak.

And Obumma did exactly what shitforbrains?

Kim Jung is testing our boy

The missile test is a direct challenge to U.S. President Donald Trump who has vowed to prevent North Korea from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile.

So he drew a line in the sand??? Interesting. Will North Korea cross it?

Haley said the United States would propose new U.N. sanctions on North Korea in coming days and warned that Washington was prepared to cut off trade with countries that were doing business with North Korea in violation of U.N. resolutions.

So you mean they're going to do what Obama did?

And please don't try to blame Obama and Clinton you fucking idiots.

The United States has remained technically at war with North Korea since the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty and the past six decades have been punctuated by periodic rises in antagonism and rhetoric that have always stopped short of a resumption of active hostilities.

If so then blame Reagan and the 2 Bush's too.

Tensions have risen sharply in recent months after North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year and carried out a steady stream of ballistic missile tests

They aren't testing Obama they are testing Trump. Do you see why we shouldn't have elected a clown who insulted China on the campaign trail? A lot of people think China is behind this. Is China fucking with Trump? Is Mexico fucking with Trump? Russia is. Man why did we put Republicans back in charge?

So in your deluded mind North Korea is testing Trump with nuclear test that they did last year when Obumma was the President......

Again you are delusional
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

What's done was done re: all those prior administrations. The fact is that Trump was POTUS when the DPRK obtained an ICBM. He and he alone must bear the blame (or praise if one is North Korean) for allowing that to happen because Trump the "tough talker" certainly has at his disposal the means to have prevented it from happening. Remember, Trump is purportedly "all about America first," so he doesn't have to care what anyone else or any other nation may say about his actions....

I believe "so what" was the refrain most often aired when I posted a thread about other nations' views of the U.S., Trump and his actions. So the "what" now is that Trump failed to act and the DPRK now has an ICBM. Do I hear "so what" coming from the Trumpkin tribe? I don't think so....
Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

Oh, I see you are still a member of the bleating chorus.


Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

As compared with you who, quite simply, is no leader of any sort.
You are a moron. Blaming Trump for NK is one of the dumbest things you clowns have ever suggested.

Quit trying to put words in my mouth. I don't blame Trump "for North Korea." I blame him for taking no action to prevent North Korea from obtaining an ICBM while at the same time having been a tough talker about the DPRK situation.
And why would China do anything about the DPRK? KJU isn't pointing his weapons at them, and because the U.S. wants China to resolve the "North Korean problem," Trump is unwilling to declare the PRC a currency manipulator....That despite his averring in his Contract with the American Voter, "I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator." (Never mind that that is something Trump could have done on literally the very first day of his presidency.) So now, the DPRK have an ICBM and the PRC is not a currency manipulator.

The DPRK isn't "on their way" to getting an ICBM. They aren't "working on it." They've been "working on it" since Trump took office. They "worked on it" at least nine times between February and today. And Kim Jong Un is a madman and has been since before Trump took office, and it's been no secret that he is. And now he has his ICBM.

The fact of the matter is that for all his belligerent bluster, Trump has "blinked" with regard to his PRC and DPRK "tough talk." Trump was POTUS before the DPRK had an ICBM capability and he's POTUS now that they've achieved that capability, and Trump has at his disposal the means to have prevented that from happening, and he used none of those means to stop it from happening. There is nobody else whom the American people can hold accountable. There is nobody else to blame for that having happened.

Just in case you didn't click on the links I provided...In a sworn Senate testimony response to this question -- "Is it the policy of the Trump administration to deny North Korea the capability of building an ICBM that can hit the American homeland with a nuclear weapon on top? Is that the policy?" -- Defense Secretary James Mattis answered, "Yes."

Well, guess what. There's a policy that is, only months later, undeniably obsolete. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley states, "Make no mistake. North Korea's launch of an ICBM is a clear and sharp...."
Given his most recent tweets on the matter, I think Trump realizes his policy has been made obsolete in a matter of fewer than six months and that he's in full "react mode" rather than "set the tone mode."



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But Trump hasn't even staffed the state department, which limits his diplomatic options, in a situation where military options are the least likely to produce a workable result
That is because he and the secretary of state are cleaning house at the state dept. After winning the election and taking office he was amazed to find out the state dept. is where main body of the swamp is. Draining time!
And in all honesty, I hope he doesn't fuck up and drag us into a quagmire. I would LOVE to be wrong here. Or, I would love to be right because then that means Trump doesn't drag us into WW3. But I don't trust Republicans to do the right thing. But hey, that's what elections are all about. Your turn to lead and my turn to armchair qb your weak ass president. LOL
Trump appointed the toughest and smartest military leaders America has to his cabinet. I worry not about a freak of nature like Kim.
Ha ha. Where were these geniuses during the Iraq and afgan war before Obama?

He hired pnac neo cons. Not brilliant men.

Ben Carson and Betsy devoss for example. Rwnj's. So are his generals
If the tree huggers and
This is one of my all time favorite posts.

The smugness while being 100% wrong is just hysterical.

The guy is posting to an internet message board, but he's too stupid to just type a few words and read the fucking news.

Dude, you should self ban for at least a month for being such a fucking imbecile.

Are these enough legit sources for you?

Grow up, kid.

After North Korea's ICBM Launch, Now What?
NPR-3 hours ago
On the Fourth of July, North Korea marked a milestone by firing an intercontinental ballistic missile that soared high into space before turning ...
US watched North Korea prepare for ICBM launch
Fox News-1 hour ago
What Can Trump Do About North Korea? His Options Are Few and ...
Opinion-New York Times-16 hours ago
North Korea tested intercontinental ballistic missile, US officials ...
Featured-AOL-19 hours ago
As concern about North Korea deepens, the US and China are at odds
In-Depth-Washington Post-4 hours ago
North Korea Successfully Tests Missile That Could Reach Alaska
Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-Jul 4, 2017

Fox News

Washington Post

BBC News

Business Insider

The National Interest Online



View all

North Korea ICBM: US and South Korea conduct missile drills after ...
BBC News-11 hours ago
The US and South Korea have conducted a joint military exercise a day after North Korea launched a missile experts believe could reach ...


What It Means If North Korea Has ICBM Capability
NPR-21 hours ago
North Korea claims it has successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, which the U.S. and South Korea are working to confirm.
View attachment 137131
[WATCH] Footage emerges of North Korea's ICBM launch
Eyewitness News-7 hours ago
CNN | North Korea test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on 4 July, with the country claiming it now has the power to strike at the ...
View attachment 137130
US, allies request emergency UN Security Council session after ...
Fox 59-6 hours ago
Tuesday's ICBM launch, confirmed by U.S. and South Korean officials, is a milestone in North Korea's efforts to develop long-range missiles ...
View attachment 137133
North Korea claims first successful launch of ICBM
New York Post-Jul 4, 2017
In typically heated rhetoric, North Korea's Academy of Defense Science said the test of an ICBM — the Hwasong-14 — marked the “final step” ...
How North Korea made it from Kim's New Year's boast to ICBM
Chicago Daily Herald-6 hours ago
TOKYO -- Keeping North Korea from having a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile has long been considered a key U.S. red line, ...
View attachment 137132
ICBM threat and North Korea's overall military strength
Deutsche Welle-8 hours ago
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirmed Tuesday that North Korea test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first ...
View attachment 137135
Recode Daily: After North Korea launched an ICBM, the US and ...
Recode-6 hours ago
The Trump administration confirmed North Korea's claim that it had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching parts of ...
View attachment 137134
North Korea's state TV airs footage of ICBM launch
Irish Times-8 hours ago
'High possibility' North Korea will test nuclear weapons again. July 5, 2017Kim Jong-un tells US it sent a 'package of gifts on its Independence ...

Again kid North Korea has yet to demonstrate that they can produce an ICBM, which is a rocket that can fly perfectly for at least 5500 miles, and carry a nuclear payload. The fact is that North Korea has NECER demonstrated this.........................


Think you can prove me wrong?

Try kiddypoo

Is Trump going to do wait for them to have the capabilities? What a fucking pussy. He's weak. He's making us look weak.

And Obumma did exactly what shitforbrains?

Kim Jung is testing our boy

The missile test is a direct challenge to U.S. President Donald Trump who has vowed to prevent North Korea from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile.

So he drew a line in the sand??? Interesting. Will North Korea cross it?

Haley said the United States would propose new U.N. sanctions on North Korea in coming days and warned that Washington was prepared to cut off trade with countries that were doing business with North Korea in violation of U.N. resolutions.

So you mean they're going to do what Obama did?

And please don't try to blame Obama and Clinton you fucking idiots.

The United States has remained technically at war with North Korea since the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty and the past six decades have been punctuated by periodic rises in antagonism and rhetoric that have always stopped short of a resumption of active hostilities.

If so then blame Reagan and the 2 Bush's too.

Tensions have risen sharply in recent months after North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year and carried out a steady stream of ballistic missile tests

They aren't testing Obama they are testing Trump. Do you see why we shouldn't have elected a clown who insulted China on the campaign trail? A lot of people think China is behind this. Is China fucking with Trump? Is Mexico fucking with Trump? Russia is. Man why did we put Republicans back in charge?

You have a lot of questions.

Using your exact logic, the USA shouldn' t have elected FDR, because Japan "fucked" with FDR.
I'm trying my best to imitate Republicans during the Obama years. I'm kidding but you assholes weren't. Now let's see how tough guy Republicans deal with Iran isis and North Korea. I'm too old to be drafted and my nephew's are too young. Are you enlisting?
If the tree huggers and
This is one of my all time favorite posts.

The smugness while being 100% wrong is just hysterical.

The guy is posting to an internet message board, but he's too stupid to just type a few words and read the fucking news.

Dude, you should self ban for at least a month for being such a fucking imbecile.

Are these enough legit sources for you?

Grow up, kid.

After North Korea's ICBM Launch, Now What?
NPR-3 hours ago
On the Fourth of July, North Korea marked a milestone by firing an intercontinental ballistic missile that soared high into space before turning ...
US watched North Korea prepare for ICBM launch
Fox News-1 hour ago
What Can Trump Do About North Korea? His Options Are Few and ...
Opinion-New York Times-16 hours ago
North Korea tested intercontinental ballistic missile, US officials ...
Featured-AOL-19 hours ago
As concern about North Korea deepens, the US and China are at odds
In-Depth-Washington Post-4 hours ago
North Korea Successfully Tests Missile That Could Reach Alaska
Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-Jul 4, 2017

Fox News

Washington Post

BBC News

Business Insider

The National Interest Online



View all

North Korea ICBM: US and South Korea conduct missile drills after ...
BBC News-11 hours ago
The US and South Korea have conducted a joint military exercise a day after North Korea launched a missile experts believe could reach ...


What It Means If North Korea Has ICBM Capability
NPR-21 hours ago
North Korea claims it has successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, which the U.S. and South Korea are working to confirm.
View attachment 137131
[WATCH] Footage emerges of North Korea's ICBM launch
Eyewitness News-7 hours ago
CNN | North Korea test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on 4 July, with the country claiming it now has the power to strike at the ...
View attachment 137130
US, allies request emergency UN Security Council session after ...
Fox 59-6 hours ago
Tuesday's ICBM launch, confirmed by U.S. and South Korean officials, is a milestone in North Korea's efforts to develop long-range missiles ...
View attachment 137133
North Korea claims first successful launch of ICBM
New York Post-Jul 4, 2017
In typically heated rhetoric, North Korea's Academy of Defense Science said the test of an ICBM — the Hwasong-14 — marked the “final step” ...
How North Korea made it from Kim's New Year's boast to ICBM
Chicago Daily Herald-6 hours ago
TOKYO -- Keeping North Korea from having a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile has long been considered a key U.S. red line, ...
View attachment 137132
ICBM threat and North Korea's overall military strength
Deutsche Welle-8 hours ago
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirmed Tuesday that North Korea test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first ...
View attachment 137135
Recode Daily: After North Korea launched an ICBM, the US and ...
Recode-6 hours ago
The Trump administration confirmed North Korea's claim that it had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching parts of ...
View attachment 137134
North Korea's state TV airs footage of ICBM launch
Irish Times-8 hours ago
'High possibility' North Korea will test nuclear weapons again. July 5, 2017Kim Jong-un tells US it sent a 'package of gifts on its Independence ...

Again kid North Korea has yet to demonstrate that they can produce an ICBM, which is a rocket that can fly perfectly for at least 5500 miles, and carry a nuclear payload. The fact is that North Korea has NECER demonstrated this.........................


Think you can prove me wrong?

Try kiddypoo

Is Trump going to do wait for them to have the capabilities? What a fucking pussy. He's weak. He's making us look weak.

And Obumma did exactly what shitforbrains?

Kim Jung is testing our boy

The missile test is a direct challenge to U.S. President Donald Trump who has vowed to prevent North Korea from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile.

So he drew a line in the sand??? Interesting. Will North Korea cross it?

Haley said the United States would propose new U.N. sanctions on North Korea in coming days and warned that Washington was prepared to cut off trade with countries that were doing business with North Korea in violation of U.N. resolutions.

So you mean they're going to do what Obama did?

And please don't try to blame Obama and Clinton you fucking idiots.

The United States has remained technically at war with North Korea since the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty and the past six decades have been punctuated by periodic rises in antagonism and rhetoric that have always stopped short of a resumption of active hostilities.

If so then blame Reagan and the 2 Bush's too.

Tensions have risen sharply in recent months after North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year and carried out a steady stream of ballistic missile tests

They aren't testing Obama they are testing Trump. Do you see why we shouldn't have elected a clown who insulted China on the campaign trail? A lot of people think China is behind this. Is China fucking with Trump? Is Mexico fucking with Trump? Russia is. Man why did we put Republicans back in charge?

So in your deluded mind North Korea is testing Trump with nuclear test that they did last year when Obumma was the President......

Again you are delusional
Every new administration gets tested. Syria Russia was the first this the second.
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
In a year from now if we are at war with Iran or North Korea blame Trump. No one else
Again kid North Korea has yet to demonstrate that they can produce an ICBM, which is a rocket that can fly perfectly for at least 5500 miles, and carry a nuclear payload. The fact is that North Korea has NECER demonstrated this.........................


Think you can prove me wrong?

Try kiddypoo

Is Trump going to do wait for them to have the capabilities? What a fucking pussy. He's weak. He's making us look weak.

And Obumma did exactly what shitforbrains?

Kim Jung is testing our boy

The missile test is a direct challenge to U.S. President Donald Trump who has vowed to prevent North Korea from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile.

So he drew a line in the sand??? Interesting. Will North Korea cross it?

Haley said the United States would propose new U.N. sanctions on North Korea in coming days and warned that Washington was prepared to cut off trade with countries that were doing business with North Korea in violation of U.N. resolutions.

So you mean they're going to do what Obama did?

And please don't try to blame Obama and Clinton you fucking idiots.

The United States has remained technically at war with North Korea since the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty and the past six decades have been punctuated by periodic rises in antagonism and rhetoric that have always stopped short of a resumption of active hostilities.

If so then blame Reagan and the 2 Bush's too.

Tensions have risen sharply in recent months after North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year and carried out a steady stream of ballistic missile tests

They aren't testing Obama they are testing Trump. Do you see why we shouldn't have elected a clown who insulted China on the campaign trail? A lot of people think China is behind this. Is China fucking with Trump? Is Mexico fucking with Trump? Russia is. Man why did we put Republicans back in charge?

So in your deluded mind North Korea is testing Trump with nuclear test that they did last year when Obumma was the President......

Again you are delusional
Every new administration gets tested. Syria Russia was the first this the second.

Too bad Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi can't get tested
If any president is to blame it's Trump because the NK ICBM was fired 6 months AFTER Trump took office.

How should he have stopped it?

How should Obama have stopped it? How should Bush have stopped it?

What is wrong with you?
And don't they realize we're only being childish Petty nit pickers because it's what they do. I would never in a million years have ever realized bush Reagan created ISIS if Republicans didn't accuse Obama of being the culprit.

What matters is what Trump does. Clinton and Obama kept us safe and didn't start any wars. The two bushes both went to war and Trump's poised to tough talk us into ww3
Some may say that (at least under Trump), the U.S. is a 'rogue' nation.

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