Which Religion should the Government endorse as the official US Religion?

Which religion (and denomination) should the US Government endorse as the official religion of our country? And why?


A little history lesson for you sport HERE

What part of the first Amendment do you not understand anyway?

What you propose is forbidden, unless the Constitution is Amended.
Which religion (and denomination) should the US Government endorse as the official religion of our country? And why?

Samuel Chase
"By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed upon the same equal footing, and are equally entitled to protection in their religious liberty."
okay, here's where we stand so far...

1 vote for Universalist Unitarian
1 vote for Methodist

come on guys, put your two cents in. we have to determine which religion will be our national religion.
Church of the Holy Boobie

High Priestess
Which religion (and denomination) should the US Government endorse as the official religion of our country? And why?

I don't understand the obsession.

but beyond that, it clearly endorses Christianity.

One Nation, under god.

In god we trust.

I'm sure there's more, but those make it fairly clear.
Which religion (and denomination) should the US Government endorse as the official religion of our country? And why?

I don't understand the obsession.

but beyond that, it clearly endorses Christianity.

One Nation, under god.

In god we trust.

I'm sure there's more, but those make it fairly clear.

which denomination should we us as our official religion?
What I'm screwing with is the assumption that there is such a thing as a "Separation Clause". The 1st Amendment was written to prohibit the establishment of a STATE religion, not to prohibit religion.

Did you not read the title of this thread?
Which religion (and denomination) should the US Government endorse as the official religion of our country? And why?

I don't understand the obsession.

but beyond that, it clearly endorses Christianity.

One Nation, under god.

In god we trust.

I'm sure there's more, but those make it fairly clear.

which denomination should we us as our official religion?

clearly, none.

but if I have to pick


they are the most organised and would deepen many connections world wide.
We've already got one. I forget the name just now, but the religion is a mix of golf and football.

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