Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states...

Just dig a hole in the small part of the ghetto your fat ass occupies. Dat be nuff....yo.
Puerto Rico. (Not a state), a "protectorate, territory" or whatever, they don't want us and a lot of us don't want them. Why do we cling to them? Let them go, for Christ's sake.

Puerto Rico. (Not a state), a "protectorate, territory" or whatever, they don't want us and a lot of us don't want them. Why do we cling to them? Let them go, for Christ's sake.

Puerto Rico's problem is lack of tourism because the Republicans have screwed the middle class who were the majority of tourists.

Just think, you get to make Puerto Rico whole again. How are these Republicans working out for ya?
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states...

Just dig a hole in the small part of the ghetto your fat ass occupies. Dat be nuff....yo.
Puerto Rico. (Not a state), a "protectorate, territory" or whatever, they don't want us and a lot of us don't want them. Why do we cling to them? Let them go, for Christ's sake.

Puerto Rico. (Not a state), a "protectorate, territory" or whatever, they don't want us and a lot of us don't want them. Why do we cling to them? Let them go, for Christ's sake.

Puerto Rico's problem is lack of tourism because the Republicans have screwed the middle class who were the majority of tourists.

Just think, you get to make Puerto Rico whole again. How are these Republicans working out for ya?
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.
Congress has no legislative authority to eject a state from the union, just as it has no legislative authority to prevent a state from leaving the union.
Constitution gives the Congress the right to admit states, so it has the right to stop states from leaving as well as booting them out.
Can you please provide the relevant language that gives congress the power to prevent a state from leaving?
You can't give the relevant language that permits a state to leave, can you?
You can't give the relevant language that permits a state to leave, can you?

Sure I can: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Since the constitution doesn't prohibit a state from leaving the union, this is a reserved power and may be exercised by the states at will.
You can't give the relevant language that permits a state to leave, can you?

Sure I can: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Since the constitution doesn't prohibit a state from leaving the union, this is a reserved power and may be exercised by the states at will.
That's a start.

Now show me the courts that agree and case law that supports it.

You can't, so once again, you lose.

So Congress can authorize a state to enter the union. Thus logic clearly shows that Congress can prevent a state from leaving and can quick one out.
You can't give the relevant language that permits a state to leave, can you?

Sure I can: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Since the constitution doesn't prohibit a state from leaving the union, this is a reserved power and may be exercised by the states at will.
That's a start.

Now show me the courts that agree and case law that supports it.

You can't, so once again, you lose.

So Congress can authorize a state to enter the union. Thus logic clearly shows that Congress can prevent a state from leaving and can quick one out.
It doesn't matter if the federal government agrees. That's what the constitution says. No language preventing a state from leaving the union, thus it's a reserved power.
You can't give the relevant language that permits a state to leave, can you?

Sure I can: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Since the constitution doesn't prohibit a state from leaving the union, this is a reserved power and may be exercised by the states at will.
That's a start.

Now show me the courts that agree and case law that supports it.

You can't, so once again, you lose.

So Congress can authorize a state to enter the union. Thus logic clearly shows that Congress can prevent a state from leaving and can quick one out.
It doesn't matter if the federal government agrees. That's what the constitution says. No language preventing a state from leaving the union, thus it's a reserved power.
That is your opinion, which is meaningless in terms of Constitution and law.

Believe it all you want, like you did in Santa Claus.
That is your opinion, which is meaningless in terms of Constitution and law.

Believe it all you want, like you did in Santa Claus.

Not my opinion: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
That is your opinion, which is meaningless in terms of Constitution and law.

Believe it all you want, like you did in Santa Claus.

Not my opinion: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
Doesn't matter because you interpret it wrongly. Just the way it is.
You can't give the relevant language that permits a state to leave, can you?

Sure I can: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Since the constitution doesn't prohibit a state from leaving the union, this is a reserved power and may be exercised by the states at will.
This was settled decisively during the 1861-1865 time frame.

It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states...

Just dig a hole in the small part of the ghetto your fat ass occupies. Dat be nuff....yo.
Puerto Rico. (Not a state), a "protectorate, territory" or whatever, they don't want us and a lot of us don't want them. Why do we cling to them? Let them go, for Christ's sake.

Puerto Rico. (Not a state), a "protectorate, territory" or whatever, they don't want us and a lot of us don't want them. Why do we cling to them? Let them go, for Christ's sake.

Puerto Rico's problem is lack of tourism because the Republicans have screwed the middle class who were the majority of tourists.

Just think, you get to make Puerto Rico whole again. How are these Republicans working out for ya?
Good point!
This was settled decisively during the 1861-1865 time frame.

Was there a repeal of the 10th amendment?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Unless you can cite a prohibition on a state leaving, it's a reserved power.
Lol, this tired old shibboleth is still going on?

OK, the data from the OP is from like 2005, and many states that were once red are now considered blue if you look at the last Presidential votes.

And you cant get any redder than Texas and yet it is a net payer, not taker, despite all the military presence.

Recent data is from this report.
States That Get The Most Federal Money

Top Ten Federal money receiving states today are:
1) Alaska
2) Virginia
3) Maryland
4) Hawaii
5) New Mexico
6) Kentucky
7) Alabama
8) West Virginia
9) Connecticut
10) North Dakota.

And counting defense expenditures when the subject is who is a taking state is total bullshit, and any honest person realizes that.

Here's the 411 on secession: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

In the case of Texas v. White in 1869, Supreme Court Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase wrote that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” The majority opinion struck down the Texas Ordinance of Secession, calling it “null,” and crafted a decision that rendered all acts of secession illegal according to the “perpetual union” of both the Articles of Confederation and subsequent Constitution for the United States. Chase did leave an opening, “revolution or the consent of the States,” but without either, secession could never be considered a legal act.

Secession is unconstitutional and so is part of a state forming another state. That said, if Texas or Florida or any other read state wants to go the US most hard working people won't mind. Nobody like parasites.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Washington DC
Washington, DC isn't a state, dumbass.

OMG, you just attacked Obama and his 57 States. You're a ... racist ... DC is too black for you, is it, grand wizard?

You can't tap dance away from calling Washington DC a state, libtard.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Washington DC
D.C. got statehood?
He's not very bright.

DC is to black for you, is it negro hater? Clearly DC is one of Obama's 57 States. Racism is great for you as long as it works for you
  • Doesn't know 'to' from 'too'.
  • Thinks DC is a state.
  • Like a typical wingnut, screws up, tries to blame Obama.

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