Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Texans are lazy and stupid and the companies here are offering people who are not afraid to work big money.

Eventually the Gerrymandering won't work and Texas will be a blue state. Cleaning up the mess you cons left will be a challenge but there is nothing like Yankee know how and ingenuity.

Yankee ingenuity is a superior inventiveness, technical solutions to practical problems, "know-how," self-reliance and individual enterprise associated with the Yankees who originated in New England and developed much of the industrial revolution in the United States after 1800.

Face it shit kicker, we are better than you. History proves it.
You fool,such a jealous fool....
The violent part I can be convinced of...come on down to Texas and lets test it out.

Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

No, but I can diagnose you with something. You are afflicted with BALD.

Being A Liberal Disorder.
Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Texans are lazy and stupid and the companies here are offering people who are not afraid to work big money.

Eventually the Gerrymandering won't work and Texas will be a blue state. Cleaning up the mess you cons left will be a challenge but there is nothing like Yankee know how and ingenuity.

Yankee ingenuity is a superior inventiveness, technical solutions to practical problems, "know-how," self-reliance and individual enterprise associated with the Yankees who originated in New England and developed much of the industrial revolution in the United States after 1800.

Face it shit kicker, we are better than you. History proves it.

Your jealousy is plain to see.
Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Texans are lazy and stupid and the companies here are offering people who are not afraid to work big money.

Eventually the Gerrymandering won't work and Texas will be a blue state. Cleaning up the mess you cons left will be a challenge but there is nothing like Yankee know how and ingenuity.

Yankee ingenuity is a superior inventiveness, technical solutions to practical problems, "know-how," self-reliance and individual enterprise associated with the Yankees who originated in New England and developed much of the industrial revolution in the United States after 1800.

Face it shit kicker, we are better than you. History proves it.
The weak and insecure feel the need to convince others on the internet that they actually are smart, good looking, and darn it, people like them!
A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Well, because you can just about roll out of bed and make money that the yanks can tax for their food stamp and AFDC and shit. Your welcome america.
Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Well, because you can just about roll out of bed and make money that the yanks can tax for their food stamp and AFDC and shit. Your welcome america.

You red state freeloaders take and take and take.

It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.
California, Washington State and Oregon are giver states. Most blue states are giver states and most red states are parasite states.

It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.

You red state socialists are free loaders. Blue states give and Red States take. You losers whine about socialism but you losers are the real socialists but worse than that you are the biggest slackers on the planet next to those Republican voting criminal Cubans.

Floridians are horrible people. They elected criminal Rick Scott and Florida is the epicenter for medical fraud.

Of the top 10 most corrupt states 8 are Red States and filthy foul Florida made the top 10.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Tennessee
4. Illinois
5. Pennsylvania
6. Alabama
7. Alaska
8. South Dakota
9. Kentucky
10. Florida


I'd like to get a great big giant bulldozer and cut a swath across Florida and let the ocean in and use it as a penal colony for Republicans and other scoundrels.

It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.
California, Washington State and Oregon are giver states. Most blue states are giver states and most red states are parasite states.

Just what are you using to determine who is red and who is blue? BTW: That chart is from 11 years ago.

Red state are still parasite states. Find something that says otherwise.

Republican moochers make me sick!


Easily Texas. Stupid enough to elect Ted Cruz, a Canadian anchor baby who should be a preacher not a politician.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.


Do not attempt to educate me on the "greatness" of the blue states.

I LIVE in the state that is the dream model of liberals throughout this country.

It is bankrupt, both financially and morally.

Let me guess, you live in one of those red states you refer to as the problem?

By the way, ALL of these states are "Jesus States" my friend, we are still "One Nation Under God".

If you don't like that, take your own advice and LEAVE IT!
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.
It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.

You red state socialists are free loaders. Blue states give and Red States take. You losers whine about socialism but you losers are the real socialists but worse than that you are the biggest slackers on the planet next to those Republican voting criminal Cubans.

Floridians are horrible people. They elected criminal Rick Scott and Florida is the epicenter for medical fraud.

Of the top 10 most corrupt states 8 are Red States and filthy foul Florida made the top 10.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Tennessee
4. Illinois
5. Pennsylvania
6. Alabama
7. Alaska
8. South Dakota
9. Kentucky
10. Florida


I'd like to get a great big giant bulldozer and cut a swath across Florida and let the ocean in and use it as a penal colony for Republicans and other scoundrels.


Republicans have the guns.

You should remember that before jumping on your bulldozer.
Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Texans are lazy and stupid and the companies here are offering people who are not afraid to work big money.

Eventually the Gerrymandering won't work and Texas will be a blue state. Cleaning up the mess you cons left will be a challenge but there is nothing like Yankee know how and ingenuity.

Yankee ingenuity is a superior inventiveness, technical solutions to practical problems, "know-how," self-reliance and individual enterprise associated with the Yankees who originated in New England and developed much of the industrial revolution in the United States after 1800.

Face it shit kicker, we are better than you. History proves it.

Yea, so lazy they steal thousands of jobs from California consistently.

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