While I Support Israel In This War With Hamas

The goal is to destroy Hamas, not just to weaken it. The tunnel network under Gaza City is reportedly 300 km long and if Israel could destroy it from the air, it would have a long time ago. Israel has called up 360,000 reservists but won't need all those soldiers to retake Gaza so if Iran activates Hezbollah Israel will have plenty of troops to counter them. In addtion the US will have two carrier groups in place to discourage Iran from getting involved.
Israel is in a bad position. You know that Hamas is holding the hostages in the tunnels. If Israel enters the tunnels and threatens to free the hostages, the Hamas terrorist will be willing to take out the are of the tunnels killing all who are in there. Some of these tunnels are up to 100 feet below grown. A bunker buster bomb may destroy the tunnel, but would probably take out the hostages also. Israel is in an impossible position. If they can find and rescue half the hostages, it would be a success.
Let it be known I am deeply saddened to know that it is the innocent Palestinians who will have the highest number of deaths, injuries & homelessness due to the evil leadership of Hamas. When this war is over may the darkness end & a new light shine for a new beginning for peace.
Took just one text to tip Israel that thousands of rockets and men were about to attack.
Israel is in a bad position. You know that Hamas is holding the hostages in the tunnels. If Israel enters the tunnels and threatens to free the hostages, the Hamas terrorist will be willing to take out the are of the tunnels killing all who are in there. Some of these tunnels are up to 100 feet below grown. A bunker buster bomb may destroy the tunnel, but would probably take out the hostages also. Israel is in an impossible position. If they can find and rescue half the hostages, it would be a success.
I agree Israel is in a very tough predicament. Hamas would be more than satisfied if Israel killed thousands of Palestinians just to kill the hostages & claim a victory.
I don't support either side.

The Middle East has been at war for thousands of years and will continue to do so for thousands more if they don't all kill themselves.

Not my war. Could care less.
Trump also says ignore the Fake News, but he reads and watches them all.

Fake News is a Fascist comment made by a Fascist. The POS still cannot admit he lost in 2020. How can anyone vote for such a Liar?
Fake News is a Fascist comment made by a Fascist. The POS still cannot admit he lost in 2020. How can anyone vote for such a Liar?
MTG Water Camp Lejeune.png

Reading your posts it's obvious.
2.3 million Gaza residents, half of them are children

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

When was the last time the residents of the GAZA got to vote on their leadership? HAMAS is a fearful, violent, terrifying organization who would severely punish and open dissent. But to justify killing hundreds of thousands of children some people say 'the residents should turn in HAMAS.'

Wave them all off - around 1 million children, as potential collateral damage.

Let's just get the facts, before we condemn all Palestinians in the GAZA Strip.

HAMAS is a terrorist organization, holding the Palestinians in the GAZA Strip hostage. Yet some people still want to blame them, in order to justify they all being collateral damage if necessary.

Everything listed above is an undeniable fact. Much based on posts here at usmb. Members are not running away from statements that back it up.

This thread is not supporting HAMAS.

What nationality are the Hamas terrorists? Palestinian perhaps?

There is no valid reason to distinguish between Hamas and Palestinians. Did we distinguish between Germans and Nazis in WWII?
Keeper post. Hate out in the open.

Once again, what was the nationality of the terrorist that murdered 1200+ Israelis on Oct. 7?

Please answer.

Did any of the Gaza Palestinians warn the Israelis of the attack? Are any Palestinians telling the Israelis the locations of the hostages?

The vast majority of the Palestinians supported Hamas. The anti-Hamas Palestinians were forced to leave Gaza or were murdered long ago. Your assertion that the Palestinians are innocent people held hostage by Hamas is pure BULLSHIT.

To steal a phrase from the Vietnam war:

"Kill them all and let Allah sort them out!"
Once again, what was the nationality of the terrorist that murdered 1200+ Israelis on Oct. 7?

Please answer.

Did any of the Gaza Palestinians warn the Israelis of the attack? Are any Palestinians telling the Israelis the locations of the hostages?

The vast majority of the Palestinians supported Hamas. The anti-Hamas Palestinians were forced to leave Gaza or were murdered long ago. Your assertion that the Palestinians are innocent people held hostage by Hamas is pure BULLSHIT.

To steal a phrase from the Vietnam war:

"Kill them all and let Allah sort them out!"

You put HAMAS and Israel on an equal footing.

You should be ashamed of yourself, but I have the feeling you're a sociopath hiding under the guise of hating terrorism.
You put HAMAS and Israel on an equal footing.

You should be ashamed of yourself, but I have the feeling you're a sociopath hiding under the guise of hating terrorism.

War is hell.

Terrorists love people like you...until they kill you.
War is hell.

Terrorists love people like you...until they kill you.

You are demented. People disagreeing with you or calling you out does not equal support of terrorists. But it's obvious you'd support (and probably do support) terrorists who further a political or religious agenda you favor. You are not hostile to terrorism itself.

You're either with terrorism or against terroism. You appear to for it.
You are demented. People disagreeing with you or calling you out does not equal support of terrorists. But it's obvious you'd support (and probably do support) terrorists who further a political or religious agenda you favor. You are not hostile to terrorism itself.

You're either with terrorism or against terroism. You appear to for it.

I understand...you're desperately trying to turn this against me, so you call me a terrorist despite that fact that my statements are extremely anti-terrorist.


I have no agenda politically or religiously in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, dumbo.

I'm an Irish/Italian atheist, but I do understand right from wrong - which apparently you do not. I am against mass murder and believe that murderers have to be punished - even if that consists of a whole nation of the people that supported the murderers.

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