Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

I suspect that all the 'liberals' will move to a country that gives them free stuff. That is the number one complaint that young democrats make today. What is going to happen when you have to support large populations unwilling to work for themselves?

Why would liberals need to do that? People in the Blue states already have higher income and higher IQ and a higher standard of living and it is the Blue States that are the giver states and the Red States that are the parasite states.

We can give you slackers and losers money so your kids don't starve and we are working on brain transplants for you too.

I think that we liberals are too generous when it comes to you slackers. I think we need to rescue your kids from you, nourish them properly and help them with their genetic disadvantages but we should sterilize them to prevent them from sullying the gene pool any further.

We need to end this RED STATE SOCIALISM


It's a fact. You CONS are a bunch of slacker fatties who would be living in abject poverty if it were not for liberals. Maybe we should sterilize you because you parasites are just no damn good and the facts prove it.

Why not end the hypocrisy all together and call up your federal politician and stop giving red states any money at all. I doubt he will listen since that money ensures that states will keep doing certain things. Just keep telling yourself that that money is free.

The CONS have a horrible work ethic and they have gotten used to Red State Socialism. It started out as a way of helping those hapless inbreds and now they are too lazy to work. It began with slavery where they had other people working for them.

The South vs the North is a case of social and technological advancement vs Southern right wing stagnation and festering degradation. Stupid people in and of themselves are not bad but when you had the social and moral decay so prevalent in the red states it devolves into right wing Christianity and Republicanism.


Kentucky has some of the worst people. The depravity there reaches new lows all the time.
You're such a troll. You can't stand opposing viewpoints, so you want to get rid of them. Do us southerners really scare you that much?
We Southerners.
Perhaps we should change your moniker to gn5000, or grammar nazi 5000. How does that sound?

Instead of trying to educate me on proper grammar, perhaps you could debate me instead, g5000.
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That is your typical answer. If they don't think like you, get the f#ck out.
That is a tell-tale sign you should leave.
The most non-American on the board.

Anyone who answers the title question with anything other than " none, of course" is not really an American and should have the decency to get the fuck out of my country.
You're such a troll. You can't stand opposing viewpoints, so you want to get rid of them. Do us southerners really scare you that much?
We Southerners.
We ain't too big on grammer down here. For example, "why you do me like that" actually works here. And, "thas a mess of ribs."

This is funny.

I have a pronounced southern drawl, but you don't hear it when I post. As for my grammar, one word out of place and you liberals flip your shit. Oh, just another reason why southerners suck, right?

It's what you Yankees call "bigotry."
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You're such a troll. You can't stand opposing viewpoints, so you want to get rid of them. Do us southerners really scare you that much?
We Southerners.
We ain't too big on grammer down here. For example, "why you do me like that" actually works here. And, "thas a mess of ribs."

This is funny.

I have a pronounced southern drawl, but you don't hear it when I post. As for my grammar, one word out of place and you liberals flip your shit. Oh, just another reason why southerners suck, right?

It's what you Yankees call "bigotry."
Ah lak is down heah.
You're such a troll. You can't stand opposing viewpoints, so you want to get rid of them. Do us southerners really scare you that much?
We Southerners.
We ain't too big on grammer down here. For example, "why you do me like that" actually works here. And, "thas a mess of ribs."

This is funny.

I have a pronounced southern drawl, but you don't hear it when I post. As for my grammar, one word out of place and you liberals flip your shit. Oh, just another reason why southerners suck, right?

It's what you Yankees call "bigotry."
Ah lak is down heah.

I'm not amused.
You're such a troll. You can't stand opposing viewpoints, so you want to get rid of them. Do us southerners really scare you that much?
We Southerners.
We ain't too big on grammer down here. For example, "why you do me like that" actually works here. And, "thas a mess of ribs."

This is funny.

I have a pronounced southern drawl, but you don't hear it when I post. As for my grammar, one word out of place and you liberals flip your shit. Oh, just another reason why southerners suck, right?

It's what you Yankees call "bigotry."
Ah lak is down heah.

I'm not amused.
I don't care. Mississippi's a nice place, but there's no question people down here are cracked on both the left and right.
I don't care. Mississippi's a nice place, but there's no question people down here are cracked on both the left and right.

Of course you don't care if you're a bigot or not, neither you or g5. Southern Republicans and conservatives (mainly) receive accusations that they are, as a result of their religious and political beliefs, bigoted and stereotypical towards minorities and gay people. You're right that there are Southern Democrats and liberals here, and from what I see, they're being lumped into the same category.

However, what I see are Democrats and liberals resorting to that same behavior, by making fun of southerners intelligence, language, religion, culture and etc.

And you think this is funny?

Your sense of humor leaves a lot to be desired.
Not a state, but put a wall around DC - quarantine thise crazy, criminal, would-be ruling dirtbags.

If I had to pick a state it would be Ca. Fruits, flakes, and nuts - it's a veritable box of Grapenuts cereal.

Both locations are filled with the 'Walking Dead From the Neck Up'...
TK, many yankees / liberals ignorantly & mistakenly believe a southern drawl &/or the slower pace of how we talk is a sign of lower IQ and inferiority.

Of course states run by liberals are usually in far worse financial shape and are notorous for their citties setting records - like Chicago's record-setting annual gun violence / murder record.

And finally, they can't help but demonstrate their hatred and intolerance by making fun of and personally attacking others, especially southerners. They are not to be hated but instead pitied. They can't help that, after all, they were born and raised 'stupid' and intolerant. Feel sorry for them because life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid. That's why they are always so angry, mean, nasty, intolerant, and hate-filled.
It is a well known fact all you teabagging southerners have a corner on bigotry.
Oh an done day check out the phoney irishlass and her asinine ways.
Then get back to us.

You're such a troll. You can't stand opposing viewpoints, so you want to get rid of them. Do us southerners really scare you that much?
We Southerners.
We ain't too big on grammer down here. For example, "why you do me like that" actually works here. And, "thas a mess of ribs."

This is funny.

I have a pronounced southern drawl, but you don't hear it when I post. As for my grammar, one word out of place and you liberals flip your shit. Oh, just another reason why southerners suck, right?

It's what you Yankees call "bigotry."
Oil,gas and the banking industry let me retire at 46.
And as DTMB said. Businesses are bailing out of the northeast and the west to move to Texas.
Have fun.

What happened did you get drunk and fall off an oil rig and now you are on disability.

I know that you want your lies to be true but they simply are not.


Without oil Texas would be a third world country populated by steers and queers.

NYS Economy Adds 12,800 Private Sector Jobs in March ...

New York's Economy: The 6 Industries Driving GDP Growth ...

No need to be jealous ....
I know it's tough to make the big bucks and retire in yankee land.

Texas is mostly transplants who went there for oil because they were to dumb to do anything else and soon oil will be worthless.

Lucky for you losers Texas is one of the most environmentally toxic state so you losers will probably die before oil is totally worthless.

Now to some other nasty Red States

The Most Dangerous States In The U.S.
Rank U.S. State Rate per 100K population

1 Alaska 635.8 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

2 Nevada 635.6 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

3 Tennessee 608.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

4 New Mexico 597.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

I Would like to keep Alaska and get rid of trash like the Palins and rescue the environment. The fly fishing is great there and another thing any idiot can catch a bass. It takes brains and still to catch trout.

Here are the top 15 most dangerous state and only 3 are Blue states.

1 Alaska 635.8
2 Nevada 635.6
3 Tennessee 608.4
4 New Mexico 597.4
5 Florida 540.5
6 Louisiana 514.7
7 South Carolina 497.7

8 Delaware 489.1
9 Arkansas 480.1
10 Maryland 446.1
11 Missouri 442.9
12 Alabama 427.4

13 Michigan 427.3
14 Oklahoma 406.0
15 Texas 405.9

You CONS are fat, stupid, violent, lazy, prideful, vengeful and immoral. Congratulations! You lead in all seven deadly sins... I bet you are sooo proud.

You fool,such a jealous fool....
The violent part I can be convinced of...come on down to Texas and lets test it out.

Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.
What happened did you get drunk and fall off an oil rig and now you are on disability.

I know that you want your lies to be true but they simply are not.


Without oil Texas would be a third world country populated by steers and queers.

NYS Economy Adds 12,800 Private Sector Jobs in March ...

New York's Economy: The 6 Industries Driving GDP Growth ...

No need to be jealous ....
I know it's tough to make the big bucks and retire in yankee land.

Texas is mostly transplants who went there for oil because they were to dumb to do anything else and soon oil will be worthless.

Lucky for you losers Texas is one of the most environmentally toxic state so you losers will probably die before oil is totally worthless.

Now to some other nasty Red States

The Most Dangerous States In The U.S.
Rank U.S. State Rate per 100K population

1 Alaska 635.8 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

2 Nevada 635.6 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

3 Tennessee 608.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

4 New Mexico 597.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

I Would like to keep Alaska and get rid of trash like the Palins and rescue the environment. The fly fishing is great there and another thing any idiot can catch a bass. It takes brains and still to catch trout.

Here are the top 15 most dangerous state and only 3 are Blue states.

1 Alaska 635.8
2 Nevada 635.6
3 Tennessee 608.4
4 New Mexico 597.4
5 Florida 540.5
6 Louisiana 514.7
7 South Carolina 497.7

8 Delaware 489.1
9 Arkansas 480.1
10 Maryland 446.1
11 Missouri 442.9
12 Alabama 427.4

13 Michigan 427.3
14 Oklahoma 406.0
15 Texas 405.9

You CONS are fat, stupid, violent, lazy, prideful, vengeful and immoral. Congratulations! You lead in all seven deadly sins... I bet you are sooo proud.

You fool,such a jealous fool....
The violent part I can be convinced of...come on down to Texas and lets test it out.

Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.
No need to be jealous ....
I know it's tough to make the big bucks and retire in yankee land.

Texas is mostly transplants who went there for oil because they were to dumb to do anything else and soon oil will be worthless.

Lucky for you losers Texas is one of the most environmentally toxic state so you losers will probably die before oil is totally worthless.

Now to some other nasty Red States

The Most Dangerous States In The U.S.
Rank U.S. State Rate per 100K population

1 Alaska 635.8 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

2 Nevada 635.6 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

3 Tennessee 608.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

4 New Mexico 597.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

I Would like to keep Alaska and get rid of trash like the Palins and rescue the environment. The fly fishing is great there and another thing any idiot can catch a bass. It takes brains and still to catch trout.

Here are the top 15 most dangerous state and only 3 are Blue states.

1 Alaska 635.8
2 Nevada 635.6
3 Tennessee 608.4
4 New Mexico 597.4
5 Florida 540.5
6 Louisiana 514.7
7 South Carolina 497.7

8 Delaware 489.1
9 Arkansas 480.1
10 Maryland 446.1
11 Missouri 442.9
12 Alabama 427.4

13 Michigan 427.3
14 Oklahoma 406.0
15 Texas 405.9

You CONS are fat, stupid, violent, lazy, prideful, vengeful and immoral. Congratulations! You lead in all seven deadly sins... I bet you are sooo proud.

You fool,such a jealous fool....
The violent part I can be convinced of...come on down to Texas and lets test it out.

Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........
Texas is mostly transplants who went there for oil because they were to dumb to do anything else and soon oil will be worthless.

Lucky for you losers Texas is one of the most environmentally toxic state so you losers will probably die before oil is totally worthless.

Now to some other nasty Red States

The Most Dangerous States In The U.S.
Rank U.S. State Rate per 100K population

1 Alaska 635.8 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

2 Nevada 635.6 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

3 Tennessee 608.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

4 New Mexico 597.4 <----- Can't blame the Blacks

I Would like to keep Alaska and get rid of trash like the Palins and rescue the environment. The fly fishing is great there and another thing any idiot can catch a bass. It takes brains and still to catch trout.

Here are the top 15 most dangerous state and only 3 are Blue states.

1 Alaska 635.8
2 Nevada 635.6
3 Tennessee 608.4
4 New Mexico 597.4
5 Florida 540.5
6 Louisiana 514.7
7 South Carolina 497.7

8 Delaware 489.1
9 Arkansas 480.1
10 Maryland 446.1
11 Missouri 442.9
12 Alabama 427.4

13 Michigan 427.3
14 Oklahoma 406.0
15 Texas 405.9

You CONS are fat, stupid, violent, lazy, prideful, vengeful and immoral. Congratulations! You lead in all seven deadly sins... I bet you are sooo proud.

You fool,such a jealous fool....
The violent part I can be convinced of...come on down to Texas and lets test it out.

Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?
You fool,such a jealous fool....
The violent part I can be convinced of...come on down to Texas and lets test it out.

Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?
Leave it to a dim witted Texan to want to settle thing with violence. Texans are famous for back shooting people. COWARDS.


It's been known for decades that all they got in Texas is steers and queers. What are you gonna do Nancy, hit me with your purse? What are you boy, a steer or a queer?


You sweet boys elected a queer for your governor. PATHETIC!

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.

Weak sauce yankee.
And I promise i'd never shoot you in the back.

A Texan would end up shooting himself.

Golly Gee that was scathing...........

Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

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