While China Preps For War Our Military Is Ordered To Pay For Experimental/Controversial Transgender Treatments In Pursuit of Transgender Identity


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"Taxpayers will foot the bill for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”
including cross-sex hormones and surgeries that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of
transgender identity. These surgeries, which involve the removal of healthy sexual organs, can cost
as much as $200,000.

On January 25, President Joe Biden issued an order explicitly championing transgender identity in the military. He reversed former President Donald Trump’s policy, which did not ban transgender Americans from the military but did insist that all service members serve according to their biological sex, not their gender identity.

Biden’s order directed the secretary of defense and the secretary of homeland security to “establish a process by which transgender service members may transition gender while serving”

While the CCP is building and sending out 3 aircraft carriers and fielding advanced technological weapons systems that will give them the military edge in their region with their military budget, Biden and the Democrats are forcing the US military to use part of their budget to pay for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”, including cross-sex hormones and surgeries - removing healthy sex organs, that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of transgender identity.

Good thing the CCP are such 'good people' and 'are NOT our competitors'.



"Taxpayers will foot the bill for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”
including cross-sex hormones and surgeries that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of
transgender identity. These surgeries, which involve the removal of healthy sexual organs, can cost
as much as $200,000.

On January 25, President Joe Biden issued an order explicitly championing transgender identity in the military. He reversed former President Donald Trump’s policy, which did not ban transgender Americans from the military but did insist that all service members serve according to their biological sex, not their gender identity.

Biden’s order directed the secretary of defense and the secretary of homeland security to “establish a process by which transgender service members may transition gender while serving”

While the CCP is building and sending out 3 aircraft carriers and fielding advanced technological weapons systems that will give them the military edge in their region with their military budget, Biden and the Democrats are forcing the US military to use part of their budget to pay for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”, including cross-sex hormones and surgeries - removing healthy sex organs, that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of transgender identity.

Good thing the CCP are such 'good people' and 'are NOT our competitors'.


Sort of like the "Unsullied" army in GoT?

Enlist in the Army and have your penis amputated- sounds like a great enlistment slogan.

"Taxpayers will foot the bill for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”
including cross-sex hormones and surgeries that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of
transgender identity. These surgeries, which involve the removal of healthy sexual organs, can cost
as much as $200,000.

On January 25, President Joe Biden issued an order explicitly championing transgender identity in the military. He reversed former President Donald Trump’s policy, which did not ban transgender Americans from the military but did insist that all service members serve according to their biological sex, not their gender identity.

Biden’s order directed the secretary of defense and the secretary of homeland security to “establish a process by which transgender service members may transition gender while serving”

While the CCP is building and sending out 3 aircraft carriers and fielding advanced technological weapons systems that will give them the military edge in their region with their military budget, Biden and the Democrats are forcing the US military to use part of their budget to pay for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”, including cross-sex hormones and surgeries - removing healthy sex organs, that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of transgender identity.

Good thing the CCP are such 'good people' and 'are NOT our competitors'.


Sort of like the "Unsullied" army in GoT?

Enlist in the Army and have your penis amputated- sounds like a great enlistment slogan.
It's not like you need it while killing people.
It’s obvious that China Joe is both a catholic puppet and CIA puppet, the former puppet type aligns with those who mutilate the flesh, forming a pseudo-narcissistic religion of themselves, a variation on the Eucharist and a delirious, doubly-twisted perversion of politicized crotch-clownism.
Sort of like the "Unsullied" army in GoT?
Enlist in the Army and have your penis amputated- sounds like a great enlistment slogan.

If it keeps Leftist Extremist Socialism/Socialists from breeding / spreading it might be worth it.

It’s obvious that China Joe is both a catholic puppet and CIA puppet, the former puppet type aligns with those who mutilate the flesh, forming a pseudo-narcissistic religion of themselves, a variation on the Eucharist and a delirious, doubly-twisted perversion of politicized crotch-clownism.

Genital mutilation sound more like certain Muslim groups...
More bullshit from the champion of bull shit. Stuttering fuck Biden.

Transgenders require drugs throughout their lives. Drug you and I will be paying for. That's one of the reason's they were banned from the military. A very good reason.
You know, in some ways we deserved to be conquered. Too many of us have our heads stuck so far up our asses.
The Bible tells us of how Israelites became soft, sinful, and turned their eyes from God, and how God allowed them to be conquered, how he allowed them to be made slaves.

'Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat the failures of history'.

The United States has watched so many nations travel down the road we are now on only to collapse due to Socialism / Communism. Those nations are now watching the United States repeat their mistakes, hurdling towards their past fate, and are wondering 'WTF?!' Part of the answer of 'why' is because the socialists took over our education system and purposefully refused to teach our children about teu Socialism, how it has been tried many times, only to fail and collapse nations.

You may very well be right - we very may well deserve what is coming...
The people who made America what it WAS, are now dead or too old to do anything about this. Valor died. Patriotism died. Pride of our nation died. All empires eventually fall. Now its our turn because all we have are mush brained people running the country and "soldiers" who shuck and jive while the USA burns.

This makes me happy I am old. I won't live long enough to experience the mess.

"Taxpayers will foot the bill for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”
including cross-sex hormones and surgeries that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of
transgender identity. These surgeries, which involve the removal of healthy sexual organs, can cost
as much as $200,000.

On January 25, President Joe Biden issued an order explicitly championing transgender identity in the military. He reversed former President Donald Trump’s policy, which did not ban transgender Americans from the military but did insist that all service members serve according to their biological sex, not their gender identity.

Biden’s order directed the secretary of defense and the secretary of homeland security to “establish a process by which transgender service members may transition gender while serving”

While the CCP is building and sending out 3 aircraft carriers and fielding advanced technological weapons systems that will give them the military edge in their region with their military budget, Biden and the Democrats are forcing the US military to use part of their budget to pay for experimental and extremely controversial transgender “treatments”, including cross-sex hormones and surgeries - removing healthy sex organs, that arguably harm healthy bodies in the pursuit of transgender identity.

Good thing the CCP are such 'good people' and 'are NOT our competitors'.


Your headline says that the military is being forced to pay like it is somehow related to chinas military gearing up for war, but then you OP quotes that tax payers are paying for it. Have you figure out exactly where the money is coming from yet?
Your headline says that the military is being forced to pay like it is somehow related to chinas military gearing up for war, but then you OP quotes that tax payers are paying for it. Have you figure out exactly where the money is coming from yet?

Again, you should really have someone read and explain the OP / what I posted before you CONTINUE to embarrass yourself.

While the CCP has increased its military budget, while it has built 3 aircraft carriers, and while the CCP is fielding technologically advanced weapons which is giving them a military edge over the US in their region - according to Biden's top US General over that AOR, Biden and Democrats are ordering the military to focus on and spend money on experimental transgender medical procedures, to include 'genital organ mutilation / removal'.

So far all you have done is attempt ineffective trolling that has exposed your own ignorance and sub-par reading comprehension level.

Why don't you go back to the child's/snowflakes' table and let grown-ups talk?
Your headline says that the military is being forced to pay like it is somehow related to chinas military gearing up for war, but then you OP quotes that tax payers are paying for it. Have you figure out exactly where the money is coming from yet?

Again, you should really have someone read and explain the OP / what I posted before you CONTINUE to embarrass yourself.

While the CCP has increased its military budget, while it has built 3 aircraft carriers, and while the CCP is fielding technologically advanced weapons which is giving them a military edge over the US in their region - according to Biden's top US General over that AOR, Biden and Democrats are ordering the military to focus on and spend money on experimental transgender medical procedures, to include 'genital organ mutilation / removal'.

So far all you have done is attempt ineffective trolling that has exposed your own ignorance and sub-par reading comprehension level.

Why don't you go back to the child's/snowflakes' table and let grown-ups talk?
Interesting so all of our military is focused on these experiment transgender surgeries huh? Like people who would be otherwise building battleships, is that what you are getting all riled up about?
If this is being funded by dollars ...ie tax PAYERS....then this is another case of Socialist / Extremist Democrats STEALING money from tax dollars to pay for THEIR radical ideology, JUST LIKE WITH ABORTION.

Do I care if a guy wants to cut his penis off and be a woman or if a girl wants to mutilate her body to become a guy?
HELL NO. I believe if that is your 'thing' and you want to do it - go for it. What I do care about and do believe, though, is if you want it YOU PAY FOR IT.

If you want to use abortions as post-intercourse contraceptives - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Stop taking and using my tax dollars to do it.

If you want to engage in this transgender BS and have expensive surgeries to become the opposite sex - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Don't steal my tax dollars to do it.


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If this is being funded by dollars ...ie tax PAYERS....then this is another case of Socialist / Extremist Democrats STEALING money from tax dollars to pay for THEIR radical ideology, JUST LIKE WITH ABORTION.

Do I care if a guy wants to cut his penis off and be a woman or if a girl wants to mutilate her body to become a guy?
HELL NO. I believe if that is your 'thing' and you want to do it - go for it. What I do care about and do believe, though, is if you want it YOU PAY FOR IT.

If you want to use abortions as post-intercourse contraceptives - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Stop taking and using my tax dollars to do it.

If you want to engage in this transgender BS and have expensive surgeries to become the opposite sex - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Don't steal my tax dollars to do it.
Which specific taxes were added to pay for this program?
If this is being funded by dollars ...ie tax PAYERS....then this is another case of Socialist / Extremist Democrats STEALING money from tax dollars to pay for THEIR radical ideology, JUST LIKE WITH ABORTION.

Do I care if a guy wants to cut his penis off and be a woman or if a girl wants to mutilate her body to become a guy?
HELL NO. I believe if that is your 'thing' and you want to do it - go for it. What I do care about and do believe, though, is if you want it YOU PAY FOR IT.

If you want to use abortions as post-intercourse contraceptives - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Stop taking and using my tax dollars to do it.

If you want to engage in this transgender BS and have expensive surgeries to become the opposite sex - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Don't steal my tax dollars to do it.
Which specific taxes were added to pay for this program?
Who needs taxes. What new taxes were added to pay for Biden's / Democrats' $1.9 Trillion deficit bomb?
If this is being funded by dollars ...ie tax PAYERS....then this is another case of Socialist / Extremist Democrats STEALING money from tax dollars to pay for THEIR radical ideology, JUST LIKE WITH ABORTION.

Do I care if a guy wants to cut his penis off and be a woman or if a girl wants to mutilate her body to become a guy?
HELL NO. I believe if that is your 'thing' and you want to do it - go for it. What I do care about and do believe, though, is if you want it YOU PAY FOR IT.

If you want to use abortions as post-intercourse contraceptives - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Stop taking and using my tax dollars to do it.

If you want to engage in this transgender BS and have expensive surgeries to become the opposite sex - go for it...but YOU pay for it. Don't steal my tax dollars to do it.
Which specific taxes were added to pay for this program?
Who needs taxes. What new taxes were added to pay for Biden's / Democrats' $1.9 Trillion deficit bomb?
Exactly! So what are you complaining about again?
Exactly! So what are you complaining about again?
So you're too f*ing stupid to understand these criminals are stealing our tax dollars and (when they don't have enough tax dollars) our children's futures by piling on unnecessary debt that they will never be able to pay off....surprise, surprise.

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