Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

None of them despite all the liberal cocksuckers on the coasts

I love burying you righties with truth. You losers hate truth.
Your op is truth? Do you have ANY IDEA how retarded you look?

Wait --- you mean this thread was supposed to be serious? :eek:
According to his response to me. Or are you as retarded as he apparently is?

Ummmm.... I haven't been reading his responses to you. Why would I do that?
World don't revolve around you, ya old fart.
None of them despite all the liberal cocksuckers on the coasts

I love burying you righties with truth. You losers hate truth.
Your op is truth? Do you have ANY IDEA how retarded you look?

Wait --- you mean this thread was supposed to be serious? :eek:
According to his response to me. Or are you as retarded as he apparently is?

Ummmm.... I haven't been reading his responses to you. Why would I do that?
World don't revolve around you, ya old fart.
HIS responses not mine idiot.

Confirmed for retarded.
Liberals mock about which states should leave YET shit themselves at the thought of Texas leaving. Liberals NEED oil.

You are losing again liar. Oil is becoming obsolete and we can get all the oil we need from Canada until it is totally worthless.

My message to Texas is GET THE FUCK OUT and hope Mexico takes mercy on you.


10 reasons why Texas sucks more to follow
1. Texans. Socially retarded acts of bravado. Lack of self awareness. Isolationistic in thought. Kind of like someone who was raised under a rock, but the rock was big, so they boast about how big the rock was.
There's more, but, man, it's so sad - and they don't even know it!

2. Tx is a Mexican border state. Complete with roads traveled by drug cartels feeding the increasing violent crime rate, drug use, and ever expanding prison population in Tx. That isn't nice and I don't have
this problem in my state.

3. Leading state for hate groups. There are more registered hate groups in tx then any other state. They all hate different groups for different reasons. When you get right down to it, no one is safe in tx- not even texans. Testament to tx long tradition of nice, down to
earth, clan members and level-headed cult fanatics.

4. Over industrialization of undesirable industries. Yes, when you visit tx, you get the full impact of what a cesspool they've made out of their state with factories, oil refineries, and chemical plants. Don't get me wrong, it is good somebody is manufacturing this stuff
out there, but, man, you've got to be six flags short of a theme park to live amongst the stench-filled, chemical run-off, heat-fest that is tx.

5. Texas as a state ranks in the top 5 of all states for all major pollutants. Go figure. The EPA says you can't breathe the air for fear of carcinogens, can't drink the water for fear of toxins, can't eat the seafood for fear of mercury poisoning, and the Taiwanese plants spill high levels of run-off into the neighborhoods. That isn't good

6. "Clampet" stereotypes which aren't all together untrue. I've never seen any other collective bunch unwittingly living up to negative
stereotypes. Perhaps some t-shirts can be air dropped to them. You know, t-shirts that say something like, "thank god i struck oil, cuz my double-wide needs a fixin"

7. Texan's general confusion between pride and reason. there is a
healthy pride, and then there is a texan pride. actually, a texan is
proud of his state like a branch davidian is proud of his cool-aid.

8. Corrupt institutions of business. Enron was a great. But, no one can beat the oil companies for blood money, environmental destruction, greed, and corruption. A Texan would tell you that corruption only
exists in zip codes outside their magical state. is this true?

9. Cults. Kind of self explanatory. Apparently, tx is the perfect place for those who like to organize and be merry while preying on kids. Gotta love tx.

10. Backwards thinking. State first? Country second, or is there something between state and country like, i don't know, socks or peanut butter? You gotta love state first mentality. If the country is attacked, would tx just side with mexico just to save your state? Kind
of like, if your house was burning, you'd only save your bedroom. Lots of reasoning there. wait a minute! i'm going to start a new one. it's called home owners association first! Hey tx, do you shoot people in the back too?
I love burying you righties with truth. You losers hate truth.
Your op is truth? Do you have ANY IDEA how retarded you look?

Wait --- you mean this thread was supposed to be serious? :eek:
According to his response to me. Or are you as retarded as he apparently is?

Ummmm.... I haven't been reading his responses to you. Why would I do that?
World don't revolve around you, ya old fart.
HIS responses not mine idiot.

Confirmed for retarded.

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

What does New Jersey give the country other than bad role models?
Sinatra, Springsteen, Jack Nicholson, Bon Jovi, Joe Pesci, Danny Devito, Abbott and Costello, Jerry Lewis, Meryl Streep, Kevin Spacy, Dion Warwick, Count Basie, Franki Valli, Whitney Houston

Jersey has produced a lot of scientists including Tesla.

Tesla was Serbian.

You are right. Tesla was Serbian and a genius and he chose to live in a blue state. Smart guy.
Your op is truth? Do you have ANY IDEA how retarded you look?

Wait --- you mean this thread was supposed to be serious? :eek:
According to his response to me. Or are you as retarded as he apparently is?

Ummmm.... I haven't been reading his responses to you. Why would I do that?
World don't revolve around you, ya old fart.
HIS responses not mine idiot.

Confirmed for retarded.

Can I get high on those?
Wait --- you mean this thread was supposed to be serious? :eek:
According to his response to me. Or are you as retarded as he apparently is?

Ummmm.... I haven't been reading his responses to you. Why would I do that?
World don't revolve around you, ya old fart.
HIS responses not mine idiot.

Confirmed for retarded.

Can I get high on those?

"Smoke 'em if ya got 'em" ....
Jersey gives to America and the free loading inbred gluttonous Bible bangers in Kentucky take.

New Jersey keeps voting for it so stop complaining

This is why you suck as a moderator. You make fact free statement that you pull out of your low information ass.

Also, I am not complaining. It presenting facts. Maybe you should ban me for facts, after all Republicans find them offensive.
I am so happy to see liberals joining conservatives in demands to split the country. A break up is just what we need. Thank you.
What does New Jersey give the country other than bad role models?
Sinatra, Springsteen, Jack Nicholson, Bon Jovi, Joe Pesci, Danny Devito, Abbott and Costello, Jerry Lewis, Meryl Streep, Kevin Spacy, Dion Warwick, Count Basie, Franki Valli, Whitney Houston

Jersey has produced a lot of scientists including Tesla.

Former days of glory. Now New Jersey is a has-been state.

The poor people from NYC and Philly have to live somewhere !

That's right. Next to London, NYC is the greatest city on earth. LA is number 5 and Chicago number 10

TOP 10 Cities

How desperate you losers are. The red states suck and the facts prove it. Republicans ruin everything.

If they suck so bad, then why are so many blue state losers moving to them? One thing is certain, the people living there wish you would all stay where you are. We don't need you or want you.
California for sure. Give it to Mexico. But we will have to build a wall along it's border with the US, in 5 years they will be illegally immigrating from California to the US again.
Sinatra, Springsteen, Jack Nicholson, Bon Jovi, Joe Pesci, Danny Devito, Abbott and Costello, Jerry Lewis, Meryl Streep, Kevin Spacy, Dion Warwick, Count Basie, Franki Valli, Whitney Houston

Jersey has produced a lot of scientists including Tesla.

Former days of glory. Now New Jersey is a has-been state.

The poor people from NYC and Philly have to live somewhere !

That's right. Next to London, NYC is the greatest city on earth. LA is number 5 and Chicago number 10

TOP 10 Cities

How desperate you losers are. The red states suck and the facts prove it. Republicans ruin everything.

If they suck so bad, then why are so many blue state losers moving to them? One thing is certain, the people living there wish you would all stay where you are. We don't need you or want you.

They need our help. Red Staters are like children and they need our technology and labor because many of them are too fat to work.

The Southerners hate us blue necks because not only do we outsmart them we outwork them. They hate the idea of a work ethic.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Sure, and you're insane!
California for sure. Give it to Mexico. But we will have to build a wall along it's border with the US, in 5 years they will be illegally immigrating from California to the US again.

California would thrive as a country as would all the Blues states. We have the smartest and most educated people.

Jersey has produced a lot of scientists including Tesla.

Former days of glory. Now New Jersey is a has-been state.

The poor people from NYC and Philly have to live somewhere !

That's right. Next to London, NYC is the greatest city on earth. LA is number 5 and Chicago number 10

TOP 10 Cities

How desperate you losers are. The red states suck and the facts prove it. Republicans ruin everything.

If they suck so bad, then why are so many blue state losers moving to them? One thing is certain, the people living there wish you would all stay where you are. We don't need you or want you.

They need our help. Red Staters are like children and they need our technology and labor because many of them are too fat to work.

The Southerners hate us blue necks because not only do we outsmart them we outwork them. They hate the idea of a work ethic.

Yeah, you're so smart that you pay three times more for everything. Someone living below the poverty line in New Jersey can buy a nice home in a gated community with a pool in Florida.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Sure, and you're insane!

I see your location is bowels of Hell. You must be one of Satan's turds.
California for sure. Give it to Mexico. But we will have to build a wall along it's border with the US, in 5 years they will be illegally immigrating from California to the US again.

California would thrive as a country as would all the Blues states. We have the smartest and most educated people.

Again, all you're doing is attacking blacks and Hispanics. They're the ones who bring the I.Q. numbers down in those red states you like to shit on.

Just admit now that you're a racist.

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