While we're at it, Palestinians really did get kicked out of their homes to create Israel in 1948

Wow. You have really expanded this issue haven’t you?

Now Israel is going after Hamas to end antiSemitism throughout the world?

Go away. You’ve embarrassed yourself and your “cause”
You keep showing your level of interest in the issue.

Your second paragraph shows the level of disdain you have for Jews and Israel.

You understand the issue very well, but cannot help yourself but to be against Jews and Israel.
It is in all of your posts.

Yes, no point in replying to you after this, your mask has been taken down.
I can no more resolve this mess than I could resolve the issue in Northern Ireland. But that WAS resolved wasn’t it? After decades of this same kind of horror.

Maybe there’s a lesson there but we have to START with an honest assessment of how we got here.

You seem staunchly against that
You would not know an honest assessment of the Muslim, Jewish issue if you were bit in the butt.

Project your ignorance on me all you like.
But, you are not ignorant, you are just against Israel, and Jews.

Keep showing us all how you think and feel about it. Go ahead.

Comparing this to Ireland.

I just gave you examples of making peace with Egypt and Jordan and wha the other groups are, and you have no idea what this whole thing is really about, never will.

Demand a resolution all you like. Peace depends on two sides. So, far only Israel wants it, the other side is intent on destroying Israel.

Stay ignorant, deny what is right in front of you.
You keep showing your level of interest in the issue.

Your second paragraph shows the level of disdain you have for Jews and Israel.

You understand the issue very well, but cannot help yourself but to be against Jews and Israel.
It is in all of your posts.

Yes, no point in replying to you after this, your mask has been taken down.
I DO understand much of this issue.

And I find the Israeli government in general and the Zionist movement in particular at fault.

Had settlements been halted and removed from both Gaza and the West Bank the Israeli government would have held the moral high ground. That doesn’t mean that peace would have been guaranteed or easy, but at least it would have been possible

They have not done so.


Who knows
I DO understand much of this issue.

And I find the Israeli government in general and the Zionist movement in particular at fault.

Had settlements been halted and removed from both Gaza and the West Bank the Israeli government would have held the moral high ground. That doesn’t mean that peace would have been guaranteed or easy, but at least it would have been possible

They have not done so.


Who knows
Stupid ignorance. 100%
You would not know an honest assessment of the Muslim, Jewish issue if you were bit in the butt.

Project your ignorance on me all you like.
But, you are not ignorant, you are just against Israel, and Jews.

Keep showing us all how you think and feel about it. Go ahead.

Comparing this to Ireland.

I just gave you examples of making peace with Egypt and Jordan and wha the other groups are, and you have no idea what this whole thing is really about, never will.

Demand a resolution all you like. Peace depends on two sides. So, far only Israel wants it, the other side is intent on destroying Israel.

Stay ignorant, deny what is right in front of you.
It’s worth noting that making peace with Egypt was an important and worthwhile achievement.

Unfortunately it lead to the assassination of both of the leaders who made that peace by extremists in each country.

Think about that
It’s worth noting that making peace with Egypt was an important and worthwhile achievement.

Unfortunately it lead to the assassination of both of the leaders who made that peace by extremists in each country.

Think about that
And you continue to not understand the mind set of the Muslims, of Islam itself.

And equate Jewish extremism because there was the fear of giving up more land to the Muslims, with the Muslims who will kill their leaders if they dare think of having peace with Jews and Israel.

Keep it up.
And you continue to not understand the mind set of the Muslims, of Islam itself.

And equate Jewish extremism because there was the fear of giving up more land to the Muslims, with the Muslims who will kill their leaders if they dare think of having peace with Jews and Israel.

Keep it up.
You sort of missed the fact that a Zionist killed the leader of Israel because he made peace with Egypt.
You sort of missed the fact that a Zionist killed the leader of Israel because he made peace with Egypt.
You missed the fact that the Prime Minister who made peace with Egypt was Begin and not Rabin.

That is how informed you are.

The guy who assassinated Rabin was opposed to the Oslo accords. And in the end he was right.

Israel honored the Oslo accords, the Palestinians continue to teach their people to hate and kill Jews, going against what they signed with those accords.

Palestinians leaders were to stop inciting and teaching violence towards Jews and Israel. Once the PA was created, they went against what they signed and continued inciting and teaching hatred for Jews.

Now you know.
You missed the fact that the Prime Minister who made peace with Egypt was Begin and not Rabin.

That is how informed you are.

The guy who assassinated Rabin was opposed to the Oslo accords. And in the end he was right.

Israel honored the Oslo accords, the Palestinians continue to teach their people to hate and kill Jews, going against what they signed with those accords.

Palestinians leaders were to stop inciting and teaching violence towards Jews and Israel. Once the PA was created, they went against what they signed and continued inciting and teaching hatred for Jews.

Now you know.
My mistake. The Israeli leader who was assassinated by Zionists tried to make peace with Palestinians and pad for it with his life.

You just supported that.

You have been exposed as the extremist here my friend
My mistake. The Israeli leader who was assassinated by Zionists tried to make peace with Palestinians and pad for it with his life.

You just supported that.

You have been exposed as the extremist here my friend
You are really disgusting in making such accusations. What a vermin, parasite !!!

You keep missing the facts that Palestinian leaders do not want peace, Oslo accords or no Oslo accords.

You do not know what Rabin was eventually going to do, no one knows.

Keep your vermin, parasite way of thinking.

Keep showing how horribly ignorant, on purpose, and anti Israel you are.
My mistake. The Israeli leader who was assassinated by Zionists tried to make peace with Palestinians and pad for it with his life.

You just supported that.

You have been exposed as the extremist here my friend
Here are the extremists. Who in the world pays murderers of civilians a salary to their families?
Only the PA.

Keep supporting these Arab leaders as partners for peace.

Please send your donations to the PA to help all of those martyrs.
The Palestinian Authority will pay nearly $3 million to the families of slain Hamas terrorists who slaughtered civilians in Gaza border communities on Oct. 7, Palestinian Media Watch reports.

The corpses of 1,500 Hamas terrorists were found after the massacre in which more than 1,400 Israelis were killed and more than 4,100 others were wounded. At least 199 captives were taken back to Gaza.

The Palestinian Authority will be rewarding the Hamas terrorists and their families with $2,807,000 – already this month. The PA has not only expressed support for the Hamas terror attacks, but under PA law it will be rewarding the terrorists.
Read more:PA will pay $2,789,430 to families of 1,500 dead Hamas terrorist murderers, this month | PMW Analysis
— Pal Media Watch (@palwatch) October 15, 2023
Under P.A. law, every Palestinian terrorist who is killed attacking Israelis is classified as a “martyr” and the family is rewarded with a 6,000 shekel ($1,511) grant and a monthly stipend of 1,400 shekel ($353) for life.

The Israel-based NGO and media watchdog estimates that each family will receive 7,400 shekels for the first month—11,100,000 shekels ($2,789,430) in total to the families of the Hamas terrorists killed in the attack that began on Oct. 7.

“The PA sends every month half of the [Martyrs Fund] budget for the Gaza. We see it from the budget reports. They call it ‘South Palestine,’” PMW director Itamar Marcus told JNS.

“We are used to see PA and Gaza as two different things, but they sit in the same money,” Marcus stressed.

“We know that in the past, when Israel carried out operations in Gaza, and the Hamas terrorists were killed in the airstrikes, so there was suddenly a huge amount of ‘martyrs,’ but they didn’t get the payments so there was a lot of complaints about it from Gaza,” Marcus said.

“So now according to the law the PA passed, they will pay all those retroactively, starting this month together with those who carried out the attack on October 7. We don’t know when it will be done but according to the law they will receive it starting this month,” he explained to JNS.

In addition, the 50 Hamas terrorists captured by Israel who participated in the massacre will be paid at least 70,000 shekels ($17,590) in total this month. As part of the P.A.’s “pay-for-slay” program, terrorists in Israeli prisons receive monthly stipends starting at 1,400 shekels per month that eventually increase to 12,000 shekels per month.

Terrorist prisoners who are married with children receive even higher salaries from the P.A.

In total, the P.A. will pay at least 11,170,000 shekels ($2,807,021) in payments to the families of dead Hamas terrorists and to imprisoned Hamas terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7 massacre.

Palestinian Media Watch said that this was a conservative estimate, because as the war continues Israeli forces will kill and capture more Hamas terrorists.

“The Palestinian Authority should be sending a big thank-you to the E.U. countries and Norway, currently the largest funders of the P.A., because the P.A. could not possibly make these terror payments without them,” Palestinian Media Watch stated.

“These donor countries like to pretend that it’s not their money rewarding terrorists, but everyone knows that the P.A. could not reward terrorists without this generous foreign funding. When payments to teachers, police and street cleaners are taken care of by international donors, the P.A. has the hundreds of millions available it needs to pay for terror,” the NGO said.

It is a myth that it was just empty desert and mean Arabs just don't want Jews to have a home. The miracle is it is still on wikipedia.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day"

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Tel Aviv was called Jaffa before 1948. How many Americans giving billions in foreign aid to Israel even know that?

Jaffa pre 1948
There was a war, the muslims lost. The jews took control with the blessing of the rest of the civiized world. There is no country named Palestine, never was. it was, and is, a religious belief of the jew-hating muslims. What you libs refuse to acknowledge is that we are next on their list for murder. The muslims are in a centuries long quest to control the entire world and extenguish all
Christians and Jews and every other religiion including Buddhists and Hindus so watch out India you are also on their list.
So, your point is that the Palestinians refused to give up half their lands because the British told them to?

How dare they? Who do they think they were? American colonists to dare to refuse the demands of the mighty British empire?

The nerve of these blasted Palestinians, amIright?
The bias is blinding and one of the main reasons there will never be a solution.......and is a reason many are privately hoping Israel just gets it over with and genocide all of the Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank
There was a war, the muslims lost. The jews took control with the blessing of the rest of the civiized world. There is no country named Palestine, never was. it was, and is, a religious belief of the jew-hating muslims. What you libs refuse to acknowledge is that we are next on their list for murder. The muslims are in a centuries long quest to control the entire world and extenguish all
Christians and Jews and every other religiion including Buddhists and Hindus so watch out India you are also on their list.
The were was a palestine, but not as a country, but as a region.....Just like Germany didn't technically exist until they declared themselves a country and was recognized as such...

But this tired exercise of trying to go back and prove who was where first means ZERO without power......Native Americans were here first but didn't have the power for that to matter - so let's not pretend that there will ever be a 2-state solution....it will never happen because Palestinians will never have the power or agency to make it so...
The bias is blinding and one of the main reasons there will never be a solution.......and is a reason many are privately hoping Israel just gets it over with and genocide all of the Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank
correct to a point. its not a genocide when you exterminate those who have attacked and killed your innocents. It is rather, a proper and required response. The Hamas raid on Israel is the moral equivalent of Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese. We responed and so should Israel.
correct to a point. its not a genocide when you exterminate those who have attacked and killed your innocents. It is rather, a proper and required response. The Hamas raid on Israel is the moral equivalent of Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese. We responed and so should Israel.
So if Native Americans had the power to kill off the Europeans who came here, that wouldn't be genocide? but just self defense?

How about south africa post aparthied....when folks whine about white genocide there, how is that genocide when its just people responding to all of the attacks on innocent people there?

Funny how folks are so willing to justify genocide but only when the folks doing it are white....
The were was a palestine, but not as a country, but as a region.....Just like Germany didn't technically exist until they declared themselves a country and was recognized as such...

But this tired exercise of trying to go back and prove who was where first means ZERO without power......Native Americans were here first but didn't have the power for that to matter - so let's not pretend that there will ever be a 2-state solution....it will never happen because Palestinians will never have the power or agency to make it so...
When the 3 major religions all claim a small piece of desert as their holy land there can never be a peaceful solution. I think we agree on that, so let the Jews finish it for now. The Muslims will never concede and whether we acknowledge it or not, we are their next target. How many muslim sleeper cells do you think Biden's open border policy has let into our country? Are you really so naive that you don't think another 9/11 is being planned as we speak?
When the 3 major religions all claim a small piece of desert as their holy land there can never be a peaceful solution. I think we agree on that, so let the Jews finish it for now. The Muslims will never concede and whether we acknowledge it or not, we are their next target. How many muslim sleeper cells do you think Biden's open border policy has let into our country? Are you really so naive that you don't think another 9/11 is being planned as we speak?
Yea, which is why I made the post here called "Genocide is the only way to peace" and all of the right-wingers clutched their pearls because I said what they believed but are too cowardly to own it.

Bottomline is, a majority of the so-called civilized world really really really wants Israel to finish it and exterminate all of them.....they just don't like to come out and admit it

Genocides become harder to romanticize when you have cameras.......a luxury enjoyed by the genocides of the past....
So if Native Americans had the power to kill off the Europeans who came here, that wouldn't be genocide? but just self defense?

How about south africa post aparthied....when folks whine about white genocide there, how is that genocide when its just people responding to all of the attacks on innocent people there?

Funny how folks are so willing to justify genocide but only when the folks doing it are white....
you are very confused. Native americans did fight back, they were simply out numbered and out gunned. If they had been stronger they could have sent the settlers back to Europe by force, but they weren't, just as the muslims weren't stong enough to reclaim the entire middle east which they once controlled. We cannot change history, even if we disagree with what happened.

and its not about race. why do you libs always have to insert race into every topic? Why is that your go-to counter when you are losing the debate?

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