While we're at it, Palestinians really did get kicked out of their homes to create Israel in 1948

They got the right to take over all of Palestine from a foreign nation that was bailing out?

Woulda been nice to consult the people who were living on that land … ya think?
The people on the land did not own the land, and most were newly arrived immigrants looking for work, work they got from jobs created by Jews who were building the infrastructure for rebuilding their Nation.

You know nothing about how things worked 100 years ago, and are not willing to learn.

Jews have nothing to apologize for the Ottoman Empire crumbling and the lands they were lords over going to the victors of WWI.

And again, remember that 78% of the Mandate for Palestine, which was going to become the Jewish Nation, was given to a clan which had just arrived from Arabia after being kicked out of Arabia by the Saudi clan,

You will not hear Jews demanding that those 78% be given back to them, regardless of it being part of the ancient Jewish homeland.

Learn something.
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What I'm referring to (Exodus 13:17) takes place before the crossing of the Red Sea, the gold calf, Ten Commandments, etc.

Governments based on religion are problematic, as seen in Ireland and throughout the Middle East. I like the American way of dealing with religious freedom.

As for how the Palestinians feel, closest thing I can relate to it would be the Cubans in Florida.
Israel is not a theocracy.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East

I see nothing similar to the Cubans in Florida and the so called Palestinians.

Still ducking this huh?

Do you or do you not favor a two state solution?

Without that how do you see a peaceful resolution to this mess?
With peaceful Arabs, yes.
With barbarians who only want to see Israel destroyed and Jews dead, NO.

You continue to know nothing and understand nothing about who the actors in this play are.
Do the Arab leaders want peace?
Does Abbas?
Does Hamas?
Does the PLO? Fatah?

When you figure out what they want, and have always wanted, let me know.
You’re still ducking

Do y
The people on the land did not own the land, and most were newly arrived immigrants looking for work, work they got from jobs created by Jews who were building the infrastructure for rebuilding their Nation.

You know nothing about how things worked 100 years ago, and are not willing to learn.

Jews have nothing to apologize for the Ottoman Empire crumbling and the lands they were lords over going to the victors of WWI.

And again, remember that 78% of the Mandate for Palestine, which was going to become the Jewish Nation, was given to a clan which had just arrived from Arabia after being kicked out of Arabia by the Saudi clan,

You will to hear Jews demanding that those 78% be given back to them, regardless of it being part of the ancient Jewish homeland.

Learn something.
Look at you creating your own reality here.

What a crock.


Where are you on the two state solution and how can there be peace without it?
With peaceful Arabs, yes.
With barbarians who only want to see Israel destroyed and Jews dead, NO.

You continue to know nothing and understand nothing about who the actors in this play are.
So very conditional.

In essence you’re saying NO

NO two state solution .

What does that leave? What happens to FIVE MILLION people?

And folks wonder why this mess got so fucked up
So very conditional.

In essence you’re saying NO

NO two state solution .

What does that leave? What happens to FIVE MILLION people?

And folks wonder why this mess got so fucked up
You are beyond a moron.
You are an abuser on the side of abusers, of people who abuse their own people in order to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

You still do not get why seven Arab countries attacked Israel in 1948 and not the Palestinians?

Or in 1956, 1967 or 1973?

It was not the Palestinians attacking Israel, it was Muslims, Arabs and Iranians.

And you are too selfish, and anti Jews and Israel, to understand what any of it means.

There is no cure for dumb.
1937, there was an offer of partition for two states. The Jews said yes, the Arabs said no.
Off course the Palestinian-Arabs said NO in 1937 - why should they give 50% of a territory to 600,000 Jews - that was owned and inhabited by 1,4 million Palestinian-Arabs?
That in 1920 accounted for less then 35,000 Jews?
Why should the Arab-league acquit toward the erecting of a Jewish State within their territory? which they opposed from the very beginning since the Balfour Deceleration in 1917?
You are beyond a moron.
You are an abuser on the side of abusers, of people who abuse their own people in order to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

You still do not get why seven Arab countries attacked Israel in 1948 and not the Palestinians?

Or in 1956, 1967 or 1973?

It was not the Palestinians attacking Israel, it was Muslims, Arabs and Iranians.

And you are too selfish, and anti Jews and Israel, to understand what any of it means.

There is no cure for dumb.
Don’t even START that lame shit jackass.

I have said REPEATEDLY that Hamas are bloodthirsty thugs engaging in horrific acts

I think we need to be clear as to how we got to this point if we ever want a solution.

You want to keep doing what has failed and led to this and you’re more than willing to lie to do so
So very conditional.

In essence you’re saying NO

NO two state solution .

What does that leave? What happens to FIVE MILLION people?

And folks wonder why this mess got so fucked up
Ahmm... 5 million? there are 14-15 million Palestinian-Arabs of which around 12 million live since 1948 in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, West-bank and Gaza.
Ahmm... 5 million? there are 14-15 million Palestinian-Arabs of which around 12 million live since 1948 in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, West-bank and Gaza.
The population of Gaza is 2 million

Population of the West Bank is 3 million
So very conditional.

In essence you’re saying NO

NO two state solution .

What does that leave? What happens to FIVE MILLION people?

And folks wonder why this mess got so fucked up
It got fucked up because of people like you, the UN, the EU and all others who have done nothing but give money to people who became terrorists who have the destruction of Israel and kicking Jews out of their homeland in mind.

You are the sickness which just won't go away so that Israel and Palestinians can finally live in peace.

Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze and Bahai people live in peace in Israel and are right now fighting for Israel, together.

Together against those who want to see Israel destroyed. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hamas, Abbas, PLO, Fatah.

One can see through you the endless non caring about Jews and what would happen to them if Israel ceased to exist. And all others who are pro Israel who live in Israel.

We just saw how Muslims were killed by Hamas on 10/7.

Take your 2 State solution and shove it because terrorists, barbarians only want ONE State. An Islamic state with ALL of Israel as their Palestine Map tells the world in color.
Where are the Arab leaders who want a 2 State solution? Nowhere to be found:


  • At PA school event, poster featuring the PA map of “Palestine” erasing Israel instructs kids: “Palestine – the entire land is ours, from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”

While participating in a school event marking Palestinian Keffiyeh Day - i.e., Arab headdress day – Palestinian school children at the Kafr Qaddum High School for Girls in Qalqilya received a strong message:

“Palestine – the entire land is ours, from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”
Images from the event posted by the PA Ministry of Education show that several PA maps of “Palestine” that erase Israel were prominently displayed at the event. The PA ministry wrote that similar celebrations were held “in all the homeland’s schools.”

The image below shows a man speaking at the event. Behind him are three versions of the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine.” The poster in the middle announces that the event is held “under the auspices of Qalqilya District Governor Rafe’ Rawajbeh and [PA] Minister of Education Marwan Awratani”:


[Facebook page of the PA Ministry of Education, Nov. 16, 2021]


Don’t even START that lame shit jackass.

I have said REPEATEDLY that Hamas are bloodthirsty thugs engaging in horrific acts

I think we need to be clear as to how we got to this point if we ever want a solution.

You want to keep doing what has failed and led to this and you’re more than willing to lie to do so
Pathetic lack of knowledge of history and Islamic culture continues.
“They want to drive Israel into the sea”

You’re just as bad. You want to make 5 million people disappear
It is so small one terrorist nuke could turn it into an ashtray.
None will

Someday - God willing - russia and iran will attack Israel and be destroyed for their trouble

But Israel will survive
Israel is not a theocracy.
But it is ruled and influenced - especially since Nethanyahu and before under e.g. the Zionist terrorist Begin - by theocratic Zionist radicals.
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East
No, even until today - as to what remains of it - after Israel totally screwed them up in 1982 - Lebanon is a Unitary Multiparty Republic.

According to the 1989 Ṭāʾif Accord, parliamentary seats are apportioned equally between Christian and Muslim groups, thereby replacing an earlier ratio that had favored Christians. This sectarian distribution is also to be observed in appointments to public office.

The head of state is the president, who is elected by a two-thirds majority of the National Assembly for a term of six years and is eligible to serve consecutive terms. By an unwritten convention, the president must be a Maronite Christian, the premier a Sunni Muslim, and the speaker of the National Assembly a Shiʿi Muslim.

The Palestinians and especially Israel could factually learn a lot from them.
I see nothing similar to the Cubans in Florida and the so called Palestinians.
They decided to leave the country - due to not wanting to be under communist rule - aka forced out (just like the Palestinian-Arabs)
Additionally a lot of them were also criminals and convicts released by Castro onto the USA - but the vast majority are peaceful people with no own country.
“They want to drive Israel into the sea”

You’re just as bad. You want to make 5 million people disappear
An idiot is someone who reads something somewhere, does not know what it means but repeats it anyway .

Palestinians making Israel into Palestine means nothing to you, never will.

5 Million people are not going to disappear.

What would be nice to happen is the end of "kill the Jews" lies from the Arab leaders.

It is the only thing which will ever bring peace to the area and have Israel and the Palestinians live in peace the way Jews and Muslims live in peace in Israel.

Stop the Kill the Jew education.
Stop the "They stole my land, Muslim land"

1920 riots started with Al Husseini telling the Arabs lies of the Jews wanting to kill all Arabs.
And he continued with them until kicked out of the Mandate.

Then he went to Iraq in 1941 and created riots against the Iraqi Jews. Over 200 killed in two days.

What did Jews in Iraq had to do with the Mandate for Palestine? Nothing.
Actually, everything. They were Jews.

It is all about them being Jewish, and the Muslim extremists not being able to live in peace with Jews anywhere and at any time.

Not the first massacres of Jews in the history of Islam. Would not be the last one.
The population of Gaza is 2 million

Population of the West Bank is 3 million
Yes - but just because another 7 million set up camp and shop in neighbor countries (they are not citizens) doesn't make them less Palestinian refugees with no own country.

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