Which Religion Has More To Offer Men?

Which One Offers Men More?

  • Christianity?

  • Islam?

Results are only viewable after voting.
I don’t disagree. But what do these women actually do? Who’s breeding, growing their population, and raising their families? And who’s riding the cock carousel, destroying their ability to pair bond, feverishly racing into near insurmountable debt in order to “better themselves”, skyjacking the divorce rate, and raising ever increasing numbers of children while dependent on the state, or its goons instead of the actual fathers of their children?Thus accruing massive debt, staggering drop in birth rate, while espousing the virtues of letting anyone into their country where “democracy” is the in word of the day?

who are you talking about???
Modern Western/ Christian nations women, vs, Muslim women. It’s pretty simple it’s a math game. Always has been in democracy. Combine a political system such as Democracy with a fanciful notion of “equality”, without “equalizing” with the competition... The results are rather predictable...

one problem,,,
Nothing a vote can’t fix...
IN THIS COUNTRY IT WILL TAKE a lot more than a vote,,,

but feel free to try,,,

until then if you dont like our laws get the fuck out,,,
You’re funny. You’re laws are only as good as what the representative you vote for say they are. Votes count. You can count can’t you? What happens when the side you vote for gets less votes?
I don’t disagree. But what do these women actually do? Who’s breeding, growing their population, and raising their families? And who’s riding the cock carousel, destroying their ability to pair bond, feverishly racing into near insurmountable debt in order to “better themselves”, skyjacking the divorce rate, and raising ever increasing numbers of children while dependent on the state, or its goons instead of the actual fathers of their children?Thus accruing massive debt, staggering drop in birth rate, while espousing the virtues of letting anyone into their country where “democracy” is the in word of the day?

who are you talking about???
Modern Western/ Christian nations women, vs, Muslim women. It’s pretty simple it’s a math game. Always has been in democracy. Combine a political system such as Democracy with a fanciful notion of “equality”, without “equalizing” with the competition... The results are rather predictable...

one problem,,,
Nothing a vote can’t fix...
IN THIS COUNTRY IT WILL TAKE a lot more than a vote,,,

but feel free to try,,,

until then if you dont like our laws get the fuck out,,,
Try what?
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
Well, both listed religions are patriarchal, so it's basically just a combination of guilt and different holidays. I'd take the Christian holidays over Eid and Ramadan. Christianity for me.
who are you talking about???
Modern Western/ Christian nations women, vs, Muslim women. It’s pretty simple it’s a math game. Always has been in democracy. Combine a political system such as Democracy with a fanciful notion of “equality”, without “equalizing” with the competition... The results are rather predictable...

one problem,,,
Nothing a vote can’t fix...
IN THIS COUNTRY IT WILL TAKE a lot more than a vote,,,

but feel free to try,,,

until then if you dont like our laws get the fuck out,,,
You’re funny. You’re laws are only as good as what the representative you vote for say they are. Votes count. You can count can’t you? What happens when the side you vote for gets less votes?

what do you mean,,,YOUR LAWS???...,,are you an american???

and our reps cant just vote about the constitution,,,
there a process,,,
success is a matter of perspective,,,

and any moron knows that islam and christianity are two opposite sides of the coin and because islam demands the death of any other than islam,,, they really should be left alone, which brings up another problem is they wont leave everyone else alone for the reason I just said,,,

and I have been stating fact not what I think,,,
That perspective narrows when only only one view point remains...

how so??
One is aggressive in its will to spread, and unyielding to unpopular opinion. The other flips on a dime to stay relevant, and to make everyone happy, in the name of acceptance; not to mention more divided than any ideology/religion I know of.
As you’ve already pointed out; killing the opposition is more than acceptable for one, the other has declining birth rates and has invited the opposition in to meet their daughters...
How bout those grandkids eh?


It doesn’t have to be acceptable to you.
The grand kids? Oh! The daughters of slaughtered parents who are now handily Muslim, and popping out more Muslims by the day. Because Islam has no predilections about killing the opposition, taking their women, and making more Muslims. Just ask what’s left of the Coptic Christians in Former ISIS held territory.
Oh... You can’t. Their either dead, or Muslim, and turning out more Muslims by the day. ISIS, or no ISIS...

so is that a check on the con side for islam from you???
Modern Western/ Christian nations women, vs, Muslim women. It’s pretty simple it’s a math game. Always has been in democracy. Combine a political system such as Democracy with a fanciful notion of “equality”, without “equalizing” with the competition... The results are rather predictable...

one problem,,,
Nothing a vote can’t fix...
IN THIS COUNTRY IT WILL TAKE a lot more than a vote,,,

but feel free to try,,,

until then if you dont like our laws get the fuck out,,,
You’re funny. You’re laws are only as good as what the representative you vote for say they are. Votes count. You can count can’t you? What happens when the side you vote for gets less votes?

what do you mean,,,YOUR LAWS???...,,are you an american???

and our reps cant just vote about the constitution,,,
there a process,,,
And the voters can put reps and senators in place to amend that constitution. It’s just a numbers game played out over time. The constitution has already had amendments both made, and stricken. So we know this is possible.
That perspective narrows when only only one view point remains...

how so??
One is aggressive in its will to spread, and unyielding to unpopular opinion. The other flips on a dime to stay relevant, and to make everyone happy, in the name of acceptance; not to mention more divided than any ideology/religion I know of.
As you’ve already pointed out; killing the opposition is more than acceptable for one, the other has declining birth rates and has invited the opposition in to meet their daughters...
How bout those grandkids eh?


It doesn’t have to be acceptable to you.
The grand kids? Oh! The daughters of slaughtered parents who are now handily Muslim, and popping out more Muslims by the day. Because Islam has no predilections about killing the opposition, taking their women, and making more Muslims. Just ask what’s left of the Coptic Christians in Former ISIS held territory.
Oh... You can’t. Their either dead, or Muslim, and turning out more Muslims by the day. ISIS, or no ISIS...

so is that a check on the con side for islam from you???
I’m simply moderating this one. Consider me, for the purpose of this thread... the potential customer looking at both products, and the real world reviews, and results...
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

Islam promises 72 virgins for men

So lol at your stupid premise
Another perspective from which one might view the choice would to be that of asking ones self “which” culture currently does more to empower, and benefit men; vs disenfranchising them? That might be a deciding factor for some if they had to choose, yet had no bias toward one, or the other at the outset...
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?

Islam promises 72 virgins for men

So lol at your stupid premise
Payable after death, if requirements are met. Completely outside the scope of the OP. This OP focuses on mortal real world results. Not unproveable promises. Try harder. Try reading...
Another perspective from which one might view the choice would to be that of asking ones self “which” culture currently does more to empower, and benefit men; vs disenfranchising them? That might be a deciding factor for some if they had to choose, yet had no bias toward one, or the other at the outset...

I can not imagine the thought in your head that led you to ask such a question,,,
Another perspective from which one might view the choice would to be that of asking ones self “which” culture currently does more to empower, and benefit men; vs disenfranchising them? That might be a deciding factor for some if they had to choose, yet had no bias toward one, or the other at the outset...

I can not imagine the thought in your head that led you to ask such a question,,,
The OP is self explanatory... The option that gains the most benefits to the chooser would reasonably be the most often chosen. So... which of the two offers more to men? As it plays out in real world results? How have you come this far, and have forgotten the question we’re here to answer?
Another perspective from which one might view the choice would to be that of asking ones self “which” culture currently does more to empower, and benefit men; vs disenfranchising them? That might be a deciding factor for some if they had to choose, yet had no bias toward one, or the other at the outset...

I can not imagine the thought in your head that led you to ask such a question,,,
The OP is self explanatory... The option that gains the most benefits to the chooser would reasonably be the most often chosen. So... which of the two offers more to men? As it plays out in real world results? How have you come this far, and have forgotten the question we’re here to answer?

why the focus on men??

why not what benefits all humans???

from what you are looking for it would be better and easier to start your own religion, because none I know of have any of that outlook or goals
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
You don't "take up" religion.

If you're not serious about seeking God, stay with Satan. Hes happy to have you.
Another perspective from which one might view the choice would to be that of asking ones self “which” culture currently does more to empower, and benefit men; vs disenfranchising them? That might be a deciding factor for some if they had to choose, yet had no bias toward one, or the other at the outset...

I can not imagine the thought in your head that led you to ask such a question,,,
The OP is self explanatory... The option that gains the most benefits to the chooser would reasonably be the most often chosen. So... which of the two offers more to men? As it plays out in real world results? How have you come this far, and have forgotten the question we’re here to answer?

why the focus on men??

why not what benefits all humans???

from what you are looking for it would be better and easier to start your own religion, because none I know of have any of that outlook or goals
In all these pages... You still haven’t been able to choose one out of two? It’s not that hard of a question. Which of the two religions, as practiced, right now offer more power, promise, children, and opportunity to men and their heirs over generations? There’s no coming up with something new. It’s one of the two for this thought experiment.
The idea of this thread being... If an Agnostic man was looking to take up religion; and decided to shop the idea around, between the two main contenders at the moment; Christianity, and Islam...
Which would have more to offer men? Which would be the better choice, and why? Which one do you think would best suit not only his immediate interests, but also his long term planning for his family, and generational progeny?
You don't "take up" religion.

If you're not serious about seeking God, stay with Satan. Hes happy to have you.
Choose. Which one offers more mortal gain to men?
Another perspective from which one might view the choice would to be that of asking ones self “which” culture currently does more to empower, and benefit men; vs disenfranchising them? That might be a deciding factor for some if they had to choose, yet had no bias toward one, or the other at the outset...

I can not imagine the thought in your head that led you to ask such a question,,,
The OP is self explanatory... The option that gains the most benefits to the chooser would reasonably be the most often chosen. So... which of the two offers more to men? As it plays out in real world results? How have you come this far, and have forgotten the question we’re here to answer?

why the focus on men??

why not what benefits all humans???

from what you are looking for it would be better and easier to start your own religion, because none I know of have any of that outlook or goals
In all these pages... You still haven’t been able to choose one out of two? It’s not that hard of a question. Which of the two religions, as practiced, right now offer more power, promise, children, and opportunity to men and their heirs over generations? There’s no coming up with something new. It’s one of the two for this thought experiment.

because what you ask for doesnt exist in either one of the choices

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