While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!

Yup, only the greedy bloated mega rich who alone have prospered under Voodoo and even during this meltdown/depression/great recession should be pandered to. The poor victims should also have their voting rights taken away...It's their fault there are often hundreds of applicants for every job....see sig pp1.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes

Frankie.....if you say this again Guinness says you will hold the new world record.....you will beat a guy named Franco who also beat a guy named Franco.....in other words Frankie.......take your own advice and...CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL!
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

Ahhhh paying Americans not to vote.

dear idiot this is the path to dictorship.

Goatless boy your long lost goat is smarter than you.

He is such a dick, with no balls.
I'm far more interested in drug testing EVERYONE who receives public assistance.

I think weed should be legalized, but I think the other stuff should be drug tested. :eusa_boohoo:

Regardless... People on the take should be held to the EXACT same standards as other Government employees with regards to drug screenings.

i work for the PO we dont have any drug screenings......so what employees are you referring too?....
What types of things are poor people allowed to own?

Anything they purchase with their own money or that is given to them voluntarily.

Who says they aren't buying things "with their own money". I'm not suggesting people don't take advantage of the system, however I think complaining that some poor person has an AC is silly, and counterproductive to the discussion.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

We can only dream. it would be the death of the democratic party.
What types of things are poor people allowed to own?

Anything they purchase with their own money or that is given to them voluntarily.

Who says they aren't buying things "with their own money".

Those of us that have our money forcibly redistributed. Stated different, the half of Americans that pay federal income tax and the other taxes that end up in welfare programs of all sorts.

I'm not suggesting people don't take advantage of the system, however I think complaining that some poor person has an AC is silly, and counterproductive to the discussion.

Nobody is complaining about what anyone has. We're complaining about the federal government forcibly taking the wealth of some and giving to others. When the recipients of those handouts are considered rich to most earthlings, possessing such wealth that even the "poor" have air conditioning, it makes the idea of that wealth confiscation all the more intolerable.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

We can only dream. it would be the death of the democratic party.


Are people honestly willing to lose a freedom if they think it will hurt "the other guy"?
What types of things are poor people allowed to own?

Anything they purchase with their own money or that is given to them voluntarily.

Who says they aren't buying things "with their own money". I'm not suggesting people don't take advantage of the system, however I think complaining that some poor person has an AC is silly, and counterproductive to the discussion.

Many people assemble personal wealth while they are working. I know people who worked in construction and were making $30- $50 an hour while times were good. They were able to buy cars, air contitioners, video games with this money. Now that construction is dried up, they make $10 an hour at Home Depot.

Do we force the poor to liquidate everything they have accumulated in their lives while we ignore the assets of the super wealthy?
While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!
Welp, there goes the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska.

Not to worry... kullyfornia leads the pack.

Did you consciously lie just now, Pale Rider, or are you simply ignorant? Californians pay into federal taxes far, far more than they receive from the federal government.

Whereas most RED states like Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma receive far MORE from the federal government than they pay.

RED STATES are welfare states. Red states are known for high levels of farm subsidies, social security transfer payments, disability, welfare assistance, and other forms of federal assistance.

This is the inconvenient truth.
Anything they purchase with their own money or that is given to them voluntarily.

Who says they aren't buying things "with their own money".

Those of us that have our money forcibly redistributed. Stated different, the half of Americans that pay federal income tax and the other taxes that end up in welfare programs of all sorts.

I'm not suggesting people don't take advantage of the system, however I think complaining that some poor person has an AC is silly, and counterproductive to the discussion.

Nobody is complaining about what anyone has. We're complaining about the federal government forcibly taking the wealth of some and giving to others. When the recipients of those handouts are considered rich to most earthlings, possessing such wealth that even the "poor" have air conditioning, it makes the idea of that wealth confiscation all the more intolerable.

So, you say.

As to your second, well that's a whole lot of nonsense which is again, counterproductive to the argument. If you were coming from a "half the country is so poor they dont pay income taxes! How do we help them" instead of a " those greedy poor people taking my money and buying an AC" you would find it much easier to sway people.
"For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You should be removed from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check."

I came across this at another site. I neither agree or disagree at this point but what do YOU think?

Stupid premise...................

I can vote for my interests but not you............

I've been a member of this board for a little over a week. So far ive seen users post, and other users agree with...

Poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote
If you don't have a job you shoudnt be allowed to vote
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote
Young people shouldn't be allowed to vote

Why don't we toss out the vote all together? It's clearly getting in everyone's way.

Keep in mind, to be honest, the conservatives on this board, when they post that sort of stupidity, fall into two categories,

a. the ones who really are sufficiently stupid to believe what they're saying, and,

b. the ones who know that it's idiocy but are just trying to see how annoying they can be.

There are NO serious, intelligent, thoughtful conservatives on this board. Period. That is just the nature of the beast, as they say. You either accept that and play along, or let them get to you.

Go fuck yourself... this is one of the most ignorant things posted on this board by someone other than TDM, Rdummy, Chrissypoo, or Mr. Shithead

While I may hate the liberal mindset.. not all liberals are stupid, and I would never stoop so low as to claim that...
i hear ya Dave.....Carbiner is in the same League as those you mentioned though.....so no big surprise he throws up the same size tent..
Do we force the poor to liquidate everything they have accumulated in their lives while we ignore the assets of the super wealthy?

Not at all. But when government redistributes wealth, we force some to labor on the behalf of others. If a productive citizen refuses, he goes to jail. We used to have a term for forcing some to labor for others.

Nobody cares what the poor or super wealthy own, we're just sick of welfare and handouts to either of them.
Personally I'd rather see the federal government stop sending welfare checks, be they to individuals, organizations or major corporations. The general welfare clause does NOT refer to government handouts. The so called Great Society is dead. Let it rest in peace.

Then go vote.

Serious question.

What happens to everyone getting assistance from the government if we cut all welfare tomorrow?

They'll find a job.

just like that?......i know people who are healthy and cant find work.....oh wait im sorry i forgot....i live in California with 10.8% unemployment.....the rest of you folks are around what 8%?.....must be nice to have a lot of working people around.....sorry....
Depends. WHich type of welfare recipient?

A) The type who never works, and never wants to
B) THe type who was laid off by a private sector company for the sake of profits

Not everyone on welfare is a lazy no good bum. Some are having bad luck.
Who says they aren't buying things "with their own money".

Those of us that have our money forcibly redistributed. Stated different, the half of Americans that pay federal income tax and the other taxes that end up in welfare programs of all sorts.

I'm not suggesting people don't take advantage of the system, however I think complaining that some poor person has an AC is silly, and counterproductive to the discussion.

Nobody is complaining about what anyone has. We're complaining about the federal government forcibly taking the wealth of some and giving to others. When the recipients of those handouts are considered rich to most earthlings, possessing such wealth that even the "poor" have air conditioning, it makes the idea of that wealth confiscation all the more intolerable.

So, you say.

As to your second, well that's a whole lot of nonsense which is again, counterproductive to the argument. If you were coming from a "half the country is so poor they dont pay income taxes! How do we help them" instead of a " those greedy poor people taking my money and buying an AC" you would find it much easier to sway people.

What exactly is your argument? You've not made that clear.

If you want to "help them", go right ahead. Write a check. Start a charity. Do what you have to do.

That's a very different thing from forcibly taking money from some to give to others. That's theft.

I suspect you stand against the kind of wealth redistribution that puts taxpayer money into the hands of the rich, so don't bullshit us that a recipient's wealth doesn't matter. Personally, I stand against ALL forcible wealth distribution regardless of the wealth of the recipient.
i know people who are healthy and cant find work...that they're willing to do and that earns more than welfare, unemployment and other government handouts.

Fixed that for ya...

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