Which President has taken more vacation time? Obama or Bush

The answer to that question of course is Bill Clinton who did an astounding 638. One wonders how he ever had time to diddle Monica!
Bubba often complained about how many fundraisers he had to do. I think it was something that his party wanted more than he did.
Then of course, there are the many Bush and Bush family trips and safari's in Africa that cost a hundred million dollars EACH at US Tax payer expense. Those links have been posted before, but alas, Right Wingnuts don't ever bother to read links unless it's Fox or Breitbart, or even then.
TruthMatters or the Daily Kos are really reliable sources.
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

Seriously, I'm sick of this stupid comparison. I'm tired of hearing stupid cons call Obama on this, and I'm sick of stupid libs calling Bush out on it. What, you goofballs all think when the President goes on vacation he stops working and just lounges around the pool drinking margaritas? :wtf:
Some do and some don't.

Bush set up everything he needed to do his job at his ranch. Reagan, the same. Obama rents a compound in Oahu and what does he have but surf, turf (golf), and snowcones. He's not even on vacation but he's sucking down beer in Colorado. Bush couldn't even eat a pretzel without being accused of being a drunk.
Document Major resources needed for Obama Africa trip - The Washington Post

Many details about foreign presidential trips are classified for national security reasons, and there is little public information about overall costs. A report from the Government Accountability Office found that Clinton’s 1998 trip to six African nations cost
the U.S. government at least $42.7 million. Most of that was incurred by the military, which made 98 airlift missions to transport personnel and vehicles, and set up temporary medical evacuation units in five countries.

That figure did not include costs borne by the Secret Service, which were considered classified.

Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, according to one person familiar with the journey, who was not authorized to speak for attribution. The Secret Service planning document, which was provided to The Post by a person who is concerned about the amount of resources necessary for the trip, does not specify costs.

The estimate for Obama's trip was based on "similar trips in recent years", i.e. the Bush trips.

George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa. At $60 - $100 million for each trip!

Bogus data by shitbag liberals.

Bush working from his ranch was "working on the job" compared to Obama fucking around on golf courses every fucking weekend in addition to fucking around on trips to Hawaii, etc.

Also, the cost of renting luxury hotels for Obama blows away the cost of Bush staying at his own fucking ranch.
Bogus data by shitbag liberals.

Bush working from his ranch was "working on the job" compared to Obama fucking around on golf courses every fucking weekend in addition to fucking around on trips to Hawaii, etc.

Also, the cost of renting luxury hotels for Obama blows away the cost of Bush staying at his own fucking ranch.
SHITSTAIN.....your typical diversion doesn't work.

FYI.....Obama has been golfing more often than Bush and Bush didn't have Ebola problems, thousands of illegal kids running across the border, obamacare fucking up people's lives, terrorism breaking out in Africa, Syria in a civil war, ISIS/ISIL taking back our gains in Iraq, Russia invading Ukraine, etc.

Bogus data by shitbag liberals.

Bush working from his ranch was "working on the job" compared to Obama fucking around on golf courses every fucking weekend in addition to fucking around on trips to Hawaii, etc.

Also, the cost of renting luxury hotels for Obama blows away the cost of Bush staying at his own fucking ranch.

Bush was arguably the laziest President in modern American history. I can't speak to the work ethic of presidents a hundred years ago. But Bush routinely took off the WHOLE month of August every year. In fact, even sources close to Bush acknowledge that he was briefed on threats from al Qaeda in August of 2001 while on vacation at his Crawford compound, and took no action whatsoever. Obama, by contrast, has usually taken an abbreviated vacation in August and continued working even while Congress was out of town.
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Hmm. What do Camp David, the Crawford Ranch and Kennebunkport all have in common? Right, they are owned by the president or the people and set up specifically for the president's needs when he's working
Contrast that to Obama who is jetting off the martha's vineyard, Hawaii, who knows where and spending his days at fundraisers and playing golf. Bush could work a few hours at his ranch and then cut wood or ride horses. Obama can't do much of anything else beyond raising money and playing golf.
Bush's vacations were working vacations. Obama's are just vacation.

W bought his property in Crawford right BEFORE his run for the presidency. By buying it, he was able to tap into taxpayer money to improve the property by upgrading any and all facilities including housing, and communications, and probably more building and paving (for guests as well as the Secret Service) than we've ever been made aware of. At least Obama isn't suckering the tax payer for improvements to a piece of property he owns and can turn around and sell in a few years.

It really must have been a logistical nightmare to provide security for that place..and extremely expensive.
SHITSTAIN.....your typical diversion doesn't work.

FYI.....Obama has been golfing more often than Bush and Bush didn't have Ebola problems, thousands of illegal kids running across the border, obamacare fucking up people's lives, terrorism breaking out in Africa, Syria in a civil war, ISIS/ISIL taking back our gains in Iraq, Russia invading Ukraine, etc.

Obama has an Ebola problem and terrorism is breaking out in Africa? Last I checked, Obama isn't the president of Africa. As for all the other problems, how serious can they be if the Republican Congress won't work with the administration to address the problems?
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Hmm. What do Camp David, the Crawford Ranch and Kennebunkport all have in common? Right, they are owned by the president or the people and set up specifically for the president's needs when he's working
Contrast that to Obama who is jetting off the martha's vineyard, Hawaii, who knows where and spending his days at fundraisers and playing golf. Bush could work a few hours at his ranch and then cut wood or ride horses. Obama can't do much of anything else beyond raising money and playing golf.
Bush's vacations were working vacations. Obama's are just vacation.

W bought his property in Crawford right BEFORE his run for the presidency. By buying it, he was able to tap into taxpayer money to improve the property by upgrading any and all facilities including housing, and communications, and probably more building and paving (for guests as well as the Secret Service) than we've ever been made aware of. At least Obama isn't suckering the tax payer for improvements to a piece of property he owns and can turn around and sell in a few years.
You have proof for any of that?
Which is more expensive: Staying in a house you already own or staying in a hotel? Dont think too hard on that one.

All presidents (and VPs), regardless of party affiliation, stay in hotels or in private residences when they travel. It's a matter of security. As second in line to the presidency, so does the Republican Speaker of the House.
I guess the 190 rounds of golf or the fundraisers he goes to are not figured into Obama's "vacation" time. Cause golf, is such hard work.

So, when he goes to the fundraiser after fundraiser (party after party) that also is such hard work.

Not calculated into the vacation time.

Liberals are such intolerant, intolerable, hypocritical, cocksuckers. (literally, cocksuckers)
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

At least Reagan had the excuse that he had been shot.

And Reagan probably didn't remember he was on vacation anyway.
I guess the 190 rounds of golf or the fundraisers he goes to are not figured into Obama's "vacation" time. Cause golf, is such hard work.

So, when he goes to the fundraiser after fundraiser (party after party) that also is such hard work.

Not calculated into the vacation time.

Liberals are such intolerant, intolerable, hypocritical, cocksuckers. (literally, cocksuckers)

The fact that presidents of both parties attend fundraising events is an unfortunate outcome of the fact that our current system for running political campaigns is so reliant on private money from all kinds of sources who understandably want to rub elbows with the men and women who make the decisions because they're the ones in power. Without question, the people and organizations who fund campaigns have agendas which are often, not surprisingly, not very altruistic. Naturally, many of these people see a potential return on their investment. If you think that's not true of conservatives, I would suggest you take a look at what happened in the Bush years when Bush's compassionate conservative mantra led to Bush's executive order that resulted in the funneling of billions of taxpayer dollars to Christian organizations while also allowing them to discriminate against people when it came to hiring.
I guess the 190 rounds of golf or the fundraisers he goes to are not figured into Obama's "vacation" time. Cause golf, is such hard work.

So, when he goes to the fundraiser after fundraiser (party after party) that also is such hard work.

Not calculated into the vacation time.

Liberals are such intolerant, intolerable, hypocritical, cocksuckers. (literally, cocksuckers)

The fact that presidents of both parties attend fundraising events is an unfortunate outcome of the fact that our current system for running political campaigns is so reliant on private money from all kinds of sources who understandably want to rub elbows with the men and women who make the decisions because they're the ones in power. Without question, the people and organizations who fund campaigns have agendas which are often, not surprisingly, not very altruistic. Naturally, many of these people see a potential return on their investment. If you think that's not true of conservatives, I would suggest you take a look at what happened in the Bush years when Bush's compassionate conservative mantra led to Bush's executive order that resulted in the funneling of billions of taxpayer dollars to Christian organizations while also allowing them to discriminate against people when it came to hiring.

Shut up.
This is a great thread but unfortunately you wasted your time on the RWs on this board. They aren't real critics. They simply look for reasons to berate Obama because it is easier for them to feel secure about their warped, simple minded politics. It's all very disingenuous and pathetic.

Please... I really want you to explain to me why you are OK with these statements to to me are the antithesis of what the President who has taken an OATH to uphold the Constitution.

Obama has told us he :
1) wants to put 1,300 companies out of business that employ 400,000 people, and pay $100 billion in taxes

This is not what I want.

2) Obama prefers higher gas prices and proves that by signing fewer number of oil leases than any other president...oil production on Federal lands down by 13% under Obama because he's signed fewer leases.
Obama said: I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly

3) States clearly he wants utility rates to skyrocket and bankrupt utilities...
not something any one should want much less the President!
Obama said: So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

4) President that calls our soldiers civilian killers...
Obama said our military was "air raiding villages , killing civilians"
This NOT something a CIC should ever say!

These are NOT simple minded politics but realities.
Obama WANTS these actions to occur.
These are NOT desires MY president would have.

So if YOU want companies paying taxes to go bankrupt and 400,000 more people out of work and
if YOU want utilities' rates to skyrocket as well as gas prices all the while you want American troops
to be killed because the President Encourages the terrorists by siding with the terrorists calling our troops civilian killers... If you want that that is really a sick American...if you are!
I guess the 190 rounds of golf or the fundraisers he goes to are not figured into Obama's "vacation" time. Cause golf, is such hard work.

So, when he goes to the fundraiser after fundraiser (party after party) that also is such hard work.

Not calculated into the vacation time.


Reagan kept banker's hours. That would be 9:30 - 2:00..

Most people work from around 9am to 5pm. That's around an 8 hour day.

Using that as a benchmark, what do you suppose a President's hours on the job should be?

Assuming a 5 day week and normal work hours?
All this overlooks the simple fact that Obama is still "president" (proving there is NO just and vengeful God) and still jetting off to new and wonderful places, dragging His dog (OK, both His dogs) behind Him in separate Royal Flying Palaces.

He still has plenty of time to better any record by any previous (legitimate) holder of the office anyone might care to dredge up.

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