Which State Will Have the First Civil Disobedience?

The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus. It could take a week or so but Hicksville will indeed have it. Having a public menace in the White House is bad enough but you think we should create more?The first bar that defies the order to close has a fair chance of being burned to the ground and rightfully so. The owner will not be treated sympathetically.

So, I'm asking about civil disobedience by opening a restaurant that will make money.

The response that you suggested--and that Joe (who needs help) agreed with--is to burn that establishment to the ground, because Authority Was Not Obeyed.


Never, ever, ever forget who these people are. Never.
Yeah..people like Trump who declared a national emergency.

A Nat'l Emergency, as he outlined, frees up federal money. That's it. It doesn't close businesses or schools necessarily. The dopehead governors did that. Not all of them, just the dopey ones
I don't see the patience for this even extending much to three weeks. I don't. And I'm in one of two counties in my state with the most cases. Three months? Not. A. Chance.

I agree. People will run out of patience and then start asking why Cheeto Jesus messed this up so bad.
A Nat'l Emergency, as he outlined, frees up federal money. That's it. It doesn't close businesses or schools necessarily. The dopehead governors did that. Not all of them, just the dopey ones

Okay, let's look at that. Trump frees up money... which does, what, exactly?

What the governors are doing will slow down the spread of the virus. Shouldn't have come to this, but it has because Trump fumbled the response for weeks.
Depends on a lot of things.

What they're not telling people in these states where they're just locking things down, and I'm in one of them, is that this will not reduce the number of cases and will likely prolong this. They're trying to buy time through these actions.

Once people realize that, and they will, we may see some pushback. If 3 weeks turns into 3 months and people are simply running out of money despite any government aid package, and defaulting on their mortgages and running into other problems what is now a fairly orderly situation may get ugly.

I don't see the patience for this even extending much to three weeks. I don't. And I'm in one of two counties in my state with the most cases. Three months? Not. A. Chance.

Oh, the pot is simmering, no doubt. People are scared and hanging on by their fingernails right now. That continued stress factor alone will start to push some people over the edge.
The dopehead governors did that

Yup, locked down tighter than a whores heart, over two fatalities ,both in their 90's w/ presumptive prognosis'

me? i'm off to work today

assuming i'm a provider of essentials, like lights....

Okay, let's look at that. Trump frees up money... which does, what, exactly?

well, don't compliant states get the fed $$$ Joe?

and hey, i'm not proud when i'm hungry either

betcha i's look great in jackboots!!!

Okay, let's look at that. Trump frees up money... which does, what, exactly?

well, don't compliant states get the fed $$$ Joe?

and hey, i'm not proud when i'm hungry either

betcha i's look great in jackboots!!!


Big Stater idiots like Joe never think they'll be in the jackboots doncha know. They cackle while they imagine the rest of us being fitted

Communists had a name for these blubbering fools

"useful" was one part of it
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus. It could take a week or so but Hicksville will indeed have it. Having a public menace in the White House is bad enough but you think we should create more?The first bar that defies the order to close has a fair chance of being burned to the ground and rightfully so. The owner will not be treated sympathetically.

So, I'm asking about civil disobedience by opening a restaurant that will make money.

The response that you suggested--and that Joe (who needs help) agreed with--is to burn that establishment to the ground, because Authority Was Not Obeyed.


Never, ever, ever forget who these people are. Never.
Yeah..people like Trump who declared a national emergency.

A Nat'l Emergency, as he outlined, frees up federal money. That's it. It doesn't close businesses or schools necessarily. The dopehead governors did that. Not all of them, just the dopey ones
A national emergency declaration does free up federal money, but Trump is also utilizing the Defense Mobilization act. So, as of today, Trump is behind these closures.

Your ire is better aimed at Trump himself. These actions may have been avoidable if Trump had taken action sooner and not thought he knew more than his experts.

President Trump ignored CIA warnings about coronavirus pandemic, sources claim | Daily Mail Online
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus. It could take a week or so but Hicksville will indeed have it. Having a public menace in the White House is bad enough but you think we should create more?The first bar that defies the order to close has a fair chance of being burned to the ground and rightfully so. The owner will not be treated sympathetically.

So, I'm asking about civil disobedience by opening a restaurant that will make money.

The response that you suggested--and that Joe (who needs help) agreed with--is to burn that establishment to the ground, because Authority Was Not Obeyed.


Never, ever, ever forget who these people are. Never.
Yeah..people like Trump who declared a national emergency.

A Nat'l Emergency, as he outlined, frees up federal money. That's it. It doesn't close businesses or schools necessarily. The dopehead governors did that. Not all of them, just the dopey ones
A national emergency declaration does free up federal money, but Trump is also utilizing the Defense Mobilization act. So, as of today, Trump is behind these closures.

Your ire is better aimed at Trump himself. These actions may have been avoidable if Trump had taken action sooner and not thought he knew more than his experts.

President Trump ignored CIA warnings about coronavirus pandemic, sources claim | Daily Mail Online


Guarantee those "sources" came forward because 55% of Americans approve his job on this mess
well, don't compliant states get the fed $$$ Joe?

and hey, i'm not proud when i'm hungry either

betcha i's look great in jackboots!!!

Actually, this is one of those times the Libertarians need to sit down and shut the fuck up. This is a crisis because government didn't do it's job early on.

Big Stater idiots like Joe never think they'll be in the jackboots doncha know. They cackle while they imagine the rest of us being fitted

Communists had a name for these blubbering fools

You do realize a jackboot is what the guys doing the oppressing wear, not the oppressed, right? I mean, I know you are stupid and shit, not to mention racist and a religious bigot, but I hope you got that from just watching TV.

I honestly worry more about the jackboots of the Religious right telling us who we can marry and what kind of sex we can have rather than the Scientific Left telling us it's a really bad idea to crowd into a bar when there is a highly contagious virus going around.

Guarantee those "sources" came forward because 55% of Americans approve his job on this mess

Uh, that's kind of pathetic. Bush had a 93% approval rating after 9/11, Jimmy Carter had a 61% approval rating after the Hostage Crisis started. Americans give a president the benefit of the doubt when a crisis starts.

The fact that 45% of us know that Trump is fucking this up is telling. It just gets worse from here.
Depends on a lot of things.

What they're not telling people in these states where they're just locking things down, and I'm in one of them, is that this will not reduce the number of cases and will likely prolong this. They're trying to buy time through these actions.

Once people realize that, and they will, we may see some pushback. If 3 weeks turns into 3 months and people are simply running out of money despite any government aid package, and defaulting on their mortgages and running into other problems what is now a fairly orderly situation may get ugly.

I don't see the patience for this even extending much to three weeks. I don't. And I'm in one of two counties in my state with the most cases. Three months? Not. A. Chance.

sooooooooooooooo.............. are you going on your ' hunch ' & ignoring actual scientists? anthony fauci's political affiliation - if he even has one - has served the NIAID since 1984 under several presidents (R) & (D). he's not sure how long this will go on because it is a new virus. i'm sure the parts of yer state without any confirmed cases have carriers that could very well kill gramma. why would you condone people ignoring directives to play it safe over stupidity & greed?

Actually, this is one of those times the Libertarians need to sit down and shut the fuck up. This is a crisis because government didn't do it's job early on.

Agreed some sanity applies Joe

But just how the Gub'Mit reacts in the next few weeks may well be the dif betwixt Trump's Katrina, & Trump's Reichstag

I'm sure you catch my drift.....

Depends on a lot of things.

What they're not telling people in these states where they're just locking things down, and I'm in one of them, is that this will not reduce the number of cases and will likely prolong this. They're trying to buy time through these actions.

Once people realize that, and they will, we may see some pushback. If 3 weeks turns into 3 months and people are simply running out of money despite any government aid package, and defaulting on their mortgages and running into other problems what is now a fairly orderly situation may get ugly.

I don't see the patience for this even extending much to three weeks. I don't. And I'm in one of two counties in my state with the most cases. Three months? Not. A. Chance.

sooooooooooooooo.............. are you going on your ' hunch ' & ignoring actual scientists? anthony fauci's political affiliation - if he even has one - has served the NIAID since 1984 under several presidents (R) & (D). he's not sure how long this will go on because it is a new virus. i'm sure the parts of yer state without any confirmed cases have carriers that could very well kill gramma. why would you condone people ignoring directives to play it safe over stupidity & greed?


I'm going to give you one shot to be reasonable, but just one.

Every decision society makes is a risk v benefit analysis to the citizens of that society. "If we save even one person" is never a valid argument and we don't operate that way. If that were true we would all have been in quarantine in the 17-18 flu year, when we lost 60,000+ Americans. Or we would have undergone compulsory vaccinations. Neither happened.

We were told horrid things about ERs being overrun, hospitals over capacity and etc. That is not happening thus far. What IS happening is that the economy IS shutting down. If you don't understand that the economy actually feeds, houses, and clothes people--which is a real benefit--no one can talk to you.

The cultural fear of death comes from our cultural death of Christianity.

I have another thread on that in the Religion/Ethics forum. There have always been atheists, non-Christians, secularists among us, as is their right. But our collective Christianity acted as something of a herd immunity right? And made us bolder, more courageous.

Now, the fear of death is pervasive. Again. Most Americans feel there is nothing beyond their own hide. So, they are afraid. Crap on a cracker, I would be too if I believed that.
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus. It could take a week or so but Hicksville will indeed have it. Having a public menace in the White House is bad enough but you think we should create more?The first bar that defies the order to close has a fair chance of being burned to the ground and rightfully so. The owner will not be treated sympathetically.

So, I'm asking about civil disobedience by opening a restaurant that will make money.

The response that you suggested--and that Joe (who needs help) agreed with--is to burn that establishment to the ground, because Authority Was Not Obeyed.


Never, ever, ever forget who these people are. Never.
Yeah..people like Trump who declared a national emergency.

A Nat'l Emergency, as he outlined, frees up federal money. That's it. It doesn't close businesses or schools necessarily. The dopehead governors did that. Not all of them, just the dopey ones

Fauci open to a 14-day ‘national shutdown’ to stem COVID-19
COVID-19 Pandemic
by: Associated Press
Posted: Mar 15, 2020 / 01:58 PM CDT / Updated: Mar 15, 2020 / 01:58 PM

WASHINGTON — The government’s top infectious disease expert said Sunday he would like to see aggressive measures such as a 14-day national shutdown that would require Americans to hunker down even more to help slow spread of the coronavirus.

Still, Dr. Anthony Fauc i said travel restrictions within the United States, such as to and from hard-hit Washington state and California, probably will not be needed anytime soon.

Fauci, the public face of the administration’s messaging during a round of morning TV interviews, said the country should do as much as “we possibly could,” even if officials are criticized for “overreacting.” He said he raised the issue of measures such as a shutdown with the Trump administration, and said it has been open to his ideas.
Fauci open to a 14-day ‘national shutdown’ to stem COVID-19
Last edited:

The cultural fear of death comes from our cultural death of Christianity.

I have another thread on that in the Religion/Ethics forum. There have always been atheists, non-Christians, secularists among us, as is their right. But our collective Christianity acted as something of a herd immunity right? And made us bolder, more courageous.

Now, the fear of death is pervasive. Again. Most Americans feel there is nothing beyond their own hide. So, they are afraid. Crap on a cracker, I would be too if I believed that.
I guess I’m different. I’m not afraid of dying. We all die. Get use to it.
Depends on a lot of things.

What they're not telling people in these states where they're just locking things down, and I'm in one of them, is that this will not reduce the number of cases and will likely prolong this. They're trying to buy time through these actions.

Once people realize that, and they will, we may see some pushback. If 3 weeks turns into 3 months and people are simply running out of money despite any government aid package, and defaulting on their mortgages and running into other problems what is now a fairly orderly situation may get ugly.

I don't see the patience for this even extending much to three weeks. I don't. And I'm in one of two counties in my state with the most cases. Three months? Not. A. Chance.

Oh, the pot is simmering, no doubt. People are scared and hanging on by their fingernails right now. That continued stress factor alone will start to push some people over the edge.

& yesterday, when a reporter asked trump what he should say to the american public, to reassure them - cause ' people are scared ', donny went on a tangent & totally lost control over a very valid benign question. he is no leader.

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