Which Religion Has More To Offer Men?

Which One Offers Men More?

  • Christianity?

  • Islam?

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First things first. Allah and the Christian God are not even close to the same. You might start with the fact that Allah is monotheist and God is a Trinity.
Did the Christian god create the men, and women who are currently Muslim?


This is not difficult.
Muslims are glad you agree with them. So with the Deity issue mutually agreed upon by both groups; that leaves the religion. On can choose which religion to practice. One cannot choose their creator. So... Between the two choices Which religion offers more to men?

K if you're just going to shove words in my mouth i did not say we're done here. Quite frankly you're very satisfied with what you know but you obviously know little, and that's the truth. I don't put up with that for long.

PS We do not agree. Muslims are wrong. There is no Allah. He is monotheistic. The Christian God is Triune.
Quibbling over the inherent nature of God, is an entirely different discussion than the existence of god. Both religions concede that they have the same creator. So that’s settled between them.

Dead wrong. Neither religion "concedes that they have the same Creator". Muslims believe Allah created all; Christians believe God created all.

You're so wrong yet so arrogant about it...a common trait among unbelievers, I have found.
It's not fascinating; you're asking the wrong question. It's like asking: I want an ice cream cone, where's the best brewery to get one.

I don't know. Do whatever you're not asking the right question in the first place.
It’s precisely the right question, and worded precisely as intended. I find it interesting that many posters wish a different question had been asked, or a similar question had been asked in a different way. Truly fascinatng...

What fast food restaurant should I go to for the best great wine?

That question is also worded exactly as intended. Now answer: the results will be fascinating
I see this question makes you uncomfortable. You aren’t the first...

I'm not at all uncomfortable. You're just stopping in the wrong store. If you're looking for a self-centered life, do not choose religion at all. Most of the world does this and it works out perfectly well for them.

If anything I'm frustrated by how you're not getting this.
Actually, there are many liberal "Christian" churches that cater to people as such as this. These are the hypocrites who give Christianity a bad name. I call them CINOs

I never took him as a tard, but he is in this area.

He is making the argument that since Muslims think Allah is their creator and Christians think God is their creator, that they "agree". No, they do not agree. One of us is actually dead wrong.

Honest to goodness
I see this question makes you uncomfortable. You aren’t the first...

I'm not at all uncomfortable. You're just stopping in the wrong store. If you're looking for a self-centered life, do not choose religion at all. Most of the world does this and it works out perfectly well for them.

If anything I'm frustrated by how you're not getting this.
I get it. You want to answer a question I didn’t ask, and I’m not playing along. I won’t follow you into the weeds simply because you may not like where you perceive this question is headed.
The question is simple. Both religions foster different customs, cultures, and behaviors. All of which are things a person takes into account before pursuing, or adhering to a belief system. As such, of the two; which one offers more to men in this mortal world as practiced by today’s adherents?

If you can’t, or won’t answer... That’s fine. If you’d prefer to pose a different question... start a thread. Thanks for your participation.

Well now you are asking a significantly different question. As a reminder here is your OP question:

The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

In the OP question you make it very much seem like the man has no convictions whatsoever, and is just absolutely out for personal gain. In that case, do what everyone else does: don't take one on. Or just go to church on Christmas and Easter for the "feel good"--whatever. But mostly, don't bother.

In the question you just asked however, if you are already compelled that one religion is probably, actually True--than yes, the customs, culture and behavior overall should have some impact on your decision. But this is not like "shopping an idea around". ???
The purpose of the subject making the decision being agnostic is to remove preconceived bias for or against, one or the other. The effect on his mortal life is what this newfound deist is pondering. As such he’s looking at the two and trying to assess which will have the greatest benefit to him, who is a man; and the fulfillment of his interests, and the perpetuation, success, and fulfillment of his progeny.

To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?
Did the Christian god create the men, and women who are currently Muslim?


This is not difficult.
Muslims are glad you agree with them. So with the Deity issue mutually agreed upon by both groups; that leaves the religion. On can choose which religion to practice. One cannot choose their creator. So... Between the two choices Which religion offers more to men?

K if you're just going to shove words in my mouth i did not say we're done here. Quite frankly you're very satisfied with what you know but you obviously know little, and that's the truth. I don't put up with that for long.

PS We do not agree. Muslims are wrong. There is no Allah. He is monotheistic. The Christian God is Triune.
Quibbling over the inherent nature of God, is an entirely different discussion than the existence of god. Both religions concede that they have the same creator. So that’s settled between them.

Dead wrong. Neither religion "concedes that they have the same Creator". Muslims believe Allah created all; Christians believe God created all.

You're so wrong yet so arrogant about it...a common trait among unbelievers, I have found.
That’s like you saying you don’t believe Muslims take a shit because their language and cultures have a different sound/word that means defacate...
I'm not at all uncomfortable. You're just stopping in the wrong store. If you're looking for a self-centered life, do not choose religion at all. Most of the world does this and it works out perfectly well for them.

If anything I'm frustrated by how you're not getting this.
I get it. You want to answer a question I didn’t ask, and I’m not playing along. I won’t follow you into the weeds simply because you may not like where you perceive this question is headed.
The question is simple. Both religions foster different customs, cultures, and behaviors. All of which are things a person takes into account before pursuing, or adhering to a belief system. As such, of the two; which one offers more to men in this mortal world as practiced by today’s adherents?

If you can’t, or won’t answer... That’s fine. If you’d prefer to pose a different question... start a thread. Thanks for your participation.

Well now you are asking a significantly different question. As a reminder here is your OP question:

The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

In the OP question you make it very much seem like the man has no convictions whatsoever, and is just absolutely out for personal gain. In that case, do what everyone else does: don't take one on. Or just go to church on Christmas and Easter for the "feel good"--whatever. But mostly, don't bother.

In the question you just asked however, if you are already compelled that one religion is probably, actually True--than yes, the customs, culture and behavior overall should have some impact on your decision. But this is not like "shopping an idea around". ???
The purpose of the subject making the decision being agnostic is to remove preconceived bias for or against, one or the other. The effect on his mortal life is what this newfound deist is pondering. As such he’s looking at the two and trying to assess which will have the greatest benefit to him, who is a man; and the fulfillment of his interests, and the perpetuation, success, and fulfillment of his progeny.

To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.

This is not difficult.
Muslims are glad you agree with them. So with the Deity issue mutually agreed upon by both groups; that leaves the religion. On can choose which religion to practice. One cannot choose their creator. So... Between the two choices Which religion offers more to men?

K if you're just going to shove words in my mouth i did not say we're done here. Quite frankly you're very satisfied with what you know but you obviously know little, and that's the truth. I don't put up with that for long.

PS We do not agree. Muslims are wrong. There is no Allah. He is monotheistic. The Christian God is Triune.
Quibbling over the inherent nature of God, is an entirely different discussion than the existence of god. Both religions concede that they have the same creator. So that’s settled between them.

Dead wrong. Neither religion "concedes that they have the same Creator". Muslims believe Allah created all; Christians believe God created all.

You're so wrong yet so arrogant about it...a common trait among unbelievers, I have found.
That’s like you saying you don’t believe Muslims take a shit because their language and cultures have a different sound/word that means defacate...

There are books, see, written about these Gods. This is what I've been trying to tell you.

For just one thing, Allah is MONOTHEISTIC. Look up what that means.

God is a TRINITY. Look up what that means.

Got that?? Wrapped your head around it???

God/Allah can only be ONE of those. Okay? If the Creator of All is monotheistic, and behaved as Allah did, it's likely Muslims are dead right. If God is a Triune God, we are right.

I get it. You want to answer a question I didn’t ask, and I’m not playing along. I won’t follow you into the weeds simply because you may not like where you perceive this question is headed.
The question is simple. Both religions foster different customs, cultures, and behaviors. All of which are things a person takes into account before pursuing, or adhering to a belief system. As such, of the two; which one offers more to men in this mortal world as practiced by today’s adherents?

If you can’t, or won’t answer... That’s fine. If you’d prefer to pose a different question... start a thread. Thanks for your participation.

Well now you are asking a significantly different question. As a reminder here is your OP question:

The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

In the OP question you make it very much seem like the man has no convictions whatsoever, and is just absolutely out for personal gain. In that case, do what everyone else does: don't take one on. Or just go to church on Christmas and Easter for the "feel good"--whatever. But mostly, don't bother.

In the question you just asked however, if you are already compelled that one religion is probably, actually True--than yes, the customs, culture and behavior overall should have some impact on your decision. But this is not like "shopping an idea around". ???
The purpose of the subject making the decision being agnostic is to remove preconceived bias for or against, one or the other. The effect on his mortal life is what this newfound deist is pondering. As such he’s looking at the two and trying to assess which will have the greatest benefit to him, who is a man; and the fulfillment of his interests, and the perpetuation, success, and fulfillment of his progeny.

To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...
Muslims are glad you agree with them. So with the Deity issue mutually agreed upon by both groups; that leaves the religion. On can choose which religion to practice. One cannot choose their creator. So... Between the two choices Which religion offers more to men?

K if you're just going to shove words in my mouth i did not say we're done here. Quite frankly you're very satisfied with what you know but you obviously know little, and that's the truth. I don't put up with that for long.

PS We do not agree. Muslims are wrong. There is no Allah. He is monotheistic. The Christian God is Triune.
Quibbling over the inherent nature of God, is an entirely different discussion than the existence of god. Both religions concede that they have the same creator. So that’s settled between them.

Dead wrong. Neither religion "concedes that they have the same Creator". Muslims believe Allah created all; Christians believe God created all.

You're so wrong yet so arrogant about it...a common trait among unbelievers, I have found.
That’s like you saying you don’t believe Muslims take a shit because their language and cultures have a different sound/word that means defacate...

There are books, see, written about these Gods. This is what I've been trying to tell you.

For just one thing, Allah is MONOTHEISTIC. Look up what that means.

God is a TRINITY. Look up what that means.

Got that?? Wrapped your head around it???

God/Allah can only be ONE of those. Okay? If the Creator of All is monotheistic, and behaved as Allah did, it's likely Muslims are dead right. If God is a Triune God, we are right.

Again your debating the intrinsic nature of the creator. That’s not the argument here.
As to the OP... Christianity, or Islam?
Nobody beats 72 virgins each. You just have to hope that they'll be the right sex!
Well now you are asking a significantly different question. As a reminder here is your OP question:

The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

In the OP question you make it very much seem like the man has no convictions whatsoever, and is just absolutely out for personal gain. In that case, do what everyone else does: don't take one on. Or just go to church on Christmas and Easter for the "feel good"--whatever. But mostly, don't bother.

In the question you just asked however, if you are already compelled that one religion is probably, actually True--than yes, the customs, culture and behavior overall should have some impact on your decision. But this is not like "shopping an idea around". ???
The purpose of the subject making the decision being agnostic is to remove preconceived bias for or against, one or the other. The effect on his mortal life is what this newfound deist is pondering. As such he’s looking at the two and trying to assess which will have the greatest benefit to him, who is a man; and the fulfillment of his interests, and the perpetuation, success, and fulfillment of his progeny.

To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...

I suppose you think I'm going to say Islam is a better religion because you can subject women and treat them poorly as you would perhaps like to do. Quite frankly since you treat shopping for religion like shopping for a car and would be in a Christian church at least at this time for the very wrong reason, I really don't care if you think Christianity has use for your selfish means. There are loads and loads of Bible verses to back that up, by the way.

I also guess you thought I would be compelled to market my religion or something. To defend it for someone looking for absolutely selfish gain. Absolutely not. Jesus said Himself it's the narrow way. It's not for those who are not called, and that's it. He said before you follow me, count the cost.

None of this is about counting cost--it's about nothing but gain. I just can't tell you how absolutely backward you are, you don't care, perhaps even to your spiritual, eternal detriment. Go your way then; I've done my part.
The purpose of the subject making the decision being agnostic is to remove preconceived bias for or against, one or the other. The effect on his mortal life is what this newfound deist is pondering. As such he’s looking at the two and trying to assess which will have the greatest benefit to him, who is a man; and the fulfillment of his interests, and the perpetuation, success, and fulfillment of his progeny.

To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...

I suppose you think I'm going to say Islam is a better religion because you can subject women and treat them poorly as you would perhaps like to do. Quite frankly since you treat shopping for religion like shopping for a car and would be in a Christian church at least at this time for the very wrong reason, I really don't care if you think Christianity has use for your selfish means. There are loads and loads of Bible verses to back that up, by the way.

I also guess you thought I would be compelled to market my religion or something. To defend it for someone looking for absolutely selfish gain. Absolutely not. Jesus said Himself it's the narrow way. It's not for those who are not called, and that's it. He said before you follow me, count the cost.

None of this is about counting cost--it's about nothing but gain. I just can't tell you how absolutely backward you are, you don't care, perhaps even to your spiritual, eternal detriment. Go your way then; I've done my part.
Again. The thread isn’t about me. Its really only about the specific question raised in the OP. Nothing more. Nothing less.
To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...

I suppose you think I'm going to say Islam is a better religion because you can subject women and treat them poorly as you would perhaps like to do. Quite frankly since you treat shopping for religion like shopping for a car and would be in a Christian church at least at this time for the very wrong reason, I really don't care if you think Christianity has use for your selfish means. There are loads and loads of Bible verses to back that up, by the way.

I also guess you thought I would be compelled to market my religion or something. To defend it for someone looking for absolutely selfish gain. Absolutely not. Jesus said Himself it's the narrow way. It's not for those who are not called, and that's it. He said before you follow me, count the cost.

None of this is about counting cost--it's about nothing but gain. I just can't tell you how absolutely backward you are, you don't care, perhaps even to your spiritual, eternal detriment. Go your way then; I've done my part.
Again. The thread isn’t about me. Its really only about the specific question raised in the OP. Nothing more. Nothing less.

but your question isnt specific,,,
Nobody beats 72 virgins each. You just have to hope that they'll be the right sex!
That’s allegedly promised after death, if conditions are met. This question pertains to the here, and now.
To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...

I suppose you think I'm going to say Islam is a better religion because you can subject women and treat them poorly as you would perhaps like to do. Quite frankly since you treat shopping for religion like shopping for a car and would be in a Christian church at least at this time for the very wrong reason, I really don't care if you think Christianity has use for your selfish means. There are loads and loads of Bible verses to back that up, by the way.

I also guess you thought I would be compelled to market my religion or something. To defend it for someone looking for absolutely selfish gain. Absolutely not. Jesus said Himself it's the narrow way. It's not for those who are not called, and that's it. He said before you follow me, count the cost.

None of this is about counting cost--it's about nothing but gain. I just can't tell you how absolutely backward you are, you don't care, perhaps even to your spiritual, eternal detriment. Go your way then; I've done my part.
Again. The thread isn’t about me. Its really only about the specific question raised in the OP. Nothing more. Nothing less.
You're lying to yourself
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...

I suppose you think I'm going to say Islam is a better religion because you can subject women and treat them poorly as you would perhaps like to do. Quite frankly since you treat shopping for religion like shopping for a car and would be in a Christian church at least at this time for the very wrong reason, I really don't care if you think Christianity has use for your selfish means. There are loads and loads of Bible verses to back that up, by the way.

I also guess you thought I would be compelled to market my religion or something. To defend it for someone looking for absolutely selfish gain. Absolutely not. Jesus said Himself it's the narrow way. It's not for those who are not called, and that's it. He said before you follow me, count the cost.

None of this is about counting cost--it's about nothing but gain. I just can't tell you how absolutely backward you are, you don't care, perhaps even to your spiritual, eternal detriment. Go your way then; I've done my part.
Again. The thread isn’t about me. Its really only about the specific question raised in the OP. Nothing more. Nothing less.
You're lying to yourself
While I’m flattered that you’ve taken a personal interest in me... My interest lies in your choice as it pertains to the OP. Christianity, or Islam?
The purpose of the subject making the decision being agnostic is to remove preconceived bias for or against, one or the other. The effect on his mortal life is what this newfound deist is pondering. As such he’s looking at the two and trying to assess which will have the greatest benefit to him, who is a man; and the fulfillment of his interests, and the perpetuation, success, and fulfillment of his progeny.

To what end, then? To when end is he "assessing which will have the greatest benefit to him"?

You should realize you cannot convert to Christianity on that premise. You might decide to live a Christian life on the outside, but I'm not sure why.
The lifestyles are quite the point in question...
With that now realized which one? Christianity, or Islam?

It is not. You cannot convert to Christianity for the "lifestyle". You may be able to join a heretical church. However, Jesus will absolutely reject you in the end, because Christianity is not about "lifestyle". It's about what you BELIEVE--Who you follow.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."--Romans 10:9-10

It is dangerous for you to pretend in this manner. Let's say your pretending leads you to participate in a church like a pretender, for the "lifestyle", for the benefits. If you take Communion, you "eat and drink judgment on yourself":

"For anyone who eats and drinks without first eats and drinks judgment on himself. This is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep."--1 Corinthians 11:29

God will not be mocked. We are serious about this. Every Sunday before Communion our Pastor gives a gentle, yet serious warning to all visitors and non-believers.
That’s irrelevant to the OP. Piety is for “God” to decide. What is inherent for the readers of this OP to decide, answer, explain... Is which religion, the practice, or adherence there of; as practiced is of the greatest personal benefit to a man.
You know exactly what is being asked. And I suspect that you already have an answer for that very question. I also suspect that you don’t want to give voice to that answer, on account of the questions it may raise...

I suppose you think I'm going to say Islam is a better religion because you can subject women and treat them poorly as you would perhaps like to do. Quite frankly since you treat shopping for religion like shopping for a car and would be in a Christian church at least at this time for the very wrong reason, I really don't care if you think Christianity has use for your selfish means. There are loads and loads of Bible verses to back that up, by the way.

I also guess you thought I would be compelled to market my religion or something. To defend it for someone looking for absolutely selfish gain. Absolutely not. Jesus said Himself it's the narrow way. It's not for those who are not called, and that's it. He said before you follow me, count the cost.

None of this is about counting cost--it's about nothing but gain. I just can't tell you how absolutely backward you are, you don't care, perhaps even to your spiritual, eternal detriment. Go your way then; I've done my part.
So you think Islam would garner more appeal, by virtue of your perception that it encourages abuse of women? Wow! That says quite a bit about your opinion of men. I appreciate your candor...
Nobody beats 72 virgins each. You just have to hope that they'll be the right sex!
That’s allegedly promised after death, if conditions are met. This question pertains to the here, and now.
Still Islam. You can have 4 bitches and they can't say anything or you can beat the shit out of them. Or divorce them by repeating I divorce you 3 times. That's a sweet deal.
Nobody beats 72 virgins each. You just have to hope that they'll be the right sex!
That’s allegedly promised after death, if conditions are met. This question pertains to the here, and now.
Still Islam. You can have 4 bitches and they can't say anything or you can beat the shit out of them. Or divorce them by repeating I divorce you 3 times. That's a sweet deal.
So Islamic cultures have a Divorce process that is less punitive to men?
Nobody beats 72 virgins each. You just have to hope that they'll be the right sex!
That’s allegedly promised after death, if conditions are met. This question pertains to the here, and now.
Still Islam. You can have 4 bitches and they can't say anything or you can beat the shit out of them. Or divorce them by repeating I divorce you 3 times. That's a sweet deal.
So Islamic cultures have a Divorce process that is less punitive to men?
Everything in Islam is tilted towards men. it's fucked up, but purely on which religion is better for men, women be damned, it's Islam in a walk. The only negatives I see is that itchy-scratchy beard, and that all their women are ugly.
That’s allegedly promised after death, if conditions are met. This question pertains to the here, and now.

So I would assume Islam. I don't know specifically what Islam teaches about what they 'offer' in the here and now... but I do know that what Christianity teaches.

The here and now, is not what Christianity is about. Christianity is entirely about what comes after. There are numerous proverbs, and statements, that indicate this in the Bible.

Matthew 6: Jesus says-
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.​

Or you can look at James 4:14
You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.​

Or you can look at Hebrews 9:27
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment​

Psalm 90:9
All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan.​

And there are honestly hundreds of verses that all point to the fact that this life, is not the big thing. This life is the chance to get ready for the big thing.

The big thing is what comes after this life.

Ecclesiastes is my favorite book of the Bible, because it points out the reality of life. 9:9
Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun--all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.​

Bible believing Christians are not trying to make this life our utopia, and we're not Christians because we are hoping G-d will give us stuff here.

We are waiting for the return of Christ, and a future in Heaven where there is no pain, no suffering, no illness, no old age, no terrible diseases, no betrayal, and back stabbing, no evil at all.

This is why 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt were captured and beheaded by ISIS in 2015, made no sound on the sandy beach in Libya before they had their heads cut off. I know, I watched the video ISIS put out of the slaughter.

If they became a Christian, because of what Christianity offered them in this life, they should have contacted the authorities to press fraud charges.

No, they became a Christian because in eternity, they will be rewarded for their faithfulness right up to the end.

Now that doesn't mean all Christians will be martyred. Obviously Christians in many parts of the world, live very good lives relative to others. But that is still not the focus of Christianity.

So if all your asking about, it what does Christianity offer you here in now... not much. G-d promises very little, except that he will be with you in the dark times, help you through the suffering, and walk with in this life up to the end.

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