While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!

The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

where do you live Eflat?....

Why do you ask? I grew up in the Midwest, traveled extensively as a young man (South America, Africa, Middle East), worked at a Fortune 100 around the globe (New York, Connecticut, London, Brussels, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles). Today, I own businesses headquartered in California, Nevada and Ohio. I own property in Ohio with rental agreements in California. I travel a lot, so it's not an easy question to answer.

i ask because of what you said about living without a Car......in S.Cal its pretty rough in a lot of areas to get around without one.....it would take me for instance,quite a while to get to work....and i only have 18 miles to travel.....some places are set up for mass transit better than others.........
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

Does that proposal include the employees and stockholders of companies that receive corporate welfare?
What corporate welfare are you talking about?

When did government give money to a corporation, other than alternative energy corporations?

I'll caution you right now. Utilizing loopholes in the tax law, and not being taxed as much as you would like, does NOT qualify as welfare.

Government Motors comes to mind.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

Does that proposal include the employees and stockholders of companies that receive corporate welfare?
What corporate welfare are you talking about?

When did government give money to a corporation, other than alternative energy corporations?

I'll caution you right now. Utilizing loopholes in the tax law, and not being taxed as much as you would like, does NOT qualify as welfare.

What he means is that any money earned by a corporation that government allows them to keep is "welfare." Only government redistributed money is rightfully yours
what are you saying here RW?......that the rich guy down the street should have to sell some of his stuff to give to the guy at the other end of the street who lost his job some cash?....

What I am saying is that the personal assets of the wealthy are off limits when it comes to determining their tax liablility.

The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

Conservatives whine if someone on welfare owns a stinking air conditioner

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

How much suffering do you expect from the poor before you authorize assistance?
What I am saying is that the personal assets of the wealthy are off limits when it comes to determining their tax liablility.

The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

Conservatives whine if someone on welfare owns a stinking air conditioner

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

How much suffering do you expect from the poor before you authorize assistance?

I give to charity, you?

I do not steal from some in order to give to others. You?

Suffering..in America? Yea, right.
The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

How much suffering do you expect from the poor before you authorize assistance?

I give to charity, you?

I do not steal from some in order to give to others. You?

Suffering..in America? Yea, right.

I am a major philanthropist and yet Americans still struggle
Where have you been the last six years?
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What I am saying is that the personal assets of the wealthy are off limits when it comes to determining their tax liablility.

The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

Conservatives whine if someone on welfare owns a stinking air conditioner

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

How much suffering do you expect from the poor before you authorize assistance?

Enough to motivate them and organize properly to go thru the process and amend the constitution

Now, if their state or locality decides to vote for some sort of assistance or welfare, that is on that entity... but the fed is not empowered via the constitution to do any such thing
If and when you put your house up for sale, or any other real estate property, people in general will usually call on multiple realtors to give them market appraisals of the property's worth. Most of the time the realtor coming in with the highest market appraisal usually wins the right to market the property from the unsophisticated property owner. This highest listing place always winning the bid phenomenon usually occurs whether the appraisal is realistic or not. The winning realtor always assumes they can get you to lower your price to a more realistic, more marketable price after its been on the market for a suitable length of time with little to no activity.

When this nation was founded, the right to vote was restricted to only those who owned property on the assumption that those who had the most to lose would have the most say in determining the fate of their property.Universal suffrage opened the door for multiple demagogues who had less interest in the fate of the property holders, and consequently the fate of the nation, and more interest in their personal aggrandizement by promising disenfranchised voters who had nothing to lose and everything to gain, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Thus, through that opening, Barack Obama came to be, with his promises of "Vote for me and I will steal from he to give to thee!"
Mr Obama once remarked on the occasion of his first speech that he stopped momentarily a minute or two into it to catch his breath and realized that he had his audience eating out of his hand.

I think you have the progression wrong.

Before the Franchise was held by only property owning white males it was only held by nobles.

GUys who by right of birth had more rights than the rest of us. And people realized that was wrong.

You are advocating the primacy of privilage based on wealth. That is the oppossite of democracy. If everyone else votes to take your stuff, you have no one to blame but yourself.
What I am saying is that the personal assets of the wealthy are off limits when it comes to determining their tax liablility.

The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

Conservatives whine if someone on welfare owns a stinking air conditioner

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

How much suffering do you expect from the poor before you authorize assistance?

Suffering from what? Wrist pain from carpal tunnel caused by too much swiping of the EBT card?
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

I disagree. That can be twisted so that anyone receiving a government check can't vote and that includes those receiving social security, our military, our government employees, etc. You would have to define which welfare program. IE are you also considering the earning income tax credit as welfare? Subsidized housing? People attending universities that also receive gov funds? People getting pell grants or student loans? Nope, I can't go for that. Now if you limit it to those collecting TANF, possibly.
As good an idea as preventing welfare parasites may be, it will never happen. The dems would lose 75% of their voting base.
Everyone on Medicare is on welfare, in the sense that their benefits exceed their contributions.

Should everyone lose their vote at 65 unless they turn down Medicare?
I've got a great idea that neither the dems nor the reps will go for. Let's make it so you can only vote if you've served your country.
The same is true of poor, middle class...everyone that pays taxes. So what's your point?

No, they stand against being forced to hand over their money to another, which is justified by the Left under the idea that some American's are "poor"...but not so poor they can't live without air conditioners, cars, televisions, phones, etc, etc, etc.

Feel free to hand over your money but stop forcing others into your idea of charity. It's not, it's theft.

How much suffering do you expect from the poor before you authorize assistance?

I do not steal from some in order to give to others. You?

Suffering..in America? Yea, right.

Can you prove you give to charity? Got a link for that? lol
I give to charity, you?
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

I disagree. That can be twisted so that anyone receiving a government check can't vote and that includes those receiving social security, our military, our government employees, etc. You would have to define which welfare program. IE are you also considering the earning income tax credit as welfare? Subsidized housing? People attending universities that also receive gov funds? People getting pell grants or student loans? Nope, I can't go for that. Now if you limit it to those collecting TANF, possibly.

"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

Sure, if a state wants to give up some of its representation in congress, its free to do that!
But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
14th amendment section 2
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

I disagree. That can be twisted so that anyone receiving a government check can't vote and that includes those receiving social security, our military, our government employees, etc. You would have to define which welfare program. IE are you also considering the earning income tax credit as welfare? Subsidized housing? People attending universities that also receive gov funds? People getting pell grants or student loans? Nope, I can't go for that. Now if you limit it to those collecting TANF, possibly.

Food stamp use at military commissaries up sharply in four years - News - Stripes]

TANF is Temporary aid to needy family. It mostly goes to stupid girls that have children they can't support.

I do not think those that have food stamps shouldn't be able to vote, especially if they are serving in our military. I do however believe that when you are putting your life on the line for our country, you should be making at the very minimum a living wage.

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