Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea to have a operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

  • Carter

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Bush 41

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • Bush 43

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Obama

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Trump

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

What's done was done re: all those prior administrations. The fact is that Trump was POTUS when the DPRK obtained an ICBM. He and he alone must bear the blame (or praise if one is North Korean) for allowing that to happen because Trump the "tough talker" certainly has at his disposal the means to have prevented it from happening. Remember, Trump is purportedly "all about America first," so he doesn't have to care what anyone else or any other nation may say about his actions....

I believe "so what" was the refrain most often aired when I posted a thread about other nations' views of the U.S., Trump and his actions. So the "what" now is that Trump failed to act and the DPRK now has an ICBM. Do I hear "so what" coming from the Trumpkin tribe? I don't think so....
Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

Oh, I see you are still a member of the bleating chorus.


Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

As compared with you who, quite simply, is no leader of any sort.
You are a moron. Blaming Trump for NK is one of the dumbest things you clowns have ever suggested.

Quit trying to put word in my mouth. I don't blame Trump "for North Korea." I blame him for taking no action to prevent North Korea from obtaining an ICBM while at the same time having been a tough talker about the DPRK situation.
And why would China do anything about the DPRK? KJU isn't pointing his weapons at them, and because the U.S. wants China to resolve the "North Korean problem," Trump is unwilling to declare the PRC a currency manipulator....That despite his averring in his Contract with the American Voter, "I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator." (Never mind that that is something Trump could have done on literally the very first day of his presidency.) So now, the DPRK have an ICBM and the PRC is not a currency manipulator.

The DPRK isn't "on their way" to getting an ICBM. They aren't "working on it." They've been "working on it" since Trump took office. They "worked on it" at least nine times between February and today. And Kim Jong Un is a madman and has been since before Trump took office, and it's been no secret that he is. And now he has his ICBM.

The fact of the matter is that for all his belligerent bluster, Trump has "blinked" with regard to his PRC and DPRK "tough talk." Trump was POTUS before the DPRK had an ICBM capability and he's POTUS now that they've achieved that capability, and Trump has at his disposal the means to have prevented that from happening, and he used none of those means to stop it from happening. There is nobody else whom the American people can hold accountable. There is nobody else to blame for that having happened.
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Bill Clinton. For some unknown and inexplicable reason, BILL CLINTON gave The Chinese our Rocket Guidance Secrets, and did so openly, stating it was for "PEACEFUL SPACE EXPLORATION." He then opened the flood gates for CHINA to overwhelm American Industries with knock offs, and Slave Labor made goods.
This is why your children work in low paying service industry jobs now.

But back to Rocket Surgery....
Have the Chinese landed a man on the moon, yet?

They then gave that "Rocket Guidance Technology" to North Korea.
Who then shared it with IRAN.
Iran and North Korea test Nuclear Weapons in a joint venture in North Korea.
And Obama gave Iran the GREEN LIGHT, to continue to develop ICMBs and Nukes, in the single biggest betrayal of America in my opinion that I have seen!
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

What's done was done re: all those prior administrations. The fact is that Trump was POTUS when the DPRK obtained an ICBM. He and he alone must bear the blame (or praise if one is North Korean) for allowing that to happen because Trump the "tough talker" certainly has at his disposal the means to have prevented it from happening. Remember, Trump is purportedly "all about America first," so he doesn't have to care what anyone else or any other nation may say about his actions....

I believe "so what" was the refrain most often aired when I posted a thread about other nations' views of the U.S., Trump and his actions. So the "what" now is that Trump failed to act and the DPRK now has an ICBM. Do I hear "so what" coming from the Trumpkin tribe? I don't think so....
Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

Oh, I see you are still a member of the bleating chorus.


Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

As compared with you who, quite simply, is no leader of any sort.
You are a moron. Blaming Trump for NK is one of the dumbest things you clowns have ever suggested.

They are consistently stupid, that's for sure.
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?
None. The U.S. is not to 'blame' for the dubious actions of other nations. It doesn't control the world. If any country is to blame, it is China. We can, however, criticize the policies of administrations, and in that regard none was truly effective in this situation.

I blame previous administrations for giving my money to the NK government to appease their saber rattling.
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

What's done was done re: all those prior administrations. The fact is that Trump was POTUS when the DPRK obtained an ICBM. He and he alone must bear the blame (or praise if one is North Korean) for allowing that to happen because Trump the "tough talker" certainly has at his disposal the means to have prevented it from happening. Remember, Trump is purportedly "all about America first," so he doesn't have to care what anyone else or any other nation may say about his actions....

I believe "so what" was the refrain most often aired when I posted a thread about other nations' views of the U.S., Trump and his actions. So the "what" now is that Trump failed to act and the DPRK now has an ICBM. Do I hear "so what" coming from the Trumpkin tribe? I don't think so....
Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

Oh, I see you are still a member of the bleating chorus.


Another ignorant liberal leader. Good. Keep it up.

As compared with you who, quite simply, is no leader of any sort.
You are a moron. Blaming Trump for NK is one of the dumbest things you clowns have ever suggested.
You Republicans said you would solve this problem. Now solve it or prove you are all full of shit pieces of shit losers.

‘Self Restraint’ Is Only Thing Stopping War in Korea, U.S. General Says

So looks like Obama was doing the right thing. Short of going to war. Is that what Republicans want? Then go to war!!! Don't ask Hillary to vote for it this time though. If you want war you have to own it. And do us a favor. Win this time please. You haven't won since the last Korean war.
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?
None. The U.S. is not to 'blame' for the dubious actions of other nations. It doesn't control the world. If any country is to blame, it is China. We can, however, criticize the policies of administrations, and in that regard none was truly effective in this situation.

I blame previous administrations for giving my money to the NK government to appease their saber rattling.
Now is your chance to take them out before they actually develop a nuke. It isn't too late.

And when you don't do anything what will your excuse be?
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?
None. The U.S. is not to 'blame' for the dubious actions of other nations. It doesn't control the world. If any country is to blame, it is China. We can, however, criticize the policies of administrations, and in that regard none was truly effective in this situation.

I blame previous administrations for giving my money to the NK government to appease their saber rattling.
Now is your chance to take them out before they actually develop a nuke. It isn't too late.

And when you don't do anything what will your excuse be?

I will blame your inane post.

Just an FYI, if the fat kid melts Seoul or Los Angeles, it would be bad for planet earth. The global warming hardons could really start crying about the environmental effect of the nuclear blasts.
Snowflakes should encourage Kim John Un to pass laws outlawing large sugary beverages. They are bad for the health of North Koreans.

As an interesting sidebar, North Korea and Venezuela are among the fittest citizens on earth. No obesity problems in those nations. It's a snowflake miracle.
Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia

"Phase III (1994–2002) covers the period of the "freeze" on North Korea's plutonium program (though North Korea pursued uranium enrichment in secret)."

Clinton ignored NK's cheating for political purposes, just as Obama did with Iran. But none dare call it treason...
Bill was too busy counting his cash from Chinese Intelligence and getting blowjobs from subordinates. The only time he took national security seriously was as a diversion from his impeachment.
The right wing cannot be any more serious about, "national security", by lowering taxes instead of implementing, "national security tax rates."
Snowflakes should encourage Kim John Un to pass laws outlawing large sugary beverages. They are bad for the health of North Koreans.

As an interesting sidebar, North Korea and Venezuela are among the fittest citizens on earth. No obesity problems in those nations. It's a snowflake miracle.
Cute chics in short skirts, "marching around for the greater glory of their Republic", what is wrong with that?
Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia

"Phase III (1994–2002) covers the period of the "freeze" on North Korea's plutonium program (though North Korea pursued uranium enrichment in secret)."

Clinton ignored NK's cheating for political purposes, just as Obama did with Iran. But none dare call it treason...
Bill was too busy counting his cash from Chinese Intelligence and getting blowjobs from subordinates. The only time he took national security seriously was as a diversion from his impeachment.
The right wing cannot be any more serious about, "national security", by lowering taxes instead of implementing, "national security tax rates."

People can always pay more. There is no maximum tax. There is only a minimum tax.

If Hillary wants the rich to pay their fair share, she and her Rich snowflake enablers should start sending bigger checks to the US treasury.
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
North Korea and Iran are allies. Iran is a client state of Russia. As is Syria.

One can't help but wonder why Trump is busy giving head to Putin!
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
The Clintons sold ICBM technology to China.
China gave it to Korea.
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
The Clintons sold ICBM technology to China.
China gave it to Korea.

What specifically did the Clintons do positive for America that is the least bit enduring?

What a POS corrupt and disfunctional "family".

Their marriage of convenience is a total fucking joke. Hillary is a self hating homophobic bitch for not just coming out of the closet.
Snowflakes should encourage Kim John Un to pass laws outlawing large sugary beverages. They are bad for the health of North Koreans.

As an interesting sidebar, North Korea and Venezuela are among the fittest citizens on earth. No obesity problems in those nations. It's a snowflake miracle.
You do know Trump is the king of all snowflakes, right?
Mod Message:

Topic is NOT Iraq. Topic is NOT Iran. Topic is not what drug someone might be using.
Read the title and OP BEFORE you hit Reply. Off-topic diversions will be warned...
All deviation/diversion will be deleted? Does it apply to all threads/posts and OP's?

Don't care HOW you choose to argue a topic. Because we don't do content control. But the rules are designed for TOPIC control. So that the discussion matches the title and OP. Otherwise, no one wants to read thru a 5 way free for all. In Zone2 -- EVERY POST needs to contain specific topical content.

Wanna discuss something else? Find an existing thread topic or start a new one.. It's not difficult..
I was confused by the "because we don't do content control", I was a bit curious about the application of the policy. Can you please elaborate? Thank you.

I'd be glad to if you PM me..
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?
None. The U.S. is not to 'blame' for the dubious actions of other nations. It doesn't control the world. If any country is to blame, it is China. We can, however, criticize the policies of administrations, and in that regard none was truly effective in this situation.

I blame previous administrations for giving my money to the NK government to appease their saber rattling.
Now is your chance to take them out before they actually develop a nuke. It isn't too late.

And when you don't do anything what will your excuse be?

I will blame your inane post.

Just an FYI, if the fat kid melts Seoul or Los Angeles, it would be bad for planet earth. The global warming hardons could really start crying about the environmental effect of the nuclear blasts.

No! That's what the libs want! A nuclear winter to offset the effects of climate change.
Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?
None. The U.S. is not to 'blame' for the dubious actions of other nations. It doesn't control the world. If any country is to blame, it is China. We can, however, criticize the policies of administrations, and in that regard none was truly effective in this situation.

I blame previous administrations for giving my money to the NK government to appease their saber rattling.
Now is your chance to take them out before they actually develop a nuke. It isn't too late.

And when you don't do anything what will your excuse be?

I will blame your inane post.

Just an FYI, if the fat kid melts Seoul or Los Angeles, it would be bad for planet earth. The global warming hardons could really start crying about the environmental effect of the nuclear blasts.

No! That's what the libs want! A nuclear winter to offset the effects of climate change.

If the tree huggers and
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
North Korea does not have any operational ICBM's, shit half their supposed missiles blow up on the launch pad, so they would be incinerating themselves.

Grow up kid

This is one of my all time favorite posts.

The smugness while being 100% wrong is just hysterical.

The guy is posting to an internet message board, but he's too stupid to just type a few words and read the fucking news.

Dude, you should self ban for at least a month for being such a fucking imbecile.

Are these enough legit sources for you?

Grow up, kid.

After North Korea's ICBM Launch, Now What?
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On the Fourth of July, North Korea marked a milestone by firing an intercontinental ballistic missile that soared high into space before turning ...
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Fox News-1 hour ago
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Opinion-New York Times-16 hours ago
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Featured-AOL-19 hours ago
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In-Depth-Washington Post-4 hours ago
North Korea Successfully Tests Missile That Could Reach Alaska
Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-Jul 4, 2017

Fox News

Washington Post

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Business Insider

The National Interest Online



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