Which Religion Has More To Offer Men?

Which One Offers Men More?

  • Christianity?

  • Islam?

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more what for men???

if a man wants more he doesnt need religion to do it,, and religion isnt about getting more

so you thought experiment is just really dumb and most likely so you can slam religion and people that comment about it,,,

you never said if youre american???
Now you’re just deflecting because you cannot, or simply will not answer the question. Neither me nor nationality has no bearing on this question whatsoever.

if your a foreigner trying to pit two religions against each other in another country to start shit it matters a lot,,,

and so far that seems to be the case,,,
I hope you’re sitting down for this... I have something to tell you... These two religions have been at odds for a while. A long, long while...

OH I hope your sitting down for this,,,

I told you that in my first few comments
You told me about feelings. I told you that was fine, but that I was looking for something more tangible. You stayed in the thread. I guess I was hoping you’d come up with something more. But your answer was your answer. Fair enough.

I said they were opposite sides of the coin
if your a foreigner trying to pit two religions against each other in another country to start shit it matters a lot,,,

and so far that seems to be the case,,,
I hope you’re sitting down for this... I have something to tell you... These two religions have been at odds for a while. A long, long while...

so you just decided to stir the pot like a fucking asshole,,,
Now you’re getting angry. The question stands. You can answer it. Or you can choose not to.

no anger,, just calling you out as the shit stirring prick you are,,,
Yeah... no anger there at all...

stating fact isnt anger
Now you’re just deflecting because you cannot, or simply will not answer the question. Neither me nor nationality has no bearing on this question whatsoever.

if your a foreigner trying to pit two religions against each other in another country to start shit it matters a lot,,,

and so far that seems to be the case,,,
I hope you’re sitting down for this... I have something to tell you... These two religions have been at odds for a while. A long, long while...

OH I hope your sitting down for this,,,

I told you that in my first few comments
You told me about feelings. I told you that was fine, but that I was looking for something more tangible. You stayed in the thread. I guess I was hoping you’d come up with something more. But your answer was your answer. Fair enough.

I said they were opposite sides of the coin
That’s irrelevant if you see it that way. The premise of the OP is one of making a choice.
if your a foreigner trying to pit two religions against each other in another country to start shit it matters a lot,,,

and so far that seems to be the case,,,
I hope you’re sitting down for this... I have something to tell you... These two religions have been at odds for a while. A long, long while...

OH I hope your sitting down for this,,,

I told you that in my first few comments
You told me about feelings. I told you that was fine, but that I was looking for something more tangible. You stayed in the thread. I guess I was hoping you’d come up with something more. But your answer was your answer. Fair enough.

I said they were opposite sides of the coin
That’s irrelevant if you see it that way. The premise of the OP is one of making a choice.

I am making a choice,,,
I hope you’re sitting down for this... I have something to tell you... These two religions have been at odds for a while. A long, long while...

so you just decided to stir the pot like a fucking asshole,,,
Now you’re getting angry. The question stands. You can answer it. Or you can choose not to.

no anger,, just calling you out as the shit stirring prick you are,,,
Yeah... no anger there at all...

stating fact isnt anger
But that isn’t a fact. That’s your opinion. Funny... You had no problem offering an opinion you weren’t asked for; but are stonewalled at giving a relevant one for the OP that brought you here...
so you just decided to stir the pot like a fucking asshole,,,
Now you’re getting angry. The question stands. You can answer it. Or you can choose not to.

no anger,, just calling you out as the shit stirring prick you are,,,
Yeah... no anger there at all...

stating fact isnt anger
But that isn’t a fact. That’s your opinion. Funny... You had no problem offering an opinion you weren’t asked for; but are stonewalled at giving a relevant one for the OP that brought you here...

I said what your looking for doesnt exist in the two choices,,,
Now you’re getting angry. The question stands. You can answer it. Or you can choose not to.

no anger,, just calling you out as the shit stirring prick you are,,,
Yeah... no anger there at all...

stating fact isnt anger
But that isn’t a fact. That’s your opinion. Funny... You had no problem offering an opinion you weren’t asked for; but are stonewalled at giving a relevant one for the OP that brought you here...

I said what your looking for doesnt exist in the two choices,,,
One, of the two choices as the reader sees it, is what I’m looking for. And it exists clearly laid out in the OP. Choosing one, or the other, then stating why; which clearly makes you uncomfortable. That’s a shortcoming of the reader, not the question.
no anger,, just calling you out as the shit stirring prick you are,,,
Yeah... no anger there at all...

stating fact isnt anger
But that isn’t a fact. That’s your opinion. Funny... You had no problem offering an opinion you weren’t asked for; but are stonewalled at giving a relevant one for the OP that brought you here...

I said what your looking for doesnt exist in the two choices,,,
One, of the two choices as the reader sees it, is what I’m looking for. And it exists clearly laid out in the OP. Choosing one, or the other, then stating why; which clearly makes you uncomfortable. That’s a shortcoming of the reader, not the question.

those religions arent about personal or gender gain,,,

now if you had satan worship or atheist they are all about selfish greed and I could vote for one of those

start a new poll and put those on it and I have something I could vote on
Christianity is better because it's true.

Islam is not as good because much of it is false.
Yeah... no anger there at all...

stating fact isnt anger
But that isn’t a fact. That’s your opinion. Funny... You had no problem offering an opinion you weren’t asked for; but are stonewalled at giving a relevant one for the OP that brought you here...

I said what your looking for doesnt exist in the two choices,,,
One, of the two choices as the reader sees it, is what I’m looking for. And it exists clearly laid out in the OP. Choosing one, or the other, then stating why; which clearly makes you uncomfortable. That’s a shortcoming of the reader, not the question.

those religions arent about personal or gender gain,,,

now if you had satan worship or atheist they are all about selfish greed and I could vote for one of those

start a new poll and put those on it and I have something I could vote on
Nah. I’m quite satisfied with the question as it’s currently structured. The responses have been very interesting.
Vastator said:
Majority Western Traditionally Christian nations are the “henhouse” Belaeagured, and besieged muslims are the “Fox”. In your zeal as nations, and in your desire to be generous... Is it in your long term interest (henerationallyspeaking) to invite in groups of people who out breed your native populations, at exponential rates while your country and mantra is espousing the virtues of “democracy”?
If so... The Muslims have already won. All that’s left is to watch the sand drain from the glass, and count the days until your grandchildren raise the banner themselves, and set forth to spread Islam.
Because Only White European Christians
Actually Care About Minorities Or Their Fellow Man

It Was Those Wacky Quakers Of England And France
That Preached Slavery Was Immoral
When White Nations Started Patrolling The African Coast
The Arab Muslims Thought We Were Just Plain Nuts
Toro said:
Islam promises 72 virgins for men

So lol at your stupid premise

GreenAndBlue said:
All men are not more wise than many women but yes the majority are more wise but not all as Islam tries to make it
Without His Older, Widowed, Merchant Wife
There Would Be No Mohammed
it makes them feel better for helping those less fortunate,,,
So... the feelz..? If that's your answer... I accept that. There is no "wrong" in the parameters of this question. Though I don't know how one can pass feels on to their children, or generational progeny...
better people make for a better life,,
for some of us its not about having more stuff and more about a better life,,,

to pass on good morals is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give
If a better life is the goal... Why has women's "happiness" been rated as the lowest ever in the US?
Because that is a crock of shit. 50% of the women in the US will never be happy because they are liberal and vote Democrat who have a War on Women. Liberals allow men with tits to go into the womens bathroom at one time was only for women. Women cant compete fairly because men with tits are stealing all the trophies when in competitions. Women get used by liberal men like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein. Maybe if women instead of trying to be like men, tried to be like a woman they would have a better life. You really have to be retarded if you vote for a Democrat.

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I don’t disagree. But what do these women actually do? Who’s breeding, growing their population, and raising their families? And who’s riding the cock carousel, destroying their ability to pair bond, feverishly racing into near insurmountable debt in order to “better themselves”, skyjacking the divorce rate, and raising ever increasing numbers of children while dependent on the state, or its goons instead of the actual fathers of their children?Thus accruing massive debt, staggering drop in birth rate, while espousing the virtues of letting anyone into their country where “democracy” is the in word of the day?
Over in Saudi Arabia the women have their clitoris cut off, so then they cant have any pleasure in their sexual encounters. All they are over there are baby factories. But, and there is always a but, the driving technics of the Saudis, is much like black folks in the US. Recklessly speeding not giving a damn who is in their way. Their mirrors are pointed back at the drivers because their vanity is great, thus must watch themselves constantly not the road they are driving on. Thus when a Chevy Suburban with 12 people in it, meets another Suburban with 12 people in it, 24 projectiles have been thrown out and 75% or more end up dead. This attitude of their is the reason why they have so many children, because their many of their children wont live past 2. Over here, we just have stupid liberal(redundant statement) women who have been so brainwashed into killing their babies in or out of the womb, there can be no feelings about it. So Conservatives are still producing 3 to 4 children a family, and pretty soon, there wont be a Demonrat party left because their future is killed on the abortion doctors table. This is the secret you dont hear from the Lickspittle, Liberal, Lame Stream Media....
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

With only those considerations in mind do not even take up a religion. I do not say that for your good--for your good, from my perspective, you need to save your eternal soul. But you are here only looking out for your interests. You are not interested in what is true.

When you are "shopping religions around" you are seeking what is, in fact, True. Not what "is in it for you".
Three pages in, and it's clear to any reader of this thread till this point; that this simple question makes some people quite uncomfortable. Not one poster has taken it head on, and engaged the premise in it's clearly intended manner....

I find that fascinating...

It's not fascinating; you're asking the wrong question. It's like asking: I want an ice cream cone, where's the best brewery to get one.

I don't know. Do whatever you're not asking the right question in the first place.
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
You don't "take up" religion.

If you're not serious about seeking God, stay with Satan. Hes happy to have you.
Choose. Which one offers more mortal gain to men?

what do you mean by mortal gain???
Something tangible, measurable, and lasting. Not an unproveable promise of something that happens when you’re dead like Toros 72 virgin nonsense. Remember this thread had the agnostic in mind. So demonstrable results, and realistic projections will likely factor into this persons decision.

Wrong reason, then. Don't choose it. You would be found out, in my church anyway, and would not even be allowed to become a member. By the other men in the church.
For all the readers of this thread I would like the expose the completely 21st century premise of this thread:


So this OP poster drives up to what he perceives as like a drive-through menu and says, hmmm, this one offers this, this one that, as if he is comparing differing job offers.

It just does not work that way. You do not approach the God of all that is, once you have found Him, and say, yeah, but how you gonna fill up my wish list in his here gig???

Three pages in, and it's clear to any reader of this thread till this point; that this simple question makes some people quite uncomfortable. Not one poster has taken it head on, and engaged the premise in it's clearly intended manner....

I find that fascinating...

It's not fascinating; you're asking the wrong question. It's like asking: I want an ice cream cone, where's the best brewery to get one.

I don't know. Do whatever you're not asking the right question in the first place.
It’s precisely the right question, and worded precisely as intended. I find it interesting that many posters wish a different question had been asked, or a similar question had been asked in a different way. Truly fascinatng...

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