While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!

I'm excited about the brave new world where we're all dependent on government for basic needs - food, healthcare, housing etc.... Then of course, none of us will be allowed to vote because we'll all be "leeches".

Go team!
As this thread for the most part targets the poor, how about the millionaires who suck $30 billion annually out of the government?

Subsides of the Rich and Famous by Senator Tom Coburn R-OK.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm suggesting class warfare.

Then you stand against ALL forms of welfare, be they handouts to individuals, organizations or corporations? Excellent. We Libertarians agree with you.
I disagree. That can be twisted so that anyone receiving a government check can't vote and that includes those receiving social security, our military, our government employees, etc. You would have to define which welfare program. IE are you also considering the earning income tax credit as welfare? Subsidized housing? People attending universities that also receive gov funds? People getting pell grants or student loans? Nope, I can't go for that. Now if you limit it to those collecting TANF, possibly.

Food stamp use at military commissaries up sharply in four years - News - Stripes]

TANF is Temporary aid to needy family. It mostly goes to stupid girls that have children they can't support.

I do not think those that have food stamps shouldn't be able to vote, especially if they are serving in our military. I do however believe that when you are putting your life on the line for our country, you should be making at the very minimum a living wage.

TANF is Temporary aid to needy family. It mostly goes to stupid girls that have children they can't support.

Somebody's got to give birth to the next generation's cheap labor force.

Unfortunately, the ones doing it are not imbuing any sort of work ethic in their kids. Instead, they teach them how to game the system. I Imagine you followed that exact pattern.
As this thread for the most part targets the poor, how about the millionaires who suck $30 billion annually out of the government?

Subsides of the Rich and Famous by Senator Tom Coburn R-OK.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm suggesting class warfare.

Cut that off too. And see who's bitching in the end. It won't be the millionaires and billionaires that would succeed whatever their tax rates. It will be you OWS parasites. You are a plague on humanity.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

I agree it's a conflict of interest. While we all vote for the person who reflects out views, most government dependents are voting themselves money.

It's different with those who actually serve the country and get compensated for that or otherwise earned benefits.

Who said that the country begins to self destruct when people realize they can vote to recieve other people's money? Considering how the takers in the past have literally bought countries down, it would be a good subject to go up for national debate.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

I agree it's a conflict of interest. While we all vote for the person who reflects out views, most government dependents are voting themselves money.

Kinda like the wealthy who vote themselves tax cuts and favor legislation which helps them to externalize as much cost as possible onto the middle class and poor?

It's different with those who actually serve the country and get compensated for that or otherwise earned benefits.

Food stamps aren't "earned" benefits.
I always lol when I read someone say "I'm agaisnt government, but not the military, I'm agaisnt welfare but not subsidies for corporations" and on and on and on.

At least have the balls to be consistent.
I'm far more interested in drug testing EVERYONE who receives public assistance.

That worked so well in Florida 2.6% tested positive and most of those were marijuana, the costs of the tests far outweighed the results. I bet if you drug tested the bozos in government wanting the tests would be a higher % of positive tests. I find it strange how the right wing wants to fuel hatred toward the poor, many of which have health issues lately. they seem so consumed with hate about so many things its kind of sad and they also like to ignore facts, must be why Fox is where they get most of their info.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

You have quickly shown yourself to be a flaming idiot, on par with Willowtree, Warrior, Truthmatters, and Shaman.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

You have quickly shown yourself to be a flaming idiot, on par with Willowtree, Warrior, Truthmatters, and Shaman.

Damn. Even I'm not that bad.
Sounds fair. I thought the government giving out gifts for votes=illegal. Only people that work for a living should be allowed to vote.

I agree. I had a fried who said he voted for Obama because of the many unemployment extensions he was getting. Of course he stupidly suggested that had Bush still been President, he wouldn't have been able to collect for 99 weeks.

I hope neither of you lose your jobs any time soon. I do.

Employment isn't a condition of being a voter.

I'm forced into unemployment, and hell yes I'm going to vote. Try to stop me.

That doesn't automatically mean I'm going to vote for X or Y.
I vote for who is best for this country, not my wallet.

I always lol when I read someone say "I'm agaisnt government, but not the military, I'm agaisnt welfare but not subsidies for corporations" and on and on and on.

At least have the balls to be consistent.

Spit 'em out, then
I'm far more interested in drug testing EVERYONE who receives public assistance.

That worked so well in Florida 2.6% tested positive and most of those were marijuana, the costs of the tests far outweighed the results. I bet if you drug tested the bozos in government wanting the tests would be a higher % of positive tests. I find it strange how the right wing wants to fuel hatred toward the poor, many of which have health issues lately. they seem so consumed with hate about so many things its kind of sad and they also like to ignore facts, must be why Fox is where they get most of their info.

Those stats are from the first month of the program.
Anything more recent?
I'm forced into unemployment, and hell yes I'm going to vote. Try to stop me.

As well you fucking should. You've lost your job in the economic mess, you're being forced to sustain yourself on unemployment, you of all people should have a vote to cast for or against the various members of our government, because you're among those with the most at stake.

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