Which republicans will be the first to abandon Trump???

If CCN says it, it must be...
If Trump says something its like it came from the Bible in spite of his constant lies and constant contradictions ...there is a reason why this Orange Mother Fucker has been sued 4000 times ....pathetic Trump rubes are like castrated lap dogs...
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.
There will be plenty of Republicans that will abandon Trump once if becomes clear that abandoning Trump is not abandoning the party. All the Republicans need is a Republican in the White House. Pence would certainly be easier to work with than Trump. He has real political experience, a strong conservative that will support their agenda without the problems Trump is creating. Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept. I suppose many are hopping for that to come out of the investigation.

Democrats believe getting Trump out of office would help them at the polls. Actually the opposite is true. A badly disgraced president backed by the GOP would be a dream come true for Democrats.
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.
There will be plenty of Republicans that will abandon Trump once if becomes clear that abandoning Trump is not abandoning the party. All the Republicans need is a Republican in the White House. Pence would certainly be easier to work with than Trump. He has real political experience, a strong conservative that will support their agenda without the problems Trump is creating. Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept. I suppose many are hopping for that to come out of the investigation.

Democrats believe getting Trump out of office would help them at the polls. Actually the opposite is true. A badly disgraced president backed by the GOP would be a dream come true for Democrats.
Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept.

Frankly, I don't know why that be so, if it is. What are Trumpkins and other Republicans going to do if Congress impeaches and removes Trump from office on "general principle" and just because they are fed up with him? It's not as though they're going to support Democrats and/or third party candidates. Plus, Pence is very fine alternative to Trump.

Even I being neither Dem nor Rep don't utterly despise Pence as a human being, which I cannot say of Trump. Pence is at least sane and predictable. Hell, Trump's so reprobate that I have to struggle to look past that and consider what little he's put forth as policy. Frankly, I don't want to work that hard to "relate" to a POTUS.
If CCN says it, it must be...
If Trump says something its like it came from the Bible in spite of his constant lies and constant contradictions ...there is a reason why this Orange Mother Fucker has been sued 4000 times ....pathetic Trump rubes are like castrated lap dogs...
Nah...I'm just getting a kick out of Trump causing headlines to change at will.
Once the GOP mainstream understands getting rid of Trump will strengthen not weaken the party, it will abandon trump.
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Lefties seem confused when republicans feel free to speak their minds.


"speak their minds"?? wtf the fuck does that even mean...?

unhinged righties want to harp on voyeuristic sex scandals while turning a blind eye to treason.. because DEMOCRATS??

wake up dumbos, it's all about POLICY, stoopids.

Who committed treason?

Trump when he sent millions of unmarked small denomination bills to Iran in the middle of the night on his own accord?

Trump because he used cruise missiles to execute two American citizens?

Trump because he told the Russians he could be more flexible with them after he won his election?

Trump because he had an unprotected server in his bathroom with state secrets on it? (never mind that one not one is that stupid)
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.
No Republican can credibly defend his stance in backing such an incompetent and corrupt buffoon as Trump.
I love it watching the Lame Stream Media applying such importance to someone they declare to be a fool.

Well, that's because you're a moron and couldn't care less about the welfare of this nation. A FOOL, Trump certainly is....but he's a fool with the nuclear codes worried more about his wounded ego than what is best for the country.......You idiots got him to that position because your own egos a too fucking fragile.
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.

Trump has failed ?
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.
No Republican can credibly defend his stance in backing such an incompetent and corrupt buffoon as Trump.

According to who ? You ?

Don't make me laugh.

The fact that Trump was not Clinton is as credible as Clinton herself.

Go jump off a very high cliff.
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.
There will be plenty of Republicans that will abandon Trump once if becomes clear that abandoning Trump is not abandoning the party. All the Republicans need is a Republican in the White House. Pence would certainly be easier to work with than Trump. He has real political experience, a strong conservative that will support their agenda without the problems Trump is creating. Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept. I suppose many are hopping for that to come out of the investigation.

Democrats believe getting Trump out of office would help them at the polls. Actually the opposite is true. A badly disgraced president backed by the GOP would be a dream come true for Democrats.
Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept.

Frankly, I don't know why that be so, if it is. What are Trumpkins and other Republicans going to do if Congress impeaches and removes Trump from office on "general principle" and just because they are fed up with him? It's not as though they're going to support Democrats and/or third party candidates. Plus, Pence is very fine alternative to Trump.

Even I being neither Dem nor Rep don't utterly despise Pence as a human being, which I cannot say of Trump. Pence is at least sane and predictable. Hell, Trump's so reprobate that I have to struggle to look past that and consider what little he's put forth as policy. Frankly, I don't want to work that hard to "relate" to a POTUS.
If congress removes Trump from office, it's important that they have clear and understandable reasons that most all American will agree with. If by some slide of the hand Trump unwilling resigns with or without and impeachment, his people will simply search for another demigod that promises them even more hatred and division. The idea of putting a demigod in office to destroy the nation and rebuild it to meet some vague vision of what American once was has got to be stopped before it destroys the country.
I love it watching the Lame Stream Media applying such importance to someone they declare to be a fool.

Well, that's because you're a moron and couldn't care less about the welfare of this nation. A FOOL, Trump certainly is....but he's a fool with the nuclear codes worried more about his wounded ego than what is best for the country.......You idiots got him to that position because your own egos a too fucking fragile.

Welcome back Mr. Butthurt,

It's not like we've missed your sorry threads.

We are five months in and we haven't gone to war.

Get over yourself.
My humble guess to the question on the thread's title, is........Those republicans who are young enough to still aspire to run for the WH .......Congressional republicans will skirt the Trump failures by blaming the discord among their own caucus, BUT those folks that want to some day soon be president, cannot credibly defend their stance in backing such a scandal-riddened charlatan.
There will be plenty of Republicans that will abandon Trump once if becomes clear that abandoning Trump is not abandoning the party. All the Republicans need is a Republican in the White House. Pence would certainly be easier to work with than Trump. He has real political experience, a strong conservative that will support their agenda without the problems Trump is creating. Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept. I suppose many are hopping for that to come out of the investigation.

Democrats believe getting Trump out of office would help them at the polls. Actually the opposite is true. A badly disgraced president backed by the GOP would be a dream come true for Democrats.
Trump has to give them a concrete basis to dump him that his supporters would accept.

Frankly, I don't know why that be so, if it is. What are Trumpkins and other Republicans going to do if Congress impeaches and removes Trump from office on "general principle" and just because they are fed up with him? It's not as though they're going to support Democrats and/or third party candidates. Plus, Pence is very fine alternative to Trump.

Even I being neither Dem nor Rep don't utterly despise Pence as a human being, which I cannot say of Trump. Pence is at least sane and predictable. Hell, Trump's so reprobate that I have to struggle to look past that and consider what little he's put forth as policy. Frankly, I don't want to work that hard to "relate" to a POTUS.
If congress removes Trump from office, it's important that they have clear and understanding reasons that most all American will agree with. If by some slide of the hand Trump unwilling resigns with or without and impeachment, his people will simply search for another demigod that promises them even more hatred and division. The idea of putting a demigod in office to destroy the nation and rebuild it to meet some vague vision of what American once was has got to be stopped before it destroys the country.

Thank you.

We saw how Obama turned out for us.

Let's not do that again.

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