Which Questions Would You Ask Mueller?


Never Underestimate Trump.

That's kind of what it looked like last time in 2016, so how did that work out for ya?
That's kind of what it looked like last time in 2016, so how did that work out for ya?
Since I wasn't ignorant enough to "choose" between Democrat or Republican, 2016 turned out the same way as the previous five POTUS charades for me:

Fix Our Broken System
Why did you bother to accept the assignment when you knew Justice wouldn’t indict Trump no matter how compelling, objective, and documented the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing?

And given the fact that Justice wouldn’t indict, were you so naïve as to believe House Democrats would impeach Trump regardless how compelling, objective, and documented the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing?

Last, are you so foolish as to leave the matter to the states to decide the fate of Trump in the next General Election, regardless how compelling, objective, and documented the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing, given the 2016 debacle?
So if we can't trust the Justice Department or Congress or voters to remove the Trump Plague. what's left?
Why did he write his college dissertation instead of what he was tasked for? We already know why he let someone else complete the conclusion
"Mister Mueller: Indict-ability aside, do you have good and true and plausible reason to believe that Donald J. Trump (a) collaborated with an adversarial foreign power with respect to the 2016 general election or (b) knew of such collaboration in-advance or while it was underway, on the part of his presidential campaign staff or any other Trump relative, friend, employee or 'familiar'?"
"Mister Mueller: Indict-ability aside, do you have good and true and plausible reason to believe that Donald J. Trump (a) collaborated with an adversarial foreign power with respect to the 2016 general election or (b) knew of such collaboration in-advance or while it was underway, on the part of his presidential campaign staff or any other Trump relative, friend, employee or 'familiar'?"
You sound like a lawyer?
No pejorative intended.
Legal minds often discover logical consequences before others.
Do you think Trump or his agents committed obstruction of justice offenses?

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"19. Volume 2 of your final report strongly indicates that, if President Trump engaged in criminal obstruction of justice, some of his personal lawyers were directly involved in those activities and could be criminally liable as well.

"What was your decision for not pursuing indictments of those lawyers for involvement in obstruction and witness tampering?

"Was your decision affected by the prospect of the President being included explicitly or implicitly as an unindicted co-conspirator?"
Why did he write his college dissertation instead of what he was tasked for? We already know why he let someone else complete the conclusion
And I don't believe we know for sure who decided to end Mueller's investigation:

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"11. Many commentators, including highly experienced former federal prosecutors, were surprised by the timing of your end of the investigation while relevant litigation was ongoing and significant actors such as Julian Assange and Roger Stone could still, at least conceivably, flip and cooperate with your investigation, thus potentially yielding new investigations and even prosecutions. Please explain fully your reasoning for bringing the investigation to a close when you did"
So it’s not the conclusions that are in contention but rather why did the Never Ending Story have an end?
I would ask what those 14 secret cases were that were spawned by the Mueller report
I would ask what those 14 secret cases were that were spawned by the Mueller report
Obviously, Trump would rather not deal with oversight of any kind.

"Even though Trump avoided a knockout blow from the April 18 Mueller report, the special counsel disclosed more than a dozen active criminal inquiries that will play out for months to come, some possibly into the 2020 election campaign season.

"Details on most of these cases are unclear as they were redacted in the 448-page report.

"Only two were not blacked out: one case versus former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen; and one versus Greg Craig, a former White House counsel in the Obama administration."

Explainer: Probes spawned by Mueller target Trump business, others - Reuters
And yet Trump hid nothing from Mueller's witchhunt, and was still exonerated.
And yet Trump hid nothing from Mueller's witchhunt, and was still exonerated.
He wasn't exonerated with respect to obstruction charges, AND he hid himself from providing testimony directly to (life-long Republican) Bob Mueller.

If that sounds pusillanimous to you, perhaps it isn't surprising that a pathological liar would resist answering questions under oath?
10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice
Correct answer: None.
Correct answer: None
Remove your partisan blinders and start here if searching for instances where Trump attempted to obstruct justice:

10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice

"Later that afternoon, the President clear the Oval Office to have a one-on-one meeting with Comey. Referring to the FBI’s investigation of Flynn, the President said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go,'

"Shortly after requesting Flynn’s resignation and speaking privately to Comey, the President sought to have Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland draft an internal letter stating that the President had not directed Flynn to discuss sanctions with Kislyak.

"McFarland declined because she did not know whether that was true, and a White House Counsel’s Office attorney thought that the request would look like a quid pro quo for an ambassadorship she had been offered."
Barr said those do not constitute obstruction of justice. Bottom line: No collusion. No obstruction.
Why did you bother to accept the assignment when you knew Justice wouldn’t indict Trump no matter how compelling, objective, and documented the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing?

And given the fact that Justice wouldn’t indict, were you so naïve as to believe House Democrats would impeach Trump regardless how compelling, objective, and documented the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing?

Last, are you so foolish as to leave the matter to the states to decide the fate of Trump in the next General Election, regardless how compelling, objective, and documented the evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing, given the 2016 debacle?
So if we can't trust the Justice Department or Congress or voters to remove the Trump Plague. what's left?
Voting him out. That's the old fashioned way.
So it’s not the conclusions that are in contention but rather why did the Never Ending Story have an end?
So it’s not the conclusions that are in contention but rather why did the Never Ending Story have an end?
How much control did Mueller have over his investigation?
Was he allowed to use Trump's financial documents as part of his probe, or were they farmed out to the SDNY?
Who decided against subpoenaing Trump?
Who decided to end the investigation and why?
Since virtually all the principals in this circus are life-long Republicans investigating a Republican (clown) POTUS, there's little reason to accept their conclusions without knowing more than we do at this point UNLESS you believe Trump is NOT a pathological liar.
So if we can't trust the Justice Department or Congress or voters to remove the Trump Plague. what's left?
I hope we can get past all this BI PARTISAN crap and elect a MODERATE who can supersede the last two Presidents.
LET US PRAY AS A NATION that we can get past all this BI PARTISAN crap and elect a MODERATE who can supersede the last two Presidents
Would you care to share any names?
I would ask him if he is pulling for the St. Louis Blues or San Jose Sharks in the NHL Western Conference Finals.
So it’s not the conclusions that are in contention but rather why did the Never Ending Story have an end?
So it’s not the conclusions that are in contention but rather why did the Never Ending Story have an end?
How much control did Mueller have over his investigation?
Was he allowed to use Trump's financial documents as part of his probe, or were they farmed out to the SDNY?
Who decided against subpoenaing Trump?
Who decided to end the investigation and why?
Since virtually all the principals in this circus are life-long Republicans investigating a Republican (clown) POTUS, there's little reason to accept their conclusions without knowing more than we do at this point UNLESS you believe Trump is NOT a pathological liar.
Doesn’t have to prove he’s not a liar
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